{ "The :attribute must a valid IP address\/network or hostname.": "The :attribute must a valid IP address\/network or hostname.", "Never polled": "Never polled", "This indicates the most likely endpoint switchport": "This indicates the most likely endpoint switchport", "Two-Factor unlocked.": "Two-Factor unlocked.", "Failed to unlock Two-Factor.": "Failed to unlock Two-Factor.", "Two-Factor removed.": "Two-Factor removed.", "Failed to remove Two-Factor.": "Failed to remove Two-Factor.", "TwoFactor auth removed.": "TwoFactor auth removed.", "Too many two-factor failures, please contact administrator.": "Too many two-factor failures, please contact administrator.", "Too many two-factor failures, please wait :time seconds": "Too many two-factor failures, please wait :time seconds", "No Two-Factor Token entered.": "No Two-Factor Token entered.", "No Two-Factor settings, how did you get here?": "No Two-Factor settings, how did you get here?", "Wrong Two-Factor Token.": "Wrong Two-Factor Token.", "TwoFactor auth added.": "TwoFactor auth added.", "User :username created": "User :username created", "Failed to create user": "Failed to create user", "Updated dashboard for :username": "Updated dashboard for :username", "User :username updated": "User :username updated", "Failed to update user :username": "Failed to update user :username", "User :username deleted.": "User :username deleted.", "Device does not exist": "Device does not exist", "Port does not exist": "Port does not exist", "App does not exist": "App does not exist", "Bill does not exist": "Bill does not exist", "Munin plugin does not exist": "Munin plugin does not exist", "Ok": "Ok", "Warning": "Warning", "Critical": "Critical", "Existing password did not match": "Existing password did not match", "The :attribute field is required.": "The :attribute field is required.", "Edit User": "Edit User", "Unlock": "Unlock", "User exceeded failures": "User exceeded failures", "Disable TwoFactor": "Disable TwoFactor", "No TwoFactor key generated for this user, Nothing to do.": "No TwoFactor key generated for this user, Nothing to do.", "Save": "Save", "Cancel": "Cancel", "Unlocked Two Factor.": "Unlocked Two Factor.", "Failed to unlock Two Factor": "Failed to unlock Two Factor", "Removed Two Factor.": "Removed Two Factor.", "Failed to remove Two Factor": "Failed to remove Two Factor", "Real Name": "Real Name", "Email": "Email", "Description": "Description", "Level": "Level", "Normal": "Normal", "Global Read": "Global Read", "Admin": "Admin", "Demo": "Demo", "Dashboard": "Dashboard", "Password": "Password", "Current Password": "Current Password", "New Password": "New Password", "Confirm Password": "Confirm Password", "Can Modify Password": "Can Modify Password", "Create User": "Create User", "Username": "Username", "Manage Users": "Manage Users", "ID": "ID", "Access": "Access", "Auth": "Auth", "Actions": "Actions", "Edit": "Edit", "Delete": "Delete", "Manage Access": "Manage Access", "Add User": "Add User", "Are you sure you want to delete ": "Are you sure you want to delete ", "The user could not be deleted": "The user could not be deleted", "Whoops, the web server could not write required files to the filesystem.": "Whoops, the web server could not write required files to the filesystem.", "Running the following commands will fix the issue most of the time:": "Running the following commands will fix the issue most of the time:", "Whoops, looks like something went wrong. Check your librenms.log.": "Whoops, looks like something went wrong. Check your librenms.log.", "Public Devices": "Public Devices", "System Status": "System Status", "Logon": "Logon", "Device": "Device", "Platform": "Platform", "Uptime": "Uptime", "Location": "Location", "Status": "Status", "Remember Me": "Remember Me", "Login": "Login", "Please enter auth token": "Please enter auth token", "Submit": "Submit", "Logout": "Logout", "Locations": "Locations", "Coordinates": "Coordinates", "Devices": "Devices", "Network": "Network", "Servers": "Servers", "Firewalls": "Firewalls", "Down": "Down", "Save changes": "Save changes", "N\/A": "N\/A", "Location must have devices to show graphs": "Location must have devices to show graphs", "Traffic": "Traffic", "Cannot delete locations used by devices": "Cannot delete locations used by devices", "Location deleted": "Location deleted", "Failed to delete location": "Failed to delete location", "Timestamp": "Timestamp", "Source": "Source", "Message": "Message", "Facility": "Facility", "Total hosts": "Total hosts", "ignored": "ignored", "disabled": "disabled", "up": "up", "warn": "warn", "down": "down", "Total services": "Total services", "Widget title": "Widget title", "Default Title": "Default Title", "Columns": "Columns", "Markers": "Markers", "Ports": "Ports", "Resolution": "Resolution", "Countries": "Countries", "Provinces": "Provinces", "Metros": "Metros", "Region": "Region", "Help": "Help", "Stream": "Stream", "All Messages": "All Messages", "All Devices": "All Devices", "Page Size": "Page Size", "Time Range": "Time Range", "Search all time": "Search all time", "Search last 5 minutes": "Search last 5 minutes", "Search last 15 minutes": "Search last 15 minutes", "Search last 30 minutes": "Search last 30 minutes", "Search last 1 hour": "Search last 1 hour", "Search last 2 hours": "Search last 2 hours", "Search last 8 hours": "Search last 8 hours", "Search last 1 day": "Search last 1 day", "Search last 2 days": "Search last 2 days", "Search last 5 days": "Search last 5 days", "Search last 7 days": "Search last 7 days", "Search last 14 days": "Search last 14 days", "Search last 30 days": "Search last 30 days", "Custom title": "Custom title", "Initial Latitude": "Initial Latitude", "ie. 51.4800 for Greenwich": "ie. 51.4800 for Greenwich", "Initial Longitude": "Initial Longitude", "ie. 0 for Greenwich": "ie. 0 for Greenwich", "Initial Zoom": "Initial Zoom", "Grouping radius": "Grouping radius", "default 80": "default 80", "Show devices": "Show devices", "Up + Down": "Up + Down", "Up": "Up", "Show Services": "Show Services", "no": "no", "yes": "yes", "Show Port Errors": "Show Port Errors", "Notes": "Notes", "Custom title for widget": "Custom title for widget", "Display type": "Display type", "boxes": "boxes", "compact": "compact", "Uniform Tiles": "Uniform Tiles", "Tile size": "Tile size", "Disabled\/ignored": "Disabled\/ignored", "Show": "Show", "Hide": "Hide", "Mode select": "Mode select", "only devices": "only devices", "only services": "only services", "devices and services": "devices and services", "Order By": "Order By", "Hostname": "Hostname", "Device group": "Device group", "Automatic Title": "Automatic Title", "Graph type": "Graph type", "Select a graph": "Select a graph", "Show legend": "Show legend", "Date range": "Date range", "One Hour": "One Hour", "Four Hours": "Four Hours", "Six Hours": "Six Hours", "Twelve Hours": "Twelve Hours", "One Day": "One Day", "One Week": "One Week", "Two Weeks": "Two Weeks", "One Month": "One Month", "Two Months": "Two Months", "Three Months": "Three Months", "One Year": "One Year", "Two Years": "Two Years", "Select a device": "Select a device", "Port": "Port", "Select a port": "Select a port", "Application": "Application", "Select an application": "Select an application", "Munin plugin": "Munin plugin", "Select a Munin plugin": "Select a Munin plugin", "Bill": "Bill", "Select a bill": "Select a bill", "Custom Aggregator(s)": "Custom Aggregator(s)", "Select or add one or more": "Select or add one or more", "Select one or more": "Select one or more", "Top query": "Top query", "Response time": "Response time", "Poller duration": "Poller duration", "Processor load": "Processor load", "Memory usage": "Memory usage", "Disk usage": "Disk usage", "Sort order": "Sort order", "Ascending": "Ascending", "Descending": "Descending", "Number of Devices": "Number of Devices", "Last Polled (minutes)": "Last Polled (minutes)", "Image URL": "Image URL", "Target URL": "Target URL", "Show acknowledged": "Show acknowledged", "not filtered": "not filtered", "show only acknowledged": "show only acknowledged", "hide acknowledged": "hide acknowledged", "Show only fired": "Show only fired", "show only fired alerts": "show only fired alerts", "Displayed severity": "Displayed severity", "any severity": "any severity", "or higher": "or higher", "State": "State", "any state": "any state", "All alerts": "All alerts", "Show Procedure field": "Show Procedure field", "show": "show", "hide": "hide", "Sort alerts by": "Sort alerts by", "timestamp, descending": "timestamp, descending", "severity, descending": "severity, descending", "All devices": "All devices", "Event type": "Event type", "All types": "All types", "Number of interfaces": "Number of interfaces", "Last polled (minutes)": "Last polled (minutes)", "Interface type": "Interface type", "All Ports": "All Ports", "Total": "Total", "Ignored": "Ignored", "Disabled": "Disabled", "Errored": "Errored", "Services": "Services", "No devices found within interval.": "No devices found within interval.", "Summary": "Summary", "Interface": "Interface", "Total traffic": "Total traffic", "Check your log for more details.": "Check your log for more details.", "If you need additional help, you can find how to get help at": "If you need additional help, you can find how to get help at", "Geo Locations": "Geo Locations", "All Locations": "All Locations", "Pollers": "Pollers", "Groups": "Groups", "Performance": "Performance", "History": "History" }