ℹ️ Your data is safe here... unless you make the SNIP gods angry. And let's just say they have a really bad sense of humor.

From Whipped Armadillo, 6 Years ago, written in Plain Text.
  1. root@nms:/var/opt/librenms# ./scripts/github-apply 8508
  2. Checking patch scripts/auth_test.php...
  3. Applied patch scripts/auth_test.php cleanly.
  4. root@nms:/var/opt/librenms/scripts# ./auth_test.php -v -u MYUSER
  5. Authentication Method: ldap
  6. Password:
  7. Authenticate user MYUSER:
  8. Error: LibreNMS\Exceptions\AuthenticationException thrown!
  9. Success
  10. root@nms:/var/opt/librenms/scripts#