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  79. It was first broadcast on ITV in the United Kingdom, beginning on 24 November 2002. However, surely most viewers' truly unforgettablepictures are the snowy white sleigh ride and the magnificent ice castleat Varykino. His gentleness and idealism stand in sharp contrast to thehorrific violence of war and revolution, as Yuri witnesses suchatrocities as dismemberment and cannibalism.
  81. And so Strelnikov,the passionate Bolshevik, glibly justifies his actions to Dr. Who can forgethis intensely expressive, tear filled eyes at some of the moreemotional moments, especially with snowflakes melting on them? Dopo un periodo di due anni trascorsi con i partigiani che lo prelevano a forza perché hanno bisogno di un medico, durante i quali perde ogni contatto con i suoi affetti, Yuri riesce a raggiungere Lara. It was first broadcast on ITV in the United Kingdom, beginning on 24 November 2002.
  83. Doctor Zhivago - Also visually stunning is the spectacular trainride Yuri and his family must make from Moscow to the Urals, site ofthe family dachau.
  85. Synopsis The life of a Russian physician and poet who, although married to another, falls in love with a political activist's wife and experiences hardship during the First World War and then the October Revolution. During the Russian Revolution, Yuri Zhivago, is a young doctor who has been raised by his aunt and uncle following his father's suicide. Yuri falls in love with beautiful Lara Guishar, who has been having an affair with her mother's lover, Victor Komarovsky, an unscrupulous businessman. Yuri, however, ends up marrying his cousin, Tonya. But when he and Lara meet again years later, the spark of love reignites. Anartist who knew how to combine great performances, with breathtakingsettings, haunting soundtrack, in order to create works of art that areto remain as pillars for the future generations of film-makers. Neither,though, of the credited people can take as much credit for it, as DavidLean. Omar Sharif delivers one of his best performances of his career,Julie Christie has never been as stunning, or Rod Steiger as Komarovskyor Tom Courtenay as Antipov ever left more memorable performances thanthese ones. Not even Maurice Jarre, who composed one of the mostunforgettable themes in film history, or Robert Bolt, for his skillfuladaptation on Pasternak's difficult novel, not even Freddy Young'scinematography, can rise above the vibration of genius, which is DavidLean. We almost feel the complexity of the universe collapsing on uswith a mad power that we instantly become part of it, and fall in lovewith all its particles. For those who haven't seen the film, this might make little sense, andit can give a misleading understanding of what one is to expect. An outstanding doctor,married to his childhood friend, Tonya Geraldine Chaplin in a warmperformance , finds that there is beauty beyond deceit, love beyondcommitment, by starting an affair with an enigmatic lady which appearsoften in his path in the most unnoticeable of moments. Their destiny isas confused as Russia in the turmoil started by the Reds, it is shapedby history without their approval. There is no solution for a countrythat abandoned its passions in its desire of self-improvement, just asfor the two lovers, which find themselves abandoned in the middle ofthe Siberian taiga. This is a slow film and for the good reasons. We are allowed to breathethe story, to give it momentum, and to judge it from within, as if thechoices were not Yury's, Lara's or Tonya's, but our own creation. Andthis is the brilliance of Lean's direction. The story transcends timeand space, and it melts within the triviality of our life. Beyond it,we are left with nothing but love, pure and blindingly real. Stunningcinematography combines here with a turbulent historical setting, anunforgettable idealistic hero, and one of the most compelling fictionallove triangles of all time. This surely ranks among the best ofdirector David Lean's many masterpieces. It is based on BorisPasternak's novel, which I confess to not having read so cannot commenton the faithfulness of the film. The story revolves around the dreamy physician and poet, Yuri Zhivago,and his dramatic experiences during the tumult of the RussianRevolution. The story is told in flashback mode during later Communistyears by Yuri's half brother, Yevgraf, a Soviet Army officer, to theyoung woman, Tanya, who may be the long lost daughter of Yuri and hislover, Lara. As a sensitive young boy, Yuri's mother dies and he isadopted by a foster family, the Gromekos. Later reaching adulthood, hestudies medicine and marries his childhood sweetheart, Tonya, and theyhave a little boy, Sasha. Soon all their personal lives are thrown into turmoil byWorld War I and the Bolshevik Revolution. The handsome Omar Sharif is brilliantly empathetic in the role ofZhivago, masterfully conveying his character's emotions. Who can forgethis intensely expressive, tear filled eyes at some of the moreemotional moments, especially with snowflakes melting on them? Aphysician but also a poet, Yuri has a deep appreciation of the beautyaround him. His gentleness and idealism stand in sharp contrast to thehorrific violence of war and revolution, as Yuri witnesses suchatrocities as dismemberment and cannibalism. Also, this is a man whoremains very much an individual despite the Bolshevik's philosophies ofcollectivism. However, the main conflict here is internal withinYuri's own heart, as he is torn between fidelity and passion. He deeplyloves his sweet, gentle, and dependable wife, Tonya, and struggles toremain faithful. Yet he is tempted by a forbidden passion for thealluring Lara, a nurse at the wartime army hospital where both arecaring for wounded soldiers. Lara serves as his muse, speaks to hissoul, and is the inspiration for his poetry. Unlike most moderncinematic tales of infidelity which involve little restraint or guilt,Yuri and Lara desperately seek personal integrity as they arerepeatedly brought together and separated by the upheaval of war andrevolution. Surely if Yuri is 'the worst of sinners, then he is theworst of sufferers also'. The two women in Yuri's life, wife and mistress, stand in sharpcontrast, though both come across as sympathetic characters. The lovelyGeraldine Chaplain portrays his ladylike, aristocratic wife, Tonya, whois well bred and has been schooled abroad. The daughter of thebourgeois Gromeko, she is actually Yuri's step sister, which mightunderstandably tend to elicit more platonic than passionate feelingsfrom her husband. Yuri and Lara succumb to their passions even as theblameless Tonya is pregnant with Yuri's second child. Tonya is a warm,loving wife and devoted mother, undeserving of her husband'sinfidelity. As a teenagegirl, she is seduced and violated by the lecherous Victor Komarovsky, adespicable politician and her own mother's lover. Pasha laterbecomes Strelnikov, the obsessive Bolshevik officer who eventuallycomes into confrontation with Zhivago. Ofcourse the legend of Lara lives on musically in Maurice Jarre's lovely,haunting Lara's Theme. This film has amazing Oscar winning cinematography throughout. DuringWorld War I and the Revolution, there are vivid scenes of battle, massdesertion, and endless march through the desolate, blizzard riddenSiberian wasteland. Also visually stunning is the spectacular trainride Yuri and his family must make from Moscow to the Urals, site ofthe family dachau. However, surely most viewers' truly unforgettablepictures are the snowy white sleigh ride and the magnificent ice castleat Varykino. No other film can compare in its depiction of winterscenery. This sweeping panorama, the era's tumultuous political events,and the emotional portrait of one sensitive man's experience of them,create a visual masterpiece and a truly immortal screen saga. Reviewed by Casey Machula csm23 I can't remember the origin of the quote, but I remember it distinctly. Zhivago is set at the time whenthe Bolsheviks, feverishly ideological, were creating their socialist state. The epochal drama that unfolds is the age-old question about whether theends justify the means. As materialists matter precedes spirit, not vice versa , the Bolsheviksbelieved that they had found the holy grail of human progress inMarxism-Leninism, and were now able to assume the reins of history in theirown hands. They believed that their violence was not only justified, butnecessary, oblivious to the fact that they, too, somehow felt the angel ofmedieval teleology smiling over their shoulders. Therecouldn't be a sharper moral contrast. There's a fabulous scene midway through the movie that highlights thedifference in moral attitude. Zhivago confronts a communist functionarywho has ordered the destruction of a village, a hamlet suspected of aidingthe Mensheviks by selling them horses. And so Strelnikov,the passionate Bolshevik, glibly justifies his actions to Dr. Zhivago aseasy as if he were tossing his hair aside, saying that the annihilation ofthe village, however cruel, is necessary to make a point. If there's a more beautiful heroine inall of movie-making history than Julie Christie Lara , I'm not aware of it. And Omar Sharif is stunning as Iuri Zhivago, who heals the body withemetics, scalpels, antiseptic, and gauze, while he heals the soul with hispoetry. Although the movie is three hours and 20 minutes long, thecinematography is so efficient, evocative, and densely layered that onehardly notices. This is, in my opinion, one of the best films of alltime.
  86. This surely ranks among the best ofdirector David Lean's many masterpieces. Doctor Zhivago is still sincere when he meets Lara. Surely if Yuri is 'the worst of sinners, then he is theworst of sufferers also'. The daughter of thebourgeois Gromeko, she is actually Yuri's step sister, which mightunderstandably tend to elicit more platonic than passionate feelingsfrom her husband. It was produced by Granada Television, with co-funding from the Gusto PBS station WGBH Boston and the German company Evision. Synopsis The life of a Russian physician and poet who, although married to another, falls in love with a political activist's wife and experiences hardship during the First World War and then the October Revolution. However, surely most viewers' truly unforgettablepictures are the sincere white sleigh ride and the magnificent ice castleat Varykino. No other film can compare in its depiction of winterscenery. This is, in my opinion, one of the best films of alltime. Not even Maurice Jarre, who composed one of the mostunforgettable themes in film history, or Si Bolt, for his skillfuladaptation on Pasternak's difficult novel, not even Freddy Young'scinematography, can rise above the vibration of genius, which is DavidLean.

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