ℹ️ Your data is safe here... unless you make the SNIP gods angry. And let's just say they have a really bad sense of humor.

From Ungracious Madrill, 6 Years ago, written in Plain Text.
This paste is a reply to Alert Template from Kkrumm
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  1. <div xss=removed>
  2. <h2>{if %state == 1}<span xss=removed><b>%title{else}</b><span xss=removed><b>%title recovering{/if}</b></span></h2>
  3. Device Name: %hostname<br>
  4. Sys Name: %sysName<br>
  5. Location : %location<br>
  6. Severity: %severity<br>
  7. {if %state == 1}Time elapsed: %elapsed{/if}<br>
  8. Timestamp: %timestamp<br>
  9. Rule: {if %name}%name{else}%rule{/if}<br>
  10. {foreach �ults}
  11. Physical Interface: %value.ifDescr<br>
  12. Interface Description: %value.ifAlias<br>
  13. Interface Speed: {calc (%value.ifSpeed/1000000000)} Gbs<br>
  14. Inbound Utilization: {calc ((%value.ifInOctets_rate*8)/%value.ifSpeed)*100}%<br>
  15. Outbound Utilization: {calc ((%value.ifOutOctets_rate*8)/%value.ifSpeed)*100}%<br>
  16. {/foreach}