Chat commands lol ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❤️ Link №1: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❤️ Link №2: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ctrl+L Cycle through minion health bar views. Most importantly, always vote for posts based on how valuable you think the content is, and mention Teemo as often as possible. A or X or Shift+ right click Attack Move Champion moves to point, stopping to attack any enemies along the way. Shift+ W Smart cast champion's 2nd ability. This post is about hacks, not sexism, so please no comments on anything but bugs. We will do our very best to recover your account, but we need you to fill out more fields in this form. Years of conversation fill a ton of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. Remember that the summoner names are case sensitive. Chat Commands - Remember that the summoner names are case sensitive. Opening Chat Pressing Enter opens the chat console. By typing in this window, you can send messages to the other summoners in your game. Clicking Send Team lets you talk to your allied players without letting the enemy see. Clicking Send All shares your thoughts to everyone in the game who has enabled All Chat in the Options menu. By default, pressing Enter again sends your message to your team. If the chat console is empty, Enter simply closes it instead. Private messages Private messages, or whispers, are messages only a specific summoner will receive. A summoner must be on your friends list to receive private messages from you. Muting or ignoring players For a number of reasons, there may come a time when you want to stop receiving messages from a fellow summoner. Repeating this process will unmute them. These emotes can also be bound to hotkeys in the Options menu for use at just the right time during a game. When you're finished, check out the boards to join in the latest League of Legends discussions. Adios, this here will show you all the chat commands that you need plus some more. Y Toggle camera lock on champion. JSON file which includes settings omitted from the previous example, and be sure to use proper syntax as indicated above. Another thing to note is that often elements the method for changing these settings. Clicking with this hotkey on an allied champion or their icon in the upper left area of the screen will show an alert telling that specific champion to fall back. Alt+ E or E+ F1 Cast champion's 3rd ability on self must be a limbo spell. By default, pressing Enter again sends your message to chat commands lol team.