- Ruby on rails dating site
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- Why would you do all this? NOTE: Editing files requires Unix line returns which is why was suggested. About Blog RubyTapas is for the busy Ruby or Rails developer who is ready to reach the next level of code mastery. My Setup ———————————————————— — Linux Deluxe Plan — Windows Vista — Ruby 1.
- To do this, you need to get your Rails application server running. Genius to create its annotation service. With wp-config, you can make your WordPress site more secure, enforce best practices, reduce page load time, optimize your database, and perform many other customizations. My Choices: The Top Three Ruby on Rails Hosts With the popularity of Ruby on Rails, many providers will claim that they offer hosting for your Rails projects.
- Online Dating Blog - The front action serves as the front-page when user is not logged in. Often, there is more than one route to each controller, and different routes can be served by different actions.
- I am a Rails fanboy. In my opinion Ruby on Rails is one of the best web development frameworks ever developed. Web development has become so much fun for me because of it. For quite some time I have been thinking of writing a blog post on Rails. I wanna build something awesome and write a tutorial on it. The idea of developing a social networking platform has always excited me. So I am gonna try and build one using Rails. Start Hacking To create a new rails app run rails new socify. This will generate the app structure and the Gemfile which contains the default gemset that ships with rails. Go into the app directory. The first thing we need to do is modify the default gemset. Just use this which contains the required gems. To fetch the gems and resolve dependencies we use. Note that we have bundler already installed during setup. Go ahead and type bundle install. Note: For version control I use Git. You can using replace the default. Try running rails s and visit. This should display the default landing page that says — Welcome Aboard. You're Riding Ruby on Rails! We can add the custom css and js files to the pipeline. First of all rename application. Also remove turbolinks Not a big fan of it from application. Include the required assets. Add a simple Navbar. Authentication And one more thing, Don't Reinvent the Wheel. We will try to follow this throughout the development of this app. So rather than solving a problem that already has an optimal solution we can re-use the solution. Devise provides an excellent authentication mechanism by taking care of user authentication, security and session management. Run rails g devise:install. There are a few things to configure after setting devise. Things to configure after devise:install Note: Okay, I got a really weird error which was caused due to a single line in application. Removed and everything works smooth now. Ignore if you are not facing it. Generate devise user model using rails g devise user. Run rake db:migrate to create the users table with the respective fields. Just adding :confirmable to user model will do the trick. Everything in devise works out-of-the-box. You might see a form that devise has already generated behind the scenes. Is this cool or what! Of course we can. This generator rails g devise:views copies the default views to our app for us to override. We can use some boilerplate code for the forms. You can check it out. Since we are adding new attributes to devise forms we need to tell devise controllers which params to allow. Read more about strong params. To generate the basic CRUD for post lets use scaffolding. This will generate the model, controller, views along with the database migration. And since post belongs to the user model we can add a reference to it which will generate the necessary relations. If there are errors we will pass it along while redirecting. Carrierwave: To handle file uploads we can use. With carrierwave file uploads are really easy to handle. Generate an uploader class which contains the necessary configuration to handle the file after upload. Now all we need to do is mount the uploader in the model. I am just gonna use the following jQuery plugin. Add the assets to directory and include in application. Format the date in the following format and let Rails take care of the rest. I am not going to Reinvent the wheel as stated above. The following commands will create votes table to store the likes info. The following commands will generate comment model along with the migration for it. Generate a controller to handle create and delete actions. Public Activity The social app that we are building needs to keep track of more than just posts. We will keep track of records using the gem. Checkout the final code on. Checkout to see how it is handled. We can add public activity tracking to other activities such comments and events too. NewsFeed NewsFeed content differs based on user session. The front action serves as the front-page when user is not logged in. But, we are not going to display all the records at once. This will increase the page load when data becomes huge. I always deploy my Rails app to Heroku. Deploying a rails app on Heroku is too damn easy. All we have to do is to add a heroku app and push to it using Git. Create a new app on heroku, add rails app and push to heroku master. I am just gonna use sendgrid for this. Also we are uploading media and heroku doesn't store it on the server. There is an addon called Cloudinary which we will use. Everything deployed and looks good. To populate mock data we will use a rake task under. We will use and to generate data. If you found this article useful please hit the Recommend button below to help me Spread the word.
- If you found this article useful please hit the Recommend button below to help me Spread the word. Edit this file by adding the line of code root 'welcome index'. That's what you'll get from an XHR or API request. San Francisco, CA About Blog JetRuby is a Ruby on Rails and Mobile Development Company with seven-year experience in the business and satisfied clients from all over the world. I north give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. There's one problem with this form though.