- root@librenms:/opt/librenms# ./poller.php -h -m sensors -r -f -d
- LibreNMS Poller
- SQL[select `migration` from `migrations` order by `id` desc limit 1 [] 0.46ms]
- SQL[select count(*) as aggregate from `migrations` limit 1 [] 0.4ms]
- SQL[SELECT version() [] 0.5ms]
- ===================================
- Version info:
- Commit SHA: 137b7218daa9c4c04c142dd0f5a95721e1bf8c69
- Commit Date: 1613003590
- DB Schema: 2021_02_08_224355_fix_invalid_dates (199)
- PHP: 7.4.3
- MySQL: 10.3.25-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
- RRDTool: 1.7.2
- ==================================DEBUG!
- Updating os_def.cache
- Override poller modules: sensors
- Starting polling run:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `disabled` = 0 AND `hostname` = '' ORDER BY `device_id` ASC [] 1.32ms]
- SQL[select * from `devices` where `device_id` = ? limit 1 [33] 0.74ms]
- SQL[select * from `devices_attribs` where `devices_attribs`.`device_id` = ? and `devices_attribs`.`device_id` is not null [33] 0.42ms]
- Attempting to initialize OS: ict-pdu
- OS initialized as Generic
- Hostname:
- Device ID: 33
- OS: ict-pdu
- SQL[select `hostname`, `overwrite_ip` from `devices` where `hostname` = ? limit 1 [""] 1ms]
- [FPING] '/usr/bin/fping' '-e' '-q' '-c' '3' '-p' '500' '-t' '500' ''
- response: {"xmt":3,"rcv":3,"loss":0,"min":1.14,"max":1.32,"avg":1.22,"dup":0,"exitcode":0}
- SQL[select `device_groups`.*, `device_group_device`.`device_id` as `pivot_device_id`, `device_group_device`.`device_group_id` as `pivot_device_group_id` from `device_groups` inner join `device_group_device` on `device_groups`.`id` = `device_group_device`.`device_group_id` where `device_group_device`.`device_id` = ? [33] 0.8ms]
- SQL[select * from `locations` where `locations`.`id` = ? limit 1 [7] 0.43ms]
- SQL[select exists(select * from `alert_schedule` where (`start` <= ? and `end` >= ? and (`recurring` = ? or (`recurring` = ? and ((time(`start`) < time xss=removed> ?) or (time(`start`) > time(`end`) and (time(`end`) <= ? or time(`start`) > ?))) and (`recurring_day` like ? or `recurring_day` is null)))) and (exists (select * from `devices` inner join `alert_schedulables` on `devices`.`device_id` = `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_id` where `alert_schedule`.`schedule_id` = `alert_schedulables`.`schedule_id` and `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_type` = ? and `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_id` = ?) or exists (select * from `device_groups` inner join `alert_schedulables` on `device_groups`.`id` = `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_id` where `alert_schedule`.`schedule_id` = `alert_schedulables`.`schedule_id` and `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_type` = ? and 0 = 1) or exists (select * from `locations` inner join `alert_schedulables` on `locations`.`id` = `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_id` where `alert_schedule`.`schedule_id` = `alert_schedulables`.`schedule_id` and `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_type` = ? and `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_id` = ?))) as `exists` ["2021-02-11T16:16:20.589016Z","2021-02-11T16:16:20.589016Z",0,1,"16:16:20","16:16:20","16:16:20","16:16:20","%","device",33,"device_group","location",7] 1.79ms]
- SQL[INSERT IGNORE INTO `device_perf` (`xmt`,`rcv`,`loss`,`min`,`max`,`avg`,`device_id`,`timestamp`,`debug`) VALUES (:xmt,:rcv,:loss,:min,:max,:avg,:device_id,NOW(),:debug) {"xmt":3,"rcv":3,"loss":0,"min":1.14,"max":1.32,"avg":1.22,"device_id":33,"debug":"[]"} 2.12ms]
- SQL[UPDATE `devices` set `last_ping`=?,`last_ping_timetaken`=? WHERE device_id=? ["2021-02-11 10:16:20",1.22,33] 2.27ms]
- SNMP Check response code: 0
- Modules status: Global+
- OS
- Device
- #### Load poller module core ####
- SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQnUt' '-m' 'SNMPv2-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/ict' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'sysUpTime.0' 'sysContact.0' 'sysName.0' 'sysObjectID.0' 'sysDescr.0']
- .*.*.0 = 6593873
- .*.*.0 = helpdesk
- .*.*.0 = ICT-PWR-DCB-01
- .*.*.0 = .*.4.1.39145.10
- .*.*.0 = ICT Distribution Panel
- SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQnUst' '-m' 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/ict' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'snmpEngineTime.0' 'hrSystemUptime.0']
- Exitcode: 1
- Timeout: No Response from udp:
- Timeout: No Response from udp:
- Uptime seconds: 65939
- Uptime: 18 hours 18 minutes 59 seconds
- >> Runtime for poller module 'core': 6.0491 seconds with 25608 bytes
- >> SNMP: [2/6.05s] MySQL: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module core ####
- Modules status: Global+
- OS
- Device
- #### Load poller module availability ####
- SQL[SELECT duration FROM availability WHERE device_id = ? [33] 0.73ms]
- Availability:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM availability WHERE device_id = ? [33] 0.43ms]
- SQL[select * from `device_outages` where `device_id` = ? and `up_again` >= ? order by `going_down` asc [33,1612973786] 0.91ms]
- SQL[UPDATE `availability` set `availability_perc`=? WHERE `availability_id` = ? [100,117] 0.54ms]
- 1 day : 100%
- SQL[select * from `device_outages` where `device_id` = ? and `up_again` >= ? order by `going_down` asc [33,1612455386] 0.68ms]
- SQL[UPDATE `availability` set `availability_perc`=? WHERE `availability_id` = ? [100,118] 0.5ms]
- 7 days : 100%
- SQL[select * from `device_outages` where `device_id` = ? and `up_again` >= ? order by `going_down` asc [33,1610468186] 0.7ms]
- SQL[UPDATE `availability` set `availability_perc`=? WHERE `availability_id` = ? [100,119] 0.49ms]
- 30 days : 100%
- SQL[select * from `device_outages` where `device_id` = ? and `up_again` >= ? order by `going_down` asc [33,1581524186] 0.77ms]
- SQL[UPDATE `availability` set `availability_perc`=? WHERE `availability_id` = ? [100,120] 0.45ms]
- 365 days : 100%
- >> Runtime for poller module 'availability': 0.0125 seconds with 39112 bytes
- >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [5/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module availability ####
- Modules status: Global+
- OS
- Device
- #### Load poller module sensors ####
- SQL[SELECT `sensor_class` FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = ? GROUP BY `sensor_class` [33] 0.41ms]
- SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? ["current",33] 0.56ms]
- SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OUQnte' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/ict' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.' '.' '.' '.' '.' '.' '.' '.' '.' '.']
- .*.4.1.39*.3.0 = "-1.9"
- .*.4.1.39*.3.1 = "-1.2"
- .*.4.1.39*.3.2 = "0.0"
- .*.4.1.39*.3.3 = "0.0"
- .*.4.1.39*.3.4 = "0.0"
- .*.4.1.39*.3.5 = "0.0"
- .*.4.1.39*.3.6 = "-1.7"
- .*.4.1.39*.3.7 = "-1.0"
- .*.4.1.39*.3.8 = "0.0"
- .*.4.1.39*.3.9 = "0.0"
- SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OUQnte' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/ict' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.' '.' '.']
- .*.4.1.39*.3.10 = "0.0"
- .*.4.1.39*.3.11 = "0.0"
- .*.4.1.39* = "-3.1"
- Checking (snmp) current Output Current #1 1A: MX204 (A)...
- Checking (snmp) current Output Current #2 2A: QFX5110 (A)...
- Checking (snmp) current Output Current #3 3A: BLANK 3A...
- Checking (snmp) current Output Current #4 4A: BLANK 4A...
- Checking (snmp) current Output Current #5 5A: BLANK 5A...
- Checking (snmp) current Output Current #6 6A: BLANK 6A...
- Checking (snmp) current Output Current #7 1B: MX204 (B)...
- Checking (snmp) current Output Current #8 2B: QFX5110 (B)...
- Checking (snmp) current Output Current #9 3B: BLANK 3B...
- Checking (snmp) current Output Current #10 4B: BLANK 4B...
- Checking (snmp) current Output Current #11 5B: BLANK 5B...
- Checking (snmp) current Output Current #12 6B: BLANK 6B...
- Checking (snmp) current System Current...
- Warning: is_nan() expects parameter 1 to be float, string given in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 165
- Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 171
- 0
- Warning: is_nan() expects parameter 1 to be float, string given in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 165
- Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 171
- 0
- Warning: is_nan() expects parameter 1 to be float, string given in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 165
- Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 171
- 0
- Warning: is_nan() expects parameter 1 to be float, string given in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 165
- Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 171
- 0
- Warning: is_nan() expects parameter 1 to be float, string given in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 165
- Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 171
- 0
- Warning: is_nan() expects parameter 1 to be float, string given in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 165
- Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 171
- 0
- Warning: is_nan() expects parameter 1 to be float, string given in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 165
- Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 171
- 0
- Warning: is_nan() expects parameter 1 to be float, string given in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 165
- Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 171
- 0
- Warning: is_nan() expects parameter 1 to be float, string given in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 165
- Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 171
- 0
- Warning: is_nan() expects parameter 1 to be float, string given in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 165
- Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 171
- 0
- Warning: is_nan() expects parameter 1 to be float, string given in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 165
- Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 171
- 0
- Warning: is_nan() expects parameter 1 to be float, string given in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 165
- Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 171
- 0
- Warning: is_nan() expects parameter 1 to be float, string given in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 165
- Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /opt/librenms/includes/polling/functions.inc.php on line 171
- 0
- SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? ["state",33] 0.75ms]
- SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OUQnte' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/ict' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.' '.' '.' '.' '.' '.' '.' '.' '.' '.']
- .*.4.1.39*.4.0 = 1
- .*.4.1.39*.4.1 = 1
- .*.4.1.39*.4.2 = 1
- .*.4.1.39*.4.3 = 1
- .*.4.1.39*.4.4 = 1
- .*.4.1.39*.4.5 = 2
- .*.4.1.39*.4.6 = 1
- .*.4.1.39*.4.7 = 1
- .*.4.1.39*.4.8 = 1
- .*.4.1.39*.4.9 = 1
- SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OUQnte' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/ict' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.' '.']
- .*.4.1.39*.4.10 = 1
- .*.4.1.39*.4.11 = 1
- Checking (snmp) state Fuse #1...
- Checking (snmp) state Fuse #2...
- Checking (snmp) state Fuse #3...
- Checking (snmp) state Fuse #4...
- Checking (snmp) state Fuse #5...
- Checking (snmp) state Fuse #6...
- Checking (snmp) state Fuse #7...
- Checking (snmp) state Fuse #8...
- Checking (snmp) state Fuse #9...
- Checking (snmp) state Fuse #10...
- Checking (snmp) state Fuse #11...
- Checking (snmp) state Fuse #12...
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 2
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- SQL[SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? ["voltage",33] 0.63ms]
- SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OUQnte' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/ict' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.']
- .*.4.1.39* = "-55.2"
- Checking (snmp) voltage System Voltage...
- -55.2
- >> Runtime for poller module 'sensors': 0.1042 seconds with 3248 bytes
- >> SNMP: [5/0.10s] MySQL: [4/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module sensors ####
- SQL[UPDATE `devices` set `uptime`=?,`last_ping`=NOW(),`last_ping_timetaken`=? WHERE `device_id` = ? [65939,1.22,33] 2.35ms]
- Updating
- Polled in 7.233 seconds
- ### Start Device Groups ###
- SQL[select * from `devices` where `devices`.`device_id` = ? limit 1 [33] 1.03ms]
- SQL[select * from `device_groups` [] 0.41ms]
- SQL[select `devices`.`device_id`, `device_group_device`.`device_group_id` as `pivot_device_group_id`, `device_group_device`.`device_id` as `pivot_device_id` from `devices` inner join `device_group_device` on `devices`.`device_id` = `device_group_device`.`device_id` where `device_group_device`.`device_group_id` in (1) [] 0.79ms]
- SQL[select exists(select * from `devices` where (`devices`.`hardware` LIKE ? AND `devices`.`bgpLocalAs` LIKE ?) and `devices`.`device_id` = ?) as `exists` ["X204%","8474%",33] 0.69ms]
- SQL[select * from `device_group_device` where `device_id` = ? [33] 0.35ms]
- Groups Added:
- Groups Removed:
- ### End Device Groups, runtime: 0.0118s ###
- #### Start Alerts ####
- SQL[select exists(select * from `alert_schedule` where (`start` <= ? and `end` >= ? and (`recurring` = ? or (`recurring` = ? and ((time(`start`) < time xss=removed> ?) or (time(`start`) > time(`end`) and (time(`end`) <= ? or time(`start`) > ?))) and (`recurring_day` like ? or `recurring_day` is null)))) and (exists (select * from `devices` inner join `alert_schedulables` on `devices`.`device_id` = `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_id` where `alert_schedule`.`schedule_id` = `alert_schedulables`.`schedule_id` and `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_type` = ? and `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_id` = ?) or exists (select * from `device_groups` inner join `alert_schedulables` on `device_groups`.`id` = `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_id` where `alert_schedule`.`schedule_id` = `alert_schedulables`.`schedule_id` and `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_type` = ? and 0 = 1) or exists (select * from `locations` inner join `alert_schedulables` on `locations`.`id` = `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_id` where `alert_schedule`.`schedule_id` = `alert_schedulables`.`schedule_id` and `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_type` = ? and `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_id` = ?))) as `exists` ["2021-02-11T16:16:26.812019Z","2021-02-11T16:16:26.812019Z",0,1,"16:16:26","16:16:26","16:16:26","16:16:26","%","device",33,"device_group","location",7] 1.61ms]
- SQL[select * from `devices` where `devices`.`device_id` = ? limit 1 [33] 0.58ms]
- SQL[SELECT DISTINCT a.* FROM alert_rules a
- LEFT JOIN alert_device_map d ON a.id=d.rule_id AND (a.invert_map = 0 OR a.invert_map = 1 AND d.device_id = ?)
- LEFT JOIN alert_group_map g ON a.id=g.rule_id AND (a.invert_map = 0 OR a.invert_map = 1 AND g.group_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT device_group_id FROM device_group_device WHERE device_id = ?))
- LEFT JOIN alert_location_map l ON a.id=l.rule_id AND (a.invert_map = 0 OR a.invert_map = 1 AND l.location_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT location_id FROM devices WHERE device_id = ?))
- LEFT JOIN device_group_device dg ON g.group_id=dg.device_group_id AND dg.device_id = ?
- WHERE a.disabled = 0 AND (
- (d.device_id IS NULL AND g.group_id IS NULL)
- OR (a.invert_map = 0 AND (d.device_id=? OR dg.device_id=?))
- OR (a.invert_map = 1 AND (d.device_id != ? OR d.device_id IS NULL) AND (dg.device_id != ? OR dg.device_id IS NULL))
- ) [33,33,33,33,33,33,33,33] 2.82ms]
- Rule #1 (Device Down! Due to no ICMP response.):
- SQL[SELECT * FROM devices WHERE (devices.device_id = ?) AND (devices.status = 0 && (devices.disabled = 0 && devices.ignore = 0)) = 1 AND devices.status_reason = "icmp" [33] 0.93ms]
- SQL[SELECT state FROM alerts WHERE rule_id = ? AND device_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 [1,33] 0.4ms]
- Status: NOCHG
- Rule #2 (SNMP not responding on Device - Check on SNMP Service - Device marked Down!):
- SQL[SELECT * FROM devices WHERE (devices.device_id = ?) AND (devices.status = 0 && (devices.disabled = 0 && devices.ignore = 0)) = 1 AND devices.status_reason = "snmp" [33] 0.83ms]
- SQL[SELECT state FROM alerts WHERE rule_id = ? AND device_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 [2,33] 0.38ms]
- Status: NOCHG
- Rule #3 (Device rebooted):
- SQL[SELECT * FROM devices WHERE (devices.device_id = ?) AND devices.uptime < 300 xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed> 30 [33] 0.77ms]
- SQL[SELECT state FROM alerts WHERE rule_id = ? AND device_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 [5,33] 0.37ms]
- Status: NOCHG
- Rule #6 (Port utilisation over threshold):
- SQL[SELECT * FROM devices,ports WHERE (devices.device_id = ? AND devices.device_id = ports.device_id) AND (((SELECT IF(ports.ifOutOctets_rate>ports.ifInOctets_rate, ports.ifOutOctets_rate, ports.ifInOctets_rate)*8) / ports.ifSpeed)*100) >= 80 AND (ports.ifOperStatus = "up" && ports.ifAdminStatus = "up" && (ports.deleted = 0 && ports.ignore = 0 && ports.disabled = 0)) = 1 [33] 1.52ms]
- SQL[SELECT state FROM alerts WHERE rule_id = ? AND device_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 [6,33] 0.41ms]
- Status: NOCHG
- Rule #9 (Service up/down):
- SQL[SELECT * FROM devices,services WHERE (devices.device_id = ? AND devices.device_id = services.device_id) AND services.service_status != 0 AND (devices.status = 1 && (devices.disabled = 0 && devices.ignore = 0)) = 1 [33] 1.02ms]
- SQL[SELECT state FROM alerts WHERE rule_id = ? AND device_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 [9,33] 0.38ms]
- Status: NOCHG
- Rule #15 (*CUSTOM* Power Sensor under limit - Check Device Health Settings):
- SQL[SELECT * FROM devices,sensors WHERE (devices.device_id = ? AND devices.device_id = sensors.device_id) AND sensors.sensor_current < sensors xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed> sensors.sensor_limit AND sensors.sensor_alert = 1 AND (devices.status = 1 && (devices.disabled = 0 && devices.ignore = 0)) = 1 [33] 1.21ms]
- SQL[SELECT state FROM alerts WHERE rule_id = ? AND device_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 [16,33] 0.4ms]
- Status: NOCHG
- #### End Alerts ####
- ./poller.php 2021-02-11 10:16:26 - 1 devices polled in 7.695 secs
- SNMP [8/6.16s]: Get[8/6.16s] Getnext[0/0.00s] Walk[0/0.00s]
- MySQL [22/0.03s]: Cell[9/0.01s] Row[-9/-0.01s] Rows[14/0.02s] Column[1/0.00s] Update[6/0.01s] Insert[1/0.00s] Delete[0/0.00s]