LibreNMS Poller =================================== Version info: Commit SHA: f80fa5a42b6bc48e3af171af96550b3c5fbae1c2 Commit Date: 1599489959 DB Schema: 2020_08_28_212054_drop_uptime_column_outages (173) PHP: 7.4.7 MySQL: 10.5.5-MariaDB-1:10.5.5+maria~focal RRDTool: 1.7.0 SNMP: NET-SNMP 5.7.3 ==================================DEBUG! Starting polling run: Hostname: Device ID: 21 OS: proxmox (unix) #### Load poller module core #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQnUt' '-m' 'SNMPv2-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'sysUpTime.0' 'sysContact.0' 'sysName.0' 'sysObjectID.0' 'sysDescr.0'[0m] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQnUst' '-m' 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'snmpEngineTime.0' 'hrSystemUptime.0'[0m] Uptime: 11 days 6 hours 33 minutes >> Runtime for poller module 'core': 0.0609 seconds with 25544 bytes >> SNMP: [2/0.06s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] #### Unload poller module core #### #### Load poller module availability #### Availability: 1 day : 100}ays : 1000days : 10065days : 100% >> Runtime for poller module 'availability': 0.0073 seconds with 38400 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [5/0.00s] #### Unload poller module availability #### Module [ unix-agent ] disabled globally. #### Load poller module os #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-m' 'NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.'[0m] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-m' 'UCD-SNMP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.'[0m] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-m' 'UCD-SNMP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.'[0m] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-m' 'MIB-Dell-10892' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.'[0m] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-m' 'CPQSINFO-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/hp' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'cpqSiProductName.0'[0m] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.'[0m] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.'[0m] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.'[0m] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.'[0m] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-m' 'MIB-Dell-10892' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.'[0m] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.'[0m] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Ovq' '-m' 'SNMPv2-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'sysLocation.0'[0m] Location: ematters Hardware: Generic x86 64-bit OS Version: 4.15.18-11-pve OS Features: Serial: >> Runtime for poller module 'os': 0.3472 seconds with 229688 bytes >> SNMP: [12/0.34s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] #### Unload poller module os #### #### Load poller module ipmi #### >> Runtime for poller module 'ipmi': 0.0009 seconds with 2952 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [1/0.00s] #### Unload poller module ipmi #### #### Load poller module sensors #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OUQnte' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.' '.' '.' '.' '.' '.' '.'[0m] Checking (snmp) temperature temp1... Checking (snmp) temperature temp2... Checking (snmp) temperature Package id 0... Checking (snmp) temperature Core 0... Checking (snmp) temperature Core 1... Checking (snmp) temperature Core 2... Checking (snmp) temperature Core 3... 27.8 29.8 30 29 28 26 30 >> Runtime for poller module 'sensors': 0.0465 seconds with 2792 bytes >> SNMP: [1/0.03s] MySQL: [4/0.02s] #### Unload poller module sensors #### #### Load poller module processors #### >> Runtime for poller module 'processors': 0.0019 seconds with 126000 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [1/0.00s] #### Unload poller module processors #### #### Load poller module mempools #### Mempool Physical memory: SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'hrStorageEntry'[0m] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OUqv' '-m' 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'hrMemorySize.0'[0m] 59.84% Mempool Virtual memory: 29.53% Mempool Swap space: 0% >> Runtime for poller module 'mempools': 0.2247 seconds with 18336 bytes >> SNMP: [2/0.21s] MySQL: [4/0.02s] #### Unload poller module mempools #### #### Load poller module storage #### Storage /: hrstorage 12% Storage /run: hrstorage 5% Storage /dev/shm: hrstorage 1% Storage /run/lock: hrstorage 0% Storage /sys/fs/cgroup: hrstorage 0% Storage /run/user/1001: hrstorage 0% >> Runtime for poller module 'storage': 0.0115 seconds with 3480 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [7/0.01s] #### Unload poller module storage #### #### Load poller module netstats #### ICMPSNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'icmp'[0m] IPSNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpgetnext' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ipForwDatagrams' 'ipInDelivers' 'ipInReceives' 'ipOutRequests' 'ipInDiscards' 'ipOutDiscards' 'ipOutNoRoutes' 'ipReasmReqds' 'ipReasmOKs' 'ipReasmFails' 'ipFragOKs' 'ipFragFails' 'ipFragCreates' 'ipInUnknownProtos' 'ipInHdrErrors' 'ipInAddrErrors'[0m] IP-FORWARDSNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQv' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'IP-FORWARD-MIB::ipCidrRouteNumber.0'[0m] SNMPSNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'SNMPv2-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'snmp'[0m] TCPSNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpgetnext' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'TCP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'tcpActiveOpens' 'tcpPassiveOpens' 'tcpAttemptFails' 'tcpEstabResets' 'tcpCurrEstab' 'tcpInSegs' 'tcpOutSegs' 'tcpRetransSegs' 'tcpInErrs' 'tcpOutRsts'[0m] TCPHCSNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpgetnext' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'TCP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'tcpHCInSegs.0' 'tcpHCOutSegs.0'[0m] UDPSNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpgetnext' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'UDP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'udpInDatagrams' 'udpOutDatagrams' 'udpInErrors' 'udpNoPorts'[0m] >> Runtime for poller module 'netstats': 0.3791 seconds with 3592 bytes >> SNMP: [7/0.38s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] #### Unload poller module netstats #### #### Load poller module hr-mib #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OUQs' '-m' 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'hrSystemProcesses.0' 'hrSystemNumUsers.0'[0m] Processes Users >> Runtime for poller module 'hr-mib': 0.0290 seconds with 3296 bytes >> SNMP: [1/0.03s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] #### Unload poller module hr-mib #### #### Load poller module ucd-mib #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'UCD-SNMP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'systemStats'[0m] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'UCD-SNMP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'memTotalSwap.0' 'memAvailSwap.0' 'memTotalReal.0' 'memAvailReal.0' 'memTotalFree.0' 'memShared.0' 'memBuffer.0' 'memCached.0'[0m] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'UCD-SNMP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'laLoadInt.1' 'laLoadInt.2' 'laLoadInt.3'[0m] >> Runtime for poller module 'ucd-mib': 0.1364 seconds with 5640 bytes >> SNMP: [3/0.14s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] #### Unload poller module ucd-mib #### #### Load poller module ipSystemStats #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ipSystemStats'[0m] ipv4 ipv6 >> Runtime for poller module 'ipSystemStats': 0.2319 seconds with 17128 bytes >> SNMP: [1/0.23s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] #### Unload poller module ipSystemStats #### #### Load poller module ports #### Caching Oids: Full ports polling SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifXEntry'[0m] ifDescr SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUst' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifDescr'[0m] ifAdminStatus SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUst' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifAdminStatus'[0m] ifOperStatus SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUst' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifOperStatus'[0m] ifLastChange SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUst' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifLastChange'[0m] ifType SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUst' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifType'[0m] ifPhysAddress SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUst' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifPhysAddress'[0m] ifMtu SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUst' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifMtu'[0m] ifInErrors SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUst' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifInErrors'[0m] ifOutErrors SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUst' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifOutErrors'[0m] ifInDiscards SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUst' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifInDiscards'[0m] ifOutDiscards SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUst' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifOutDiscards'[0m] dot3StatsDuplexStatusSNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'EtherLike-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dot3StatsDuplexStatus'[0m] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'Q-BRIDGE-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dot1qPvid'[0m] Port lo: lo (1 / #127) VLAN = lobps(0 bps/0 bps)bytes(0 B/0 B)pkts(0 pps/0 pps) Port enp1s0: Intel Corporation I210 Gigabit Network Connection (2 / #128) dot3Duplex VLAN = Intel Corporation I210 Gigabit Network Connectionbps(6.58 kbps/13.98 kbps)bytes(11.24 kB/23.89 kB)pkts(7.86 pps/7.57 pps) Port enp2s0: Intel Corporation I210 Gigabit Network Connection (3 / #129) dot3Duplex VLAN = Intel Corporation I210 Gigabit Network Connection Port vmbr0: vmbr0 (4 / #130) VLAN = vmbr0bps(5.32 kbps/13.92 kbps)bytes(9.09 kB/23.79 kB)pkts(7.43 pps/7.43 pps) Port vmbr1: vmbr1 (5 / #131) VLAN = vmbr1 Port tap100i0: tap100i0 (6 / #132) VLAN = tap100i0bps(62 bps/424 bps)bytes(108 B/742 B)pkts(0.14 pps/0.43 pps) >> Runtime for poller module 'ports': 0.7659 seconds with 39056 bytes >> SNMP: [14/0.69s] MySQL: [11/0.06s] #### Unload poller module ports #### #### Load poller module customoid #### >> Runtime for poller module 'customoid': 0.0008 seconds with 2448 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [1/0.00s] #### Unload poller module customoid #### Module [ bgp-peers ] disabled on os. Module [ junose-atm-vp ] disabled globally. Module [ toner ] disabled globally. #### Load poller module ucd-diskio #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'UCD-DISKIO-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'diskIOEntry'[0m] sda sda1 sdb sdb1 md0 >> Runtime for poller module 'ucd-diskio': 0.4716 seconds with 7832 bytes >> SNMP: [1/0.47s] MySQL: [1/0.00s] #### Unload poller module ucd-diskio #### Module [ wifi ] disabled globally. #### Load poller module wireless #### >> Runtime for poller module 'wireless': 0.0024 seconds with 102976 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [1/0.00s] #### Unload poller module wireless #### Module [ ospf ] disabled on os. Module [ cisco-ipsec-flow-monitor ] disabled globally. Module [ cisco-remote-access-monitor ] disabled globally. Module [ cisco-cef ] disabled globally. Module [ cisco-sla ] disabled globally. Module [ cisco-mac-accounting ] disabled globally. Module [ cipsec-tunnels ] disabled globally. Module [ cisco-ace-loadbalancer ] disabled globally. Module [ cisco-ace-serverfarms ] disabled globally. Module [ cisco-asa-firewall ] disabled globally. Module [ cisco-voice ] disabled globally. Module [ cisco-cbqos ] disabled globally. Module [ cisco-otv ] disabled globally. Module [ cisco-qfp ] disabled globally. Module [ cisco-vpdn ] disabled globally. Module [ nac ] disabled globally. Module [ netscaler-vsvr ] disabled globally. Module [ aruba-controller ] disabled globally. #### Load poller module entity-physical #### >> Runtime for poller module 'entity-physical': 0.0009 seconds with 2152 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [1/0.00s] #### Unload poller module entity-physical #### Module [ entity-state ] disabled globally. #### Load poller module applications #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-m' 'NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'nsExtendOutputFull.'[0m] mdadm:-3:Invalid JSON >> Runtime for poller module 'applications': 0.0628 seconds with 16936 bytes >> SNMP: [1/0.05s] MySQL: [2/0.01s] #### Unload poller module applications #### Module [ mib ] disabled globally. Module [ stp ] disabled on os. #### Load poller module ntp #### >> Runtime for poller module 'ntp': 0.0001 seconds with 400 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] #### Unload poller module ntp #### Module [ loadbalancers ] disabled globally. Module [ mef ] disabled globally. #### Load poller module mpls #### >> Runtime for poller module 'mpls': 0.0004 seconds with 28080 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] #### Unload poller module mpls #### Enabling graphs: Polled in 3.869 seconds ### Start Device Groups ### ### End Device Groups, runtime: 0.0063s ### #### Start Alerts #### #### End Alerts #### SNMP [46/2.65s]: Get[22/0.65s] Getnext[4/0.12s] Walk[20/1.88s] MySQL [45/0.19s]: Cell[2/0.00s] Row[-2/-0.00s] Rows[14/0.01s] Column[1/0.00s] Update[28/0.13s] Insert[2/0.05s] Delete[0/0.00s]