- bash-4.2$ ./validate.php
- ====================================
- Component | Version
- --------- | -------
- LibreNMS | 1.50
- DB Schema | 2019_02_10_220000_add_dates_to_fdb (132)
- PHP | 7.2.14
- MySQL | 5.5.60-MariaDB
- RRDTool | 1.4.8
- SNMP | NET-SNMP 5.7.2
- ====================================
- [OK] Composer Version: 1.8.4
- [OK] Dependencies up-to-date.
- [OK] Database connection successful
- [OK] Database schema correct
- [FAIL] Missing PHP extension: mysqlnd
- [FIX]:
- Please install mysqlnd
- [WARN] Your local git contains modified files, this could prevent automatic updates.
- [FIX]:
- You can fix this with ./scripts/github-remove
- Modified Files:
- bootstrap/cache/.gitignore
- logs/.gitignore
- rrd/.gitignore
- storage/app/.gitignore
- storage/app/public/.gitignore
- storage/framework/cache/data/.gitignore
- storage/framework/sessions/.gitignore
- storage/framework/testing/.gitignore
- storage/framework/views/.gitignore
- storage/logs/.gitignore
- bash-4.2$
- bash-4.2$ ./discovery.php -d -m sensors -h [SCRUBBED]
- LibreNMS Discovery
- SQL[select `migration` from `migrations` order by `id` desc limit 1 [] 0.59ms]
- SQL[select count(*) as aggregate from `migrations` limit 1 [] 0.29ms]
- SQL[SELECT version() [] 0.17ms]
- ===================================
- Version info:
- Commit SHA: 9661e6b9b36ac1cb1926d8a5910c5997ce59ffe9
- Commit Date: 1554090241
- DB Schema: 2019_02_10_220000_add_dates_to_fdb (132)
- PHP: 7.2.14
- MySQL: 5.5.60-MariaDB
- RRDTool: 1.4.8
- SNMP: NET-SNMP 5.7.2
- ==================================DEBUG!
- Updating os_def.cache...
- Done
- Override discovery modules: sensors
- SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE disabled = 0 AND snmp_disable = 0 AND `hostname` LIKE '[SCRUBBED]' ORDER BY device_id DESC [] 0.84ms]
- SQL[SELECT * FROM devices_attribs WHERE `device_id` = ? ["31"] 0.36ms]
- [SCRUBBED] 31 iosxe [FPING] /usr/sbin/fping -e -q -c 3 -p 500 -t 500 [SCRUBBED]
- array (
- 'xmt' => '3',
- 'rcv' => '3',
- 'loss' => '0',
- 'min' => '5.04',
- 'max' => '11.5',
- 'avg' => '8.46',
- 'exitcode' => 0,
- )
- SQL[INSERT IGNORE INTO `device_perf` (`xmt`,`rcv`,`loss`,`min`,`max`,`avg`,`device_id`,`timestamp`,`debug`) VALUES (:xmt,:rcv,:loss,:min,:max,:avg,:device_id,NOW(),:debug) {"xmt":"3","rcv":"3","loss":"0","min":"5.04","max":"11.5","avg":"8.46","device_id":"31","debug":"[]"} 9.86ms]
- SNMP Check response code: 0
- SQL[SELECT attrib_value FROM devices_attribs WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `attrib_type` = ? ["31","poll_mib"] 0.41ms]
- Attempting to initialize OS: iosxe
- OS initialized: LibreNMS\OS\Iosxe
- Modules status: Global+
- OS
- Device
- #### Load disco module core ####
- SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OUQn' '-m' 'SNMPv2-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'sysName.0' 'sysObjectID.0' 'sysDescr.0']
- .*.*.0 = [SCRUBBED]
- .*.*.0 = .*.*.1745
- .*.*.0 = Cisco IOS Software [Denali], Catalyst L3 Switch Software (CAT3K_CAA-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 16.3.5, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
- Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
- Copyright (c) 1986-2017 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
- Compiled Thu 05-Oct-17 00:38 b
- >> Runtime for discovery module 'core': 0.0310 seconds with 1296 bytes
- >> SNMP: [2/0.08s] MySQL: [4/0.01s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload disco module core ####
- Modules status: Global+
- OS+
- Device
- #### Load disco module sensors ####
- CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR: Caching OIDs: entPhysicalDescrSNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-MIB:CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entPhysicalDescr']
- entPhysicalDescr.1 = c38xx Stack
- entPhysicalDescr.1000 = WS-C3850-48XS-S
- entPhysicalDescr.1001 = StackPort1/1
- entPhysicalDescr.1002 = StackPort1/2
- entPhysicalDescr.1006 = Switch 1 - WS-C3850-48XS - Power Supply A Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1007 = Switch 1 - WS-C3850-48XS - Power Supply B Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1008 = Switch 1 - WS-C3850-48XS - Fan 1 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1009 = Switch 1 - WS-C3850-48XS - Fan 2 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1010 = Switch 1 - WS-C3850-48XS - Fan 3 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1011 = Switch 1 - WS-C3850-48XS - Fan 4 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1012 = Switch 1 - WS-C3850-48XS - Fan 5 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1013 = Switch 1 - WS-C3850-48XS - Temp Inlet Sensor 0
- entPhysicalDescr.1014 = Switch 1 - WS-C3850-48XS - Temp Outlet Sensor 1
- entPhysicalDescr.1015 = Switch 1 - WS-C3850-48XS - Temp HotSpot Sensor 2
- entPhysicalDescr.1016 = Switch 1 - Power Supply A
- entPhysicalDescr.1017 = Switch 1 - Power Supply B
- entPhysicalDescr.1018 = Switch 1 - WS-C3850-48XS - FAN 1
- entPhysicalDescr.1019 = Switch 1 - WS-C3850-48XS - FAN 2
- entPhysicalDescr.1020 = Switch 1 - WS-C3850-48XS - FAN 3
- entPhysicalDescr.1021 = Switch 1 - WS-C3850-48XS - FAN 4
- entPhysicalDescr.1022 = Switch 1 - WS-C3850-48XS - FAN 5
- entPhysicalDescr.1060 = Switch 1 - WS-C3850-48XS - Fixed Module 0
- entPhysicalDescr.1061 = Te1/0/1 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1062 = Te1/0/2 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1063 = Te1/0/3 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1064 = Te1/0/4 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1065 = Te1/0/5 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1066 = Te1/0/6 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1067 = Te1/0/7 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1068 = Te1/0/8 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1069 = Te1/0/9 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1070 = Te1/0/10 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1071 = Te1/0/11 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1072 = Te1/0/12 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1073 = Te1/0/13 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1074 = Te1/0/14 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1075 = Te1/0/15 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1076 = Te1/0/16 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1077 = Te1/0/17 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1078 = Te1/0/18 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1079 = Te1/0/19 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1080 = Te1/0/20 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1081 = Te1/0/21 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1082 = Te1/0/22 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1083 = Te1/0/23 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1084 = Te1/0/24 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1085 = Te1/0/25 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1086 = Te1/0/26 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1087 = Te1/0/27 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1088 = Te1/0/28 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1089 = Te1/0/29 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1090 = Te1/0/30 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1091 = Te1/0/31 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1092 = Te1/0/32 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1093 = Te1/0/33 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1094 = Te1/0/34 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1095 = Te1/0/35 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1096 = Te1/0/36 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1097 = Te1/0/37 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1098 = Te1/0/38 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1099 = Te1/0/39 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1100 = Te1/0/40 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1101 = Te1/0/41 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1102 = Te1/0/42 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1103 = Te1/0/43 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1104 = Te1/0/44 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1105 = Te1/0/45 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1106 = Te1/0/46 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1107 = Te1/0/47 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1108 = Te1/0/48 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1109 = Fo1/1/1 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1110 = Fo1/1/2 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1111 = Fo1/1/3 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1112 = Fo1/1/4 Container
- entPhysicalDescr.1113 = 1000BaseSX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1114 = Te1/0/1 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1115 = Te1/0/1 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1116 = Te1/0/1 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1117 = Te1/0/1 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1118 = Te1/0/1 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1119 = 1000BaseSX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1120 = Te1/0/2 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1121 = Te1/0/2 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1122 = Te1/0/2 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1123 = Te1/0/2 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1124 = Te1/0/2 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1125 = 1000BaseSX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1126 = Te1/0/3 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1127 = Te1/0/3 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1128 = Te1/0/3 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1129 = Te1/0/3 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1130 = Te1/0/3 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1131 = 1000BaseSX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1132 = Te1/0/4 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1133 = Te1/0/4 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1134 = Te1/0/4 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1135 = Te1/0/4 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1136 = Te1/0/4 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1137 = 1000BaseSX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1138 = Te1/0/5 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1139 = Te1/0/5 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1140 = Te1/0/5 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1141 = Te1/0/5 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1142 = Te1/0/5 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1143 = 1000BaseSX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1144 = Te1/0/6 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1145 = Te1/0/6 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1146 = Te1/0/6 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1147 = Te1/0/6 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1148 = Te1/0/6 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1149 = 1000BaseSX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1150 = Te1/0/7 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1151 = Te1/0/7 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1152 = Te1/0/7 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1153 = Te1/0/7 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1154 = Te1/0/7 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1155 = 1000BaseSX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1156 = Te1/0/8 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1157 = Te1/0/8 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1158 = Te1/0/8 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1159 = Te1/0/8 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1160 = Te1/0/8 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1161 = 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1162 = 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1163 = 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1164 = 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1165 = 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1166 = 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1167 = 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1168 = 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1170 = 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1171 = 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1172 = SFP-10GBase-SR
- entPhysicalDescr.1173 = Te1/0/47 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1174 = Te1/0/47 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1175 = Te1/0/47 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1176 = Te1/0/47 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1177 = Te1/0/47 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1178 = SFP-10GBase-SR
- entPhysicalDescr.1179 = Te1/0/48 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1180 = Te1/0/48 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1181 = Te1/0/48 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1182 = Te1/0/48 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1183 = Te1/0/48 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1185 = 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1187 = 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1188 = 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1190 = Te1/0/9 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1191 = Te1/0/9 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1192 = Te1/0/9 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1193 = Te1/0/9 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1194 = Te1/0/9 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1207 = 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1208 = 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1249 = Te1/0/13 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1250 = Te1/0/13 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1251 = Te1/0/13 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1252 = Te1/0/13 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1253 = Te1/0/13 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1254 = 1000BaseSX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1256 = Te1/0/17 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1257 = Te1/0/17 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1258 = Te1/0/17 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1259 = Te1/0/17 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1260 = Te1/0/17 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1261 = SFP-10GBase-LR
- entPhysicalDescr.1267 = 1000BaseSX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1281 = 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1283 = 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1284 = 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1285 = SFP-10GBase-SR
- entPhysicalDescr.1291 = SFP-10GBase-SR
- entPhysicalDescr.1292 = Te1/0/18 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1293 = Te1/0/18 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1294 = Te1/0/18 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1295 = Te1/0/18 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1296 = Te1/0/18 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalDescr.1297 = 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP
- entPhysicalDescr.1299 = 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP
- entPhysicalNameSNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-MIB:CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entPhysicalName']
- entPhysicalName.1 = c38xx Stack
- entPhysicalName.1000 = Switch 1
- entPhysicalName.1001 = StackPort1/1
- entPhysicalName.1002 = StackPort1/2
- entPhysicalName.1006 = Switch 1 - Power Supply A Container
- entPhysicalName.1007 = Switch 1 - Power Supply B Container
- entPhysicalName.1008 = Switch 1 - Fan 1 Container
- entPhysicalName.1009 = Switch 1 - Fan 2 Container
- entPhysicalName.1010 = Switch 1 - Fan 3 Container
- entPhysicalName.1011 = Switch 1 - Fan 4 Container
- entPhysicalName.1012 = Switch 1 - Fan 5 Container
- entPhysicalName.1013 = Switch 1 - Temp Sensor 0
- entPhysicalName.1014 = Switch 1 - Temp Sensor 1
- entPhysicalName.1015 = Switch 1 - Temp Sensor 2
- entPhysicalName.1016 = Switch 1 - Power Supply A
- entPhysicalName.1017 = Switch 1 - Power Supply B
- entPhysicalName.1018 = Switch 1 - FAN - T1 1
- entPhysicalName.1019 = Switch 1 - FAN - T1 2
- entPhysicalName.1020 = Switch 1 - FAN - T1 3
- entPhysicalName.1021 = Switch 1 - FAN - T1 4
- entPhysicalName.1022 = Switch 1 - FAN - T1 5
- entPhysicalName.1060 = Switch 1 Fixed Module 0
- entPhysicalName.1061 = Te1/0/1 Container
- entPhysicalName.1062 = Te1/0/2 Container
- entPhysicalName.1063 = Te1/0/3 Container
- entPhysicalName.1064 = Te1/0/4 Container
- entPhysicalName.1065 = Te1/0/5 Container
- entPhysicalName.1066 = Te1/0/6 Container
- entPhysicalName.1067 = Te1/0/7 Container
- entPhysicalName.1068 = Te1/0/8 Container
- entPhysicalName.1069 = Te1/0/9 Container
- entPhysicalName.1070 = Te1/0/10 Container
- entPhysicalName.1071 = Te1/0/11 Container
- entPhysicalName.1072 = Te1/0/12 Container
- entPhysicalName.1073 = Te1/0/13 Container
- entPhysicalName.1074 = Te1/0/14 Container
- entPhysicalName.1075 = Te1/0/15 Container
- entPhysicalName.1076 = Te1/0/16 Container
- entPhysicalName.1077 = Te1/0/17 Container
- entPhysicalName.1078 = Te1/0/18 Container
- entPhysicalName.1079 = Te1/0/19 Container
- entPhysicalName.1080 = Te1/0/20 Container
- entPhysicalName.1081 = Te1/0/21 Container
- entPhysicalName.1082 = Te1/0/22 Container
- entPhysicalName.1083 = Te1/0/23 Container
- entPhysicalName.1084 = Te1/0/24 Container
- entPhysicalName.1085 = Te1/0/25 Container
- entPhysicalName.1086 = Te1/0/26 Container
- entPhysicalName.1087 = Te1/0/27 Container
- entPhysicalName.1088 = Te1/0/28 Container
- entPhysicalName.1089 = Te1/0/29 Container
- entPhysicalName.1090 = Te1/0/30 Container
- entPhysicalName.1091 = Te1/0/31 Container
- entPhysicalName.1092 = Te1/0/32 Container
- entPhysicalName.1093 = Te1/0/33 Container
- entPhysicalName.1094 = Te1/0/34 Container
- entPhysicalName.1095 = Te1/0/35 Container
- entPhysicalName.1096 = Te1/0/36 Container
- entPhysicalName.1097 = Te1/0/37 Container
- entPhysicalName.1098 = Te1/0/38 Container
- entPhysicalName.1099 = Te1/0/39 Container
- entPhysicalName.1100 = Te1/0/40 Container
- entPhysicalName.1101 = Te1/0/41 Container
- entPhysicalName.1102 = Te1/0/42 Container
- entPhysicalName.1103 = Te1/0/43 Container
- entPhysicalName.1104 = Te1/0/44 Container
- entPhysicalName.1105 = Te1/0/45 Container
- entPhysicalName.1106 = Te1/0/46 Container
- entPhysicalName.1107 = Te1/0/47 Container
- entPhysicalName.1108 = Te1/0/48 Container
- entPhysicalName.1109 = Fo1/1/1 Container
- entPhysicalName.1110 = Fo1/1/2 Container
- entPhysicalName.1111 = Fo1/1/3 Container
- entPhysicalName.1112 = Fo1/1/4 Container
- entPhysicalName.1113 = Te1/0/1
- entPhysicalName.1114 = Te1/0/1 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1115 = Te1/0/1 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1116 = Te1/0/1 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1117 = Te1/0/1 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1118 = Te1/0/1 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1119 = Te1/0/2
- entPhysicalName.1120 = Te1/0/2 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1121 = Te1/0/2 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1122 = Te1/0/2 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1123 = Te1/0/2 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1124 = Te1/0/2 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1125 = Te1/0/3
- entPhysicalName.1126 = Te1/0/3 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1127 = Te1/0/3 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1128 = Te1/0/3 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1129 = Te1/0/3 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1130 = Te1/0/3 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1131 = Te1/0/4
- entPhysicalName.1132 = Te1/0/4 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1133 = Te1/0/4 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1134 = Te1/0/4 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1135 = Te1/0/4 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1136 = Te1/0/4 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1137 = Te1/0/5
- entPhysicalName.1138 = Te1/0/5 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1139 = Te1/0/5 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1140 = Te1/0/5 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1141 = Te1/0/5 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1142 = Te1/0/5 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1143 = Te1/0/6
- entPhysicalName.1144 = Te1/0/6 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1145 = Te1/0/6 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1146 = Te1/0/6 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1147 = Te1/0/6 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1148 = Te1/0/6 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1149 = Te1/0/7
- entPhysicalName.1150 = Te1/0/7 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1151 = Te1/0/7 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1152 = Te1/0/7 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1153 = Te1/0/7 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1154 = Te1/0/7 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1155 = Te1/0/8
- entPhysicalName.1156 = Te1/0/8 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1157 = Te1/0/8 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1158 = Te1/0/8 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1159 = Te1/0/8 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1160 = Te1/0/8 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1161 = Te1/0/24
- entPhysicalName.1162 = Te1/0/25
- entPhysicalName.1163 = Te1/0/26
- entPhysicalName.1164 = Te1/0/27
- entPhysicalName.1165 = Te1/0/28
- entPhysicalName.1166 = Te1/0/29
- entPhysicalName.1167 = Te1/0/30
- entPhysicalName.1168 = Te1/0/31
- entPhysicalName.1170 = Te1/0/33
- entPhysicalName.1171 = Te1/0/34
- entPhysicalName.1172 = Te1/0/47
- entPhysicalName.1173 = Te1/0/47 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1174 = Te1/0/47 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1175 = Te1/0/47 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1176 = Te1/0/47 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1177 = Te1/0/47 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1178 = Te1/0/48
- entPhysicalName.1179 = Te1/0/48 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1180 = Te1/0/48 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1181 = Te1/0/48 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1182 = Te1/0/48 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1183 = Te1/0/48 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1185 = Te1/0/23
- entPhysicalName.1187 = Te1/0/36
- entPhysicalName.1188 = Te1/0/37
- entPhysicalName.1190 = Te1/0/9 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1191 = Te1/0/9 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1192 = Te1/0/9 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1193 = Te1/0/9 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1194 = Te1/0/9 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1207 = Te1/0/32
- entPhysicalName.1208 = Te1/0/35
- entPhysicalName.1249 = Te1/0/13 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1250 = Te1/0/13 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1251 = Te1/0/13 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1252 = Te1/0/13 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1253 = Te1/0/13 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1254 = Te1/0/14
- entPhysicalName.1256 = Te1/0/17 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1257 = Te1/0/17 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1258 = Te1/0/17 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1259 = Te1/0/17 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1260 = Te1/0/17 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1261 = Te1/0/13
- entPhysicalName.1267 = Te1/0/9
- entPhysicalName.1281 = Te1/0/39
- entPhysicalName.1283 = Te1/0/41
- entPhysicalName.1284 = Te1/0/40
- entPhysicalName.1285 = Te1/0/17
- entPhysicalName.1291 = Te1/0/18
- entPhysicalName.1292 = Te1/0/18 Module Temperature Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1293 = Te1/0/18 Supply Voltage Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1294 = Te1/0/18 Bias Current Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1295 = Te1/0/18 Transmit Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1296 = Te1/0/18 Receive Power Sensor
- entPhysicalName.1297 = Te1/0/42
- entPhysicalName.1299 = Te1/0/46
- entPhysicalClassSNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-MIB:CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entPhysicalClass']
- entPhysicalClass.1 = stack
- entPhysicalClass.1000 = chassis
- entPhysicalClass.1001 = other
- entPhysicalClass.1002 = other
- entPhysicalClass.1006 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1007 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1008 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1009 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1010 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1011 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1012 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1013 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1014 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1015 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1016 = powerSupply
- entPhysicalClass.1017 = powerSupply
- entPhysicalClass.1018 = fan
- entPhysicalClass.1019 = fan
- entPhysicalClass.1020 = fan
- entPhysicalClass.1021 = fan
- entPhysicalClass.1022 = fan
- entPhysicalClass.1060 = module
- entPhysicalClass.1061 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1062 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1063 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1064 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1065 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1066 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1067 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1068 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1069 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1070 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1071 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1072 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1073 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1074 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1075 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1076 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1077 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1078 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1079 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1080 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1081 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1082 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1083 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1084 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1085 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1086 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1087 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1088 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1089 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1090 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1091 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1092 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1093 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1094 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1095 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1096 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1097 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1098 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1099 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1100 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1101 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1102 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1103 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1104 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1105 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1106 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1107 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1108 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1109 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1110 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1111 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1112 = container
- entPhysicalClass.1113 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1114 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1115 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1116 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1117 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1118 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1119 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1120 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1121 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1122 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1123 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1124 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1125 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1126 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1127 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1128 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1129 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1130 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1131 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1132 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1133 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1134 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1135 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1136 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1137 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1138 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1139 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1140 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1141 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1142 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1143 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1144 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1145 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1146 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1147 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1148 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1149 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1150 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1151 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1152 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1153 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1154 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1155 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1156 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1157 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1158 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1159 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1160 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1161 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1162 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1163 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1164 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1165 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1166 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1167 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1168 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1170 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1171 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1172 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1173 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1174 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1175 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1176 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1177 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1178 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1179 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1180 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1181 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1182 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1183 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1185 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1187 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1188 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1190 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1191 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1192 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1193 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1194 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1207 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1208 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1249 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1250 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1251 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1252 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1253 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1254 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1256 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1257 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1258 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1259 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1260 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1261 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1267 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1281 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1283 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1284 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1285 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1291 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1292 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1293 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1294 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1295 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1296 = sensor
- entPhysicalClass.1297 = port
- entPhysicalClass.1299 = port
- entPhysicalContainedInSNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-MIB:CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entPhysicalContainedIn']
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1 = 0
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1000 = 1
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1001 = 1000
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1002 = 1000
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1006 = 1000
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1007 = 1000
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1008 = 1000
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1009 = 1000
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1010 = 1000
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1011 = 1000
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1012 = 1000
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1013 = 1000
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1014 = 1000
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1015 = 1000
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1016 = 1006
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1017 = 1007
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1018 = 1008
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1019 = 1009
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1020 = 1010
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1021 = 1011
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1022 = 1012
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1060 = 1000
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1061 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1062 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1063 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1064 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1065 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1066 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1067 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1068 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1069 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1070 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1071 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1072 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1073 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1074 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1075 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1076 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1077 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1078 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1079 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1080 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1081 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1082 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1083 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1084 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1085 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1086 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1087 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1088 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1089 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1090 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1091 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1092 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1093 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1094 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1095 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1096 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1097 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1098 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1099 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1100 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1101 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1102 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1103 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1104 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1105 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1106 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1107 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1108 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1109 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1110 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1111 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1112 = 1060
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1113 = 1061
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1114 = 1113
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1115 = 1113
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1116 = 1113
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1117 = 1113
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1118 = 1113
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1119 = 1062
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1120 = 1119
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1121 = 1119
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1122 = 1119
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1123 = 1119
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1124 = 1119
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1125 = 1063
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1126 = 1125
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1127 = 1125
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1128 = 1125
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1129 = 1125
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1130 = 1125
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1131 = 1064
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1132 = 1131
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1133 = 1131
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1134 = 1131
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1135 = 1131
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1136 = 1131
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1137 = 1065
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1138 = 1137
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1139 = 1137
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1140 = 1137
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1141 = 1137
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1142 = 1137
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1143 = 1066
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1144 = 1143
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1145 = 1143
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1146 = 1143
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1147 = 1143
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1148 = 1143
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1149 = 1067
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1150 = 1149
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1151 = 1149
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1152 = 1149
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1153 = 1149
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1154 = 1149
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1155 = 1068
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1156 = 1155
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1157 = 1155
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1158 = 1155
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1159 = 1155
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1160 = 1155
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1161 = 1084
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1162 = 1085
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1163 = 1086
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1164 = 1087
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1165 = 1088
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1166 = 1089
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1167 = 1090
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1168 = 1091
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1170 = 1093
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1171 = 1094
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1172 = 1107
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1173 = 1172
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1174 = 1172
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1175 = 1172
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1176 = 1172
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1177 = 1172
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1178 = 1108
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1179 = 1178
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1180 = 1178
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1181 = 1178
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1182 = 1178
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1183 = 1178
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1185 = 1083
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1187 = 1096
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1188 = 1097
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1190 = 1267
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1191 = 1267
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1192 = 1267
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1193 = 1267
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1194 = 1267
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1207 = 1092
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1208 = 1095
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1249 = 1261
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1250 = 1261
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1251 = 1261
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1252 = 1261
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1253 = 1261
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1254 = 1074
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1256 = 1285
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1257 = 1285
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1258 = 1285
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1259 = 1285
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1260 = 1285
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1261 = 1073
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1267 = 1069
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1281 = 1099
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1283 = 1101
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1284 = 1100
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1285 = 1077
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1291 = 1078
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1292 = 1291
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1293 = 1291
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1294 = 1291
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1295 = 1291
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1296 = 1291
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1297 = 1102
- entPhysicalContainedIn.1299 = 1106
- entPhysicalParentRelPosSNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-MIB:CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entPhysicalParentRelPos']
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1 = -1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1000 = 0
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1001 = 0
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1002 = 0
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1006 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1007 = 2
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1008 = 3
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1009 = 4
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1010 = 5
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1011 = 6
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1012 = 7
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1013 = 8
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1014 = 9
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1015 = 10
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1016 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1017 = 2
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1018 = 11
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1019 = 12
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1020 = 13
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1021 = 14
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1022 = 15
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1060 = 11
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1061 = 0
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1062 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1063 = 2
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1064 = 3
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1065 = 4
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1066 = 5
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1067 = 6
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1068 = 7
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1069 = 8
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1070 = 9
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1071 = 10
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1072 = 11
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1073 = 12
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1074 = 13
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1075 = 14
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1076 = 15
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1077 = 16
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1078 = 17
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1079 = 18
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1080 = 19
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1081 = 20
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1082 = 21
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1083 = 22
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1084 = 23
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1085 = 24
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1086 = 25
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1087 = 26
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1088 = 27
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1089 = 28
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1090 = 29
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1091 = 30
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1092 = 31
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1093 = 32
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1094 = 33
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1095 = 34
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1096 = 35
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1097 = 36
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1098 = 37
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1099 = 38
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1100 = 39
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1101 = 40
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1102 = 41
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1103 = 42
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1104 = 43
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1105 = 44
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1106 = 45
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1107 = 46
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1108 = 47
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1109 = 48
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1110 = 49
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1111 = 50
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1112 = 51
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1113 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1114 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1115 = 2
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1116 = 3
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1117 = 4
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1118 = 5
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1119 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1120 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1121 = 2
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1122 = 3
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1123 = 4
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1124 = 5
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1125 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1126 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1127 = 2
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1128 = 3
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1129 = 4
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1130 = 5
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1131 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1132 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1133 = 2
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1134 = 3
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1135 = 4
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1136 = 5
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1137 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1138 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1139 = 2
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1140 = 3
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1141 = 4
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1142 = 5
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1143 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1144 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1145 = 2
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1146 = 3
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1147 = 4
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1148 = 5
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1149 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1150 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1151 = 2
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1152 = 3
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1153 = 4
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1154 = 5
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1155 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1156 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1157 = 2
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1158 = 3
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1159 = 4
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1160 = 5
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1161 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1162 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1163 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1164 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1165 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1166 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1167 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1168 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1170 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1171 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1172 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1173 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1174 = 2
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1175 = 3
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1176 = 4
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1177 = 5
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1178 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1179 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1180 = 2
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1181 = 3
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1182 = 4
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1183 = 5
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1185 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1187 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1188 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1190 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1191 = 2
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1192 = 3
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1193 = 4
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1194 = 5
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1207 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1208 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1249 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1250 = 2
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1251 = 3
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1252 = 4
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1253 = 5
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1254 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1256 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1257 = 2
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1258 = 3
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1259 = 4
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1260 = 5
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1261 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1267 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1281 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1283 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1284 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1285 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1291 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1292 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1293 = 2
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1294 = 3
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1295 = 4
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1296 = 5
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1297 = 1
- entPhysicalParentRelPos.1299 = 1
- entAliasMappingIdentifierSNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-MIB:IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entAliasMappingIdentifier']
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1113.0 = ifIndex.3
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1119.0 = ifIndex.4
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1125.0 = ifIndex.5
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1131.0 = ifIndex.6
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1137.0 = ifIndex.7
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1143.0 = ifIndex.8
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1149.0 = ifIndex.9
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1155.0 = ifIndex.10
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1161.0 = ifIndex.26
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1162.0 = ifIndex.27
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1163.0 = ifIndex.28
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1164.0 = ifIndex.29
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1165.0 = ifIndex.30
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1166.0 = ifIndex.31
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1167.0 = ifIndex.32
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1168.0 = ifIndex.33
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1170.0 = ifIndex.35
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1171.0 = ifIndex.36
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1172.0 = ifIndex.49
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1178.0 = ifIndex.50
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1185.0 = ifIndex.25
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1187.0 = ifIndex.38
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1188.0 = ifIndex.39
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1207.0 = ifIndex.34
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1208.0 = ifIndex.37
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1254.0 = ifIndex.16
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1261.0 = ifIndex.15
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1267.0 = ifIndex.11
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1281.0 = ifIndex.41
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1283.0 = ifIndex.43
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1284.0 = ifIndex.42
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1285.0 = ifIndex.19
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1291.0 = ifIndex.20
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1297.0 = ifIndex.44
- entAliasMappingIdentifier.1299.0 = ifIndex.48
- entSensorTypeSNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entSensorType']
- entSensorType.1013 = celsius
- entSensorType.1014 = celsius
- entSensorType.1015 = celsius
- entSensorType.1114 = celsius
- entSensorType.1115 = voltsDC
- entSensorType.1116 = amperes
- entSensorType.1117 = dBm
- entSensorType.1118 = dBm
- entSensorType.1120 = celsius
- entSensorType.1121 = voltsDC
- Timeout: No Response from udp:[SCRUBBED]:161
- entSensorScaleSNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entSensorScale']
- Timeout: No Response from udp:[SCRUBBED]:161
- entSensorValueSNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entSensorValue']
- Timeout: No Response from udp:[SCRUBBED]:161
- entSensorMeasuredEntitySNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entSensorMeasuredEntity']
- Timeout: No Response from udp:[SCRUBBED]:161
- entSensorPrecisionSNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entSensorPrecision']
- Timeout: No Response from udp:[SCRUBBED]:161
- entSensorThresholdSeveritySNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entSensorThresholdSeverity']
- Timeout: No Response from udp:[SCRUBBED]:161
- entSensorThresholdRelationSNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entSensorThresholdRelation']
- Timeout: No Response from udp:[SCRUBBED]:161
- entSensorThresholdValueSNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entSensorThresholdValue']
- Timeout: No Response from udp:[SCRUBBED]:161
- array (
- 1013 =>
- array (
- 'entSensorType' => 'celsius',
- ),
- 1014 =>
- array (
- 'entSensorType' => 'celsius',
- ),
- 1015 =>
- array (
- 'entSensorType' => 'celsius',
- ),
- 1114 =>
- array (
- 'entSensorType' => 'celsius',
- ),
- 1115 =>
- array (
- 'entSensorType' => 'voltsDC',
- ),
- 1116 =>
- array (
- 'entSensorType' => 'amperes',
- ),
- 1117 =>
- array (
- 'entSensorType' => 'dBm',
- ),
- 1118 =>
- array (
- 'entSensorType' => 'dBm',
- ),
- 1120 =>
- array (
- 'entSensorType' => 'celsius',
- ),
- 1121 =>
- array (
- 'entSensorType' => 'voltsDC',
- ),
- )
- ENTITY-SENSOR: Caching OIDs: entPhysicalDescr entPhysicalName entPhySensorTypeSNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entPhySensorType']
- Timeout: No Response from udp:[SCRUBBED]:161
- entPhySensorScaleSNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entPhySensorScale']
- Timeout: No Response from udp:[SCRUBBED]:161
- entPhySensorPrecisionSNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entPhySensorPrecision']
- Timeout: No Response from udp:[SCRUBBED]:161
- entPhySensorValueSNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entPhySensorValue']
- Timeout: No Response from udp:[SCRUBBED]:161
- entPhySensorOperStatusSNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entPhySensorOperStatus']
- Timeout: No Response from udp:[SCRUBBED]:161
- SQL[SELECT attrib_value FROM devices_attribs WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `attrib_type` = ? ["31","ipmi_hostname"] 0.57ms]
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["voltage","31","ipmi"] 0.95ms]
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["temperature","31","ipmi"] 0.77ms]
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["fanspeed","31","ipmi"] 0.64ms]
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["power","31","ipmi"] 0.7ms]
- Airflow:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["airflow","31","snmp"] 0.52ms]
- Current:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["current","31","snmp"] 0.62ms]
- Charge:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["charge","31","snmp"] 0.47ms]
- Dbm:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["dbm","31","snmp"] 0.59ms]
- Fanspeed:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["fanspeed","31","snmp"] 0.54ms]
- Frequency:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["frequency","31","snmp"] 2.15ms]
- Humidity:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["humidity","31","snmp"] 0.52ms]
- Load:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["load","31","snmp"] 0.51ms]
- Power:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["power","31","snmp"] 0.45ms]
- Power_consumed:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["power_consumed","31","snmp"] 0.68ms]
- Power_factor:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["power_factor","31","snmp"] 0.44ms]
- Runtime:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["runtime","31","snmp"] 0.4ms]
- Signal:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["signal","31","snmp"] 0.54ms]
- State: SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'CISCO-STACKWISE-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'cswSwitchRole']
- Timeout: No Response from udp:[SCRUBBED]:161
- SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQv' '-m' 'CISCO-STACKWISE-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'cswRingRedundant.0']
- Timeout: No Response from udp:[SCRUBBED]:161.
- SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'CISCO-ENVMON-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusTable']
- Timeout: No Response from udp:[SCRUBBED]:161
- SQL[SELECT `state_index_id` FROM state_indexes WHERE state_name = ? LIMIT 1 ["ciscoEnvMonVoltageState"] 0.66ms]
- SQL[SELECT `state_index_id`,`state_descr`,`state_draw_graph`,`state_value`,`state_generic_value` FROM `state_translations` WHERE `state_index_id`=? ["1"] 0.42ms]
- SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'CISCO-ENVMON-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusTable']
- Timeout: No Response from udp:[SCRUBBED]:161
- SQL[SELECT `state_index_id` FROM state_indexes WHERE state_name = ? LIMIT 1 ["ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState"] 0.48ms]
- SQL[SELECT `state_index_id`,`state_descr`,`state_draw_graph`,`state_value`,`state_generic_value` FROM `state_translations` WHERE `state_index_id`=? ["2"] 0.27ms]
- SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'CISCO-ENVMON-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ciscoEnvMonFanStatusTable']
- Timeout: No Response from udp:[SCRUBBED]:161
- SQL[SELECT `state_index_id` FROM state_indexes WHERE state_name = ? LIMIT 1 ["ciscoEnvMonFanState"] 0.58ms]
- SQL[SELECT `state_index_id`,`state_descr`,`state_draw_graph`,`state_value`,`state_generic_value` FROM `state_translations` WHERE `state_index_id`=? ["3"] 0.36ms]
- SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'CISCO-ENVMON-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusTable']
- Timeout: No Response from udp:[SCRUBBED]:161
- SQL[SELECT `state_index_id` FROM state_indexes WHERE state_name = ? LIMIT 1 ["ciscoEnvMonSupplyState"] 0.5ms]
- SQL[SELECT `state_index_id`,`state_descr`,`state_draw_graph`,`state_value`,`state_generic_value` FROM `state_translations` WHERE `state_index_id`=? ["4"] 0.39ms]
- SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'cefcFRUPowerStatusTable']
- Timeout: No Response from udp:[SCRUBBED]:161
- SQL[SELECT `state_index_id` FROM state_indexes WHERE state_name = ? LIMIT 1 ["cefcFRUPowerOperStatus"] 0.57ms]
- SQL[SELECT `state_index_id`,`state_descr`,`state_draw_graph`,`state_value`,`state_generic_value` FROM `state_translations` WHERE `state_index_id`=? ["5"] 0.45ms]
- SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'CISCO-RF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'cRFStatusUnitState']
- Timeout: No Response from udp:[SCRUBBED]:161
- SQL[SELECT `state_index_id` FROM state_indexes WHERE state_name = ? LIMIT 1 ["cRFStatusUnitState"] 0.45ms]
- SQL[SELECT `state_index_id`,`state_descr`,`state_draw_graph`,`state_value`,`state_generic_value` FROM `state_translations` WHERE `state_index_id`=? ["11"] 0.3ms]
- SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'CISCO-RF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'cRFStatusPeerUnitState']
- Timeout: No Response from udp:[SCRUBBED]:161
- SQL[SELECT `state_index_id` FROM state_indexes WHERE state_name = ? LIMIT 1 ["cRFStatusPeerUnitState"] 0.46ms]
- SQL[SELECT `state_index_id`,`state_descr`,`state_draw_graph`,`state_value`,`state_generic_value` FROM `state_translations` WHERE `state_index_id`=? ["12"] 0.36ms]
- SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'CISCO-RF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'cRFCfgRedundancyOperMode']
- cRFCfgRedundancyOperMode.0 = nonRedundant
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["state","31","snmp"] 1.19ms]
- 0 -> cswRingRedundant
- -SQL[DELETE FROM `sensors_to_state_indexes` WHERE `sensor_id` = ? ["2101"] 57.78ms]
- SQL[DELETE FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_id` = ? ["2101"] 91.21ms]
- SQL[INSERT IGNORE INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`reference`,`type`,`datetime`,`severity`,`message`,`username`) VALUES (:device_id,:reference,:type,:datetime,:severity,:message,:username) {"device_id":"31","reference":null,"type":"sensor","datetime":"2019-04-01 14:58:35","severity":3,"message":"Sensor Deleted: state cswRingRedundant 0 Stack Ring - Redundant","username":""} 113.24ms]
- 1000 -> cswSwitchRole
- -SQL[DELETE FROM `sensors_to_state_indexes` WHERE `sensor_id` = ? ["2102"] 28.93ms]
- SQL[DELETE FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_id` = ? ["2102"] 19.76ms]
- SQL[INSERT IGNORE INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`reference`,`type`,`datetime`,`severity`,`message`,`username`) VALUES (:device_id,:reference,:type,:datetime,:severity,:message,:username) {"device_id":"31","reference":null,"type":"sensor","datetime":"2019-04-01 14:58:35","severity":3,"message":"Sensor Deleted: state cswSwitchRole 1000 Stack Role - Switch#1","username":""} 16.51ms]
- 1000 -> cswSwitchState
- -SQL[DELETE FROM `sensors_to_state_indexes` WHERE `sensor_id` = ? ["2103"] 17.55ms]
- SQL[DELETE FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_id` = ? ["2103"] 16.42ms]
- SQL[INSERT IGNORE INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`reference`,`type`,`datetime`,`severity`,`message`,`username`) VALUES (:device_id,:reference,:type,:datetime,:severity,:message,:username) {"device_id":"31","reference":null,"type":"sensor","datetime":"2019-04-01 14:58:35","severity":3,"message":"Sensor Deleted: state cswSwitchState 1000 Stack State - Switch#1","username":""} 19.58ms]
- 72 -> cswStackPortOperStatus
- -SQL[DELETE FROM `sensors_to_state_indexes` WHERE `sensor_id` = ? ["2104"] 22.99ms]
- SQL[DELETE FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_id` = ? ["2104"] 16.82ms]
- SQL[INSERT IGNORE INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`reference`,`type`,`datetime`,`severity`,`message`,`username`) VALUES (:device_id,:reference,:type,:datetime,:severity,:message,:username) {"device_id":"31","reference":null,"type":"sensor","datetime":"2019-04-01 14:58:35","severity":3,"message":"Sensor Deleted: state cswStackPortOperStatus 72 Stack Port Status - StackSub-St1-1","username":""} 17.72ms]
- 73 -> cswStackPortOperStatus
- -SQL[DELETE FROM `sensors_to_state_indexes` WHERE `sensor_id` = ? ["2105"] 8.21ms]
- SQL[DELETE FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_id` = ? ["2105"] 5.55ms]
- SQL[INSERT IGNORE INTO `eventlog` (`device_id`,`reference`,`type`,`datetime`,`severity`,`message`,`username`) VALUES (:device_id,:reference,:type,:datetime,:severity,:message,:username) {"device_id":"31","reference":null,"type":"sensor","datetime":"2019-04-01 14:58:35","severity":3,"message":"Sensor Deleted: state cswStackPortOperStatus 73 Stack Port Status - StackSub-St1-2","username":""} 0.84ms]
- Count:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["count","31","snmp"] 0.55ms]
- Temperature:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["temperature","31","snmp"] 0.46ms]
- Voltage:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["voltage","31","snmp"] 0.46ms]
- Snr:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["snr","31","snmp"] 0.43ms]
- Pressure:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["pressure","31","snmp"] 0.59ms]
- Cooling:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["cooling","31","snmp"] 0.64ms]
- Delay:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["delay","31","snmp"] 0.48ms]
- Quality_factor:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["quality_factor","31","snmp"] 0.5ms]
- Chromatic_dispersion:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["chromatic_dispersion","31","snmp"] 0.44ms]
- Ber:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["ber","31","snmp"] 0.47ms]
- Eer:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["eer","31","snmp"] 0.48ms]
- Waterflow:
- SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["waterflow","31","snmp"] 0.57ms]
- >> Runtime for discovery module 'sensors': 141.4000 seconds with 535432 bytes
- >> SNMP: [25/122.62s] MySQL: [53/0.48s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload disco module sensors ####
- SQL[SELECT attrib_value FROM devices_attribs WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `attrib_type` = ? ["31","poll_mib"] 0.27ms]
- SQL[UPDATE `devices` set `last_discovered`=NOW(),`last_discovered_timetaken`=? WHERE `device_id` = ? [142.578,"31"] 1.29ms]
- Discovered in 142.578 seconds
- SQL[INSERT IGNORE INTO `perf_times` (`type`,`doing`,`start`,`duration`,`devices`,`poller`) VALUES (:type,:doing,:start,:duration,:devices,:poller) {"type":"discover","doing":"[SCRUBBED]","start":1554144972.937264,"duration":"142.7","devices":1,"poller":"[SCRUBBED]"} 1.19ms]
- ./discovery.php [SCRUBBED] 2019-04-01 14:58:35 - 1 devices discovered in 142.7 secs
- SNMP [27/122.70s]: Get[3/6.10s] Getnext[0/0.00s] Walk[24/116.60s]
- MySQL [60/0.50s]: Cell[8/0.01s] Row[-5/-0.00s] Rows[39/0.03s] Column[0/0.00s] Update[1/0.00s] Insert[7/0.18s] Delete[10/0.29s]
- RRD [0/0.00s]: Update[0/0.00s] Create [0/0.00s] Other[0/0.00s]
- bash-4.2$ .