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From Little Baboon, 5 Years ago, written in Plain Text.
  1. Single ladies qwaqwa
  2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. ❤️  Link №1: https://bit.ly/2SKVF7b
  4. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
  5. ❤️  Link №2: http://phoversusand.fastdownloadcloud.ru/dt?s=YToyOntzOjc6InJlZmVyZXIiO3M6MjQ6Imh0dHA6Ly9zdGlra2VkLmNvbV8yX2R0LyI7czozOiJrZXkiO3M6MjA6IlNpbmdsZSBsYWRpZXMgcXdhcXdhIjt9
  6. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
  79. Across the country, there are thousands of wonderful South African women seeking men and hoping to meet someone just like you. Meet loads of available single women in Qwaqwa withblesserfinder. Pray that Julia will have great wisdom in dealing with the workers, and will find good grounds for us to lay off three workers, or that the Lord will provide the funds to maintain this workforce. They received sweets as prizes and snacks as they left to go home each day.
  81. Some of the workers who were dismissed, after the shocking lies they spread on social media about the supposed sexual activities going on at the Mustard Seed, and by way of letters, containing lies about the rape of children that went on at the Mustard Seed, sent to the sponsors and Social Welfare, have gone to the CCMA, asking their reinstatement or compensation. They willingly and enthusiastically took up the idea to develop the site at Tsheseng into a proper Marian Shrine. The girls are regulars at our services.
  83.  - What is so hard to understand is that in spite of Julia having been very kind to these people in many ways, even taking the one ladies grandson into the home, feeding him and buying his school uniform every year as well as buying him shoes and clothes when needed, these workers showed no appreciation and then turned on Julia.
  85. Incorporating: The Mustard Seed Using Scripture Union materials and programmes Registration Number: 137-284 NPO Qwa Qwa Newsletter July 2018 Result of the CCMA Hearing. He is good and his mercies endure forever. If we did not have the sure Word of God to encourage us we would have been in despair. But we know that God works all things together for good to those who love him and are called according to his purpose. The verdict went against us at the CCMA hearing yesterday. The Mustard Seed has to pay three of the old workers, who were dismissed for bringing the ministry into disrepute through allegations of sexual abuse etc, R 3500 each. Praise God it is not R 15000 or even R 5000 each, that they were claiming. But yet, R 10500, is still beyond our means. Each worker has to be paid R 583. The Mustard Seed and Mountain Ministries have no spare cash to meet this expense, we always are scraping the bottom of the barrel each month end. If the Mustard Seed had not lost sponsors through the lies of these workers, these payments would be no problem. Please pray with us that we will be able to raise the required amount needed for the full payment or that we will be able to meet the monthly amount required. If we fail to meet the payments, the CCMA has said they will have to close the centre and confiscate furniture to the value of the amount owing. We are not sure if they can actually do this, or if it is just a threat. Not good news, but we know that God is in control, and his will, will be done. Tag each deposit with your name and CCMA, so that Julia can differentiate what is for the home and what is for the CCMA. Please keep this in your prayers. And pray that the other dismissed workers will not also climb on the band wagon and make claims through the CCMA. All is in the hands of the Lord. We trust him in all things. The social worker who came to support us, and spoke up on our behalf, felt that the commissioner was a bit biased because we were white and trying to exploit poor black people. What is so hard to understand is that in spite of Julia having been very kind to these people in many ways, even taking the one ladies grandson into the home, feeding him and buying his school uniform every year as well as buying him shoes and clothes when needed, these workers showed no appreciation and then turned on Julia. Nor did they have any sympathy or feeling for the children who may suffer shortages arising from their actions. The heart of man is truly deceitful, and cares only for self. This result has hit Julia very hard. She needs your encouragement. It has also knocked me and annoyed me. But God gives grace to forgive. What is worse is that workers we were planning to dismiss at the end of their contract period, end August, are not allowed to be dismissed, as they have worked more than three months and are now, so called, permanent. These workers have caused a lot of trouble between Julia and the children, but now they have to stay on. Please pray that they will leave of their own accord, sooner rather than later. This has also hit Julia very hard. The labour laws in this country favour the workers, so it is so difficult to dismiss workers. This has also annoyed me. But I must forgive. Thank you so much for praying. He who accomplishes all things according to the counsel of his will, will work all of these setbacks for good. Our God controls the planets in their orbits; Our God and Father controls the destiny of men and of nations. He works all things together for good to those who love him, who are called according to his purpose. He also works out all things according to the counsel of his will. Therefore we can rest in his love at all times; because not only is he our Great God he is also our loving Father and our faithful God. He is God in all circumstances. Praise God for his faithfulness. He has blessed the Mustard Seed with the continued support from the USA, thank you Scott Johnston and all the faithful donors. Thank you Wendell from Circle of Faith for the sleeping bags, but also the clothes and shoes delivered to the orphanage. The children are very thankful for the sleeping bags that keep them warm in bed. Thank you too, to the teachers and pupils of Ed-U-College, for the food and clothing etc delivered to the Mustard Seed. Praise God for his faithfulness. During the school holidays we got together with the children of the Mustard Seed, over two days before the HBC, for games and activities and sharing the Word of God. The children enjoyed the different games and a number listened intently to the Bible teachings. They were so disappointed, but they had the HBC to look forward to. In the March, April, May newsletter we explained about how workers, who were dismissed for spreading lies to our donors and Social Services, laid a complaint with the CCMA for unfair dismissal. The next hearing is on the 30th July. Please pray that they will not succeed in their bid to be reinstated, or for compensation. They are claiming R5000 each. Neither the Mustard Seed nor Mountain Ministries have the funds to pay them. One plus is that Social Services will be attending the hearing and will explain why the workers were dismissed. Health Issues Thank you so much for your prayers concerning our health. Cynthia is much better. Reg has not had a chest infection since May, in spite of a some very cold weather during July. I have not had a severe dizzy spell since early May and the constant dizziness has eased considerably. Praise the Lord for answers to prayer. Heather is still battling with the MS. The winter has not helped her very much. Thank you for you prayers. Holiday Bible Club The HBC went very well with between 180 to 220 children present during each day of the HBC. Each group had about five to six leaders leading in various activities and games. The games were followed by learning the memory verse for the day and a Bible teaching each day. The theme for the teachings were the miracles of Jesus. The children had a great time playing soccer and traditional games, and enjoyed the other games. Many children listened intently to the Bible teachings, unfortunately we had a few distractions from the older boys. But the Word did go forth and will bear fruit in the lives of these children. They also learnt the memory verses with great enthusiasm. On the last day about eleven children could recite all the verses learnt over the week, while others could remember one, two or three. Thank you to our faithful leaders who always work so hard to make each HBC special for the children. Thank you to those who contribute toward the costs of the HBC. Unfortunately we were not able to provide a meal for the children after each days activities, never the less they still came out to enjoy the games and teachings. They received sweets as prizes and snacks as they left to go home each day. Praise God for the privilege to share with the children. The church Since the camp in May the young people have been very enthusiastic. They are much more regular in their church attendance, and their attendance at the Bible studies, the Friday night meetings and the music practice. As the worship group grows the praise and worship in the church is becoming much more enthusiastic and meaningful. Some of this enthusiasm is beginning to rub off onto other members of the congregation. There is a desire to have another camp early next year. Please pray that the young people will work hard at raising funds, and that sponsors will be found to give something toward the camp. It took two years of hard work to raise the funds for the camp in May this year. Food Project Praise God for the His Place Church in Hastings, England, who give toward this project that supplies food to many very poor families. The number of mainly women and children has grown to well over a hundred and more people look for help with food every month. Please pray that we will receive enough funds to cover the increasing demand for food aid. Most people who receive food help are very grateful and some cannot express their gratitude adequately. Thanks We praise God for your faithful prayers for us and for your encouragement in the work. Sometimes things become very difficult, but your prayers sustain us. Praise God too for your generous donations for us personally and for the ministry. We thank God for each one of you, and appreciate you. How great is our God and how blessed are we all. From large wild animals to minute flying insects we see the hand of our God in all these things. Finally we are getting down to writing a newsletter. The past three months have been filled with a lot of activities and challenges. Reg has had a lot of trouble with dizziness and weakness. At times he is not able to stand or even sit but has to lie down. Yet by the grace of God he has managed to carry on with the work. There have been days when he has not been able to get up, but praise God these are few and far between. Not sure what causes this problem. Just lately he has suffered from a chest infection. Praise the Lord he is getting stronger by the day. Yet the work goes on by the grace of the Lord. Water and electricity issues. Over the past months there have been a lot of power outages and water cuts. One of their favoured times for cutting the power and the water seems to be the weekends and particularly Sunday mornings when people are getting ready for church. This has adversely affected attendances at churches as people have trouble getting enough water to wash and also not having the power to warm the water. Yet the services continue and are fairly well attended. The water problem has caused big problems at the Mustard Seed. The children and the workers have to take containers to a water point in a nearby village to collect water. This has to be done twice a day to ensure that there is water for drinking, cooking, washing bodies and clothes. It is quite an exercise. The Mustard Seed has an ongoing problem with water shortages. The pipes are corroded so there is no running water into the house. They rely on supply from the municipal water tankers. These now seem to be out of action, so the morning and evening trek to get water continues. Please pray that a better house in a good location can be obtained, where there is a continual supply of running water, and a constant supply of power. The power supply has been an issue for years in this area, but there is no reason for water cuts. The dams are full after the good summer rains. Some areas that have had a water supply in the past now have no water supply at all. It seems that the pipes that feed the villages, and water pipes in the villages are corroding and there are many leaks. Under The ANC council there has been no routine maintenance since 1994. Instead of repairing the damaged infrastructure they choose to shut the water supply off four or five days. Then turn it on again for a few days until the water starts running in the streets from the various leaks. Then it is switched off again. Lately we have not been able to do any work on the newsletter as they keep switching the power off during the day. So for the first time in a week we are able to work on getting the newsletter done. That did not last for too long as they shut the power down again. After two and a half weeks of trying we have at last finished the newsletter working during the periods when the power is on. Witsieshoek Primary School SU Camp. At this camp Cynthia and Reg were invited to be the camp speakers. Not sure why as we work with the children every Wednesday at the school. Yet the children did receive the word with open hearts. The venue for the camp was the Drakensville Holiday Resort. The school was assigned one of the resorts personnel. His duties were to manage the children at the foofie?!! Cynthia and I were to do the spiritual input. We had a very energetic bunch of 31 young children who exhausted both us, their one teacher and the principal of the school!! But they had a really good time and learnt much from the Bible, including the books of the New Testament and where to find the various verses referred to. There was also opportunity to pray for many of the children individually. Many of these children are very keen to serve Jesus. We look forward to good results that are glorifying to the Lord through the lives of these precious children. Mountain Ministries Church Youth Camp. We had been saving up money and recycling many empties, receiving a small amount each time compared to the price of the camp fees. We postponed for 1 year and eventually had just enough to run the camp — including transport fees and gifts to Pastor Sello and Martha for their ministry. We were at the Oban Guest Farm in van Reenen who gave us a special price. The camp was a wonderful experience for 20 of our youth and they testified of how the Lord had touched them through the games, songs and talks. One of the highlights was the separated talks to the girls and the guys which we, of course, were not allowed to go to!! They spoke very freely to Martha and Sello and asked many questions. We trust this camp weekend will have many lasting results in the lives of our youth and it will be worth all the sacrifices made to make it happen. But this time, they say, it must not just be a week end but at least four or five days, and include other churches. Well, they will have to help us more this time and contribute at least some of the fees to make it happen and work hard at raising funds. But above all we will trust God to raise the funds. Following up on the camp we have been studying the call of Paul the apostle in Acts 9; 22; 26, as well as the call of Jeremiah, Jeremiah chapter 1, challenging them to open their hearts to the call of God on their lives. Some have been worked upon by the Holy Spirit, and one young lady comes to church with a note pad and pen and takes notes of the teachings. An urgent need for prayer. Some of the workers who were dismissed, after the shocking lies they spread on social media about the supposed sexual activities going on at the Mustard Seed, and by way of letters, containing lies about the rape of children that went on at the Mustard Seed, sent to the sponsors and Social Welfare, have gone to the CCMA, asking their reinstatement or compensation. At the hearing the commissioner would not accept that their lies were a serious enough offence to dismiss the workers, even though it had caused the loss of a significant amount of sponsorship money. There is going to be another hearing at which Social Welfare, Julia, Reg and some members of the board of Mountain Ministries must appear and state our case. If the decision goes against us CCMA will demand that these workers are compensated for unfair dismissal. The problem is that if these three workers succeed in winning the case, all the dismissed workers will want compensation. Neither the Mustard Seed, nor Mountain Ministries have the funds to pay the five thousand rand each they are asking. Please pray that the commissioner will see the validity of the reasons for the dismissal of these workers. The supply of food to the poor. Praise God for the donations from His Place Church, Hastings, in England, who so faithfully support this project. Through these donations thirty four families receive some food aid every month. This does not include a number of others who come to the gate looking for Maize Meal. Praise the Lord, we have not had to turn anyone away. There are about one hundred people who benefit from this project. Most of these are widows, a number of orphans, child headed families and single ladies and their children, some of them have six or seven children. Thanks Thank you so much for your prayer and financial support for us and the work here. This work depends so much on your support. We appreciate each one of you for holding us up before the Lord. Like Moses our arms get tired and we need the prayers and the encouragement of our family in Christ. Thank you all so much for all that you do for us. Extreme heat, then extreme cold for 2 days , then heat again with rain in between! The weather is always changing and bringing with it a variety of problems or rather challenges for us to deal with — dry vegetable patches, drooping plants, dry streams then flooded streams carrying all sorts of rubbish down to the main river through Qwa Qwa. You cannot believe what these people throw into their water supply and all over the roads and pavements!! We try to teach the children a better way but until their parents set a good example, we cannot win. The changes also bring a variety of diseases, including a water-borne germ causing diarrhoea, vomiting and fever. Things may change but our God is Bigger than these things. Amen and praise the Lord. Our health is improving, most of our vegetables are recovering slowly with a bit of tender, loving care and we can still live off the garden to a certain extent. RIOTS, DEMONSTRATIONS AND MARCHES In February many hundreds of people downed tools and took to the streets of Qwa Qwa for five days. All schools and businesses were closed. There were no bread or milk deliveries. In fact nothing was delivered to any shops. All the main roads were blocked with burning tyres, burning branches and grass, big rocks, metal barricades and stones. These were all manned by thugs, who saw an opportunity to capitalise on the situation. It was supposed to be a peaceful demonstration, but unfortunately the thug element always comes to the fore. It was so bad that the army had to be called in to keep a semblance of order. But they concentrated on the central shopping areas. Most escaped, a few were caught, beaten and had their clothes torn. On the Wednesday a young lad at the Mustard Seed became quite ill. He had to get to a hospital. The Lord was with us. He protected us and took us safely there and back with very little incident. On the way back Reg had to get out of the vehicle to clear stones and rocks out of the road. The Lord protected us as none of the guys manning the road block tried to stop him. A few kilometres further along the main road, a group of thugs tried to block our way by rolling a big rock in our way. By the grace of God we managed to go around it and get safely home. SCHOOLS CHRISTIAN GROUP The Bible Club continued during January but February was interrupted by the protests against the mayor and the extra after-school classes that were held to catch up the missed work. However the scholars are looking forward to the camp in April and we are opening it up to the whole school to those who can pay the fees as places are still available. On Monday we went to the school bright and early to advertise the camp and speak at the Parade Assembly. We also shared the Gospel with the children and spoke to the teachers and prayed with them. We trust all will go well and we will be able to fill the camp hostel at Drakensville. YOUTH CAMP Our church youth are really looking forward to their camp in May. We have all been collecting and recycling all sorts and colours of bottles, tins and plastics to raise some of the money to cover the cost of this camp which was postponed from last year May. We will be at the Orban Guest Farm in Van Reenen, who are giving us a special price due to the fact that we are from a rural area with many orphans and widows. Pastor Sello will be coming down from Soweto to be our guest speaker. As he knows many of our young people he is very suited to share with them on their level. We are still quite a bit short of the fees for the camp as well as travelling costs for Pastor S and all the youth campers. Any contributions will be very much appreciated, whether large or small. CHURCH The church in Lusaka is growing in spite of the fact that when the young people finish their schooling, they move on to the cities to find work, and certain of the older people also move to other churches. The Sunday School at Lusaka is also thriving, as is the youth work. The Lusaka church, unlike the church in Mabolela, is blessed with many talented singers who lead the worship in the church. The music group have the ability to involve the people in rousing praise and deep worship. The times of praise and worship are truly moving experiences. Praise God that a number of these young people are truly committed to the Lord Jesus. A group of young men also go to an outreach work between Kestel and Harrismith, each Saturday and Sunday, to visit and then run the service on the Sunday. Pray that this work will be established in the Lord. Pray for Joseph and Joyce Zwane who head up this work. Pray that the Lord will give them wisdom and strength in the work. Pray for their finances, that the Lord will provide for their needs. Joseph needs a new vehicle to carry on with his work of transporting children to school. Our God is a God of miracles, so pray with us for a new vehicle for him. This is his bread and butter. The church in Mabolela has out grown the class room where we meet. Soon we will need a bigger place to meet. Pray that the Lord will provide. Our sound system has collapsed, but we still praise the Lord with passion and verve. Teaching has been centred on the life of Jesus. On Thursdays we teach the children at the Mustard Seed. Slowly the message is getting through to these abused, neglected and orphan children. Then a team goes out visiting to pray with and encourage people. In this way we are reaching shut-ins, children and widows. Our young leaders are maturing and growing in Jesus. Pray that the Lord will grow them up more and more in Jesus, that they will be able to take on more responsibility. Pray that the Lord will send a young couple to help in the work here, who can help with the training of the young leaders. Thanks Thank you so much for your prayer and financial support for us and the work here. This work depends so much on your support. We appreciate each one of you for holding us up before the Lord. Like Moses our arms get tired and we need the prayers and the encouragement of our family in Christ. Thank you all so much for all that you do for us. Love in the Lord Cynthia, Julia and Reg Incorporating: The Mustard Seed Using Scripture Union materials and programmes Registration Number: 137-284 NPO Qwa Qwa Newsletter November 2017 In spite of the recent rains the two streams close to the house have stopped flowing, our bean plants are battling to cling onto life, and some of our gem squash plants are struggling to develop. There has been a shortfall in the rain this year. The Western Cape particularly and other areas are facing an unprecedented water shortage. Factions in the ruling party are adversely affecting good governance and service delivery, while the majority of the nation suffer. It is a time when we as the true church of Jesus Christ should arise and pray and repent on behalf of our nation. If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray And seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sin and will heal their land. In the early morning I walk our dogs. Often we walk down to the stream furtherest from our home. This stream has never stopped flowing in all the years we have been living here. This year it has stopped flowing. It flows after rain but soon stops flowing again and in parts it is dry. Well I often go down to the stream and pray for rain to fall on our land, and especially for rain over the Western Cape. Lord have mercy upon us. We repent of all the wickedness that is perpetrated in our nation. We have sinned and gone after our own gods and have not sought you the true and Living God. In your mercy forgive our sin and send the rain from heaven, that the streams will flow and the rivers run and the dams fill up: that there may be water for man and beast: that food may grow in abundance for man and beast. Thank you that you are a God who answers the prayers of your people. You alone can send the rain and to you alone belongs all glory, honour and power. Health Issues Heather is recovering from her op and the sessions at the dentist in JHB. I have returned home but am still battling with dizziness. It turns out it is an infection in both ears. I also have this constant buzzing in my ears and along with this there are these headaches that occur on and off, as well as pain in the ears. I have been on drops for the ears and will see the doctor again today. Now on stronger antibiotics for the infection. I know that The Lord will heal this problem. The rest in JHB has done me a lot of good. I am no longer so exhausted and weak. But I do realise, that having had a physical melt down twice in three or four months, I need to be careful not to take on too much. I need to do the things the Lord wants me to do and not the urgent things. One other thing, the eye infection I had a while back has left permanent scaring on the cornea of my right eye. I discovered this when I went for an eye test for new glasses. There is not much vision in the right eye. Even with these new glasses I do not see as well as I was hoping I would. But we need to let my eyes settle in to the new lenses, and trust the Lord for clearer vision. In all these issues we trust in the Lord who is our Healer, knowing also that his grace is sufficient for us. The Koreans are coming A group of Korean pastors will be visiting Qwa Qwa from the 14 th — 20 th November. The group is led by pastor Kuak. It has been a long time since they have visited here. They will visit us at our home on the 18 th and then look over the Mustard Seed. Please pray with us for this visit. The Mustard Seed needs sponsors. We do not look to men, we look to the Lord and we believe that the Lord will raise up sponsors for this ministry. On Sunday the 19 th they will join us at our service at the school, where we are anticipating that pastor Kuak will preach. Please pray for this service. The Witsieshoek Primary School Last week Wednesday 8 th November was our last session of the year at the school. It went very well with about sixty boisterous children charging around during the games. They settled very well for the lesson from the Bible and sang choruses with fervour. They are all very excited that there will be a camp in April 2018. Thanks We appreciate the fact that so many of you have been praying for us. We are strengthened by the Lord through your prayers. Thank you too for your financial support for us and the work here. We do appreciate your generosity in giving even in these economically difficult times. Thank you to His Place Church for your ongoing support for feeding the very poor and orphans. There are close on 100 people, widows, orphans, children and very poor families benefit from the food project. Then we also have children, mothers and children and orphans coming to our home for food. Praise the Lord, that due to your generosity we have never turned anyone away empty handed. There is always something we can give to satisfy their hunger. God is so good. It will be lovely to breathe in clean, moist air for a change!! There was some rain and then more wind and dust in September. Through October there was more wind, dust, rain and SNOW, believe it or not!!! Sorry — trying to figure out how to download pictures from my phone onto the computer. August started off very well for us. We were feeling strong in the Lord; the ministry was going well; home visitation was going well; preparation of Bible studies was moving along very nicely; I was pushing to get the financials and all the reports required for the NPO off to Social development before the end of the month, and I was preparing everything to get the Lusaka Church and the Mabolela church registered with SARS. Sure we had our problems: the constant rumours about the Mustard Seed and Cynthia and I. By the Lords grace this was not going to hold us back. We were all set to take August by storm and get a lot done. Then boom; I was absolutely flattened by a severe chest infection. Cynthia also was stopped in her tracks by a heavy dose of flu. All I wanted to do was lie in bed and rest. That is also how Cynthia felt. But life must go on. When you really are down God gives you grace to go on. We had a number of meetings with people from social welfare, and one with social welfare and the sponsor of the Mustard Seed, at the Mustard Seed to fire the old workers and hire new workers. These meetings went on for ages but all I felt like doing was to crawl into a hole and go to sleep. Then there were other things like buying and distributing food to the needy; visiting the sick and the dying. We did have time to rest as well. Bible studies were cancelled for the rest of the month, as were the leadership meetings. It is amazing how God gives you the perseverance to push through the pain to accomplish what is needed to be done. I can say with Paul, His grace is sufficient for me. His strength is made perfect in weakness. Well, it has been a long hard road to recovery, but praise the Lord our Strength is restoring our strength. The Lord is our Healer. Reg is in JHB recovering from an overload to the body system. The Mustard Seed After all the problems caused by the old workers, who have been intent on destroying the good work of the Mustard seed we have now appointed new workers. It took a lot of discussions, and a number of meetings to finally say goodbye to the old bunch of workers, and appoint new ones. But it is done. Eight workers have been appointed, three of whom were appointed by social welfare. I, personally, was not happy with the social welfare appointees. They are not born again, and, I believe, they are put there to watch, and inform social welfare of all that is happening at the Mustard Seed. There are probably three too many workers. This will give us an opportunity of seeing who is really willing to work, and who should be released at the end of theprobation period. Pray that Julia will have great wisdom in dealing with the workers, and will find good grounds for us to lay off three workers, or that the Lord will provide the funds to maintain this workforce. I must say that the house is much cleaner now since the new workers started. They seem more intent on working than on spreading rumours. We are not sure how much longer the American sponsor of the Mustard Seed will continue to sponsor the shelter. So we are looking for new sponsors. Not an easy task! But the Lord will lead us to the right people and will provide. We have visited some businesses. S A Cloth paid for the water tanks at the Mustard Seed to be filled, and also provided food when the situation was really desperate. Thank you so much VJ for your generosity. Thank you, Tommy and Mamora for organising these food deliveries. Praise the Lord for his provision, but there is also a great need for cash, to pay the workers, to pay the rent , to buy electricity and for school fees and school uniforms. The five Thebete children all ran back to their mother, who is a drunk, and uses her daughters 11 and 6 year olds as child prostitutes, to feed the family and support her habit. Five older children, who were not brought in by welfare, have also been taken away from the Mustard. They were a bad example to the younger children, and two of them were involved with the old workers in spreading the rumours to the sponsors. Then another three were taken away by welfare. There are now seventeen children left at the Mustard Seed. After all this we now have too many workers, but I am sure welfare will soon be bringing in more children. A group of Korean pastors will be visiting shortly. We have asked them to help the Mustard Seed financially. They are coming out to visit and assess to what extent they will be able to get involved. Please pray that they will be able to support the work. This will take a considerable weight off our shoulders. This takes a lot of time and effort. Other Ministry In between sorting out the Mustard seed, and frequent trips to Social Services, we are also, still involved in other ministries. The Lusaka church continues to go forward in the Lord, ably led by Pastor and Mama Zwane. The Sunday School is growing and very well led by one of the young men. Praise God for that. In Mabolela we are hampered by meeting in the school class room. We need a building of our own. Please pray with us for the finance to buy land and build a meeting hall. In September we started a series on John 1:1 — 18. The Sunday School is going well. It is also run by a group of three young people, who attend the Bible Studies and the Friday night prayer and fellowship meetings. A number of children at Witsieshoek Primary School look forward to Wednesdays SU group where there is singing, Bible stories, life skill training and games. Thursday afternoons are quite busy. At four in the afternoon we are working through a series of teachings for the children at the Mustard Seed. The Holy Spirit is slowly beginning to get the message of the gospel through to the children. This is followed by our leadership training, either in the form of a study on some aspect of leadership or home visitation. Friday evenings are given over to the youth for prayer and fellowship, or a Christian movie, or discussion etc. Network Retreat A 3 day retreat was really enjoyed by 31 pastors and leaders from our network Acts 2:42 churches. It was a special time of fellowship, praise and worship, teaching and enjoying good meals and very comfortable accommodation. Two days does not really give us enough time for what we need. This year we were able to have a lot of discussion after various teachings which were very profitable. Our leaders testified the following week about the blessing it had been for them and thanked the Lord for the privilege they had to attend the retreat. Trip to Johannesburg Cynthia and Heather spent almost 3 weeks in JHB. Heather was supposed to have her yearly cortisone course but ended up having many different medical tests and undergoing an operation. She is still very sore in various places but has improved somewhat. Cynthia enjoyed her 74 th birthday very much — having lunch with her sister and dinner with her brother and being blessed by them and the Friday Bible study group with cake etc. She thanks the Lord for the opportunity of being in JHB, for her birthday even though the rest of the time was very difficult and tiring. Reg, who had been quite busy while Cynthia was away, found that his body was just not able to keep up with all the activity, was forced to take a break. So a short while after Cynthia returned he took time off to rest up in JHB. In the time he has been in JHB he has hardly left the upstairs apartment where his son lives. Been to church on Sunday at Claude and Yvonne, followed by a good lunch and fellowship; to the dentist on the Monday. Thanks Claude for the lift; and to a gathering of pastors in the Fourways area, with Dave and Liz Pass, followed by a lovely breakfast and a lot of catching up. Thanks Dave and Liz. Claude has come over twice during the week where we two have been able to share. At the end of the pastors gathering, one of the pastors gave me a very encouraging word. Praise God he is so faithful. Through the Holy Spirit he spoke into the three areas where we have been really struggling. Now we need to get back to the task of getting back on track and completing the tasks started in August. Not an easy task when you are not 100% at your best. Thanks I want to thank God for his faithfulness. In all the ups and downs of life he has never failed us or forsaken us, and even though we have gone through some tough times, he has sustained us, upheld us and provided for us, and we are confident that we will see his love, grace and provision come through for us. Thank you for your prayers, they mean so much to us. Thank you for your financial support. Thank you for your encouragement. In the early afternoon of Sunday, 9 th July, there was a thin line of fire burning the grass coming around the mountain behind us. But by the evening it was a raging fire coming towards us in 2 rows of high flames!! Looking at the flames coming toward us we began making plans to fight the fire if it did come into our property. First we prayed and asked others to pray with us. Then we phoned some of the young people to come and help. The garden hose, that had been stored away in the storeroom for so long due to the water shortage was brought out, only to find that during its long hibernation someone had taken all the fittings. As the fire swept toward our property at an alarming rate, we phoned the fire department. We also cut branches off green trees to use to try to kill the flames. In the mean time we had several people praying for the situation. At that point five of the young men from the church arrived followed by the fire trucks. There was no need to fight the fire. God stopped it from reaching our property. Our God is GOOD. He certainly protects his people. The next morning I went to inspect the scene of the fire. It had stopped about twenty five to thirty meters from the boundary fence. In other places it had burnt right down the mountain side. The Lord saved the day. Thanks for your prayers. HOLIDAY BIBLE CLUB During the July holidays we held a mini HBC at the Mustard Seed for the orphans and others who came from the villages nearby. The children enjoyed the games, Bible stories and Bible verses. We were not able to give them a cooked meal due to lack of funds but were able to give them and the leaders packets of sniggles and oranges. Most of the children appreciate what we do for them and we thank the Lord for the spiritual growth we see in some of them. It is a slow, steady progress and we also thank the Lord for His faithfulness in dealing with them. BIBLE CLUBS We continue to run a weekly Bible Club at Witsieshoek Primary school. This term we have started a Bible Club at the Mustard Seed every Thursday using a course of Bible stories called the Greatest Journey. This course covers both the Old and New Testaments with practical applications and is a good foundation for children up to the age of about 14. We trust that the children will get to know their Bibles better and get to know the Lord on a more personal level. We look forward to seeing growth in the Church, the Sunday School and the weekly Bible Studies and Leaders meetings, as well as the Youth meetings on a Friday evening. We have experienced a very cold winter and this has affected the attendances at some of our meetings, so we look forward to better numbers attending, as the weather we hope warms up a bit and the days slowly grow longer and longer as we approach the spring and summer seasons. The Leadership Training This has its challenges, but is an ongoing work. Discussions have centred round the gifts and the ministries in the church. Then we have also done some practical things like visiting those who used to come to the church, the sick, the dying, and the bereaved. Concerning the bereaved, there has been a number of opportunities to train. We have had three deaths, in the last while, where we have been called out to deal with the death of a loved one. So we had opportunities to share the Word and pray with those who have lost loved ones. There have also been opportunities to evangelise during our visits. One old lady of eighty, Mrs Moloi, opened her heart to the Lord, or should we say the Lord opened her heart to trust in Jesus. We praise God for her desire to receive Jesus. There was also an opportunity of sharing the gospel with a woman of thirty seven years, a few weeks before she passed away. After we had shared the good news about Jesus with her, she indicated she wanted to receive Jesus. We were asked to conduct the funeral service, so this gave us the opportunity to share with her daughters and to counsel them. The girls are regulars at our services. Now there is another child-headed home to look after. The oldest is seventeen, in grade eleven, and the youngest is five years old. The Mustard Seed There are people here in Qwa Qwa who are trying very hard to get Julia out of the Mustard Seed. They started some time back by telling lies to an American lady who was visiting the Mustard Seed. They said Daniel beat the workers and hit the children. Unfortunately, these lies were believed, and spread. This caused the loss of some sponsors. Their aim was to get Daniel out of the house so that they could put pressure on Julia, to try to force her to leave. The old strategy, divide and conquer. These people are pushing very hard to take over the ministry. The latest lies concern Daniel and Julia. Certain workers were contacting the main donor in the USA saying Daniel is having sex with one of the ten year old girls, and Julia takes one of the older girls and fondles her in a sexual manner. This group of former employees of the Mustard Seed they have all subsequently been dismissed have gone to the police and Social Services, to lay complaints against Julia and Daniel. Their complaints have been dismissed as they are unable to prove their allegations. None the less, they still contact the main donor and pass on their lies, and for some reason he would rather believe these people than Julia or myself. Then on Monday one of the current workers phoned social welfare claiming that the one year old baby had been raped. On medical examination the allegation was proved to be false. No one is willing to say who made the call to welfare. And so it goes on. On Saturday 6th August there will be a meeting, where these former workers will meet with Social Services and the board of Mountain Ministries, to try and get to the bottom of all these allegations. Please pray that the truth will come out and all lies exposed. The board of Mountain Ministries Have been asked to become more involved at the Mustard seed. So sorry that there are no pictures. Someone has taken our camera and the charger. We now have to learn how to download pictures from our cell phones. Thanks Thank you so much for praying for us and the work we are doing here. We face many challenges here and have to battle against rumours and lies against Cynthia and particularly against Reg. Some of them are very hurtful. These lies have also affected our funding and attendance at the meetings. So we do stand in need of your prayers. Thank you for praying. We know that ultimately we will be vindicated before God. All ministry money is used for the ministry it was given for. We have accounts and receipts etc to prove this. Our books are audited by reputable auditors. So we are able to account for all ministry money. It seems that as a ministry we are under attack. Please pray for all these lies to be exposed for what they are, LIES form the pit of hell. Thanks too for your continued support for our own personal needs and for the various branches of the ministry. May the Lord prosper you in all that you do and uphold you in his grace. Love in the Lord Cynthia, Julia and Reg Post navigation © Mountain Ministries, 1994- 2017. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Mountain Ministries with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
  86. Find a girlfriend or lover in Qwaqwa, or just have fun flirting online with Qwaqwa single girls. Slowly the message is getting through to these abused, neglected and orphan children. Not good news, but we know that God is in control, and his will, will be done. There were no bread or milk deliveries. Thanks Single ladies qwaqwa you so much for your sol and financial support for us and the work here. But I must forgive. The theme for the teachings were the miracles of Jesus.