- LibreNMS Poller
- ===================================
- Version info:
- Commit SHA: e3720235f4bde071a2005e970c3cad35f668608e
- Commit Date: 1515476884
- DB Schema: 228
- PHP: 7.0.18-0ubuntu0.16.04.1
- MySQL: 10.0.29-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.16.04.1
- RRDTool: 1.5.5
- SNMP: NET-SNMP 5.7.3
- ==================================DEBUG!
- Starting polling run:
- QL[[0;33mINSERT INTO `device_perf` (`xmt`,`rcv`,`loss`,`min`,`max`,`avg`,`device_id`,`timestamp`) VALUES ('3','3','0','11.1','64.2','32.5','60',NOW())[0m]
- SNMP Check response code: 0
- Modules status: Global+ OS Device
- #### Load poller module core ####
- SNMP[[0;36m/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c COMMUNITY -OQnUt -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/librenms/mibs udp:HOSTNAME:161 sysUpTime.0 sysLocation.0 sysContact.0 sysName.0 sysObjectID.0[0m]
- .*.*.0 = 418400
- .*.*.0 = Unknown
- .*.*.0 = Nobody
- .*.*.0 = ENP_SCUP
- .*.*.0 = .*.4.1.6302
- SNMP[[0;36m/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c COMMUNITY -OvQ -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/librenms/mibs udp:HOSTNAME:161 sysDescr.0[0m]
- uCOS ENP_SCUP 2.01
- SNMP[[0;36m/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c COMMUNITY -OQnUst -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB -M /opt/librenms/mibs udp:HOSTNAME:161 snmpEngineTime.0 hrSystemUptime.0[0m]
- Uptime seconds: 0
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT `lat`,`lng` FROM `locations` WHERE `location`='Unknown' LIMIT 1[0m]
- Using cached lat/lng from other device
- >> Runtime for poller module 'core': 0.1459 seconds with 5584 bytes
- >> SNMP: [3/0.09s] MySQL: [1/0.05s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module core ####
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0.14588904380798[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]Modules status: Global+ OS Device
- #### Load poller module unix-agent ####
- >> Runtime for poller module 'unix-agent': 0.0004 seconds with 8328 bytes
- >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module unix-agent ####
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0.0003659725189209[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]Modules status: Global+ OS Device
- #### Load poller module os ####
- Generic :(
- Hardware:
- Version:
- Features:
- Serial:
- >> Runtime for poller module 'os': 0.0002 seconds with 504 bytes
- >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module os ####
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0.00015902519226074[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]Modules status: Global+ OS Device
- #### Load poller module ipmi ####
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT * FROM sensors WHERE device_id = '60' AND poller_type='ipmi'[0m]
- Array
- (
- )
- >> Runtime for poller module 'ipmi': 0.0512 seconds with 2480 bytes
- >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [1/0.05s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module ipmi ####
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0.051208019256592[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]Modules status: Global+ OS Device
- #### Load poller module sensors ####
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT `sensor_class` FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '60' GROUP BY `sensor_class`[0m]
- >> Runtime for poller module 'sensors': 0.0514 seconds with 1336 bytes
- >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [1/0.05s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module sensors ####
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0.051387071609497[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]Modules status: Global+ OS Device
- #### Load poller module processors ####
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT * FROM processors WHERE device_id = '60'[0m]
- >> Runtime for poller module 'processors': 0.0510 seconds with 1728 bytes
- >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [1/0.05s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module processors ####
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0.051028966903687[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]Modules status: Global+ OS Device
- #### Load poller module mempools ####
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT * FROM mempools WHERE device_id = '60'[0m]
- >> Runtime for poller module 'mempools': 0.0008 seconds with 1760 bytes
- >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [1/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module mempools ####
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0.00075101852416992[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]Modules status: Global+ OS Device
- #### Load poller module storage ####
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT * FROM storage WHERE device_id = '60'[0m]
- >> Runtime for poller module 'storage': 0.0010 seconds with 1824 bytes
- >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [1/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module storage ####
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0.00096297264099121[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]Modules status: Global+ OS Device
- #### Load poller module netstats ####
- IPSNMP[[0;36m/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c COMMUNITY -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/librenms/mibs udp:HOSTNAME:161 IP-MIB::ipForwDatagrams.0 IP-MIB::ipInDelivers.0 IP-MIB::ipInReceives.0 IP-MIB::ipOutRequests.0 IP-MIB::ipInDiscards.0 IP-MIB::ipOutDiscards.0 IP-MIB::ipOutNoRoutes.0 IP-MIB::ipReasmReqds.0 IP-MIB::ipReasmOKs.0 IP-MIB::ipReasmFails.0 IP-MIB::ipFragOKs.0 IP-MIB::ipFragFails.0 IP-MIB::ipFragCreates.0 IP-MIB::ipInUnknownProtos.0 IP-MIB::ipInHdrErrors.0 IP-MIB::ipInAddrErrors.0[0m]
- TCPSNMP[[0;36m/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c COMMUNITY -OQUs -m TCP-MIB -M /opt/librenms/mibs udp:HOSTNAME:161 TCP-MIB::tcpActiveOpens.0 TCP-MIB::tcpPassiveOpens.0 TCP-MIB::tcpAttemptFails.0 TCP-MIB::tcpEstabResets.0 TCP-MIB::tcpCurrEstab.0 TCP-MIB::tcpInSegs.0 TCP-MIB::tcpOutSegs.0 TCP-MIB::tcpRetransSegs.0 TCP-MIB::tcpInErrs.0 TCP-MIB::tcpOutRsts.0 tcpHCInSegs.0 tcpHCOutSegs.0[0m]
- UDPSNMP[[0;36m/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c COMMUNITY -OQUs -m UDP-MIB -M /opt/librenms/mibs udp:HOSTNAME:161 UDP-MIB::udpInDatagrams.0 UDP-MIB::udpOutDatagrams.0 UDP-MIB::udpInErrors.0 UDP-MIB::udpNoPorts.0[0m]
- ICMPSNMP[[0;36m/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c COMMUNITY -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/librenms/mibs udp:HOSTNAME:161 icmp[0m]
- SNMPSNMP[[0;36m/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c COMMUNITY -OQUs -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/librenms/mibs udp:HOSTNAME:161 snmp[0m]
- IP-FORWARDSNMP[[0;36m/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c COMMUNITY -OQv -M /opt/librenms/mibs udp:HOSTNAME:161 IP-FORWARD-MIB::ipCidrRouteNumber.0[0m]
- >> Runtime for poller module 'netstats': 12.5323 seconds with 14840 bytes
- >> SNMP: [6/12.53s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module netstats ####
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:12.532331943512[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]Modules status: Global+ OS Device
- #### Load poller module hr-mib ####
- SNMP[[0;36m/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c COMMUNITY -OUQs -m HOST-RESOURCES-MIB -M /opt/librenms/mibs udp:HOSTNAME:161 hrSystemProcesses.0 hrSystemNumUsers.0[0m]
- >> Runtime for poller module 'hr-mib': 0.0388 seconds with 1632 bytes
- >> SNMP: [1/0.04s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module hr-mib ####
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0.038818120956421[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]Modules status: Global+ OS Device
- #### Load poller module ucd-mib ####
- SNMP[[0;36m/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c COMMUNITY -OQUs -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/librenms/mibs udp:HOSTNAME:161 systemStats[0m]
- End of MIB
- SNMP[[0;36m/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c COMMUNITY -OQUs -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/librenms/mibs udp:HOSTNAME:161 memTotalSwap.0 memAvailSwap.0 memTotalReal.0 memAvailReal.0 memTotalFree.0 memShared.0 memBuffer.0 memCached.0[0m]
- SNMP[[0;36m/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c COMMUNITY -OQUs -m UCD-SNMP-MIB -M /opt/librenms/mibs udp:HOSTNAME:161 laLoadInt.1 laLoadInt.2 laLoadInt.3[0m]
- >> Runtime for poller module 'ucd-mib': 0.2014 seconds with 2832 bytes
- >> SNMP: [3/0.20s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module ucd-mib ####
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0.20144510269165[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]Modules status: Global+ OS Device
- #### Load poller module ipSystemStats ####
- SNMP[[0;36m/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c COMMUNITY -OQUs -m IP-MIB -M /opt/librenms/mibs udp:HOSTNAME:161 ipSystemStats[0m]
- End of MIB
- >> Runtime for poller module 'ipSystemStats': 0.0242 seconds with 1920 bytes
- >> SNMP: [1/0.02s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module ipSystemStats ####
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0.024181127548218[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]Modules status: Global+ OS Device
- #### Load poller module ports ####
- Caching Oids: SNMP[[0;36m/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c COMMUNITY -OQUs -m IF-MIB -M /opt/librenms/mibs udp:HOSTNAME:161 ifXEntry[0m]
- End of MIB
- SNMP[[0;36m/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c COMMUNITY -OQUst -m IF-MIB -M /opt/librenms/mibs udp:HOSTNAME:161 ifEntry[0m]
- End of MIB
- dot3StatsDuplexStatusSNMP[[0;36m/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c COMMUNITY -OQUs -m EtherLike-MIB -M /opt/librenms/mibs udp:HOSTNAME:161 dot3StatsDuplexStatus[0m]
- End of MIB
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = '60' AND `ifType` = 'adsl'[0m]
- SNMP[[0;36m/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c COMMUNITY -OQUs -m Q-BRIDGE-MIB -M /opt/librenms/mibs udp:HOSTNAME:161 dot1qPvid[0m]
- End of MIB
- Array
- (
- )
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT `name` FROM `port_association_mode` WHERE pom_id = '1'[0m]
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT *, `ports_statistics`.`port_id` AS `ports_statistics_port_id`, `ports`.`port_id` AS `port_id` FROM `ports` LEFT OUTER JOIN `ports_statistics` ON `ports`.`port_id` = `ports_statistics`.`port_id` WHERE `ports`.`device_id` = '60' ORDER BY ports.port_id[0m]
- >> Runtime for poller module 'ports': 1.1384 seconds with 18792 bytes
- >> SNMP: [4/1.13s] MySQL: [3/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module ports ####
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:1.1384108066559[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]Modules status: Global+ OS Device
- #### Load poller module bgp-peers ####
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT * FROM bgpPeers WHERE device_id = '60'[0m]
- >> Runtime for poller module 'bgp-peers': 0.0022 seconds with 10472 bytes
- >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [1/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module bgp-peers ####
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0.0022051334381104[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ junose-atm-vp ] disabled globally.
- Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ toner ] disabled globally.
- Modules status: Global+ OS Device
- #### Load poller module ucd-diskio ####
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT * FROM `ucd_diskio` WHERE `device_id` = '60'[0m]
- >> Runtime for poller module 'ucd-diskio': 0.0003 seconds with 1856 bytes
- >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [1/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module ucd-diskio ####
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0.00034999847412109[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ wifi ] disabled globally.
- Modules status: Global+ OS Device
- #### Load poller module wireless ####
- Attempting to initialize OS: generic
- OS initialized: LibreNMS\OS\Generic
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id` = '60'[0m]
- >> Runtime for poller module 'wireless': 0.0026 seconds with 113192 bytes
- >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [1/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module wireless ####
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0.0025839805603027[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]Modules status: Global+ OS Device
- #### Load poller module ospf ####
- Processes: SQL[[0;33mSELECT * FROM `ospf_instances` WHERE `device_id` = '60' AND `context_name` = ''[0m]
- SNMP[[0;36m/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c COMMUNITY -OQUs -m OSPF-MIB -M /opt/librenms/mibs udp:HOSTNAME:161 OSPF-MIB::ospfGeneralGroup[0m]
- End of MIB
- Polled: Array
- (
- )
- Database: Areas: SQL[[0;33mSELECT * FROM `ospf_areas` WHERE `device_id` = '60' AND `context_name`= ''[0m]
- SNMP[[0;36m/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c COMMUNITY -OQUs -m OSPF-MIB -M /opt/librenms/mibs udp:HOSTNAME:161 OSPF-MIB::ospfAreaEntry[0m]
- End of MIB
- Polled: Array
- (
- )
- Database: Ports: SQL[[0;33mSELECT * FROM `ospf_ports` WHERE `device_id` = '60' AND `context_name` = ''[0m]
- SNMP[[0;36m/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c COMMUNITY -OQUs -m OSPF-MIB -M /opt/librenms/mibs udp:HOSTNAME:161 OSPF-MIB::ospfIfEntry[0m]
- End of MIB
- Polled: Array
- (
- )
- Database: Neighbours: SQL[[0;33mSELECT * FROM `ospf_nbrs` WHERE `device_id` = '60' AND `context_name` = ''[0m]
- SNMP[[0;36m/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c COMMUNITY -OQUs -m OSPF-MIB -M /opt/librenms/mibs udp:HOSTNAME:161 OSPF-MIB::ospfNbrEntry[0m]
- End of MIB
- Polled: Array
- (
- )
- Database:
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0:0:0:0[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]
- >> Runtime for poller module 'ospf': 0.2532 seconds with 6944 bytes
- >> SNMP: [4/0.25s] MySQL: [4/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module ospf ####
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0.25323414802551[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-ipsec-flow-monitor ] disabled globally.
- Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-remote-access-monitor ] disabled globally.
- Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-cef ] disabled globally.
- Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-sla ] disabled globally.
- Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-mac-accounting ] disabled globally.
- Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cipsec-tunnels ] disabled globally.
- Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-ace-loadbalancer ] disabled globally.
- Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-ace-serverfarms ] disabled globally.
- Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-asa-firewall ] disabled globally.
- Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-voice ] disabled globally.
- Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-cbqos ] disabled globally.
- Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-otv ] disabled globally.
- Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-vpdn ] disabled globally.
- Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ netscaler-vsvr ] disabled globally.
- Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ aruba-controller ] disabled globally.
- Modules status: Global+ OS Device
- #### Load poller module entity-physical ####
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT * FROM `entPhysical_state` WHERE `device_id` = '60'[0m]
- >> Runtime for poller module 'entity-physical': 0.0009 seconds with 2072 bytes
- >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [1/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module entity-physical ####
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0.00091099739074707[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ entity-state ] disabled globally.
- Modules status: Global+ OS Device
- #### Load poller module applications ####
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT * FROM `applications` WHERE `device_id` = '60'[0m]
- >> Runtime for poller module 'applications': 0.0011 seconds with 1456 bytes
- >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [1/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module applications ####
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0.0010828971862793[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ mib ] disabled globally.
- Modules status: Global+ OS Device
- #### Load poller module stp ####
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT * FROM `stp` WHERE `device_id` = '60'[0m]
- SNMP[[0;36m/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c COMMUNITY -Oqv -m RSTP-MIB -M /opt/librenms/mibs udp:HOSTNAME:161 dot1dStpProtocolSpecification.0[0m]
- >> Runtime for poller module 'stp': 0.0238 seconds with 5696 bytes
- >> SNMP: [1/0.02s] MySQL: [1/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module stp ####
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0.02384090423584[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]Modules status: Global+ OS Device
- #### Load poller module ntp ####
- >> Runtime for poller module 'ntp': 0.0002 seconds with 192 bytes
- >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module ntp ####
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:0.00015091896057129[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]Modules status: Global+ OS Device
- #### Load poller module services ####
- >> Runtime for poller module 'services': 0.0001 seconds with 0 bytes
- >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s]
- #### Unload poller module services ####
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:5.4121017456055E-5[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ loadbalancers ] disabled globally.
- Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ mef ] disabled globally.
- ### End Device Groups ###
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT `graph` FROM `device_graphs` WHERE `device_id` = '60'[0m]
- RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:32.5[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]RRD[[0;32mupdate /opt/librenms/rrd/ N:15.663[0m]
- [[0;31mRRD Disabled[0m]Polled in 15.663 seconds
- Updating
- SQL[[0;33mUPDATE `devices` set `last_ping` =NOW(),`last_ping_timetaken` ='32.5',`last_polled` =NOW(),`last_polled_timetaken` ='15.663' WHERE `device_id` = '60'[0m]
- #### Start Alerts ####
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT `device_group_id` FROM `device_group_device` WHERE `device_id`='60'[0m]
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT alert_schedule.schedule_id FROM alert_schedule LEFT JOIN alert_schedule_items ON alert_schedule.schedule_id=alert_schedule_items.schedule_id WHERE ( alert_schedule_items.target = '60' ) && ((alert_schedule.recurring = 0 AND (NOW() BETWEEN alert_schedule.start AND alert_schedule.end)) OR (alert_schedule.recurring = 1 AND (alert_schedule.start_recurring_dt <= date_format(NOW(), '[1;33m-[0;35m-%d') AND (end_recurring_dt >= date_format(NOW(), '[1;33m-[0;35m-%d') OR end_recurring_dt is NULL OR end_recurring_dt = '0000-00-00' OR end_recurring_dt = '')) AND (date_format(now(), '%H:%i:%s') BETWEEN `start_recurring_hr` AND end_recurring_hr) AND (recurring_day LIKE CONCAT('%',date_format(now(), '[0;37m'),'%') OR recurring_day is null or recurring_day = ''))) LIMIT 1[0m]
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT `device_group_id` FROM `device_group_device` WHERE `device_id`='60'[0m]
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT alert_rules.* FROM alert_rules LEFT JOIN alert_map ON alert_rules.id=alert_map.rule WHERE alert_rules.disabled = 0 && ( (alert_rules.device_id = -1 || alert_rules.device_id = '60' ) || alert_map.target = '60' )[0m]
- Rule [0;35m#1 (Devices up/down):[0m
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT state FROM alerts WHERE rule_id = '1' && device_id = '60' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1[0m]
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT * FROM devices WHERE (devices.device_id = '60') && (((devices.status = 0 && ((devices.disabled = 0 && devices.ignore = 0)))) = "1" )[0m]
- Status: [0;34mNOCHG[0m
- Rule [0;35m#2 (Device rebooted):[0m
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT state FROM alerts WHERE rule_id = '2' && device_id = '60' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1[0m]
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT * FROM devices WHERE (devices.device_id = '60') && (devices.uptime < "300" && ((devices.disabled = 0 && devices.ignore = 0)) = "1" )[0m]
- Status: [0;34mNOCHG[0m
- Rule [0;35m#3 (BGP Session down):[0m
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT state FROM alerts WHERE rule_id = '3' && device_id = '60' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1[0m]
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT * FROM bgpPeers,devices WHERE (( devices.device_id = bgpPeers.device_id ) && bgpPeers.device_id = '60') && (bgpPeers.bgpPeerState != "established" && ((devices.status = 1 && ((devices.disabled = 0 && devices.ignore = 0)))) = "1")[0m]
- Status: [0;34mNOCHG[0m
- Rule [0;35m#4 (BGP Session established):[0m
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT state FROM alerts WHERE rule_id = '4' && device_id = '60' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1[0m]
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT * FROM bgpPeers,devices WHERE (( devices.device_id = bgpPeers.device_id ) && bgpPeers.device_id = '60') && (bgpPeers.bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime < "300" && bgpPeers.bgpPeerState = "established" && ((devices.status = 1 && ((devices.disabled = 0 && devices.ignore = 0)))) = "1")[0m]
- Status: [0;34mNOCHG[0m
- Rule [0;35m#6 (Port utilisation over threshold):[0m
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT state FROM alerts WHERE rule_id = '6' && device_id = '60' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1[0m]
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT * FROM ports WHERE (ports.device_id = '60') && ((((ports.ifInOctets_rate*8) / ports.ifSpeed)*100) >= "80" && ((ports.ifOperStatus = "up" && ports.ifAdminStatus = "up" && ((ports.deleted = 0 && ports.ignore = 0 && ports.disabled = 0)))) = "1" && ((ports.deleted = 0 && ports.ignore = 0 && ports.disabled = 0)) = "1")[0m]
- Status: [0;34mNOCHG[0m
- Rule [0;35m#7 (Sensor over limit):[0m
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT state FROM alerts WHERE rule_id = '7' && device_id = '60' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1[0m]
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT * FROM sensors,devices WHERE (( devices.device_id = sensors.device_id ) && sensors.device_id = '60') && (sensors.sensor_current > sensors.sensor_limit && sensors.sensor_alert = "1" && ((devices.status = 1 && ((devices.disabled = 0 && devices.ignore = 0)))) = "1")[0m]
- Status: [0;34mNOCHG[0m
- Rule [0;35m#8 (Sensor under limit):[0m
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT state FROM alerts WHERE rule_id = '8' && device_id = '60' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1[0m]
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT * FROM sensors,devices WHERE (( devices.device_id = sensors.device_id ) && sensors.device_id = '60') && (sensors.sensor_current < sensors sensors.sensor_alert = "1" xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed rule_id = '9' device_id = '60' xss=removed services.device_id = '60' xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed rule_id = '13' device_id = '60' storage.device_id = '60'>= "85" && storage.storage_descr NOT REGEXP "/boot" && storage.storage_descr NOT REGEXP "/home/sites/st" )[0m]
- Status: [0;34mNOCHG[0m
- Rule [0;35m#14 (CPU):[0m
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT state FROM alerts WHERE rule_id = '14' && device_id = '60' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1[0m]
- SQL[[0;33mSELECT * FROM devices,processors WHERE (( processors.device_id = devices.device_id ) && devices.device_id = '60') && (((devices.status = 1 && ((devices.disabled = 0 && devices.ignore = 0)))) = "1" && processors.processor_usage >= "85" )[0m]
- Status: [0;34mNOCHG[0m
- #### End Alerts ####
- ./poller.php 2018-01-12 15:05:55 - 1 devices polled in 16.19 secs
- SNMP [24/14.30s]: Get[12/0.82s] Getnext[0/0.00s] Walk[12/13.48s]
- MySQL [60/0.75s]: Cell[10/0.01s] Row[12/0.05s] Rows[32/0.17s] Column[3/0.00s] Update[1/0.42s] Insert[2/0.10s] Delete[0/0.00s]
- RRD [0/0.00s]: Update[0/0.00s] Create [0/0.00s] Other[0/0.00s]