LibreNMS Discovery SQL[select `migration` from `migrations` order by `id` desc limit 1 [] 1.19ms] SQL[select count(*) as aggregate from `migrations` [] 0.9ms] SQL[select version() [] 0.62ms] =========================================== Component | Version --------- | ------- LibreNMS | 24.3.0 (2024-04-02T00:15:07+02:00) DB Schema | 2024_02_07_151845_custom_map_additions (290) PHP | 8.2.15 Python | 3.9.2 Database | MariaDB 10.5.21-MariaDB-0+deb11u1 RRDTool | 1.7.2 SNMP | 5.9 =========================================== DEBUG! Updating os_def.cache SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE disabled = 0 AND `hostname` LIKE ' 1' ORDER BY device_id DESC [] 3.5ms] 121 zxa10 SQL[select * from `devices` where `device_id` = ? limit 1 [121] 0.97ms] SQL[select * from `devices_attribs` where `devices_attribs`.`device_id` = ? and `devices_attribs`.`device_id` is not null [121] 0.85ms] [FPING] '/usr/bin/fping' '-e' '-q' '-c' '3' '-p' '500' '-t' '500' '-O' '0' '10.2 00.110.11' response: xmt/rcv/%loss = 3/3/0%, min/avg/max = 0.932/0.983/1.03 SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpget' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' '-m' 'S NMPv2-TC:SNMPv2-MIB:IF-MIB:IP-MIB:TCP-MIB:UDP-MIB:NET-SNMP-VACM-MIB' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQXUte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0'] SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0 = SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3902.1082.1001.650.1.1 Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module core #### Attempting to initialize OS: zxa10 OS initialized as Generic (zxa10) SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpget' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' '-m' 'S NMPv2-TC:SNMPv2-MIB:IF-MIB:IP-MIB:TCP-MIB:UDP-MIB:NET-SNMP-VACM-MIB' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQXUte' '-On' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0' 'SNM Pv2-MIB::sysDescr.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0'] .*.*.0 = .*.4.1.3902.1082.1001.650.1.1 .*.*.0 = ZXA10 C650, ZTE ZXA10 Software Version: V2.0.0 .*.*.0 = C650-WIERZCH | ZXA10 C650, ZTE ZXA10 Software Version: V2.0.0 | . 50.1.1 | OS: ZTE ZXA10 (zxa10) Attempting to initialize OS: zxa10 OS initialized as Generic (zxa10) >> Runtime for discovery module 'core': 0.0850 seconds with 307944 bytes >> SNMP: [1/0.04s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module core #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module os #### SQL[select * from `locations` where `locations`.`id` = ? limit 1 [3] 1.3ms] SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Ovq' '-m' 'SNMPv2-MIB' '-M' '/ opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'sysContact.0'] Yaml OS data: Location: Wierzchoslawice Hardware: OS Version: OS Features: Serial: >> Runtime for discovery module 'os': 0.0440 seconds with 242784 bytes >> SNMP: [2/0.03s] MySQL: [1/0.01s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module os #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module ports #### SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifDescr'] ifDescr = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree) SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifName'] ifName = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree) SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifAlias'] ifAlias = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree) SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifType'] ifType = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree) SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifOperStatus'] ifOperStatus = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of th e MIB tree) array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? ORDER BY port_id [121] 2.06ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'ports': 0.1640 seconds with 13912 bytes >> SNMP: [5/0.16s] MySQL: [1/0.02s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module ports #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module ports-stack #### SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports_stack` WHERE `device_id` = '121' [] 0.95ms] SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifStackStatus'] ifStackStatus = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of t he MIB tree) >> Runtime for discovery module 'ports-stack': 0.0330 seconds with 1960 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [1/0.01s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module ports-stack #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ xdsl ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module entity-physical #### Caching OIDs: entPhysicalEntrySNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNIT Y' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-MIB:CISCO-ENTITY-VENDORTYPE-OID-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms /mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entPhysicalEntry'] entPhysicalEntry = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end o f the MIB tree) MIB search path: /opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte Cannot find module (CISCO-ENTITY-VENDORTYPE-OID-MIB): At line 1 in (none) SQL[SELECT * FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? [121] 1.46ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'entity-physical': 0.0350 seconds with 6264 byte s >> SNMP: [1/0.03s] MySQL: [1/0.01s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module entity-physical #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ entity-state ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ isis ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module processors #### Caching data: mempools processors SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMM UNITY' '-OteQUsa' '-Ih' '-m' 'ZTE-AN-SMI:ZTE-AN-CHASSIS-MIB:ZTE-AN-ENVMON-MIB:ZT E-AN-OPTICAL-MODULE-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:H OSTNAME:161' 'zxAnCardTable'] zxAnCardTable = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of t he MIB tree) sensors SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OteQUsa' '-Ih' '- m' 'ZTE-AN-SMI:ZTE-AN-CHASSIS-MIB:ZTE-AN-ENVMON-MIB:ZTE-AN-OPTICAL-MODULE-MIB' ' -M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'zxAnCardActu alType'] zxAnCardActualType = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree) SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OteQUsa' '-Ih' '-m' 'ZTE- AN-SMI:ZTE-AN-CHASSIS-MIB:ZTE-AN-ENVMON-MIB:ZTE-AN-OPTICAL-MODULE-MIB' '-M' '/op t/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'zxAnEnvRack'] zxAnEnvRack = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree) SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OteQUsa' '-Ih' '-m' 'ZTE- AN-SMI:ZTE-AN-CHASSIS-MIB:ZTE-AN-ENVMON-MIB:ZTE-AN-OPTICAL-MODULE-MIB' '-M' '/op t/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'zxAnEnvShelf'] zxAnEnvShelf = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of th e MIB tree) SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OteQUsa' '-Ih' '-m' 'ZTE- AN-SMI:ZTE-AN-CHASSIS-MIB:ZTE-AN-ENVMON-MIB:ZTE-AN-OPTICAL-MODULE-MIB' '-M' '/op t/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'zxAnEnvSlot'] zxAnEnvSlot = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree) SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OteQUsa' '-Ih' '-m' 'ZTE- AN-SMI:ZTE-AN-CHASSIS-MIB:ZTE-AN-ENVMON-MIB:ZTE-AN-OPTICAL-MODULE-MIB' '-M' '/op t/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'zxAnCardEnvParamTabl e'] zxAnCardEnvParamTable = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree) SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OteQUsa' '-Ih' '-m' 'ZTE- AN-SMI:ZTE-AN-CHASSIS-MIB:ZTE-AN-ENVMON-MIB:ZTE-AN-OPTICAL-MODULE-MIB' '-M' '/op t/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'zxAnEnvFanTable'] zxAnEnvFanTable = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree) SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OteQUsa' '-Ih' '-m' 'ZTE- AN-SMI:ZTE-AN-CHASSIS-MIB:ZTE-AN-ENVMON-MIB:ZTE-AN-OPTICAL-MODULE-MIB' '-M' '/op t/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'zxAnPowerSupplyTable '] zxAnPowerSupplyTable = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the e nd of the MIB tree) YAML Discovery Data: array ( 'data' => array ( 0 => array ( 'oid' => 'zxAnCardTable', 'value' => 'zxAnCardCpuLoad', 'num_oid' => '.{{ $index }}', 'descr' => '{{ $zxAnCardActualType }} Processor', ), ), ) Data zxAnCardTable: array ( ) Host Resources: SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m ' 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOS TNAME:161' 'hrProcessorLoad'] hrProcessorLoad = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree) UCD Resources: SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Ovq' '-M' '/opt /librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '. 11.0'] No Such Object available on this agent at this OID SQL[SELECT * FROM `processors` WHERE `device_id`=? [121] 1.26ms] SQL[DELETE T FROM `processors` T LEFT JOIN `devices` ON `devices`.`device_id` = T.`device_id` WHERE `devices`.`device_id` IS NULL [] 1.58ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'processors': 0.3550 seconds with 248688 bytes >> SNMP: [10/0.33s] MySQL: [2/0.03s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module processors #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module mempools #### SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUb' '-M' '/opt/librenms /mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ZTE-AN-CHASSIS-MIB::zxAnCardAc tualType'] ZTE-AN-CHASSIS-MIB::zxAnCardActualType = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree) SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUb' '-M' '/opt/librenms /mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ZTE-AN-CHASSIS-MIB::zxAnCardMe mSize'] ZTE-AN-CHASSIS-MIB::zxAnCardMemSize = No more variables left in this MIB View (I t is past the end of the MIB tree) SQL[select * from `cache` where `key` = ? limit 1 ["laravel_cache_Oid:toNumeric: ZTE-AN-CHASSIS-MIB::zxAnCardMemSize\/"] 1.25ms] SQL[delete from `cache` where `key` = ? and `expiration` <= ? ["laravel_cache_Oi d:toNumeric:ZTE-AN-CHASSIS-MIB::zxAnCardMemSize\/",1712736109] 29.12ms] SNMP['/usr/bin/snmptranslate' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' ' -m' 'SNMPv2-TC:SNMPv2-MIB:IF-MIB:IP-MIB:TCP-MIB:UDP-MIB:NET-SNMP-VACM-MIB' '-On' '-Pu' 'ZTE-AN-CHASSIS-MIB::zxAnCardMemSize'] .*.4.1.3902.1*.4.1.19 SQL[insert into `cache` (`key`, `value`, `expiration`) values (?, ?, ?) on dupli cate key update `key` = values(`key`), `value` = values(`value`), `expiration` = values(`expiration`) ["laravel_cache_Oid:toNumeric:ZTE-AN-CHASSIS-MIB::zxAnCard MemSize\/","s:36:\".\";",1712737909] 10.12ms] SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUb' '-M' '/opt/librenms /mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ZTE-AN-CHASSIS-MIB::zxAnCardMe mUsage'] ZTE-AN-CHASSIS-MIB::zxAnCardMemUsage = No more variables left in this MIB View ( It is past the end of the MIB tree) SQL[select * from `cache` where `key` = ? limit 1 ["laravel_cache_Oid:toNumeric: ZTE-AN-CHASSIS-MIB::zxAnCardMemUsage\/"] 1.09ms] SQL[delete from `cache` where `key` = ? and `expiration` <= ? ["laravel_cache_Oi d:toNumeric:ZTE-AN-CHASSIS-MIB::zxAnCardMemUsage\/",1712736109] 7.46ms] SNMP['/usr/bin/snmptranslate' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' ' -m' 'SNMPv2-TC:SNMPv2-MIB:IF-MIB:IP-MIB:TCP-MIB:UDP-MIB:NET-SNMP-VACM-MIB' '-On' '-Pu' 'ZTE-AN-CHASSIS-MIB::zxAnCardMemUsage'] .*.4.1.3902.1*.4.1.11 SQL[insert into `cache` (`key`, `value`, `expiration`) values (?, ?, ?) on dupli cate key update `key` = values(`key`), `value` = values(`value`), `expiration` = values(`expiration`) ["laravel_cache_Oid:toNumeric:ZTE-AN-CHASSIS-MIB::zxAnCard MemUsage\/","s:36:\".\";",1712737909] 9.77ms] SQL[select * from `mempools` where `mempools`.`device_id` = ? and `mempools`.`de vice_id` is not null [121] 1.19ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'mempools': 0.2150 seconds with 105176 bytes >> SNMP: [5/0.14s] MySQL: [7/0.60s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module mempools #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module cisco-vrf-lite #### SQL[SELECT * FROM vrf_lite_cisco WHERE device_id = ? [121] 0.84ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'cisco-vrf-lite': 0.0020 seconds with 2392 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [1/0.01s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module cisco-vrf-lite #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-mac-accounting ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-pw ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ vrf ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-cef ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ slas ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-cbqos ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-otv ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-qfp ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module ipv4-addresses #### SQL[select * from `vrf_lite_cisco` where `vrf_lite_cisco`.`device_id` = ? and `v rf_lite_cisco`.`device_id` is not null [121] 0.85ms] SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' '- m' 'SNMPv2-TC:SNMPv2-MIB:IF-MIB:IP-MIB:TCP-MIB:UDP-MIB:NET-SNMP-VACM-MIB' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQXUte' '-Os' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'IP-MIB::ipAdEntIfIndex'] ipAdEntIfIndex = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree) SQL[select `ipv4_address_id`, `ipv4_address`, `ipv4_prefixlen`, `ipv4_network_id `, `ports`.`device_id`, `ports`.`ifIndex` from `ipv4_addresses` left join `ports ` on `ipv4_addresses`.`port_id` = `ports`.`port_id` where `ports`.`device_id` = ? or `ports`.`device_id` is null [121] 3.54ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'ipv4-addresses': 0.0570 seconds with 105552 byt es >> SNMP: [1/0.04s] MySQL: [2/0.04s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module ipv4-addresses #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module ipv6-addresses #### SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' '- m' 'SNMPv2-TC:SNMPv2-MIB:IF-MIB:IP-MIB:TCP-MIB:UDP-MIB:NET-SNMP-VACM-MIB' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQXUt' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'IP-MIB::ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6'] IP-MIB::ipAddressIfIndex[ipv6] = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree) SNMP query failed. Exit Code: 0 Empty: false Bad String: No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree) SNMP failed walking IP-MIB::ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6 of IP-MIB::ipAddressIfIndex.ip v6,IP-MIB::ipAddressOrigin.ipv6,IP-MIB::ipAddressPrefix.ipv6 aborting. SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OsqnU' '-Ln' '-m' 'IPV6-M IB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ipv6Add rPfxLength'] .*.*.8.1.2 No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MI B tree) SQL[SELECT `ipv6_addresses`.*, `ports`.`device_id`, `ports`.`ifIndex` FROM `ipv6 _addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` ON `ipv6_addresses`.`port_id` = `ports`.`port_id` WHERE `ports`.device_id = ? OR `ports`.`device_id` IS NULL [121] 1.38ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'ipv6-addresses': 0.0730 seconds with 5440 bytes >> SNMP: [2/0.07s] MySQL: [1/0.01s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module ipv6-addresses #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ route ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module sensors #### ENTITY-SENSOR: Caching OIDs: entPhysicalDescrSNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c ' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/libre nms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entPhysicalDescr'] entPhysicalDescr = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end o f the MIB tree) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["voltage",121,"ipmi "] 1.96ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["temperature",121," ipmi"] 1.43ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["fanspeed",121,"ipm i"] 1.51ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["power",121,"ipmi"] 1.46ms] Airflow: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["airflow",121,"snmp "] 1.28ms] Current: Dynamic Discovery (current): array ( 'data' => array ( 0 => array ( 'oid' => 'zxAnCardEnvParamTable', 'value' => 'zxAnCardCurrent', 'num_oid' => '.{{ $index }}', 'descr' => 'Current Card {{ $zxAnCardActualType }}', 'skip_value_lt' => 1, 'divisor' => 1000, ), ), ) Data zxAnCardEnvParamTable: array ( ) array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["current",121,"snmp "] 1.33ms] Charge: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["charge",121,"snmp" ] 1.25ms] Dbm: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["dbm",121,"snmp"] 1 .49ms] Fanspeed: Dynamic Discovery (fanspeed): array ( 'data' => array ( 0 => array ( 'oid' => 'zxAnEnvFanTable', 'value' => 'zxAnEnvFanActualSpeed', 'num_oid' => '.{{ $index }}', 'descr' => 'Fan speed Slot {{ $subindex2 }}', 'low_limit' => 0, ), ), ) Data zxAnEnvFanTable: array ( ) array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["fanspeed",121,"snm p"] 1.55ms] Frequency: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["frequency",121,"sn mp"] 1.3ms] Humidity: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["humidity",121,"snm p"] 1.32ms] Load: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["load",121,"snmp"] 1.17ms] Loss: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["loss",121,"snmp"] 1.35ms] Power: Dynamic Discovery (power): array ( 'data' => array ( 0 => array ( 'oid' => 'zxAnCardEnvParamTable', 'value' => 'zxAnCardPowerConsumption', 'num_oid' => '.{{ $index }}', 'descr' => 'Power Consumption Card {{ $zxAnCardActualType }}', 'skip_value_lt' => 1, 'divisor' => 1000, ), ), ) Data zxAnCardEnvParamTable: array ( ) array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["power",121,"snmp"] 1.48ms] Power_consumed: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["power_consumed",12 1,"snmp"] 1.26ms] Power_factor: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["power_factor",121, "snmp"] 1.29ms] Runtime: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["runtime",121,"snmp "] 1.45ms] Signal: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["signal",121,"snmp" ] 1.45ms] State: Dynamic Discovery (state): array ( 'data' => array ( 0 => array ( 'oid' => 'zxAnEnvFanTable', 'num_oid' => '.{{ $index }}', 'index' => 'zxAnEnvFanOperStatus.{{ $index}}', 'descr' => 'Fan speed Slot {{ $index }} Oper Status', 'group' => 'Fans', 'state_name' => 'zxAnEnvFanOperStatus', 'states' => array ( 0 => array ( 'value' => 1, 'generic' => 0, 'graph' => 0, 'descr' => 'up', ), 1 => array ( 'value' => 2, 'generic' => 1, 'graph' => 0, 'descr' => 'down', ), 2 => array ( 'value' => 3, 'generic' => 2, 'graph' => 0, 'descr' => 'unknown', ), ), ), 1 => array ( 'oid' => 'zxAnEnvFanTable', 'num_oid' => '.{{ $index }}', 'index' => 'zxAnEnvFanOnlineStatus.{{ $index }}', 'descr' => 'Fan speed Slot {{ $index }} Online Status', 'group' => 'Fans', 'state_name' => 'zxAnEnvFanOnlineStatus', 'states' => array ( 0 => array ( 'value' => 1, 'generic' => 0, 'graph' => 0, 'descr' => 'online', ), 1 => array ( 'value' => 2, 'generic' => 1, 'graph' => 0, 'descr' => 'offline', ), 2 => array ( 'value' => 3, 'generic' => 2, 'graph' => 0, 'descr' => 'unknown', ), ), ), 2 => array ( 'oid' => 'zxAnPowerSupplyTable', 'num_oid' => '.{{ $index }}', 'index' => 'zxAnPowerSupplyInVoltageStatus.{{ $index }}', 'descr' => 'Power Supply {{ $index }} Status', 'group' => 'Power', 'state_name' => 'zxAnPowerSupplyInVoltageStatus', 'states' => array ( 0 => array ( 'value' => 1, 'generic' => 0, 'graph' => 0, 'descr' => 'normal', ), 1 => array ( 'value' => 2, 'generic' => 1, 'graph' => 0, 'descr' => 'overVoltage', ), 2 => array ( 'value' => 3, 'generic' => 1, 'graph' => 0, 'descr' => 'underVoltage', ), 3 => array ( 'value' => 4, 'generic' => 2, 'graph' => 0, 'descr' => 'off', ), ), ), ), ) Data zxAnEnvFanTable: array ( ) Data zxAnEnvFanTable: array ( ) Data zxAnPowerSupplyTable: array ( ) array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["state",121,"snmp"] 1.37ms] Count: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["count",121,"snmp"] 1.33ms] Temperature: Dynamic Discovery (temperature): array ( 'data' => array ( 0 => array ( 'oid' => 'zxAnCardEnvParamTable', 'value' => 'zxAnCardTemp', 'num_oid' => '.{{ $index }}', 'descr' => 'Temp Card {{ $zxAnCardActualType }}', ), ), ) Data zxAnCardEnvParamTable: array ( ) array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["temperature",121," snmp"] 1.52ms] Tv_signal: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["tv_signal",121,"sn mp"] 1.33ms] Bitrate: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["bitrate",121,"snmp "] 1.43ms] Voltage: Dynamic Discovery (voltage): array ( 'data' => array ( 0 => array ( 'oid' => 'zxAnPowerSupplyTable', 'value' => 'zxAnPowerSupplyInVoltage', 'num_oid' => '.{{ $index }}', 'descr' => 'DC Input Slot {{ $subindex2 }}', 'skip_value_lt' => 1, ), 1 => array ( 'oid' => 'zxAnCardEnvParamTable', 'value' => 'zxAnCardVoltage', 'num_oid' => '.{{ $index }}', 'descr' => 'Voltage Card {{ $zxAnCardActualType }}', 'skip_value_lt' => 1, 'divisor' => 1000, ), ), ) Data zxAnPowerSupplyTable: array ( ) Data zxAnCardEnvParamTable: array ( ) array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["voltage",121,"snmp "] 1.37ms] Snr: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["snr",121,"snmp"] 1 .69ms] Pressure: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["pressure",121,"snm p"] 1.37ms] Cooling: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["cooling",121,"snmp "] 1.18ms] Delay: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["delay",121,"snmp"] 1.41ms] Quality_factor: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["quality_factor",12 1,"snmp"] 1.38ms] Chromatic_dispersion: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["chromatic_dispersi on",121,"snmp"] 1.42ms] Ber: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["ber",121,"snmp"] 1 .5ms] Eer: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["eer",121,"snmp"] 1 .57ms] Waterflow: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["waterflow",121,"sn mp"] 1.44ms] Percent: array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device _id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? ["percent",121,"snmp "] 1.31ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'sensors': 0.1100 seconds with 55208 bytes >> SNMP: [1/0.03s] MySQL: [34/0.48s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module sensors #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module storage #### SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'DATA-DOMAIN-M IB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte:/opt/librenms/mibs/datadomai n' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'fileSystemSpaceTable'] fileSystemSpaceTable = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the e nd of the MIB tree) SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpget' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' '-m' 'S NMPv2-TC:SNMPv2-MIB:IF-MIB:IP-MIB:TCP-MIB:UDP-MIB:NET-SNMP-VACM-MIB' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQXUte' '-Os' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ARICENT-ISS-MIB::issSwitchCurre ntFlashUsage.0'] Exitcode: 1 ["MIB search path: /opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte Cannot find module (ARICENT-ISS-MIB): At line 1 in (none) ARICENT-ISS-MIB::issSwitchCurrentFlashUsage.0: Unknown Object Identifier "] MIB search path: /opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte Cannot find module (ARICENT-ISS-MIB): At line 1 in (none) ARICENT-ISS-MIB::issSwitchCurrentFlashUsage.0: Unknown Object Identifier SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUsetX' '-m' 'HOST-RESOU RCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'hrStorageTable'] hrStorageTable = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree) hrStorage : SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'U CD-SNMP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dskTable'] dskTable = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MI B tree) SQL[SELECT `storage_descr` FROM `storage` WHERE `device_id` = '121' AND `storag e_type` != 'dsk' [] 1.43ms] array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM `storage` WHERE `device_id` = '121' [] 0.97ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'storage': 0.1590 seconds with 19224 bytes >> SNMP: [3/0.12s] MySQL: [2/0.02s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module storage #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module hr-device #### SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'HOST-RESOURCE S-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'ud p:HOSTNAME:161' 'hrProcessorTable'] hrProcessorTable = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end o f the MIB tree) SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'HOST-RESOURCE S-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'ud p:HOSTNAME:161' 'hrDeviceTable'] hrDeviceTable = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of t he MIB tree) array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM `hrDevice` WHERE `device_id` = '121' [] 1.14ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'hr-device': 0.0650 seconds with 2792 bytes >> SNMP: [2/0.06s] MySQL: [1/0.01s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module hr-device #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module discovery-protocols #### LLDP-MIB: SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/m ibs/zte' '-m' 'SNMPv2-TC:SNMPv2-MIB:IF-MIB:IP-MIB:TCP-MIB:UDP-MIB:NET-SNMP-VACM- MIB' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQXUte' '-Os' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'LLDP-MIB::lldpR emTable'] lldpRemTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID OSPF Discovery: SQL[SELECT DISTINCT(`ospfNbrIpAddr`),`device_id` FROM `ospf_nbr s` WHERE `device_id`=? [121] 1.41ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `links` AS L, `ports` AS I WHERE L.local_port_id = I.port_id A ND I.device_id = ? [121] 1.77ms] SQL[DELETE T FROM `links` T LEFT JOIN `devices` ON `devices`.`device_id` = T.`lo cal_device_id` WHERE `devices`.`device_id` IS NULL [] 0.76ms] 0 orphaned links deleted >> Runtime for discovery module 'discovery-protocols': 0.0650 seconds with 14120 bytes >> SNMP: [1/0.06s] MySQL: [3/0.04s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module discovery-protocols #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module arp-table #### SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' '- m' 'SNMPv2-TC:SNMPv2-MIB:IF-MIB:IP-MIB:TCP-MIB:UDP-MIB:NET-SNMP-VACM-MIB' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQXUte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddre ss'] IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree) SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' '- m' 'SNMPv2-TC:SNMPv2-MIB:IF-MIB:IP-MIB:TCP-MIB:UDP-MIB:NET-SNMP-VACM-MIB' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQXUte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress' ] IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree) SQL[SELECT * from `ipv4_mac` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `context_name`=? [121,""] 5 .59ms] SQL[DELETE T FROM `ipv4_mac` T LEFT JOIN `ports` ON `ports`.`port_id` = T.`port_ id` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON `devices`.`device_id` = T.`device_id` WHERE `ports`.` port_id` IS NULL AND `devices`.`device_id` IS NULL [] 8.8ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'arp-table': 0.0920 seconds with 4136 bytes >> SNMP: [2/0.08s] MySQL: [2/0.14s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module arp-table #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ discovery-arp ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ junose-atm-vp ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module bgp-peers #### SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpget' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' '-m' 'S NMPv2-TC:SNMPv2-MIB:IF-MIB:IP-MIB:TCP-MIB:UDP-MIB:NET-SNMP-VACM-MIB' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQXUte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'BGP4-MIB::bgpLocalAs.0'] BGP4-MIB::bgpLocalAs.0 = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID No BGP on hostPeers : SQL[DELETE FROM `bgpPeers` WHERE device_id=? AND context_name=? [121,""] 0.79ms] SQL[DELETE FROM `bgpPeers_cbgp` WHERE device_id=? AND context_name=? [121,""] 0. 84ms] SQL[SELECT DISTINCT context_name FROM bgpPeers WHERE device_id=? [121] 0.7ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'bgp-peers': 0.0360 seconds with 5232 bytes >> SNMP: [1/0.03s] MySQL: [3/0.02s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module bgp-peers #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module vlans #### SQL[SELECT * FROM `vlans` WHERE `device_id` = ? [121] 0.93ms] SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'BRIDGE-MIB' ' -M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dot1dBasePor tIfIndex'] dot1dBasePortIfIndex = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the e nd of the MIB tree) IEEE8021-Q-BRIDGE-MIB VLANs: SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-O qv' '-m' 'IEEE8021-Q-BRIDGE-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte ' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dot1qVlanVersionNumber.0'] No Such Object available on this agent at this OID >> Runtime for discovery module 'vlans': 0.0790 seconds with 5784 bytes >> SNMP: [2/0.08s] MySQL: [1/0.01s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module vlans #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ vminfo ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ printer-supplies ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module ucd-diskio #### SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'UCD-DISKIO-MI B' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'diskIOEn try'] diskIOEntry = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree) array ( ) SQL[SELECT * FROM `ucd_diskio` where `device_id` = '121' [] 1.07ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'ucd-diskio': 0.0300 seconds with 1808 bytes >> SNMP: [1/0.03s] MySQL: [1/0.01s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module ucd-diskio #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ applications ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module services #### >> Runtime for discovery module 'services': 0.0000 seconds with 688 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module services #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module stp #### SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpget' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' '-m' 'S NMPv2-TC:SNMPv2-MIB:IF-MIB:IP-MIB:TCP-MIB:UDP-MIB:NET-SNMP-VACM-MIB' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQXUte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dStpProtocolSpecifica tion.0'] BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dStpProtocolSpecification.0 = No Such Object available on this a gent at this OID Instances: SQL[select * from `stp` where `stp`.`device_id` = ? and `stp`.`device _id` is not null [121] 1.43ms] Ports: SQL[select * from `ports_stp` where `ports_stp`.`device_id` = ? and `port s_stp`.`device_id` is not null [121] 1.03ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'stp': 0.0390 seconds with 44504 bytes >> SNMP: [1/0.03s] MySQL: [2/0.02s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module stp #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module ntp #### >> Runtime for discovery module 'ntp': 0.0000 seconds with 232 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module ntp #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ loadbalancers ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ mef ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module wireless #### SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"ap-count"] 1.34ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"clients"] 1.11ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"quality"] 1.04ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"capacity"] 0.94ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"utilization"] 1.04ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"rate"] 0.88ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"ccq"] 1.1ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"snr"] 0.91ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"sinr"] 0.83ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"rsrp"] 0.84ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"rsrq"] 0.77ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"ssr"] 0.75ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"mse"] 0.87ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"xpi"] 0.73ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"rssi"] 0.89ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"power"] 0.87ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"noise-floor"] 0.8ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"errors"] 0.8ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"error-ratio"] 0.86ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"error-rate"] 0.88ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"frequency"] 0.83ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"distance"] 0.97ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"cell"] 0.92ms] SQL[SELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [1 21,"channel"] 0.76ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'wireless': 0.0390 seconds with 204368 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [24/0.22s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module wireless #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module fdb-table #### SQL[SELECT `vlan_id`, `vlan_vlan` from `vlans` WHERE `device_id` = ? [121] 0.76m s] SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports_fdb` WHERE `device_id` = ? [121] 0.86ms] SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUsetX' '-m' 'Q-BRIDGE-M IB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dot1qTp FdbPort'] dot1qTpFdbPort = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree) SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUsetX' '-m' 'BRIDGE-MIB ' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/zte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dot1dTpFd bPort'] dot1dTpFdbPort = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree) >> Runtime for discovery module 'fdb-table': 0.0790 seconds with 3672 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [2/0.02s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module fdb-table #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module mpls #### >> Runtime for discovery module 'mpls': 0.0010 seconds with 36944 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module mpls #### SQL[update `devices` set `last_discovered_timetaken` = ?, `last_discovered` = NO W() where `device_id` = ? [2.982,121] 9.43ms] Discovered in 2.982 seconds /opt/librenms/discovery.php 2024-04-10 10:01:50 - 1 devices discov ered in 3.375 secs SNMP [42/1.39s]: Snmpget[9/0.27s] Snmpwalk[31/1.06s] Snmptranslate[2/0.06s] SQL [100/1.94s]: Select[90/1.15s] Delete[7/0.49s] Insert[2/0.20s] Update[1/0.09s ] RRD [0/0.00s]: