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From Funky Peccary, 6 Years ago, written in Plain Text.
  1. Pokemon glazed walkthrough guide
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  79. Head to the west side of town and go inside the build where the lady will give you another blank cd. Head over to the house to the west of the poke center. Then move to the right and then go south and surf.
  81. When you get close to the correct spot, the Adamant Cave will open up, where you can battle Dialga. Battle the three grunts and head on through the next entrance. Time to challenge the gym.
  83. No account? No worries. - Head back outside for a final time and head east into town. Pick them all up.
  85. Head up and west to the beach and surf over to the little area with the item. Follow the path and go north where you can pick some oran berries. The man standing by the tree off to the right will teach you headbutt. Keep going east , ignore the building for now and you will soon be in the next town. New bark Town Head into the lab and? Silver will leave and Chelle will soon follow. Go up and talk to Elm to pick a starter. Which is North out of Cherrygrove. Before we leave , head into the house next to his lab. Go upstairs and grab the luxury ball. Head back onto route 29 and go west until you can go north. There is a shiny stone to the east of him. Head back to Cherrygrove and go north where the guide will give you a badge case. Head into the house and talk to the old man , answer yes to his question for a sitrus berry. Leave and go north. You will come to a fork. The right path has a star peice and the left has battles. Once you go up the right path head into the house. He will give you an egg which will hatch in a Togepi. Head outside and pick the berries. Head north , ignore the cave for now and go west through the building Violet City The man in the south western house will trade you his Onix for a Bellsprout. Head north and Henri will stop you and tell you about his parents divorce and Regina forming a new coalition. He said they went to the ruins south of the city. Head into the school right above you and battle the three students if you want. Head north into the sprout tower to pick up an x defend. Go north and enter the hole. Follow the path to a battle and the next floor. Third floor has a trade stone. Head to the fourth floor and battle the three men. Go north where Li will tell Pius to leave the tower and Pius will tell you to contract him at the church of alpha to learn about arceus. Go pick up the escape rope and talk to Li to learn Bounce. Head on out and stock up on supplies. Head back up into the building. Head north into the ruins. Fall into the hole and go west. Follow this path and you will come to a scene with Regina and Drudge. She will take the orb and battle you. She will run off after you beat her , head back to the ladder that was being guarded before and go up. Falkner will stop to talk to you and ask if you are going to challenge his gym. Head south where you will find the penthouse key on the ground. Go back into town and heal if you need then head to the gym. Violet City Gym Cato will want to battle you before you go inside. You can now use Bounce outside of battle. He will also give you Aerial Ace. Head on up and fight the two engineers and grab the dragon fang off the table. Keep going through and battling them and you will end up finding a tabble with the three orbs , adamant , lustrous , and griseous. Pick them all up. You can now catch three more legendary pokemon refer to the top of the post. Go toward the three light green trees and Lards will run into you for a battle. Head inside the building and talk to him. He will tell you they track Latias and Latios and will tell you where they are if you ever want to know. Leave the building and head north on route 37. Take the right path for some apricorns. Ten take the other path north into the city. Ecruteak City Pius is there and will take you over to the Brass Tower. He will tell you to contact him if you hear anything about team fusion. He will tell you about the teleport systems. Head into the building to the left and battle all five kimono girls on stage. Then talk to the old man and he will give you a sacred ash. Head on into the gym. You now have the Fog Badge and he will also give you Shadow Ball. When you go onto route 39 Chelle will stop you for a battle and then run off. Talk to the girl outside on the farm for a moomoo milk. Head west then north and you can capture Mildred the Miltank. Pick the berries next to the house before you leave the farm. Head south to the next city. Olivine City There is a new lighthouse challenge here! Eight floors of fighting and at the top you will get Overheat and the chance to meet Amphy. You can buy a cup of cocoa in the olivine cafe. Time to head into the gym. Jasmine asks you to come with her. Head to Violet City then Route 36. Head back to Violet City and go west onto 36. The top floor of the mart sells all the evolution stones. Head south onto route 34. Go into the daycare and you can buy three eggs off a guy. Leave and follow the path south. Head down into the forest. Follow the path all the way around to Jasmine Whitney and Regina. Beat Regina and Celebi will show up. Celebi hands over the orb and Regina leaves. Pius shows up and takes Jasmine. Whitney asks you to come to the goldenrod gym with her. Go pick up the item ball you saw before , it contains a charcoal. Go north into the city. Goldenrod City : Revisit A man in the casino will give you the coin case. Lucbui in the train station will tell you a bit about the game. Head west and into the trade building. You will find multiple trainers wanting to trade. Go up to the second floor and oak will offer your a Kanto starter! Head on into the gym and follow the path. Whitney is here also. Walk up to them and they will talk to you. Whitney leaves , now you can start your battle. He also gives you Attract. Azalea Town The guy in the house to the north will make custom poke balls for apricorns. Head over to slowpokes well and go on in. Follow the path and pick up the kings rock. Follow the path and surf over to the ladder. Go down the steps and surf over to the next set if stairs with the poke ball , then the other side. We will come back here later to find the sapphire. Head back up and into the gym , Ernest stops you. Bugsy will also give you Sludge Bomb. Head on over to the house that is east of the gym. The old man will teach you Fury Cutter for the bamboo from before. Teleport to Ecruteak City and head west out of town towards the Miltank Farm. You can now cut the bamboo! Follow the path north again when you can. Keep going until you find the exit. Once on route 48 go behind the fence and head north to pick up the blank cd. Head back and go north on the sidewalk. Battle all the trainers and head west. Whitewood City Head inside and you will see Whitney talking to the Deacon who wont let her inside. Before we go inside. Head over to the house to the west of the poke center. The man inside will teach you whirlpool. Time to go inside the church. Walk up a bit and your screen will shoot over to Pius. Head outside and talk to Whitney then go into the graveyard and interact with the darker tombstone , it will open , go inside. Go into the first open door you see. Then follow the path into the next door where you will find a red key. Head back to the first locked door in the first area and unlock it. Go up that path past the battles and you will see Jasmine in the sell. Talk to her and she will give you the blue key. Head back and go through the first door you went in and unlock the next door. The guy inside will give you the yellow key , go back and unlock the yellow door. Sexton will tell you to not look behind the tombstone to the far south east. Go interact with it and it will read MMXIII. Go back down and enter it into Jasmines cell to free her. Go back to the room with Sexton in it , he will leave once you talk to him , go behind his desk and grab the Ornate key. Head back to Jasmine and unlock the next door. Time to battle Pius and Sexton. After beating them , they will leave and Jasmine will finally give you the Mineral Badge and Steel Wing! Time to challenge the next gym , head on up to the poke center. You will also get Calm Mind. He will heal your party because he can sense some turmoil soon. Head outside and Henri asking for your help in Mahogany Town That is Mahogany!! Teleport on over to Ecruteak City and head east on route 42. Mortar and follow the path all the way to the end to pick up a max revive then go back outside. Surf east over the water and go back in Mt. Mortar to pick up a nest ball in the second room down the ladder , go back outside. Cut the tree to get more apricorns then surf east. Go back into Mt. Mortar and go to the ladder at the end of the path to pick up a big pearl. Head back outside for a final time and head east into town. Go in the basement. Head down to the hallway where the grunt will block your way and battle you , beat him and head back up to reset him then follow that path to the rare candy. Go back and follow the path south and then west down the steps. Go all the way east to the next set of steps. The man to the west will heal you. Go north up the next set of steps. Follow this path south then west down to the next area. Do your double battle and go talk to Henri and Pius. Then we will go talk to Regina. Pryce will give her the orb and she will run off to the Bell tower. Go up the steps to your west and pick up Toxic then head back up to town. You can buy some items in the shop you are in. Head on over to Ecruteak City and go into the building to the north next to the water. Go on in and head north to the next floor. Go south and battle the grunts and head onto floor number three. Jump over the first step Top right then the four in the middle. Go north to battle a grunt then go over the next five steps. Go up the the next floor. Go south down one step then go west over one. Head south again until you can go west once more. Go past the next grunt and jump over the two steps on the top left and head into the hole. Jump over two steps to the north and down one to the south. Go over two to the west and head south. Then go south and head east over three steps where there will be a grunt and two pads. Jump on the left one to pick up a shiny stone and go back. Head back to the first teleport pad you came from and cross over two steps and head south. Jump in the most southern teleporter. Just follow this path as you go and pick up Sunny Day then head into the next teleporter. Go into the hole and you will be on the roof. You will see Regina place the orbs and somehow capture Ho-Oh with a regular poke ball. Battle her , Henri and Pius will show up. They will all leave and you can continue on your badge journey. Brass Tower Head over to the Brass Tower in Ecruteak City. This is pretty straightforward battle the sages and go up the stairs. Second floor has a fire stone in the top right corner. Max repel on the fourth floor. When you get to the teleport pad ignore it and head into the next area and you will be on the roof. Talk to the man and after that , every time you go to the top of the Bell tower one of the three legendary pokemon he spoke of will randomly be there so you can catch all three. Route 40 Head over to Olivine Town and go west through the checkpoint. Bridgette is there and will stop you to ask if you want to take on the challenge. Take it and go battle all five of her friends. Once you are done with that go back to her and she will give you a lucky egg. Go west into the city. Cianwood City The first house you see will have the Obedience Man. You can take mew here so it will listen to you. All the way south is the pharmacy. The yellow building is the dojo. Silver is inside go talk to him and he will get back to his gym. You can also battle the three people sitting at the tables. Surf around the back and rock climb to pick up the rare candy. Go up all the steps and head east and climb down the rocks to pick up a hard stone. Go back up and head west and all the way south out of the cave. Once outside head south then west. Go over the bridge to pick up the silverpowder and head into the cave. Go up not down. Go over the next few bridges. Head north up the steps to get to the safari zone where you will have twelve different areas you can catch pokemon. Go back outside and head west into the next town. Head to the west side of town and go inside the build where the lady will give you another blank cd. Head south after that and Chelle will stop you for a battle. Before we take on her brother in the gym , go south and west onto the docks where you can enter the surfing race. You need to get first place to get the Sea Jewel which will then let you catch a certain pokemon in the spatial sea. Time for the gym battle. Go up five spots , go over one so you are behind the first trainer. Go up two and to the right four. Go up seven and to the left twice. Go south three and west eight. Go north five and east two then north two and finally east two. Woohoo trial and error. You can use Dig outside of battle now thought you could before haha. He will also give you the move Thief. Follow the path and a Dragonite will stop and talk to you. You may take a ferry from Olivine to get there. Go into the building to the south and the man will tell you they canceled all the ferries due to the storm. Well guess what we are going anyways , head south outside onto the dock and dive. Once down here head all the way south and loop around the little turn and use dive once more. New Island Go onto shore and head up the stairs inside. Grab the Blank Cd off to the left and then go north up the steps. Save here Keep heading north until you see mewtwo! He will want to battle you. He uses the same party as you so it may be a little tough. Once you beat him he will battle you himself. You can use your master ball you got from before on him or try with your ultra ones. Woo hoo we have Mew and Mew Two now! Lake Of Rage North of Mahogany Town is Lake Of Rage. If you head all the way north on foot you will come to some trees you need to cut and then finally a house. Here a man will give you Hidden Power! Ice Path Head east of Mahogany and there will be a man waiting by a sign. He will give you Dig and tell you that if you use it on the divot you might find a way in. Use it and you will make a hole , jump in. Follow the path south and then east you need surf here pick up the max repel and go up the ladder. Head down the steps and surf again to the next ladder. Go pick up the nevermeltice and then go back to the iced over area. Start on the left side of the steps and go up so you hit the top left rock. Then move to the right and then go south and surf. Use rock climb and you will be at another iced over area. Jump off the ledge where the brown and gray rock meet. Smash it and go south and up the next ladder. Head down the steps and start at the middle so you can go pick up a rare candy then go back and start at the top and head over and up. Once up the ladder jump off the ledge so you can go pick up a nugget. Go north then east and south to the exit and the next city. Blackthorn City Head south and the first house you see will have a man who will trade you his ampharos for a dragonair. The movedeleter and relearner are both in the house west of the pokemart. Time to get your eighth Johto badge! Head north into the gym and fight all the sages. Once done head further north and start your battle. You can now use whirlpool outside of battle and you can now challenge the Johto League! She will also give you Dragon Claw. Head south and dive in the area to the most south east not the most southern one Follow the path until you can go up again. Head south down to the poke center and victory road! Victory Road For the sake of the guide I will take the long route. You can talk to the two men guarding the steps and they will let you through just go up and out and head north. Chelle will stop you for a battle. Head north to the ladder and go down. Go over the ice to get the Max Revive up the steps then head back and go into the next area. You will need to dive down this next ladder. Head west north then east to the next area. Go up the steps and then the ladder. Rock climb down , pick up the cd and go up the ladder. Go west and rock climb up. I guess you do have to take the guarded steps that I first mentioned. Whoever made this is sneaky. If you want the items in Victory road just follow that part of the guide. Head inside the Johto League building. Battle Cato off to the right. Heal up and buy your supplies before we start. Once you get registered you will get a call from Henri saying he knows where Regina and Pius are headed and to meet him in Evergreen Town.
  86. You can now use Strength out of battles. New Bark Town Head into the lab and. You now have the Fog Badge and he will also give you Glad Ball. Go north then west and you get a lantern from the poke ball. Such a pain in the butt. Temporal Tower Follow the path and grab the pearl. The boat will crash on Haunted Isle and he will ask you to go after Prime Fusion while he repairs the ship. Go up all the steps and head east and climb down the rocks to pick up a hard stone. There are three trainers before Sparky which you can choose to battle or not. Sparky will also give you Thunderbolt. You can take mew here so it will prime to you. You can now pokemon glazed walkthrough guide the bamboo!.