ℹ️ Your data is safe here... unless you make the SNIP gods angry. And let's just say they have a really bad sense of humor.

From Harmless Hedgehog, 5 Years ago, written in HTML5.
  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
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  54. </head>
  55. <body>
  56. <div class="exception-summary">
  57.     <div class="container">
  58.         <div class="exception-message-wrapper">
  59.             <h1 class="break-long-words exception-message">    Whoops, looks like something went wrong. Check your librenms.log.
  60. </h1>
  61.             <div class="exception-illustration hidden-xs-down">
  62.                 &lt;svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 64 64"&gt;<path d="M35.758 22.094l6.148 6.148-2.42 2.459-6.147-6.148zm11.245-11.226l6.149 6.148-2.44 2.46-6.148-6.148zm-.396 22.094l6.188 6.148-2.44 2.46-6.346-6.149zm11.245-11.225L64 27.885l-2.42 2.459-6.148-6.148zm-24.335-4.562l6.188-6.148 2.44 2.44-6.149 6.148zm10.868 10.868l6.149-6.148 2.459 2.42-6.148 6.148zm10.849 10.869l6.148-6.188 2.46 2.44-6.347 6.147zM22.272 28.46l6.148-6.148 2.46 2.42-6.149 6.147zm10.849 10.848l6.187-6.148 2.42 2.42-6.148 6.148zm10.868 10.869l6.148-6.188 2.46 2.44-6.189 6.346z" fill="#fff"></path><path d="M13.288 44.544l6.188 6.148-2.42 2.46-6.188-6.188zM24.533 33.32l6.148 6.148-2.42 2.44-6.148-6.149zm-.337 22.093l6.148 6.149L27.904 64l-6.148-6.148zM35.4 44.187l6.148 6.148-2.42 2.44-6.147-6.148zM2.44 33.676l6.149 6.148-2.44 2.42L0 36.095zM13.685 22.45l6.148 6.148-2.44 2.44-6.148-6.149zM24.89 11.225l6.148 6.148-2.38 2.46-6.148-6.148zM36.095 0l6.188 6.148-2.44 2.44-6.346-6.149zM22.67 6.346L28.817.198l2.44 2.42-6.149 6.148zM11.424 17.592l6.148-6.149 2.459 2.44-6.148 6.148zM.198 28.837l6.148-6.148 2.44 2.38-6.148 6.187zm10.829 10.828l6.148-6.148 2.46 2.44-6.149 6.148zm10.868 10.869l6.148-6.149 2.44 2.42-6.148 6.148zm10.829 10.868l6.188-6.148 2.44 2.38-6.149 6.188z" fill="#db202e"></path>&lt;/svg&gt;
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  64.         </div>
  65.     </div>
  66. </div>
  68. <div class="container">
  71.     <hr class="separator">
  72.     <p>Check your log for more details. (librenms.log)</p>
  74.     <p>If you need additional help, you can find how to get help at <a href="https://docs.librenms.org/Support">https://docs.librenms.org/Support</a>.</p>
  75. </div>
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  77. &lt;/html&gt;