- enterprises, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Counter64,
- DisplayString
- LAST-UPDATED "201807150943Z"
- ORGANIZATION "Nutanix Inc."
- CONTACT-INFO "support@nutanix.com"
- DESCRIPTION "Nutanix Cluster Managment Information Base"
- REVISION "201807150943Z"
- DESCRIPTION "SNMP MIB for Nutanix Cluster software."
- ::= { enterprises 41263 }
- --
- -- Cluster wide scalars starting from sub oid 501. This leaves room to add
- -- more table types in sequential oid order in future.
- --
- clusterName OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Name of the cluster."
- ::= { nutanix 501 }
- clusterVersion OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Current cluster version. This is the nutanix-core
- package version expected on all the Controller VMs."
- ::= { nutanix 502 }
- clusterStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Current Status of the cluster. This will usually be
- one of started or stopped"
- ::= { nutanix 503 }
- clusterTotalStorageCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Total storage capacity of the cluster in bytes."
- ::= { nutanix 504 }
- clusterUsedStorageCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Number of bytes of storage used on the cluster."
- ::= { nutanix 505 }
- clusterIops OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Cluster wide average IO operations per second."
- ::= { nutanix 506 }
- clusterLatency OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Cluster wide average latency."
- ::= { nutanix 507 }
- clusterIOBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Cluster wide IO bandwidth in KBps."
- ::= { nutanix 508 }
- --
- -- Nutanix SNMP table definitions.
- --
- -- Software version table
- --
- softwareVersionTable OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Table of software versions for packages on all
- Controller VMs."
- ::= { nutanix 1 }
- svtEntry OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SvtEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Software version table entry containing software
- versions on the Controller VMs."
- INDEX { svtIndex }
- ::= { softwareVersionTable 1 }
- SvtEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- svtIndex Integer32,
- svtControllerVMId DisplayString,
- svtNutanixBootstrap DisplayString,
- svtNutanixInfrastructure DisplayString,
- svtNutanixCore DisplayString,
- svtNutanixToolchain DisplayString,
- svtNutanixServiceability DisplayString,
- svtLinuxKernel DisplayString
- }
- svtIndex OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Index for software version table entries."
- ::= { svtEntry 1 }
- svtControllerVMId OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Nutanix Controller VM Id."
- ::= { svtEntry 2 }
- svtNutanixBootstrap OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "The nutanix-bootstrap software package version."
- ::= { svtEntry 3 }
- svtNutanixInfrastructure OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "The nutanix-infrastructure software package version."
- ::= { svtEntry 4 }
- svtNutanixCore OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "The nutanix-core software package version."
- ::= { svtEntry 5 }
- svtNutanixToolchain OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "The nutanix-toolchain software package version."
- ::= { svtEntry 6 }
- svtNutanixServiceability OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "The nutanix-serviceability software package version."
- ::= { svtEntry 7 }
- svtLinuxKernel OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "The linux kernel version currently installed."
- ::= { svtEntry 8 }
- --
- -- Service status table
- --
- serviceStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS obsolete
- DESCRIPTION "Table of status of each service with one row per
- Controller VM."
- ::= { nutanix 2 }
- sstEntry OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SstEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS obsolete
- DESCRIPTION "Table entry containing status of services on one
- node."
- INDEX { sstIndex }
- ::= { serviceStatusTable 1 }
- SstEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- sstIndex Integer32,
- sstControllerVMId DisplayString,
- sstControllerVMStatus DisplayString,
- sstZeusStatus DisplayString,
- sstScavengerStatus DisplayString,
- sstMedusaStatus DisplayString,
- sstPithosStatus DisplayString,
- sstStargateStatus DisplayString,
- sstChronosStatus DisplayString,
- sstCuratorStatus DisplayString,
- sstPrismStatus DisplayString,
- sstAlertManagerStatus DisplayString,
- sstStatsAggregatorStatus DisplayString,
- sstSysStatCollectorStatus DisplayString
- }
- sstIndex OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS obsolete
- DESCRIPTION "A unique index for each row in the service status
- table."
- ::= { sstEntry 1 }
- sstControllerVMId OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS obsolete
- DESCRIPTION "Nutanix Controller VM Id."
- ::= { sstEntry 2 }
- sstControllerVMStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS obsolete
- DESCRIPTION "Status of the node."
- ::= { sstEntry 3 }
- sstZeusStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS obsolete
- DESCRIPTION "Status of Zeus on the node. A comma separated list
- of pids of the zeus service."
- ::= { sstEntry 4 }
- sstScavengerStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS obsolete
- DESCRIPTION "Status of Scavenger on the node. A comma separated
- list of pids of the scavenger service."
- ::= { sstEntry 5 }
- sstMedusaStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS obsolete
- DESCRIPTION "Status of Medusa on the node. A comma separated list
- of pids of the medusa service."
- ::= { sstEntry 6 }
- sstPithosStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS obsolete
- DESCRIPTION "Status of Pithos on the node. A comma separated list
- of pids of the pithos service."
- ::= { sstEntry 7 }
- sstStargateStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS obsolete
- DESCRIPTION "Status of Stargate on the node. A comma separated
- list of pids of the stargate service."
- ::= { sstEntry 8 }
- sstChronosStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS obsolete
- DESCRIPTION "Status of Chronos on the node. A comma separated list
- of pids of the chronos service."
- ::= { sstEntry 9 }
- sstCuratorStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS obsolete
- DESCRIPTION "Status of Curator on the node. A comma separated list
- of pids of the curator service."
- ::= { sstEntry 10 }
- sstPrismStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS obsolete
- DESCRIPTION "Status of Prism on the node. A comma separated list
- of pids of the prism service."
- ::= { sstEntry 11 }
- sstAlertManagerStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS obsolete
- DESCRIPTION "Status of Alert Manager on the node. A comma
- separated list of pids of the alert manager service."
- ::= { sstEntry 12 }
- sstStatsAggregatorStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS obsolete
- DESCRIPTION "Status of Stats Aggregator on the node. A comma
- separated list of pids of the stats aggregator
- service."
- ::= { sstEntry 13 }
- sstSysStatCollectorStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS obsolete
- DESCRIPTION "Status of SysStatCollector on the node. A comma
- separated list of pids of the sys stat collector
- service."
- ::= { sstEntry 14 }
- --
- -- Disk Status Table
- --
- diskStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Table provides disk status on all CVMs."
- ::= { nutanix 3 }
- dstEntry OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DstEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Table entry containing status of a disk on a CVM."
- INDEX { dstIndex}
- ::= { diskStatusTable 1 }
- DstEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- dstIndex Integer32,
- dstDiskId DisplayString,
- dstControllerVMId DisplayString,
- dstSerial DisplayString,
- dstNumRawBytes Counter64,
- dstNumTotalBytes Counter64,
- dstNumFreeBytes Counter64,
- dstNumTotalInodes Counter64,
- dstNumFreeInodes Counter64,
- dstAverageLatency Counter64,
- dstIOBandwidth Counter64,
- dstNumberIops Counter64,
- dstState INTEGER
- }
- dstIndex OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "A unique index for each row in the disk status
- table."
- ::= { dstEntry 1 }
- SYNTAX DisplayString
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "A unique disk id for each disk."
- ::= { dstEntry 2 }
- dstControllerVMId OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Nutanix Controller VM unique identifier."
- ::= { dstEntry 3 }
- dstSerial OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Disk Serial Number"
- ::= { dstEntry 4 }
- dstNumRawBytes OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of raw bytes available on the device."
- ::= { dstEntry 5 }
- dstNumTotalBytes OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Total number of bytes usable on the device through
- its file system."
- ::= { dstEntry 6 }
- dstNumFreeBytes OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Total number of bytes availabe to the non-root users
- on the device through its file system."
- ::= { dstEntry 7 }
- dstNumTotalInodes OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS obsolete
- DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of inodes usable on the device
- through its file system."
- ::= { dstEntry 8 }
- dstNumFreeInodes OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS obsolete
- DESCRIPTION "Total number of inodes availabe to the non-root
- users on the device through its file system."
- ::= { dstEntry 9 }
- dstAverageLatency OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Average IO latency per micro seconds for the disk."
- ::= { dstEntry 10 }
- dstIOBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "IO bandwidth in KBps for the disk."
- ::= { dstEntry 11 }
- dstNumberIops OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Number IO per seconds for the disk."
- ::= { dstEntry 12 }
- dstState OBJECT-TYPE
- online(1),
- offline(2)
- }
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "State of the disk."
- ::= { dstEntry 13 }
- --
- -- Controller VM resource table.
- --
- controllerVMResourceTable OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Table of resources per Controller VM."
- ::= { nutanix 4 }
- crtEntry OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX CrtEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Table entry containing resource information of
- one Controller VM."
- INDEX { crtIndex }
- ::= { controllerVMResourceTable 1 }
- CrtEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- crtIndex Integer32,
- crtControllerVMId DisplayString,
- crtMemory Counter64,
- crtNumCpus Integer32,
- crtName DisplayString
- }
- crtIndex OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "A unique index for each row in the CVM memory
- table."
- ::= { crtEntry 1 }
- crtControllerVMId OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Nutanix Controller VM Id."
- ::= { crtEntry 2 }
- crtMemory OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Total memory available on a CVM."
- ::= { crtEntry 3 }
- crtNumCpus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Integer32
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Total number of CPUs allocated to a CVM."
- ::= { crtEntry 4 }
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Name of the Nutanix COntroller VM."
- ::= { crtEntry 5 }
- --
- -- Storage pool information table.
- --
- storagePoolInformationTable OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Storage pool information in a table form."
- ::= { nutanix 7 }
- spitEntry OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SpitEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Storage pool information table entry."
- INDEX { spitIndex }
- ::= { storagePoolInformationTable 1 }
- SpitEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- spitIndex Integer32,
- spitStoragePoolId DisplayString,
- spitStoragePoolName DisplayString,
- spitTotalCapacity Counter64,
- spitUsedCapacity Counter64,
- spitIOPerSecond Integer32,
- spitAvgLatencyUsecs Counter64,
- spitIOBandwidth Counter64
- }
- spitIndex OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Unique index for storage pool information table
- entries."
- ::= { spitEntry 1 }
- spitStoragePoolId OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Storage pool id."
- ::= { spitEntry 2 }
- spitStoragePoolName OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Name of the storage pool."
- ::= { spitEntry 3 }
- spitTotalCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Total capacity of the storage pool in bytes."
- ::= { spitEntry 4 }
- spitUsedCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Number of bytes used in the storage pool."
- ::= { spitEntry 5 }
- spitIOPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Integer32
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Number of IO operations served per second from this
- storage pool."
- ::= { spitEntry 6 }
- spitAvgLatencyUsecs OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Average IO latency for this storage pool in
- microseconds."
- ::= { spitEntry 7 }
- spitIOBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "IO bandwidth in KBps for the storage pool."
- ::= { spitEntry 8 }
- --
- -- Container information table
- --
- containerInformationTable OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Storage container information in a table form."
- ::= { nutanix 8 }
- citEntry OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX CitEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Storage container information table entry."
- INDEX { citIndex }
- ::= { containerInformationTable 1 }
- CitEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- citIndex Integer32,
- citContainerId DisplayString,
- citContainerName DisplayString,
- citTotalCapacity Counter64,
- citUsedCapacity Counter64,
- citIOPerSecond Integer32,
- citAvgLatencyUsecs Counter64,
- citIOBandwidth Counter64
- }
- citIndex OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Unique index for storage container information table
- entries."
- ::= { citEntry 1 }
- citContainerId OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Storage container id."
- ::= { citEntry 2 }
- citContainerName OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Name of the storage container."
- ::= { citEntry 3 }
- citTotalCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Total capacity of the storage container in bytes."
- ::= { citEntry 4 }
- citUsedCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Number of bytes used in the storage container."
- ::= { citEntry 5 }
- citIOPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Integer32
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Number of IO operations served per second from this
- storage container."
- ::= { citEntry 6 }
- citAvgLatencyUsecs OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Average IO latency for this storage container in
- microseconds."
- ::= { citEntry 7 }
- citIOBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "IO bandwidth in KBps for the storage container."
- ::= { citEntry 8 }
- --
- -- Hypervisor information table
- --
- hypervisorInformationTable OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HypervisorEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Hypervisor information in a table form."
- ::= { nutanix 9 }
- hypervisorEntry OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX HypervisorEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Vm information table entry."
- INDEX { hypervisorIndex }
- ::= { hypervisorInformationTable 1 }
- HypervisorEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- hypervisorIndex Integer32,
- hypervisorId DisplayString,
- hypervisorName DisplayString,
- hypervisorVmCount Unsigned32,
- hypervisorCpuCount Unsigned32,
- hypervisorCpuUsagePercent Unsigned32,
- hypervisorMemory Counter64,
- hypervisorMemoryUsagePercent Unsigned32,
- hypervisorReadIOPerSecond Unsigned32,
- hypervisorWriteIOPerSecond Unsigned32,
- hypervisorAverageLatency Counter64,
- hypervisorIOBandwidth Counter64,
- hypervisorRxBytes Counter64,
- hypervisorTxBytes Counter64,
- hypervisorRxDropCount Counter64,
- hypervisorTxDropCount Counter64
- }
- hypervisorIndex OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Unique index for hypervisor information table
- entries."
- ::= { hypervisorEntry 1 }
- hypervisorId OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Hypervisor Id for the hypervisor."
- ::= { hypervisorEntry 2 }
- hypervisorName OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Name of the Hypervisor."
- ::= { hypervisorEntry 3 }
- hypervisorVmCount OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Unsigned32
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Total number of VM configured on the hypervisor."
- ::= { hypervisorEntry 4 }
- hypervisorCpuCount OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Unsigned32
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Total number of CPU threads present in the
- hypervisor."
- ::= { hypervisorEntry 5 }
- hypervisorCpuUsagePercent OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Unsigned32
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "CPU usage percentage of the hypervisor."
- ::= { hypervisorEntry 6 }
- hypervisorMemory OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Total memory available on the hypervisor in bytes."
- ::= { hypervisorEntry 7 }
- hypervisorMemoryUsagePercent OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Unsigned32
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Memory usage percentage of the hypervisor."
- ::= { hypervisorEntry 8 }
- hypervisorReadIOPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Unsigned32
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Number of read IO operations served per second on
- this hypervisor."
- ::= { hypervisorEntry 9 }
- hypervisorWriteIOPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Unsigned32
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Number of write IO operations served per second on
- this hypervisor."
- ::= { hypervisorEntry 10 }
- hypervisorAverageLatency OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Average IO latency per micro seconds of the
- hypervisor."
- ::= { hypervisorEntry 11 }
- hypervisorIOBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "IO bandwidth in KBps of the hypervisor."
- ::= { hypervisorEntry 12 }
- hypervisorRxBytes OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Total number of bytes recieved on the hypervisor."
- ::= { hypervisorEntry 13 }
- hypervisorTxBytes OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Total number of bytes transmitted from the
- hypervisor."
- ::= { hypervisorEntry 14 }
- hypervisorRxDropCount OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Total number of packets dropped while receiving
- on the hypervisor."
- ::= { hypervisorEntry 15 }
- hypervisorTxDropCount OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Total number of packets dropped while transmiting
- from hypervisor."
- ::= { hypervisorEntry 16 }
- --
- -- VM information table
- --
- vmInformationTable OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Vm information in a table form."
- ::= { nutanix 10 }
- SYNTAX VmEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Vm information table entry."
- INDEX { vmIndex }
- ::= { vmInformationTable 1 }
- VmEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- vmIndex Integer32,
- vmId DisplayString,
- vmName DisplayString,
- vmHypervisorId DisplayString,
- vmPowerState DisplayString,
- vmCpuCount Unsigned32,
- vmCpuUsagePercent Unsigned32,
- vmMemory Counter64,
- vmMemoryUsagePercent Unsigned32,
- vmReadIOPerSecond Unsigned32,
- vmWriteIOPerSecond Unsigned32,
- vmAverageLatency Counter64,
- vmIOBandwidth Counter64,
- vmRxBytes Counter64,
- vmTxBytes Counter64,
- vmRxDropCount Counter64,
- vmTxDropCount Counter64
- }
- SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Unique index for VM information table
- entries."
- ::= { vmEntry 1 }
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Nutanix unique identifier for VM."
- ::= { vmEntry 2 }
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Name of the VM."
- ::= { vmEntry 3 }
- vmHypervisorId OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Hypervisor id on which the VM resides."
- ::= { vmEntry 4 }
- vmPowerState OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Power state of the VM."
- ::= { vmEntry 5 }
- vmCpuCount OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Unsigned32
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Total number of CPUs allocated to the VM."
- ::= { vmEntry 6 }
- vmCpuUsagePercent OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Unsigned32
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "CPU usage percentage of the VM."
- ::= { vmEntry 7 }
- vmMemory OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Total memory available on the VM in bytes."
- ::= { vmEntry 8 }
- vmMemoryUsagePercent OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Unsigned32
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Memory usage percentage of the VM."
- ::= { vmEntry 9 }
- vmReadIOPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Unsigned32
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Number of read IO operations served per second on
- this VM."
- ::= { vmEntry 10 }
- vmWriteIOPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Unsigned32
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Number of write IO operations served per second on
- this VM."
- ::= { vmEntry 11 }
- vmAverageLatency OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Average IO latency per micro seconds of the VM."
- ::= { vmEntry 12 }
- vmIOBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "IO bandwidth in KBps of the VM."
- ::= { vmEntry 13 }
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Total number of bytes recieved on the VM."
- ::= { vmEntry 14 }
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Total number of bytes transmitted from the VM."
- ::= { vmEntry 15 }
- vmRxDropCount OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Total number of packets dropped while receiving
- on the VM."
- ::= { vmEntry 16 }
- vmTxDropCount OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Total number of packets dropped while transmiting
- from VM."
- ::= { vmEntry 17 }
- --
- -- Controller status table
- --
- controllerStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Table of status of essential services with one row
- per Controller VM."
- ::= { nutanix 11 }
- cstEntry OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX CstEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Table entry containing status of essential services
- on one node."
- INDEX { cstIndex }
- ::= { controllerStatusTable 1 }
- CstEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- cstIndex Integer32,
- cstControllerVMId DisplayString,
- cstControllerVMStatus DisplayString,
- cstDataServiceStatus DisplayString,
- cstMetadataServiceStatus DisplayString
- }
- cstIndex OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "A unique index for each row in the controller status
- table."
- ::= { cstEntry 1 }
- cstControllerVMId OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Nutanix Controller VM Id."
- ::= { cstEntry 2 }
- cstControllerVMStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Status of the node."
- ::= { cstEntry 3 }
- cstDataServiceStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Status of core data services on the Controller VM."
- ::= { cstEntry 4 }
- cstMetadataServiceStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Status of metadata services on the Controller VM."
- ::= { cstEntry 5 }
- --
- -- Abstract alert object.
- -- All alert data to be sent in a trap is grouped within this object. This
- -- allows alert objects to appear grouped together in certain graphical MIB
- -- viewers.
- --
- ntxAlert OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {nutanix 999}
- ntxAlertCreationTime OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Alert creation Timestamp in seconds from epoch."
- ::= {ntxAlert 1}
- ntxAlertDisplayMsg OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..1024))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Display message for the sent alert."
- ::= {ntxAlert 2}
- ntxAlertTitle OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Alert Title for the sent alert."
- ::= {ntxAlert 3}
- ntxAlertSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
- informational(1),
- warning(2),
- critical(3),
- audit(4)
- }
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Alert Severity for the sent alert."
- ::= {ntxAlert 4}
- ntxAlertUuid OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString
- MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "This object incidates the Alert Uuid"
- ::= {ntxAlert 5}
- ntxAlertResolvedTime OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter64
- MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the time when an alert was resolved. It is the
- timestamp in seconds from epoch."
- ::= {ntxAlert 6}
- ntxTrapName OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString
- MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "This object incidates the name of MIB object which is a trap and has been
- resolved"
- ::= {nutanix 992}
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Nutanix enterprise trap"
- ::= { nutanix 991 }
- OBJECTS { ntxTrapName, ntxAlertUuid, ntxAlertResolvedTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "A ntxTrapResolved trap signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent
- role, has detected that a trap, which is indicated by ntxTrapName, and is
- related to an alert identified by ntxAlertUuid,has been resovled."
- ::= { nutanix 993 }
- ntxTrapClusterRunningOutOfStorageCapacitylowRunway NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Predict high storage space usage on cluster."
- ::= { nutanix 1000 }
- ntxTrapClusterRunningOutOfCPUCapacitylowRunway NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Predict high CPU resource usage."
- ::= { nutanix 1001 }
- ntxTrapNodeRunningOutOfCPUCapacitylowRunway NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Predict high CPU resource usage."
- ::= { nutanix 1002 }
- ntxTrapClusterRunningOutOfMemoryCapacitylowRunway NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Predict high memory resource usage."
- ::= { nutanix 1003 }
- ntxTrapNodeRunningOutOfMemoryCapacitylowRunway NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Predict high memory resource usage."
- ::= { nutanix 1004 }
- ntxTrapStorageContainerRunningOutOfStorageCapacitylowRunway NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Predict high storage space usage on Storage Container."
- ::= { nutanix 1005 }
- ntxTrapTestAlertTitle NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Test Alert."
- ::= { nutanix 1006 }
- ntxTrapMetadataDriveAutoAddDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Metadata Drive AutoAdd Disabled."
- ::= { nutanix 1007 }
- ntxTrapNodeDetachedFromMetadataRing NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Node detached from metadata ring."
- ::= { nutanix 1008 }
- ntxTrapMetadataDynamicRingChangeOperationStuck NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Dynamic Ring Change operation not making progress."
- ::= { nutanix 1009 }
- ntxTrapMetadataDynamicRingChangeOperationTooSlow NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Dynamic Ring Change operation too slow."
- ::= { nutanix 1010 }
- ntxTrapMetadataDriveFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Metadata Drive Failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1011 }
- ntxTrapLargeMetadataSizeDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Large metadata size detected."
- ::= { nutanix 1012 }
- ntxTrapMetadataDriveMarkedToBeAutoAdded NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Metadata Drive Marked To Be AutoAdded."
- ::= { nutanix 1013 }
- ntxTrapMetadataDriveDetached NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Metadata Drive Detached."
- ::= { nutanix 1014 }
- ntxTrapMetadataRingImbalance NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Cassandra Metadata Imbalance."
- ::= { nutanix 1015 }
- ntxTrapCassandraWaitingForDiskReplacement NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Metadata disk not replaced for Disk Replace Op."
- ::= { nutanix 1016 }
- ntxTrapCloudApplianceDeploymentFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Cloud Appliance Deployment Failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1017 }
- ntxTrapUnableToRemountDatastore NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Unable to remount datastore."
- ::= { nutanix 1018 }
- ntxTrapRemountedDatastore NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Remounted datastore."
- ::= { nutanix 1019 }
- ntxTrapFailedToAllocateSnapshotReserveOnTheRemoteSite NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Failed to allocate snapshot reserve on the remote site."
- ::= { nutanix 1020 }
- ntxTrapFailedToAllocateSnapshotReserve NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Failed to allocate snapshot reserve."
- ::= { nutanix 1021 }
- ntxTrapMetroTakeoverOldPrimarySiteIsHostingVMs NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Metro takeover - old primary site is hosting VMs."
- ::= { nutanix 1022 }
- ntxTrapProtectionDomainIsInDecoupledState NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protection domain is in decoupled state."
- ::= { nutanix 1023 }
- ntxTrapRemoteSiteLatencyIsHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Latency to a stretch remote site is high."
- ::= { nutanix 1024 }
- ntxTrapFailedToUpdateMetroAvailabilityFailureHandling NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Error in updating failure-handling on Metro Availability protection domain."
- ::= { nutanix 1025 }
- ntxTrapStretchConnectivityIsLost NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Stretch connectivity is lost."
- ::= { nutanix 1026 }
- ntxTrapVMRegistrationWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "VM Registration caused warning."
- ::= { nutanix 1027 }
- ntxTrapVMRenamedOnConversion NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "VM Renamed On Conversion."
- ::= { nutanix 1028 }
- ntxTrapAuthenticationFailedInWitness NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Authentication failed in Witness."
- ::= { nutanix 1029 }
- ntxTrapWitnessIsNotConfigured NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Witness is not configured."
- ::= { nutanix 1030 }
- ntxTrapWitnessIsNotReachable NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Witness is not reachable."
- ::= { nutanix 1031 }
- ntxTrapCuratorJobRunningTooLong NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Curator Job Running Too Long."
- ::= { nutanix 1032 }
- ntxTrapCuratorScanFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Curator Scan Failure."
- ::= { nutanix 1033 }
- ntxTrapFileServerSpaceUsageHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "File Server Space Usage High."
- ::= { nutanix 1034 }
- ntxTrapFileServerSpaceUsageCritical NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "File Server Space Usage Critical."
- ::= { nutanix 1035 }
- ntxTrapFileServerUnreachable NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "File server is unreachable."
- ::= { nutanix 1036 }
- ntxTrapFileServerStorageIsNotAvailable NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "File Server storage is not available."
- ::= { nutanix 1037 }
- ntxTrapFileServerScaleoutFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "File Server scale-out failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1038 }
- ntxTrapFileServerCouldNotJoinTheADDomain NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "File Server could not join the AD Domain."
- ::= { nutanix 1039 }
- ntxTrapNodeFailedToJoinDomain NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "The node could not join the domain."
- ::= { nutanix 1040 }
- ntxTrapFileServerTimeDifferenceHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "The time drift between the FSVMs is beyond the acceptable range."
- ::= { nutanix 1041 }
- ntxTrapFileServerStorageCleanupFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Failed to clean up storage for the File Server."
- ::= { nutanix 1042 }
- ntxTrapFileServerCannotConnectWithADServer NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "File server cannot connect with AD server with configured information."
- ::= { nutanix 1043 }
- ntxTrapFileServerPerformanceOptimizationRecommended NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "File server has a recommendation to optimize performance by using scale-up, scale-out or rebalance."
- ::= { nutanix 1044 }
- ntxTrapAppropriateSiteNotFoundInActiveDirectory NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Unable to determine an appropriate site in Active Directory."
- ::= { nutanix 1045 }
- ntxTrapFileServerDNSUpdatesPending NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "DNS updates are pending after a file server operation."
- ::= { nutanix 1046 }
- ntxTrapUserQuotaAssignmentFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Failed to assign the specified quota to the user."
- ::= { nutanix 1047 }
- ntxTrapShareUtilizationReachedConfiguredLimit NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Share is no longer writeable."
- ::= { nutanix 1048 }
- ntxTrapFileServerFailedToGetUpdatedCVMIPAddress NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "File server cvm ip update failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1049 }
- ntxTrapFileServerActivationFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "File Server Activation Failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1050 }
- ntxTrapFailedToSetVMtoVMAntiaffinityRule NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Failed to set VM-to-VM anti affinity rule."
- ::= { nutanix 1051 }
- ntxTrapFileServerHomeShareCreationFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Failed to create home share during file server creation."
- ::= { nutanix 1052 }
- ntxTrapDiscoveryOfISCSITargetsFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Failed to discover iSCSI targets on the CVM during the discovery process."
- ::= { nutanix 1053 }
- ntxTrapFileServerUpgradeFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "File Server Upgrade Failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1054 }
- ntxTrapIncompatibleFileServerActivated NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Activating an incompatible File Server."
- ::= { nutanix 1055 }
- ntxTrapFileServerInHeterogeneousState NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "File server in heterogeneous state.Nodes do not match in their CPU or memory configuration. ."
- ::= { nutanix 1056 }
- ntxTrapFailedToCorrectFileServerDataAndMetaDataInconsistencies NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Failed to Run File Server Metadata Fixer tool successfully."
- ::= { nutanix 1057 }
- ntxTrapFileServerShareDeletionFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Failed to delete share."
- ::= { nutanix 1058 }
- ntxTrapFileServerCompatibilityCheckSkipped NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "File server compatibility check skipped."
- ::= { nutanix 1059 }
- ntxTrapSnapshotInvalidForClone NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Pre-asterix.2 snapshot is invalid for clone."
- ::= { nutanix 1060 }
- ntxTrapFileServerAntiVirusICAPServerDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "ICAP server is not responding to scan requests."
- ::= { nutanix 1061 }
- ntxTrapFileServerAntiVirusAllICAPServersDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "All configured ICAP servers are not responding to scan requests."
- ::= { nutanix 1062 }
- ntxTrapClusterInReadOnlyMode NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Single-node cluster is in read-only mode."
- ::= { nutanix 1063 }
- ntxTrapStorageContainerSpaceUsageExceededAOSCheck NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check high space usage on Storage Containers."
- ::= { nutanix 1064 }
- ntxTrapDiskDiagnosticFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Drive diagnostic has failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1065 }
- ntxTrapNodeFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Node Failure."
- ::= { nutanix 1066 }
- ntxTrapNodeInMaintenanceMode NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Node in Maintenance Mode."
- ::= { nutanix 1067 }
- ntxTrapNonSelfEncryptionDriveDiskInserted NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Non Self Encrypting Drive disk inserted."
- ::= { nutanix 1068 }
- ntxTrapPhysicalDiskAddedToSlot NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Physical Disk added to slot."
- ::= { nutanix 1069 }
- ntxTrapPhysicalDiskDriveHasFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Physical drive has failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1070 }
- ntxTrapPhysicalDiskRemovedFromSlot NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Physical disk removed from slot."
- ::= { nutanix 1071 }
- ntxTrapSelfEncryptingDriveOperationFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Self encrypting drive operation failure."
- ::= { nutanix 1072 }
- ntxTrapUnsupportedConfigurationForRedundancyFactor3 NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Unsupported Configuration For Redundancy Factor 3."
- ::= { nutanix 1073 }
- ntxTrapCannotRemovePasswordProtectedDisks NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Cannot remove password protected disk(s)."
- ::= { nutanix 1074 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- ::= { nutanix 1075 }
- ntxTrapDuplicateIPAddressDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Duplicate IP Address Detected."
- ::= { nutanix 1076 }
- ntxTrapIPAddressNotHosted NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "IP Address Not Hosted."
- ::= { nutanix 1077 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Failed to send email."
- ::= { nutanix 1078 }
- ntxTrapProtectionDomainReplicationFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protection Domain Replication Failure."
- ::= { nutanix 1079 }
- ntxTrapProtectionDomainSnapshotFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protection Domain Snapshot Failure."
- ::= { nutanix 1080 }
- ntxTrapNutanixGuestToolsAgentIsNotReachableOnTheVM NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "VM not reachable."
- ::= { nutanix 1081 }
- ntxTrapMetroAvailabilityIsPromoted NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Metro availability is promoted."
- ::= { nutanix 1082 }
- ntxTrapEntityRestoreAborted NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Entity restore aborted."
- ::= { nutanix 1083 }
- ntxTrapProtectionDomainReceiveSnapshotFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protection Domain Receive Snapshot Failure."
- ::= { nutanix 1084 }
- ntxTrapSecureTunnelToRemoteSiteDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Secure Tunnel To Remote Site Down."
- ::= { nutanix 1085 }
- ntxTrapProtectedVolumeGroupNotFound NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protected Volume Group not Found."
- ::= { nutanix 1086 }
- ntxTrapProtectionDomainActivation NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protection Domain Activation."
- ::= { nutanix 1087 }
- ntxTrapDuplicateRemoteClusterID NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Duplicate Remote Cluster ID."
- ::= { nutanix 1088 }
- ntxTrapCloudRemoteSiteFailedToStart NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Cloud remote site failed to start."
- ::= { nutanix 1089 }
- ntxTrapRemoteSiteremotenameNetworkMappingMissing NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "No Network Mapping Specified."
- ::= { nutanix 1090 }
- ntxTrapOperationForwardedToCloudRemoteFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Cloud Remote Operation Failure."
- ::= { nutanix 1091 }
- ntxTrapRecoveryPointObjectiveCannotBeMet NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Recovery Point Objective Cannot Be Met."
- ::= { nutanix 1092 }
- ntxTrapVStoreSnapshotStatus NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "VStore Snapshot Status."
- ::= { nutanix 1093 }
- ntxTrapProtectionDomainSnapshotOperationSkipped NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Skipped snapshot operation."
- ::= { nutanix 1094 }
- ntxTrapSkippedReplicationOfTheSnapshot NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Skipped replication of the snapshot."
- ::= { nutanix 1095 }
- ntxTrapFailedToSnapshotEntities NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Failed to snapshot entities."
- ::= { nutanix 1096 }
- ntxTrapIncorrectClusterInformationInRemoteSite NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Cluster Information in Remote Site is not correct."
- ::= { nutanix 1097 }
- ntxTrapVStoreIsBeingReplicatedToBackupOnlyRemoteSite NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "vStore is being replicated to backup only remote site."
- ::= { nutanix 1098 }
- ntxTrapFailedToChangeStateOfOneOrMoreVMs NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Failed to change state of one or more VMs."
- ::= { nutanix 1099 }
- ntxTrapRegistrationOfOneOrMoreVMsFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Registration of one or more VMs failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1100 }
- ntxTrapSelfServiceRestoreOperationFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Self service restore operation failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1101 }
- ntxTrapMetadataVolumeSnapshotPersistentFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Metadata Volume Snapshot Persistent Failure."
- ::= { nutanix 1102 }
- ntxTrapMetroAvailabilityIsDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Metro availability is disabled."
- ::= { nutanix 1103 }
- ntxTrapApplicationconsistentSnapshotNotTakenForTheVM NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Application-consistent snapshot not taken for the VM."
- ::= { nutanix 1104 }
- ntxTrapInvalidConsistencyGroup NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Invalid Consistency Group."
- ::= { nutanix 1105 }
- ntxTrapFailedToReconfigureNutanixGuestToolsForTheRecoveredVM NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Failed to reconfigure Nutanix Guest Tools for a VM in protection domain."
- ::= { nutanix 1106 }
- ntxTrapNutanixGuestToolsNotInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Nutanix Guest Tools not installed."
- ::= { nutanix 1107 }
- ntxTrapRemoteSiteremotenameNetworkMappingInvalid NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Invalid Network Mapping Specified."
- ::= { nutanix 1108 }
- ntxTrapVSSSnapshotFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "VSS snapshot failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1109 }
- ntxTrapAlertRaisedOnCloudRemoteSiteremotenamealertmessage NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Alert generated on cloud remote site."
- ::= { nutanix 1110 }
- ntxTrapProtectedVmsNotFound NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protected Vms Not Found."
- ::= { nutanix 1111 }
- ntxTrapProtectionDomainContainsMoreThanSpecifiedVMs NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protection domain contains multiple VMs."
- ::= { nutanix 1112 }
- ntxTrapRelatedEntityProtectionStatus NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protection status of a related entity."
- ::= { nutanix 1113 }
- ntxTrapNutanixGuestToolsIsNotSupportedOnRemoteSite NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Remote site does not support NGT."
- ::= { nutanix 1114 }
- ntxTrapRemoteSiteOperationModeReadOnly NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Operation Mode of Remote Site changed to kReadOnly."
- ::= { nutanix 1115 }
- ntxTrapRemoteSiteIsUnhealthy NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Remote site is unhealthy."
- ::= { nutanix 1116 }
- ntxTrapEntitiesRestoredButUnprotected NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Entities Restored But Unprotected."
- ::= { nutanix 1117 }
- ntxTrapProtectionDomainFullReplicationPerformed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Full Replication was done."
- ::= { nutanix 1118 }
- ntxTrapProtectedVMIsNotNutanixBackupAndRecoveryCompliant NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protected VM is not Nutanix backup and recovery compliant."
- ::= { nutanix 1119 }
- ntxTrapProtectedVMRenamedDuringClone NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protected VM renamed during clone."
- ::= { nutanix 1120 }
- ntxTrapProtectedVolumeGroupsNotFound NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protected Volume Groups Not Found."
- ::= { nutanix 1121 }
- ntxTrapVMRegistrationFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "VM Registration Failure."
- ::= { nutanix 1122 }
- ntxTrapProtectionDomainReplicationExpired NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protection Domain Replication Expired."
- ::= { nutanix 1123 }
- ntxTrapVolumeGroupAttachmentsNotRestored NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Volume Group Attachments Not Restored."
- ::= { nutanix 1124 }
- ntxTrapEntitiesSkippedDuringRestore NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Entities Skipped During Restore."
- ::= { nutanix 1125 }
- ntxTrapProtectionDomainChangeModeFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protection Domain Change Mode Failure."
- ::= { nutanix 1126 }
- ntxTrapVSSSnapshotAborted NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "VSS snapshot is aborted by the Guest VM."
- ::= { nutanix 1127 }
- ntxTrapExternalISCSIAttachmentsNotSnapshotted NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "External iSCSI Attachments Not Snapshotted."
- ::= { nutanix 1128 }
- ntxTrapVMVirtualHardwareVersionNotCompatible NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "VM Virtual Hardware Version not Compatible."
- ::= { nutanix 1129 }
- ntxTrapVolumeGroupActionError NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Volume Group Action Error."
- ::= { nutanix 1130 }
- ntxTrapMetadataVolumeSnapshotTimeout NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Metadata Volume Snapshot Timeout Failure."
- ::= { nutanix 1131 }
- ntxTrapSnapshotPartiallyCrashConsistent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Snapshot partially crash consistent."
- ::= { nutanix 1132 }
- ntxTrapMetroAvailabilityPrechecksFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Metro availability prechecks failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1133 }
- ntxTrapProtectionDomainMightHaveSymlinks NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protection domain snapshot has symlinks."
- ::= { nutanix 1134 }
- ntxTrapVSSSnapshotIsNotSupportedForTheVM NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "VSS snapshot is not supported for the VM."
- ::= { nutanix 1135 }
- ntxTrapSnapshotReserveOnSSDIsFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "LWS store has become full on the cluster."
- ::= { nutanix 1136 }
- ntxTrapMetroAvailabilityConfigurationFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Metro availability start failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1137 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Stale NFS mount."
- ::= { nutanix 1138 }
- ntxTrapVSSSoftwareOrprefreezepostthawScriptsNotInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "VSS software or pre_freeze/post_thaw Scripts Not Installed."
- ::= { nutanix 1139 }
- ntxTrapProtectedVMNotFound NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protected VM not Found."
- ::= { nutanix 1140 }
- ntxTrapProtectionDomainTransitioningToLowerFrequencySnapshotting NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protection Domain transitioning to lower frequency snapshot schedule."
- ::= { nutanix 1141 }
- ntxTrapSnapshotQueuedForReplicationsToRemoteSite NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protection domain protection_domain_name has one or more snapshots queued for replication to remote site remote_name."
- ::= { nutanix 1142 }
- ntxTrapAgentVMRestorationFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Failure to Restore Agent VM."
- ::= { nutanix 1143 }
- ntxTrapCPSDeploymentEvaluationMode NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks if the CPS deployment is running in evaluation mode."
- ::= { nutanix 1144 }
- ntxTrapHAHostEvacuationFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Failure to evacuate host while entering maintenance mode or reserving host for HA."
- ::= { nutanix 1145 }
- ntxTrapFailureToRestartVMsForHAEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Failure to restart VMs for HA event."
- ::= { nutanix 1146 }
- ntxTrapUpgradeBundleAvailable NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Bundle available for upgrade."
- ::= { nutanix 1147 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "VM Action Error."
- ::= { nutanix 1148 }
- ntxTrapHAHealingFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "HA healing failure."
- ::= { nutanix 1149 }
- ntxTrapVmHighAvailabilityFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "High Availability Failure."
- ::= { nutanix 1150 }
- ntxTrapKerberosClockSkewFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Kerberos Clock Skew Failure."
- ::= { nutanix 1151 }
- ntxTrapStargateTemporarilyDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Stargate Temporarily Down."
- ::= { nutanix 1152 }
- ntxTrapVMGroupSnapshotAndCurrentMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that snapshot to restore matches current VM group."
- ::= { nutanix 1153 }
- ntxTrapCertificateCreationError NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Certificate signing request creation failure."
- ::= { nutanix 1154 }
- ntxTrapCompressionDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Compression is Disabled."
- ::= { nutanix 1155 }
- ntxTrapFingerprintingDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Fingerprinting Disabled."
- ::= { nutanix 1156 }
- ntxTrapSystemDefinedFlashModeUsageLimitExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that usage for flash-mode-enabled vDisks is within system limits."
- ::= { nutanix 1157 }
- ntxTrapMetadataUsageHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Metadata Usage High."
- ::= { nutanix 1158 }
- ntxTrapNFSMetadataSizeOvershoot NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "NFS Metadata Usage High."
- ::= { nutanix 1159 }
- ntxTrapOnDiskDedupDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "On-Disk Dedup Disabled."
- ::= { nutanix 1160 }
- ntxTrapSpaceReservationViolated NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Space Reservation Violated."
- ::= { nutanix 1161 }
- ntxTrapVDiskBlockMapUsageHighCritical NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "vDisk Block Map Usage High Critical."
- ::= { nutanix 1162 }
- ntxTrapVDiskBlockMapUsageHighWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "vDisk Block Map Usage High."
- ::= { nutanix 1163 }
- ntxTrapPossibleDegradedNode NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Services on node possibly not making progress."
- ::= { nutanix 1164 }
- ntxTrapDynamicSchedulingFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "One or more nodes have resource contention. This imbalance can cause performance bottlenecks on the node(s) affected."
- ::= { nutanix 1165 }
- ntxTrapRecoveredVMDiskConfigurationUpdateFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Disk Configuration Update Failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1166 }
- ntxTrapISCSIConfigurationFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "iSCSI Configuration Failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1167 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "NGT version of the VM is incompatible with the NGT version of the cluster."
- ::= { nutanix 1168 }
- ntxTrapExecutionOfThePostThawScriptFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Execution of the PostThawScript Failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1169 }
- ntxTrapNutanixGuestToolsMountFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Nutanix Guest Tools mount failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1170 }
- ntxTrapVMForciblyPoweredOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Acropolis has forcibly powered off a VM that should have been powered off."
- ::= { nutanix 1171 }
- ntxTrapReportGenerationFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Report Generation failed. Database may be down or cluster may have insufficient storage."
- ::= { nutanix 1172 }
- ntxTrapSendReportThroughEmailFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Sending of report through E-mail failed. SMTP might be down or report might have been deleted."
- ::= { nutanix 1173 }
- ntxTrapReportQuotaScanFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Report Quota scan failed. Cassandra might be unreachable."
- ::= { nutanix 1174 }
- ntxTrapCassandraServiceCrashed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if Cassandra service is crashing continuously."
- ::= { nutanix 1175 }
- ntxTrapCassandraServiceIsRunningOutOfMemory NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if the Cassandra service is running out of memory."
- ::= { nutanix 1176 }
- ntxTrapMultipleCassandraNodesHaveSimilarTokens NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check for similar tokens in Cassandra."
- ::= { nutanix 1177 }
- ntxTrapCloudClusterDoesNotHaveRecommendedConfigurationLocally NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that cloud cluster has recommended configuration locally."
- ::= { nutanix 1178 }
- ntxTrapAWSCloudInstanceNotConfiguredProperly NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Verify that the AWS cloud instances have recommended configuration."
- ::= { nutanix 1179 }
- ntxTrapOldGenerationAWSInstanceConfigured NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks whether old generation AWS instance is configured for remote site."
- ::= { nutanix 1180 }
- ntxTrapAOSVersionOfCloudRemoteSiteIsLessThanSourceCluster NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check AOS version for cloud remote site."
- ::= { nutanix 1181 }
- ntxTrapCloudClusterDoesNotHaveAllRecommendedGflagsSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if cloud remote sites have recommended gflags set."
- ::= { nutanix 1182 }
- ntxTrapEgroupCountOnCloudDiskIsHigherThanTheRecommendedThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if egroup count on cloud remote is within threshold."
- ::= { nutanix 1183 }
- ntxTrapFileServerMutipleVMsOnSingleNodeCheck NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks that multiple File server VMs are running on a single node."
- ::= { nutanix 1184 }
- ntxTrapFileServerServicesDownCheck NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks that all File server services are running."
- ::= { nutanix 1185 }
- ntxTrapFileServerUnreachableCheck NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks that File server is reachable."
- ::= { nutanix 1186 }
- ntxTrapFileServerDownCheck NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks that File server is down."
- ::= { nutanix 1187 }
- ntxTrapFileServerInvalidSnapshot NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks that File server is in healthy state to take snapshot."
- ::= { nutanix 1188 }
- ntxTrapFileServerEntitiesNotProtected NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks all File server entities are protected."
- ::= { nutanix 1189 }
- ntxTrapMultipleFileServerVersionsArePresentInTheCluster NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks whether multiple File server versions are running in the cluster."
- ::= { nutanix 1190 }
- ntxTrapFileServerUpgradeTaskHungForTooLong NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check File server task is hung for a long time."
- ::= { nutanix 1191 }
- ntxTrapFileServerPDActivatesOnMultipleSites NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks that File Server PD Active On Multiple Sites."
- ::= { nutanix 1192 }
- ntxTrapFileServerPDEnabledOnNoncompatibleRemoteSite NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks File server remote sites are file server capable."
- ::= { nutanix 1193 }
- ntxTrapHardwareClockFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if Hardware clock has failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1194 }
- ntxTrapWsmanConnectivityLost NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks if CVM can connect to the host using WSMan."
- ::= { nutanix 1195 }
- ntxTrapVMMigrationCompromised NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks whether VMWare EVC configuration can cause VM migration problems."
- ::= { nutanix 1196 }
- ntxTrapCVMMemoryReservationIsIncorrectlyConfigured NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Verify CVM memory reservation and pinning."
- ::= { nutanix 1197 }
- ntxTrapHostMissingCriticalWindowsUpdates NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if required windows updates are installed."
- ::= { nutanix 1198 }
- ntxTrapSomeStorageContainersHaveAHighNumberOfNFSFiles NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that NFS datastore file count below threshold 20000."
- ::= { nutanix 1199 }
- ntxTrapHostdServiceNotRunning NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if hostd access is available."
- ::= { nutanix 1200 }
- ntxTrapIncorrectKerberosSetup NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if Kerberos is set up correctly."
- ::= { nutanix 1201 }
- ntxTrapUnableToConnectToVCenter NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if vCenter connection is established."
- ::= { nutanix 1202 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if any VMs have non-ASCII names."
- ::= { nutanix 1203 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that fan speed is not low."
- ::= { nutanix 1204 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that fan speed is not too high."
- ::= { nutanix 1205 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if current available memory has gone below the installed size."
- ::= { nutanix 1206 }
- ntxTrapPowerSupplyDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that Power supply has no errors."
- ::= { nutanix 1207 }
- ntxTrapCPUTemperatureHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that cpu temperature is not too high."
- ::= { nutanix 1208 }
- ntxTrapCPUTemperatureReadingError NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that CPU temperature can be fetched."
- ::= { nutanix 1209 }
- ntxTrapCPUVoltageAbnormal NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that CPU voltage is within normal range."
- ::= { nutanix 1210 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that CPU-VRM temperature is not too high."
- ::= { nutanix 1211 }
- ntxTrapRAMTemperatureHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that DIMM temperature is not high."
- ::= { nutanix 1212 }
- ntxTrapRAMVoltageAbnormal NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that DIMM voltage is within normal range."
- ::= { nutanix 1213 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that DIMM-VRM temperature is not high."
- ::= { nutanix 1214 }
- ntxTrapSystemTemperatureHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that system temperature is not high."
- ::= { nutanix 1215 }
- ntxTrapGPUTemperatureHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that gpu temperature is not high."
- ::= { nutanix 1216 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks whether IPMI SDR has failures."
- ::= { nutanix 1217 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that GPU have not faulted."
- ::= { nutanix 1218 }
- ntxTrapHighNumberOfCorrectableECCErrorsInLast1Day NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check for number of correctable ECC errors for last one day in the IPMI system event log."
- ::= { nutanix 1219 }
- ntxTrapHighNumberOfCorrectableECCErrorsInLast10Days NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check for number of correctable ECC errors for last 10 days in the IPMI system event log."
- ::= { nutanix 1220 }
- ntxTrapLicenseExpiry NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if license is about to expire."
- ::= { nutanix 1221 }
- ntxTrapLicenseFeatureViolation NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check license feature complaince."
- ::= { nutanix 1222 }
- ntxTrapLicenseStandbyMode NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check license standby mode."
- ::= { nutanix 1223 }
- ntxTrapLicenseNodeInvalid NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if all nodes have valid licenses."
- ::= { nutanix 1224 }
- ntxTrapSecondaryPDsNotInSync NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if secondary metro PD is in sync with primary."
- ::= { nutanix 1225 }
- ntxTrapNoCheckpointSnapshotsOnMetroPDInLastHour NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that Metro PDs have associated checkpoint snapshots."
- ::= { nutanix 1226 }
- ntxTrapCVMTimeDifferenceHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that the time drift between CVMs is less than time_drift_threshold_sec."
- ::= { nutanix 1227 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that all ipmi ips are pingable from local SVM."
- ::= { nutanix 1228 }
- ntxTrapHostIPNotReachable NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that all host ips are pingable from local SVM."
- ::= { nutanix 1229 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks whether CVM is uplinked to 10 GbE NIC."
- ::= { nutanix 1230 }
- ntxTrapCVMNotUplinkedToActive10GbpsLink NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that CVM uplinked to active 10Gbps link."
- ::= { nutanix 1231 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that each NIC has fewer than nic_error_threshold errors during span of execution (3600 seconds)."
- ::= { nutanix 1232 }
- ntxTrapCVMHostSubnetMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks that host and cvm share the same subnet."
- ::= { nutanix 1233 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks whether any nic is down."
- ::= { nutanix 1234 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks that cvm IP address is in sync with zeus configuration."
- ::= { nutanix 1235 }
- ntxTrapZeusConfigMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks that hypervisor IP address is in sync with zeus configuration."
- ::= { nutanix 1236 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks that IPMI IP address is in sync with zeus configuration."
- ::= { nutanix 1237 }
- ntxTrapJumboFramesEnabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check MTU of the CVM network interfaces."
- ::= { nutanix 1238 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that all nics have no flapping."
- ::= { nutanix 1239 }
- ntxTrapIncorrectNTPConfiguration NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that NTP is configured properly on CVM/Hypervisor."
- ::= { nutanix 1240 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that all CVMs are reachable via ping."
- ::= { nutanix 1241 }
- ntxTrapNGTInstallationRequired NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Some VMs in protection domain replicating to cross-hypervisor remote site do not have NGT installed."
- ::= { nutanix 1242 }
- ntxTrapTooManyFilesInTheProtectionDomain NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks if too many files are being protected by any Metro/Vstore protection domain."
- ::= { nutanix 1243 }
- ntxTrapTooManyFilesInTheConsistencyGroup NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks if too many files are being protected by a single consistency group of any Metro/Vstore protection domain."
- ::= { nutanix 1244 }
- ntxTrapFoundOldClonesOnCluster NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check for any clones restored from protection domain snapshots that are too old."
- ::= { nutanix 1245 }
- ntxTrapTooManyClonesOnCluster NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if there are too many clones restored from protection domain snapshots."
- ::= { nutanix 1246 }
- ntxTrapProtectingVMsThatAreUsingSharedVHDXDisksIsUnsupported NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if VMs with shared VHDX disks are not part of any protection domain."
- ::= { nutanix 1247 }
- ntxTrapSymlinksFoundOnMetrovstoreProtectedContainer NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check for symlinks in metro/vstore protection domain."
- ::= { nutanix 1248 }
- ntxTrapAgedThirdpartyBackupSnapshotsPresent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check for aged third-party backup snapshots."
- ::= { nutanix 1249 }
- ntxTrapProtectionDomainContainsMoreThanOneEntity NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if protection domains being replicated to backup site contain more than one entity."
- ::= { nutanix 1250 }
- ntxTrapRemoteSiteConnectivityNotNormal NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if connectivity to remote sites is normal."
- ::= { nutanix 1251 }
- ntxTrapCPUAverageLoadHighOnControllerVM NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Verify system load average for the past 5 minutes is below cvm_load_average_threshold."
- ::= { nutanix 1252 }
- ntxTrapCPUAverageLoadCriticallyHighOnControllerVM NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Verify system load average for the past 5 minutes is below cvm_load_average_threshold_critical."
- ::= { nutanix 1253 }
- ntxTrapControllerVMCertificateExpiring NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if node certificates are about to expire."
- ::= { nutanix 1254 }
- ntxTrapClusterCertificateExpiring NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if CA certificates are about to expire."
- ::= { nutanix 1255 }
- ntxTrapRemoteSiteInsecure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if Remote site contains encrypted drives if the local site does."
- ::= { nutanix 1256 }
- ntxTrapMixedSelfEncryptingDriveHardware NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Cluster with self-encrypting drives has non-self encrypting drives installed."
- ::= { nutanix 1257 }
- ntxTrapKeyManagementServerUnavailable NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check Key Management Server is available."
- ::= { nutanix 1258 }
- ntxTrapNumberOfOrphanedEgroupsIsOverTheRecommendedThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that the number of orphaned egroups are below the recommended threshold."
- ::= { nutanix 1259 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that CVM memory usage is not high."
- ::= { nutanix 1260 }
- ntxTrapClusterServicesAreDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that no services are down in the cluster."
- ::= { nutanix 1261 }
- ntxTrapKernelMemoryUsageHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks whether CVM's kernel memory usage is higher than expected."
- ::= { nutanix 1262 }
- ntxTrapCVMServicesRestartingFrequently NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if services have restarted recently in the Controller VM."
- ::= { nutanix 1263 }
- ntxTrapClusterServiceRestartingFrequently NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if services have restarted recently across the cluster."
- ::= { nutanix 1264 }
- ntxTrapCVMConnectivityFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that SVM has passwordless connection to each other."
- ::= { nutanix 1265 }
- ntxTrapStorageContainerReplicationFactorLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that the Storage Container region replication factor is not low."
- ::= { nutanix 1266 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that Cvm is not rebooted recently."
- ::= { nutanix 1267 }
- ntxTrapRemoteSupportEnabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks if remote support tunnel to Nutanix HQ is enabled on this cluster."
- ::= { nutanix 1268 }
- ntxTrapDatastoreVMCountHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks for high VM count on datastores."
- ::= { nutanix 1269 }
- ntxTrapHighVDiskCountInTheCluster NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks for high vDisk count in the cluster."
- ::= { nutanix 1270 }
- ntxTrapAllFlashNodesMixedWithNonallflashNodes NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks that all-flash nodes do not coexist with non-all-flash nodes in a cluster."
- ::= { nutanix 1271 }
- ntxTrapHaswellAndBroadwellCPUsAreInTheSameChassis NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks whether CPUs within a chassis are of the same type."
- ::= { nutanix 1272 }
- ntxTrapTimeSinceLastCuratorScanIsBeyondThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if time since last Curator Scan is beyond threshold."
- ::= { nutanix 1273 }
- ntxTrapSnapshotChainHeightExceedsThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that snapshot chain height is less than 25."
- ::= { nutanix 1274 }
- ntxTrapDIMMsOfDifferentTypesInOneMemoryChannel NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "DIMMs Interoperability Check."
- ::= { nutanix 1275 }
- ntxTrapZookeeperNotActiveOnAllCVMs NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks if number of active zookeepers is equal to the total number of zookeeper CVMs."
- ::= { nutanix 1276 }
- ntxTrapM60GPUConfigurationWrongOnTheNode NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check number of M60 GPUs on a node."
- ::= { nutanix 1277 }
- ntxTrapM10GPUConfigurationWrongOnTheNode NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check number of M10 GPUs on a node."
- ::= { nutanix 1278 }
- ntxTrapM10AndM60GPUsInstalledOnTheSameNode NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if M10 and M60 GPUs installed on the same node."
- ::= { nutanix 1279 }
- ntxTrapPCVCPUAvailabilityCheck NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks if the number of vCPUs is sufficient for the number of VM entities in Prism Central."
- ::= { nutanix 1280 }
- ntxTrapPCSufficientDiskSpaceCheck NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks if the amount of storage is sufficient for the number of VM entities in Prism Central."
- ::= { nutanix 1281 }
- ntxTrapPCMemoryAvailabilityCheck NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks if the amount of memory is sufficient for the number of VM entities in Prism Central."
- ::= { nutanix 1282 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks if the number of VM entities is within the limit."
- ::= { nutanix 1283 }
- ntxTrapStoragePoolSpaceUsageExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check high space usage on storagepools."
- ::= { nutanix 1284 }
- ntxTrapDiskInodeUsageHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that current inode usage is above inode_usage_threshold_pct."
- ::= { nutanix 1285 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that if some disk is not part of any storage pool."
- ::= { nutanix 1286 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks whether fusion io drive has worn out beyond write limit."
- ::= { nutanix 1287 }
- ntxTrapFusionIOTemperatureHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks whether temperature exceeded on fusion-io drive."
- ::= { nutanix 1288 }
- ntxTrapFusionIOReserveLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks whether fusion io reserves are down."
- ::= { nutanix 1289 }
- ntxTrapFusionIODiskFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks whether fusion-io drive has failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1290 }
- ntxTrapStorageContainerSpaceUsageExceededNCCCheck NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check high space usage on Storage Containers."
- ::= { nutanix 1291 }
- ntxTrapDataDiskSpaceUsageHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that current amount of disk usage is above disk_usage_threshold_pct."
- ::= { nutanix 1292 }
- ntxTrapSystemPartitionsSpaceUsageHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that current amount of disk usage is above home_nutanix_usage_threshold_pct."
- ::= { nutanix 1293 }
- ntxTrapStorageDeviceHealthBad NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Smartctl health bad."
- ::= { nutanix 1294 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check for wear out on Intel PCIe SSDs."
- ::= { nutanix 1295 }
- ntxTrapIntelSSDTemperatureHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the temperature on Intel PCIe SSDs."
- ::= { nutanix 1296 }
- ntxTrapCVMBootRaidDegraded NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the health of boot RAID volumes."
- ::= { nutanix 1297 }
- ntxTrapAbnormalHostBootRAIDState NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the health of boot RAID volumes."
- ::= { nutanix 1298 }
- ntxTrapHypervisorDiskSpaceUsageHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks that host disk usage is not high."
- ::= { nutanix 1299 }
- ntxTrapInvalidDriveConfiguration NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks whether combination of SSDs and HDDs is valid."
- ::= { nutanix 1300 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks that host SATA DOM is functioning."
- ::= { nutanix 1301 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks that host SATA DOM is reachable."
- ::= { nutanix 1302 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks the wearout of SATA DOM via SMART data."
- ::= { nutanix 1303 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks the wearout of SATADOM-SL 3IE3 via SMART data."
- ::= { nutanix 1304 }
- ntxTrapSATADOMNeedsFirmwareVersionUpgradeToS170119 NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks the firmware version of SATA DOM."
- ::= { nutanix 1305 }
- ntxTrapmodelFirmwareVersionIsNotTheLatestFirmwareVersion NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks the firmware version of SATA DOM."
- ::= { nutanix 1306 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks that no guest VM is installed on SATA DOM."
- ::= { nutanix 1307 }
- ntxTrapSASConnectivityNotNormal NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check SAS connectivity."
- ::= { nutanix 1308 }
- ntxTrapSamsungPM1633DriveHasWornOut NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks the status of Samsung PM1633 drive via SMART data."
- ::= { nutanix 1309 }
- ntxTrapToshibaPM3DriveHasWornOut NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks the status of Toshiba PM3 drive via SMART data."
- ::= { nutanix 1310 }
- ntxTrapToshibaPM4DriveHasWornOut NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the status of Toshiba PM4 drive."
- ::= { nutanix 1311 }
- ntxTrapSM863DriveHasWornOut NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the status of SM863 and SM863a SSD drive."
- ::= { nutanix 1312 }
- ntxTrapMicron5100DriveHasWornOut NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the status of Micron5100 SSD drive."
- ::= { nutanix 1313 }
- ntxTrapIntelSSDS3610OnipaddressHasConfigurationProblems NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if node has supported configuration for Intel SSD S3610."
- ::= { nutanix 1314 }
- ntxTrapOfflineDiskInACluster NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check for the offline disks."
- ::= { nutanix 1315 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that host NVMe drive is functioning properly."
- ::= { nutanix 1316 }
- ntxTrapHypervisorBootDriveWearHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check Hyve boot disk status."
- ::= { nutanix 1317 }
- ntxTrapVMIsProtectedInMultiplePDs NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "VMs are protected in multiple Protection Domains."
- ::= { nutanix 1318 }
- ntxTrapProtectedVMsNotOnNutanixStorage NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protected VMs have invalid storage configuration."
- ::= { nutanix 1319 }
- ntxTrapClusterConnectivityStatus NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Tests whether the cluster connectivity is fine."
- ::= { nutanix 1320 }
- ntxTrapHighGarbageDueToErasureCoding NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks if erasure coding garbage is below a safe threshold."
- ::= { nutanix 1321 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks erasure coding is enabled on cluster with version < 4.5.2."
- ::= { nutanix 1322 }
- ntxTrapInvalidErasureCodeDelayParameter NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Validate the EC param value for erasure-code-delay."
- ::= { nutanix 1323 }
- ntxTrapFlashModeConfigurationHasExceededTheThresholdLimit NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the total configured size of flash-mode-enabled vDisks with respect to the threshold limit."
- ::= { nutanix 1324 }
- ntxTrapFlashModeUsageLimitExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the amount of usage by flash-mode-enabled vDisks with respect to the threshold limit."
- ::= { nutanix 1325 }
- ntxTrapFlashmodeenabledVMPowerStatus NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if any flash-mode-enabled VMs are Powered Off."
- ::= { nutanix 1326 }
- ntxTrapStoragePoolFlashModeConfiguration NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Flash Mode is not supported when multiple storage pools are in use."
- ::= { nutanix 1327 }
- ntxTrapTestNotificationTitle NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Test Notification."
- ::= { nutanix 1328 }
- ntxTrapIncompatibleFileServer NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "File Server version incompatible with AOS."
- ::= { nutanix 1329 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the compatibility of Samsung PM1633 drives with NOS and Foundation versions."
- ::= { nutanix 1330 }
- ntxTrapFirmwareVersionOfSamsungPM1633DrivesIsOld NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the firmware of Samsung PM1633 drives."
- ::= { nutanix 1331 }
- ntxTrapMoreThanOneTypeOfToshibaPM4DrivesInstalledOnTheNode NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the Configuration of Toshiba PM4 drives."
- ::= { nutanix 1332 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the compatibility of Toshiba PM4 drives with NOS and Foundation versions."
- ::= { nutanix 1333 }
- ntxTrapFirmwareVersionOfToshibaPM4DrivesIsOld NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the firmware of Toshiba PM4 drives."
- ::= { nutanix 1334 }
- ntxTrapFirmwareVersionOfSM863DrivesIsOld NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the firmware of SM863 or SM863a drives."
- ::= { nutanix 1335 }
- ntxTrapFewerThanTwoNonSamsungPM863aDrivesInstalledOnTheNode NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the types of disk drives on a node that has PM863a drives installed."
- ::= { nutanix 1336 }
- ntxTrapFirmwareVersionOfPM863aDrivesIsOld NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check firmware of PM863a drives."
- ::= { nutanix 1337 }
- ntxTrapPM863aDriveHasWornOut NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the status of PM863a SSD."
- ::= { nutanix 1338 }
- ntxTrapOfflineDiskInCluster NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check for offline disks."
- ::= { nutanix 1339 }
- ntxTrapMetadataDisksNotMountedOnCVM NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that all metadata disks are mounted."
- ::= { nutanix 1340 }
- ntxTrapFileServerUpgradeTaskIsNotProgressing NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that file server task is progressing."
- ::= { nutanix 1341 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "VMs in the standby site of a Metro Availability protection domain are running at suboptimal performance."
- ::= { nutanix 1342 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Error in updating failure handling on the remote Metro Availability protection domain."
- ::= { nutanix 1343 }
- ntxTrapFileServerCloneFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "File Server Clone Failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1344 }
- ntxTrapFileServerRenameFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "File Server Rename Failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1345 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Failed to mount ISO image as part of Nutanix Guest Tools reconfiguration for a VM in protection domain."
- ::= { nutanix 1346 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Failed to enable Nutanix Guest Tools during VMs recovery for protection domain."
- ::= { nutanix 1347 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Snapshot contains entities from the storage container that have deduplication enabled."
- ::= { nutanix 1348 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Replication of protection domain has not progressed."
- ::= { nutanix 1349 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the compatibility of SM863a drives with NOS and Foundation versions."
- ::= { nutanix 1350 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the compatibility of PM863a drives with AOS and Foundation versions."
- ::= { nutanix 1351 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks if Mellanox NICs are down or if any Mellanox NIC has speed other than 10GbE or 40GbE. Checks if both 10GbE and 40GbE Mellanox NICs are installed on one node."
- ::= { nutanix 1352 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Unsupported number of VMs in Metro/Vstore Protection Domain."
- ::= { nutanix 1353 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Replications are scheduled on entitites from the storage containers that have deduplication enabled."
- ::= { nutanix 1354 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that cluster virtual IP address is part of cluster external subnet."
- ::= { nutanix 1355 }
- ntxTrapMaximumConnectionsLimitReachedOnAFileServerVM NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Maximum connections limit reached on a file server VM."
- ::= { nutanix 1356 }
- ntxTrapFailedToAddOneOrMoreFileServerAdministratorUsersOrGroups NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Failed to add one or more users or groups as file server administrators."
- ::= { nutanix 1357 }
- ntxTrapUserDefinedAlert NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "This trap corresponds to any of user defined alerts."
- ::= { nutanix 1358 }
- ntxTrapFileServerNetworkChangeFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "File Server Network Change Failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1359 }
- ntxTrapSnapshotCreationDelayed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protection domain protection_domain_name has creation of one or more snapshots delayed."
- ::= { nutanix 1360 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protection Domain protection_domain_name will maintain rpo_string RPO until a baseline is established to remote_site remote_name."
- ::= { nutanix 1361 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protection Domain fallback to lower frequency replications to remote."
- ::= { nutanix 1362 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protection Domain transitioning to higher frequency snapshot schedule."
- ::= { nutanix 1363 }
- ntxTrapFoundationVersionsInconsistent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that the Foundation version are correct and consistent."
- ::= { nutanix 1364 }
- ntxTrapMetadataDiskUsageIsHigherThanTheSpecifiedLimit NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if metadata disk usage on cloud Controller VM is within the specified limit."
- ::= { nutanix 1365 }
- ntxTrapVolumeGroupSpaceUsageExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check high space usage on volume groups."
- ::= { nutanix 1366 }
- ntxTrapVSSContainersHaveHighFileCount NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check containers file count within limit."
- ::= { nutanix 1367 }
- ntxTrapCVMdestipIsUnreachable NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that all CVMs are reachable via ping."
- ::= { nutanix 1368 }
- ntxTrapIncorrectClusterInformationInTheRemoteSite NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if the cluster information in remote site is correct."
- ::= { nutanix 1369 }
- ntxTrapProtectionDomainActivationMayFailAsConflictingFilesExist NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if any existing file turns into a conflicting state after activating an inactive Protection Domain."
- ::= { nutanix 1370 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Cluster was unable to provide requested vNUMA pinning for VM."
- ::= { nutanix 1371 }
- ntxTrapGuestPowerOperationThroughNGTFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Guest Power Operation Failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1372 }
- ntxTrapMellanoxNICNotInstalledOrWithWrongTypeOnHostMachine NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks if Mellanox NICs belong to the ConnectX-3 Pro family."
- ::= { nutanix 1373 }
- ntxTrapNonComplianceWithHostAffinityPolicies NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "VM not in compliance with the defined affinity policies."
- ::= { nutanix 1374 }
- ntxTrapPolicyNotApplicableToAnyHost NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Policy as defined does not apply to any of the Hosts."
- ::= { nutanix 1375 }
- ntxTrapTheClusterIsNotSynchronizingTimeWithAnyExternalServers NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks to ensure that the Controller VM is synchronizing time with an NTP server."
- ::= { nutanix 1376 }
- ntxTrapTheHypervisorIsNotSynchronizingTimeWithAnyExternalServers NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks to ensure that the hypervisor is synchronizing time with an NTP server."
- ::= { nutanix 1377 }
- ntxTrapProtectionDomainActivationOrMigrationFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protection Domain Activation or Migration Failure."
- ::= { nutanix 1378 }
- ntxTrapProtectionDomainContainsMoreThanTheSpecifiedVMs NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protection domain contains multiple VMs."
- ::= { nutanix 1379 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks the wearout of SATADOM-ML 3SE via SMART data."
- ::= { nutanix 1380 }
- ntxTrapFileServerAntiVirusScanQueueFullOnFSVM NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Antivirus Scan Queue is Full on FSVM."
- ::= { nutanix 1381 }
- ntxTrapFileServerAntiVirusScanQueuePilingUpOnFSVM NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Antivirus Scan Queue is Piling Up on FSVM."
- ::= { nutanix 1382 }
- ntxTrapFileServerAntiVirusExcessiveQuarantinedUnquarantinedFiles NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Excessive Quarantined / Unquarantined Files on File Server."
- ::= { nutanix 1383 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Quarantined / Unquarantined Files Limit is Reached on File Server."
- ::= { nutanix 1384 }
- ntxTrapFailedToTakeTheApplicationconsistentSnapshotForTheVM NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Failed to take the application-consistent snapshot for the VM."
- ::= { nutanix 1385 }
- ntxTrapRemovalOfTheTemporaryHypervisorSnapshotFailedForTheVM NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Removal of the temporary hypervisor snapshot that got created while taking the host-based application-consistent snapshot has failed for the VM."
- ::= { nutanix 1386 }
- ntxTrapCloudDiskUsageIsNearingTheThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if the cloud disk usage is within the threshold limit."
- ::= { nutanix 1387 }
- ntxTrapDIMMsHaveInvalidPartNumber NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "DIMMs Part Number Check."
- ::= { nutanix 1388 }
- ntxTrapAzureCloudControllerVMHasSmallerDisks NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Verify that the Azure cloud Controller VM has recommended configuration."
- ::= { nutanix 1389 }
- ntxTrapFirmwareVersionOfSM863OrSM863aDrivesIsOld NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the firmware of SM863 or SM863a drives."
- ::= { nutanix 1390 }
- ntxTrapM2Micron5100HostBootDriveHasWornOut NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the status of M.2 Micron5100 host boot drive."
- ::= { nutanix 1391 }
- ntxTrapM2IntelS3520HostBootDriveHasWornOut NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the status of M.2 Intel S3520 host boot drive."
- ::= { nutanix 1392 }
- ntxTrapClusterInOverrideMode NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Single-node cluster is in override mode."
- ::= { nutanix 1393 }
- ntxTrapMultipleVcentersDiscovered NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Multiple vCenter servers discovered."
- ::= { nutanix 1394 }
- ntxTrapProtectionRuleTestAlertTitle NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Test Alert ProtectionRule."
- ::= { nutanix 1395 }
- ntxTrapExternalClientAuthentication NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks if any external client is authenticated to the REST API with the admin user."
- ::= { nutanix 1396 }
- ntxTrapTwoNodeClusterStateChangeToclusteroperationmode NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Change in state of two node cluster."
- ::= { nutanix 1397 }
- ntxTrapWitnessIsUnreachableFromNode NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Witness is unreachable, the node may not be able to handle failure."
- ::= { nutanix 1398 }
- ntxTrapTwoNodeClusterChangedStateToStandaloneMode NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "One of the nodes in a two node cluster is currently unavailable, the cluster is now operating in stand-alone mode."
- ::= { nutanix 1399 }
- ntxTrapTwoNodeClusterStateChangeTostate NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Change in state of two node cluster."
- ::= { nutanix 1400 }
- ntxTrapTwoNodeClusterStateChangeToStandaloneMode NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Change in state of two node cluster."
- ::= { nutanix 1401 }
- ntxTrapRecoveryPlanExecutionFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Recovery plan execution on recovery_plan_name failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1402 }
- ntxTrapXiPaymentMissed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Unable to process payment. If this issue persists, you may experience an interruption in service."
- ::= { nutanix 1403 }
- ntxTrapFreeXiAccountExpired NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Free period using Xi expired. If this issue persists, you may experience an interruption in service."
- ::= { nutanix 1404 }
- ntxTrapXiSubscriptionExpired NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Xi subscription period expired. If this issue persists, you may experience an interruption in service."
- ::= { nutanix 1405 }
- ntxTrapEntitySyncFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Entity Sync Failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1406 }
- ntxTrapNucalmInternalServiceHasStoppedWorking NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Nucalm internal service is down."
- ::= { nutanix 1407 }
- ntxTrapEpsilonInternalServiceHasStoppedWorking NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Epsilon internal service is down."
- ::= { nutanix 1408 }
- ntxTrapProtectionRuleConflictOccurred NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Unable to protect VM due to conflicting protection rules."
- ::= { nutanix 1409 }
- ntxTrapDomainFaultToleranceIsReducedForMetadata NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Domain fault tolerance is low for metadata."
- ::= { nutanix 1410 }
- ntxTrapVMProtectionFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "VM protection failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1411 }
- ntxTrapVMRecoveryPointReplicationFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "VM recovery point replication failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1412 }
- ntxTrapVMRecoveryPointCreationFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "VM recovery point creation failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1413 }
- ntxTrapMicrosegmentationControlPlaneFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Microsegmentation failure event."
- ::= { nutanix 1414 }
- ntxTrapMicrosegmentationRuleFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Programming a microsegmentation rule failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1415 }
- ntxTrapDriveRemovalStuck NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Drive Removal Stuck."
- ::= { nutanix 1416 }
- ntxTrapFileServerNTPServersConnectivityFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "File server cannot connect to NTP server."
- ::= { nutanix 1417 }
- ntxTrapFileServerTimeIsOutOfSyncWithTheActiveDirectory NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "File server time is out of sync with the Active Directory domain controllers."
- ::= { nutanix 1418 }
- ntxTrapFileServerDNSResolverIPConnectivityFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "File server cannot resolve its domain name using configured DNS resolver IP addresses."
- ::= { nutanix 1419 }
- ntxTrapFileServerUserManagementConfigurationFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Given user management options could not be configured for the file server."
- ::= { nutanix 1420 }
- ntxTraphomePartitionUsageOnAFileServerVMHigherThanThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Space consumption under /home partition on file server VM is higher than the set threshold."
- ::= { nutanix 1421 }
- ntxTrapFileServerDNSRecordsCannotBeRefreshed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "File server DNS records periodic refresh failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1422 }
- ntxTrapFileServerShareBackupDiffPathTranslationFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Backup diff found inodes whose path translation failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1423 }
- ntxTrapFileServerPartnerServerConnectivityDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Partner server is not responding to file notifications."
- ::= { nutanix 1424 }
- ntxTrapFileServerPDActionToIncompatibleRemoteSiteAOS NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Remote Site AOS version is not compatible with File Server version."
- ::= { nutanix 1425 }
- ntxTrapFileServerServicesGotInterrupted NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "One of the fileserver services crashed."
- ::= { nutanix 1426 }
- ntxTrapCommonPortGroupBetweenESXiHostsIsAbsent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Common port group between ESXi hosts is not present."
- ::= { nutanix 1427 }
- ntxTrapFailedToReceiveSnapshotForTheProtectionDomain NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Protection Domain Receive Snapshot Failure."
- ::= { nutanix 1428 }
- ntxTrapHostNetworkUplinkConfigurationFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Failed to apply host uplink configuration on the host(s)."
- ::= { nutanix 1429 }
- ntxTrapRestartVMsBeforePerformingUpgradeOrMigrateOperation NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Restart all the VMs before you perform the upgrade or migrate operation."
- ::= { nutanix 1430 }
- ntxTrapOplogEpisodeCountCheck NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that oplog episode count is within threshold."
- ::= { nutanix 1431 }
- ntxTrapCerebroStatsCollectorFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Collect Cerebro stats and publish to CFS."
- ::= { nutanix 1432 }
- ntxTrapLatencyBetweenvmtypes NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks whether latency among CVMs is high."
- ::= { nutanix 1433 }
- ntxTrapLicenseInvalid NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check for license capacity."
- ::= { nutanix 1434 }
- ntxTrapRemoteSiteAOSNotCompatibleWithFileServerVersion NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks File server remote sites AOS are file server version compatible."
- ::= { nutanix 1435 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the compatibility of Intel S4600 drives with AOS and Foundation versions."
- ::= { nutanix 1436 }
- ntxTrapFirmwareVersionOfIntelS4600DrivesIsOld NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check firmware of Intel S4600 drives."
- ::= { nutanix 1437 }
- ntxTrapIntelS4600DriveHasWornOut NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the status of Intel S4600 SSD."
- ::= { nutanix 1438 }
- ntxTrapHostBootDiskSerialNumberHasChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check the change of host boot disk."
- ::= { nutanix 1439 }
- ntxTrapSataControllerStatusIsBad NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check SATA controller ports."
- ::= { nutanix 1440 }
- ntxTrapSamsung863Or863aOnipaddressHasConfigurationProblems NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if node has supported configuration for Samsung 863 or 863a."
- ::= { nutanix 1441 }
- ntxTrapHypervisorBootDriveRAIDIsInAnUnhealthyState NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks the status of Dell Marvell BOSS hypervisor boot drive."
- ::= { nutanix 1442 }
- ntxTrapCVMPortGroupRenamed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that CVM port group name has not changed."
- ::= { nutanix 1443 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if any orphan VSS copies are present."
- ::= { nutanix 1444 }
- ntxTrapActiveDirectoryDCsAndorDNSServersRunningOnCluster NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if all active directory domain controllers and DNS servers are running on Nutanix cluster."
- ::= { nutanix 1445 }
- ntxTrappowersourceDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that Power supply has no errors."
- ::= { nutanix 1446 }
- ntxTrapCPUTemperatureLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that cpu temperature is not too low."
- ::= { nutanix 1447 }
- ntxTrapRAMTemperatureLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that DIMM temperature is not low."
- ::= { nutanix 1448 }
- ntxTrapSystemTemperatureLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that system temperature is not low."
- ::= { nutanix 1449 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check fetching IPMI SEL logs."
- ::= { nutanix 1450 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check for IPMI SEL Power failure in the past 24 hours."
- ::= { nutanix 1451 }
- ntxTrapAggressiveBreakReplicationTimeout NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if break replication timeout of metro protection domain is more than the recommended limit."
- ::= { nutanix 1452 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that CVM or PC VM memory usage is not high."
- ::= { nutanix 1453 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that CVM or PC VM CPU load is not high."
- ::= { nutanix 1454 }
- ntxTrapCVMRenamedIncorrectly NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that CVM has been named properly."
- ::= { nutanix 1455 }
- ntxTrapvmtypeRebooted NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that Cvm is not rebooted recently."
- ::= { nutanix 1456 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that disk space usage on the Prism Central VM is within limits."
- ::= { nutanix 1457 }
- ntxTrapvmtypeVirtualIPCheck NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if virtual ip is configured and reachable."
- ::= { nutanix 1458 }
- ntxTrapvmtypeSameTimezoneCheck NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check that all CVMs are in the same timezone."
- ::= { nutanix 1459 }
- ntxTrapDIMMConfigurationIsWrong NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "DIMM Configuration Check."
- ::= { nutanix 1460 }
- ntxTrapP40GPUConfigurationWrongOnTheNode NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check number of P40 GPUs on a node."
- ::= { nutanix 1461 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check BMC version of P40 GPUs on a node."
- ::= { nutanix 1462 }
- ntxTrapMemoryConfigurationInconsistent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check all Controller VM or Prism Central VM memory is at the same level."
- ::= { nutanix 1463 }
- ntxTrapEntityCountExceededTheMaximumLimit NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Entity Count Exceeded the Maximum Limit."
- ::= { nutanix 1464 }
- ntxTrapAOSUpgradesAreDisabledOncvmip NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if AOS upgrades are disabled on CVM."
- ::= { nutanix 1465 }
- ntxTrapFirmwareUpgradesAreDisabledOncvmip NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if firmware upgrades are disabled on the CVM."
- ::= { nutanix 1466 }
- ntxTrapHypervisorDiskdevnameSpaceUsageHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks that host disk usage is not high."
- ::= { nutanix 1467 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check passwordless SSH into local hypervisor."
- ::= { nutanix 1468 }
- ntxTrapCPUsOfDifferentTypesOrModelsAreInTheSameChassis NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks whether CPUs within a chassis are of the same type."
- ::= { nutanix 1469 }
- ntxTrapRecoveryPointReplicationSkipped NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Recovery Point Replication Skipped."
- ::= { nutanix 1470 }
- ntxTrapNetworkCreationFailureForRecoveryPlan NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Network network_cidr creation failed for the Recovery Plan recovery_plan_name."
- ::= { nutanix 1471 }
- ntxTrapVirtualIPAddressNotConfiguredOnTheRemoteCluster NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Virtual IP address is not configured on the remote cluster."
- ::= { nutanix 1472 }
- ntxTrapEntityCountExceedDiscovered NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Entity count exceed discovered."
- ::= { nutanix 1473 }
- ntxTrapVMReplicationFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "VM Replication Failure."
- ::= { nutanix 1474 }
- ntxTrapVMReplicationExpired NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "VM Replication Expired."
- ::= { nutanix 1475 }
- ntxTrapApplicationConsistentRecoveryPointFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Application consistent Recovery Point failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1476 }
- ntxTrapReplicationTimeExceededTheRPOLimit NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Replication Time Exceeded the RPO Limit."
- ::= { nutanix 1477 }
- ntxTrapNGTOnVMvmnameWasNotReachable NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "NGT on VM vm_name was not reachable."
- ::= { nutanix 1478 }
- ntxTrapVMReplicationHasNotProgressed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Replication of the VM has not progressed."
- ::= { nutanix 1479 }
- ntxTrapVSSProviderOrprefreezepostthawScriptsNotInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "VSS provider or pre_freeze/post_thaw Scripts Not Installed."
- ::= { nutanix 1480 }
- ntxTrapPartialRecoveryPoint NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Partial Recovery Point."
- ::= { nutanix 1481 }
- ntxTrapPulseCannotConnectToRESTServerEndpoint NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if Pulse can connect to REST server endpoint."
- ::= { nutanix 1482 }
- ntxTrapJumboFramesEnabledForNICnicnameOnservicevmexternalip NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check MTU of the CVM network interfaces."
- ::= { nutanix 1483 }
- ntxTrapUnableToRetrieveTheAvailabilityZoneEndpoint NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Unable to retrieve the endpoint information for the Availability Zone."
- ::= { nutanix 1484 }
- ntxTrapRecoveryPointReplicationFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Recovery Point replication failed."
- ::= { nutanix 1485 }
- ntxTrapUnableToCommunicateWithTheDataCenterManager NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Unable to retrieve the endpoint information for the Availability Zone from the Data Center Manager."
- ::= { nutanix 1486 }
- ntxTrapRemoteSiteInSameVCenterDatacenter NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if any remote site is added under the same datacenter in vCenter."
- ::= { nutanix 1487 }
- ntxTrapV100GPUConfigurationWrongOnTheNode NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check number of V100 GPUs on a node."
- ::= { nutanix 1488 }
- ntxTrapApplicationsArchiveReadyForDownload NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Archive ready for download."
- ::= { nutanix 1489 }
- ntxTrapMoreThanOneTypeOfGPUsInstalledOnTheSameNode NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Check if more than one type of GPUs installed on the same node."
- ::= { nutanix 1490 }
- ntxTrapVmRegisteredWithoutNetwork NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Failed to attach vNIC for recovered VM: vm_name."
- ::= { nutanix 1491 }
- ntxTrapAlertEmailFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Failed to send alert emails."
- ::= { nutanix 1492 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks whether the NICs on hypervisor are experiencing rx_crc errors."
- ::= { nutanix 1493 }
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Checks whether the NICs on hypervisor are experiencing rx_missed errors."
- ::= { nutanix 1494 }
- ntxTrapEntityUnprotectionFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Unable to unprotect VM due to some Internal Error."
- ::= { nutanix 1495 }
- ntxTrapAvailabilityZoneValidationFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Availability Zone is not Valid."
- ::= { nutanix 1496 }
- ntxTrapInvalidNetworkMappingForRecoveryPlanrecoveryplanname NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Network mapping have Availability Zones that are not in accordance with Availability Zone order list of Protection Policy applied to VMs in Recovery Plan."
- ::= { nutanix 1497 }
- ntxTrapDataProtectionTasksAreNotProgressing NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { ntxAlertCreationTime, ntxAlertDisplayMsg, ntxAlertTitle, ntxAlertSeverity }
- STATUS current
- DESCRIPTION "Cerebro Tasks got stuck."
- &