LibreNMS Poller SQL[[1;33mselect `migration` from `migrations` order by `id` desc limit 1 [0;33m[][0m 0.35ms] SQL[[1;33mselect count(*) as aggregate from `migrations` limit 1 [0;33m[][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mselect version() [0;33m[][0m 0.16ms] =================================== Version info: Commit SHA: 6761d37cd43bd0c1a12daa3d77fb3c588ba685ce Commit Date: 1654080500 DB Schema: 2022_05_25_090027_drop_widgets_table (241) PHP: 7.4.3 MySQL: 10.3.34-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 RRDTool: 1.7.2 SNMP: 5.8 ==================================DEBUG! Updating os_def.cache Starting polling run: SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `disabled` = 0 AND `hostname` = 'NS01.TWINLAKES.NET' ORDER BY `device_id` ASC [0;33m[][0m 0.66ms] SQL[[1;33mselect * from `devices` where `device_id` = ? limit 1 [0;33m[318][0m 0.35ms] SQL[[1;33mselect * from `devices_attribs` where `devices_attribs`.`device_id` = ? and `devices_attribs`.`device_id` is not null [0;33m[318][0m 0.16ms] Attempting to initialize OS: linux Attempting to initialize Group OS: unix OS initialized: LibreNMS\OS\Shared\Unix Hostname: Device ID: 318 OS: linux Resolved IP: (unix) [FPING] '/usr/bin/fping' '-e' '-q' '-c' '3' '-p' '500' '-t' '500' '-O' '0' '' response: xmt/rcv/%loss = 3/3/0%, min/avg/max = 1.61/1.83/2.11 SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-OQXUte' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0'[0m] SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0 = SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.8* SQL[[1;33minsert into `device_perf` (`min`, `max`, `avg`, `xmt`, `rcv`, `loss`, `device_id`, `timestamp`) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [0;33m[1.61,2.11,1.83,3,3,0,318,"2022-06-03 10:26:49"][0m 1.75ms] SQL[[1;33mupdate `devices` set `last_ping_timetaken` = ? where `device_id` = ? [0;33m[1.83,318][0m 1.15ms] SQL[[1;33mselect * from `device_outages` where `device_outages`.`device_id` = ? and `device_outages`.`device_id` is not null and `up_again` is null order by `going_down` desc limit 1 [0;33m[318][0m 0.21ms] Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module core #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-OQXUte' '-On' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0'[0m] .*.*.0 = Linux NS01.TWINLAKES.NET 5.4.0-109-generic #123-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 8 09:10:54 UTC 2022 x86_64 .*.*.0 = .*.4.1.8* .*.*.0 = 385834148 .*.*.0 = NS01.TWINLAKES.NET SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-OQXUte' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB::snmpEngineTime.0' 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSystemUptime.0'[0m] SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB::snmpEngineTime.0 = 3858341 HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSystemUptime.0 = 385835029 Uptime seconds: 3858350 Uptime: 44 days 15 hours 45 minutes 50 seconds SQL[[1;33mupdate `devices` set `uptime` = ? where `device_id` = ? [0;33m[3858350,318][0m 1.52ms] >> Runtime for poller module 'core': 0.0630 seconds with 71152 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [2/0.06s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [1/0.02s] #### Unload poller module core #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ unix-agent ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module os #### Generic :( SQL[[1;33mselect * from `locations` where `locations`.`id` = ? limit 1 [0;33m[14][0m 0.22ms] Location: Gainesboro Datacenter Hardware: Generic x86 64-bit OS Version: 5.4.0-109-generic OS Features: Ubuntu 20.04 Serial: >> Runtime for poller module 'os': 0.0019 seconds with 115208 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [0/0.00s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [1/0.00s] #### Unload poller module os #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module availability #### SQL[[1;33mSELECT duration FROM availability WHERE device_id = ? [0;33m[318][0m 0.15ms] Availability: SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM availability WHERE device_id = ? [0;33m[318][0m 0.13ms] SQL[[1;33mselect * from `device_outages` where `device_id` = ? and `up_again` >= ? order by `going_down` asc [0;33m[318,1654183609][0m 0.34ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `availability` set `availability_perc`=? WHERE `availability_id` = ? [0;33m[100,941][0m 0.16ms] 1 day : 100% SQL[[1;33mselect * from `device_outages` where `device_id` = ? and `up_again` >= ? order by `going_down` asc [0;33m[318,1653665209][0m 0.26ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `availability` set `availability_perc`=? WHERE `availability_id` = ? [0;33m[100,942][0m 0.14ms] 7 days : 100% SQL[[1;33mselect * from `device_outages` where `device_id` = ? and `up_again` >= ? order by `going_down` asc [0;33m[318,1651678009][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `availability` set `availability_perc`=? WHERE `availability_id` = ? [0;33m[100,943][0m 0.14ms] 30 days : 100% SQL[[1;33mselect * from `device_outages` where `device_id` = ? and `up_again` >= ? order by `going_down` asc [0;33m[318,1622734009][0m 0.22ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `availability` set `availability_perc`=? WHERE `availability_id` = ? [0;33m[100,944][0m 0.13ms] 365 days : 100% >> Runtime for poller module 'availability': 0.0039 seconds with 77824 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [0/0.00s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [10/0.02s] #### Unload poller module availability #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module ipmi #### SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors WHERE device_id = ? AND poller_type='ipmi' [0;33m[318][0m 0.33ms] array ( ) >> Runtime for poller module 'ipmi': 0.0007 seconds with 1592 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [0/0.00s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [1/0.00s] #### Unload poller module ipmi #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module sensors #### SQL[[1;33mSELECT `sensor_class` FROM `sensors` WHERE `device_id` = ? GROUP BY `sensor_class` [0;33m[318][0m 0.33ms] >> Runtime for poller module 'sensors': 0.0005 seconds with 456 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [0/0.00s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [1/0.00s] #### Unload poller module sensors #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module processors #### Attempting to initialize OS: linux Attempting to initialize Group OS: unix OS initialized: LibreNMS\OS\Shared\Unix SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM processors WHERE device_id=? [0;33m[318][0m 0.27ms] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-OUQn' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.' '.'[0m] .*.*.*608 = 13 .*.*.*609 = 12 array ( '.' => '13', '.' => '12', ) Intel Xeon Gold 6248R @ 3.00GHz: 13% Intel Xeon Gold 6248R @ 3.00GHz: 12% >> Runtime for poller module 'processors': 0.0269 seconds with 59728 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [1/0.03s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [1/0.00s] #### Unload poller module processors #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module mempools #### SQL[[1;33mselect * from `mempools` where `mempools`.`device_id` = ? and `mempools`.`device_id` is not null [0;33m[318][0m 0.48ms] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-OUQn' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.' '.' '.' '.' '.' '.'[0m] .*.*.* = 7803604 .*.*.* = 7805408 .*.*.* = 662948 .*.*.* = 5559068 .*.*.* = 1512 .*.*.* = 1804 Free memory adjusted by availability calculation: 305.83 MiB -> 6.23 GiB hrstorage [system]: Physical memory: 19% 1.51 GiB / 7.74 GiB SQL[[1;33mupdate `mempools` set `mempool_used` = ?, `mempool_free` = ? where `mempool_id` = ? [0;33m[1619546112,6692028416,1703][0m 1.6ms] hrstorage [virtual]: Virtual memory: 38% 7.44 GiB / 19.74 GiB SQL[[1;33mupdate `mempools` set `mempool_used` = ?, `mempool_free` = ? where `mempool_id` = ? [0;33m[7992737792,13203730432,1704][0m 0.65ms] hrstorage [buffers]: Memory buffers: 8d7.41 MiB / 7.74 GiB hrstorage [cached]: Cached memory: 68% 5.3 GiB / 7.74 GiB SQL[[1;33mupdate `mempools` set `mempool_used` = ?, `mempool_free` = ? where `mempool_id` = ? [0;33m[5692485632,2619088896,1706][0m 0.64ms] hrstorage [shared]: Shared memory: 0% 1.48 MiB / 7.74 GiB hrstorage [swap]: Swap space: 0% 1.76 MiB / 12 GiB >> Runtime for poller module 'mempools': 0.0435 seconds with 103560 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [1/0.04s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [4/0.03s] #### Unload poller module mempools #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module storage #### SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM storage WHERE device_id = ? [0;33m[318][0m 0.37ms] Storage /run: hrstorage SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-Cr2' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-OQUs' '-m' 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'hrStorageEntry'[0m] hrStorageIndex.1 = 1 hrStorageIndex.3 = 3 hrStorageIndex.6 = 6 hrStorageIndex.7 = 7 hrStorageIndex.8 = 8 hrStorageIndex.10 = 10 hrStorageIndex.35 = 35 hrStorageIndex.36 = 36 hrStorageIndex.38 = 38 hrStorageIndex.39 = 39 hrStorageIndex.40 = 40 hrStorageIndex.64 = 64 hrStorageIndex.65 = 65 hrStorageType.1 = hrStorageRam hrStorageType.3 = hrStorageVirtualMemory hrStorageType.6 = hrStorageOther hrStorageType.7 = hrStorageOther hrStorageType.8 = hrStorageOther hrStorageType.10 = hrStorageVirtualMemory hrStorageType.35 = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageType.36 = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageType.38 = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageType.39 = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageType.40 = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageType.64 = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageType.65 = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageDescr.1 = Physical memory hrStorageDescr.3 = Virtual memory hrStorageDescr.6 = Memory buffers hrStorageDescr.7 = Cached memory hrStorageDescr.8 = Shared memory hrStorageDescr.10 = Swap space hrStorageDescr.35 = /run hrStorageDescr.36 = / hrStorageDescr.38 = /dev/shm hrStorageDescr.39 = /run/lock hrStorageDescr.40 = /sys/fs/cgroup hrStorageDescr.64 = /boot hrStorageDescr.65 = /boot/efi hrStorageAllocationUnits.1 = 1024 hrStorageAllocationUnits.3 = 1024 hrStorageAllocationUnits.6 = 1024 hrStorageAllocationUnits.7 = 1024 hrStorageAllocationUnits.8 = 1024 hrStorageAllocationUnits.10 = 1024 hrStorageAllocationUnits.35 = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits.36 = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits.38 = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits.39 = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits.40 = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits.64 = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits.65 = 4096 hrStorageSize.1 = 8116772 hrStorageSize.3 = 20699676 hrStorageSize.6 = 8116772 hrStorageSize.7 = 5559068 hrStorageSize.8 = 1512 hrStorageSize.10 = 12582904 hrStorageSize.35 = 202920 hrStorageSize.36 = 28380215 hrStorageSize.38 = 1014596 hrStorageSize.39 = 1280 hrStorageSize.40 = 1014596 hrStorageSize.64 = 249830 hrStorageSize.65 = 130812 hrStorageUsed.1 = 7803604 hrStorageUsed.3 = 7805408 hrStorageUsed.6 = 662948 hrStorageUsed.7 = 5559068 hrStorageUsed.8 = 1512 hrStorageUsed.10 = 1804 hrStorageUsed.35 = 370 hrStorageUsed.36 = 3063521 hrStorageUsed.38 = 18 hrStorageUsed.39 = 0 hrStorageUsed.40 = 0 hrStorageUsed.64 = 78182 hrStorageUsed.65 = 1339 array ( 'hrstorage' => array ( 1 => array ( 'hrStorageIndex' => '1', 'hrStorageType' => 'hrStorageRam', 'hrStorageDescr' => 'Physical memory', 'hrStorageAllocationUnits' => '1024', 'hrStorageSize' => '8116772', 'hrStorageUsed' => '7803604', ), 3 => array ( 'hrStorageIndex' => '3', 'hrStorageType' => 'hrStorageVirtualMemory', 'hrStorageDescr' => 'Virtual memory', 'hrStorageAllocationUnits' => '1024', 'hrStorageSize' => '20699676', 'hrStorageUsed' => '7805408', ), 6 => array ( 'hrStorageIndex' => '6', 'hrStorageType' => 'hrStorageOther', 'hrStorageDescr' => 'Memory buffers', 'hrStorageAllocationUnits' => '1024', 'hrStorageSize' => '8116772', 'hrStorageUsed' => '662948', ), 7 => array ( 'hrStorageIndex' => '7', 'hrStorageType' => 'hrStorageOther', 'hrStorageDescr' => 'Cached memory', 'hrStorageAllocationUnits' => '1024', 'hrStorageSize' => '5559068', 'hrStorageUsed' => '5559068', ), 8 => array ( 'hrStorageIndex' => '8', 'hrStorageType' => 'hrStorageOther', 'hrStorageDescr' => 'Shared memory', 'hrStorageAllocationUnits' => '1024', 'hrStorageSize' => '1512', 'hrStorageUsed' => '1512', ), 10 => array ( 'hrStorageIndex' => '10', 'hrStorageType' => 'hrStorageVirtualMemory', 'hrStorageDescr' => 'Swap space', 'hrStorageAllocationUnits' => '1024', 'hrStorageSize' => '12582904', 'hrStorageUsed' => '1804', ), 35 => array ( 'hrStorageIndex' => '35', 'hrStorageType' => 'hrStorageFixedDisk', 'hrStorageDescr' => '/run', 'hrStorageAllocationUnits' => '4096', 'hrStorageSize' => '202920', 'hrStorageUsed' => '370', ), 36 => array ( 'hrStorageIndex' => '36', 'hrStorageType' => 'hrStorageFixedDisk', 'hrStorageDescr' => '/', 'hrStorageAllocationUnits' => '4096', 'hrStorageSize' => '28380215', 'hrStorageUsed' => '3063521', ), 38 => array ( 'hrStorageIndex' => '38', 'hrStorageType' => 'hrStorageFixedDisk', 'hrStorageDescr' => '/dev/shm', 'hrStorageAllocationUnits' => '4096', 'hrStorageSize' => '1014596', 'hrStorageUsed' => '18', ), 39 => array ( 'hrStorageIndex' => '39', 'hrStorageType' => 'hrStorageFixedDisk', 'hrStorageDescr' => '/run/lock', 'hrStorageAllocationUnits' => '4096', 'hrStorageSize' => '1280', 'hrStorageUsed' => '0', ), 40 => array ( 'hrStorageIndex' => '40', 'hrStorageType' => 'hrStorageFixedDisk', 'hrStorageDescr' => '/sys/fs/cgroup', 'hrStorageAllocationUnits' => '4096', 'hrStorageSize' => '1014596', 'hrStorageUsed' => '0', ), 64 => array ( 'hrStorageIndex' => '64', 'hrStorageType' => 'hrStorageFixedDisk', 'hrStorageDescr' => '/boot', 'hrStorageAllocationUnits' => '4096', 'hrStorageSize' => '249830', 'hrStorageUsed' => '78182', ), 65 => array ( 'hrStorageIndex' => '65', 'hrStorageType' => 'hrStorageFixedDisk', 'hrStorageDescr' => '/boot/efi', 'hrStorageAllocationUnits' => '4096', 'hrStorageSize' => '130812', 'hrStorageUsed' => '1339', ), ), ) array ( 'storage_id' => 20022, 'device_id' => 318, 'storage_mib' => 'hrstorage', 'storage_index' => '35', 'storage_type' => 'hrStorageFixedDisk', 'storage_descr' => '/run', 'storage_size' => 831160320, 'storage_units' => 4096, 'storage_used' => 1515520, 'storage_free' => 829644800, 'storage_perc' => 0, 'storage_perc_warn' => 60, 'storage_deleted' => 0, 'units' => '4096', 'used' => 1515520, 'size' => 831160320, 'free' => 829644800, ) 0% SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `storage` set `storage_used`=?,`storage_free`=?,`storage_size`=?,`storage_units`=?,`storage_perc`=? WHERE `storage_id` = ? [0;33m["1515520","829644800","831160320",4096,0,20022][0m 0.36ms] Storage /: hrstorage array ( 'storage_id' => 20023, 'device_id' => 318, 'storage_mib' => 'hrstorage', 'storage_index' => '36', 'storage_type' => 'hrStorageFixedDisk', 'storage_descr' => '/', 'storage_size' => 116245360640, 'storage_units' => 4096, 'storage_used' => 12548124672, 'storage_free' => 103697235968, 'storage_perc' => 11, 'storage_perc_warn' => 60, 'storage_deleted' => 0, 'units' => '4096', 'used' => 12548182016, 'size' => 116245360640, 'free' => 103697178624, ) 11% SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `storage` set `storage_used`=?,`storage_free`=?,`storage_size`=?,`storage_units`=?,`storage_perc`=? WHERE `storage_id` = ? [0;33m["12548182016","103697178624","116245360640",4096,11,20023][0m 1.68ms] Storage /dev/shm: hrstorage array ( 'storage_id' => 20024, 'device_id' => 318, 'storage_mib' => 'hrstorage', 'storage_index' => '38', 'storage_type' => 'hrStorageFixedDisk', 'storage_descr' => '/dev/shm', 'storage_size' => 4155785216, 'storage_units' => 4096, 'storage_used' => 73728, 'storage_free' => 4155711488, 'storage_perc' => 0, 'storage_perc_warn' => 60, 'storage_deleted' => 0, 'units' => '4096', 'used' => 73728, 'size' => 4155785216, 'free' => 4155711488, ) 0% SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `storage` set `storage_used`=?,`storage_free`=?,`storage_size`=?,`storage_units`=?,`storage_perc`=? WHERE `storage_id` = ? [0;33m["73728","4155711488","4155785216",4096,0,20024][0m 0.17ms] Storage /run/lock: hrstorage array ( 'storage_id' => 20025, 'device_id' => 318, 'storage_mib' => 'hrstorage', 'storage_index' => '39', 'storage_type' => 'hrStorageFixedDisk', 'storage_descr' => '/run/lock', 'storage_size' => 5242880, 'storage_units' => 4096, 'storage_used' => 0, 'storage_free' => 5242880, 'storage_perc' => 0, 'storage_perc_warn' => 60, 'storage_deleted' => 0, 'units' => '4096', 'used' => 0, 'size' => 5242880, 'free' => 5242880, ) 0% SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `storage` set `storage_used`=?,`storage_free`=?,`storage_size`=?,`storage_units`=?,`storage_perc`=? WHERE `storage_id` = ? [0;33m["0","5242880","5242880",4096,0,20025][0m 0.18ms] Storage /sys/fs/cgroup: hrstorage array ( 'storage_id' => 20026, 'device_id' => 318, 'storage_mib' => 'hrstorage', 'storage_index' => '40', 'storage_type' => 'hrStorageFixedDisk', 'storage_descr' => '/sys/fs/cgroup', 'storage_size' => 4155785216, 'storage_units' => 4096, 'storage_used' => 0, 'storage_free' => 4155785216, 'storage_perc' => 0, 'storage_perc_warn' => 60, 'storage_deleted' => 0, 'units' => '4096', 'used' => 0, 'size' => 4155785216, 'free' => 4155785216, ) 0% SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `storage` set `storage_used`=?,`storage_free`=?,`storage_size`=?,`storage_units`=?,`storage_perc`=? WHERE `storage_id` = ? [0;33m["0","4155785216","4155785216",4096,0,20026][0m 0.15ms] Storage /boot: hrstorage array ( 'storage_id' => 20027, 'device_id' => 318, 'storage_mib' => 'hrstorage', 'storage_index' => '64', 'storage_type' => 'hrStorageFixedDisk', 'storage_descr' => '/boot', 'storage_size' => 1023303680, 'storage_units' => 4096, 'storage_used' => 320233472, 'storage_free' => 703070208, 'storage_perc' => 31, 'storage_perc_warn' => 60, 'storage_deleted' => 0, 'units' => '4096', 'used' => 320233472, 'size' => 1023303680, 'free' => 703070208, ) 31% SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `storage` set `storage_used`=?,`storage_free`=?,`storage_size`=?,`storage_units`=?,`storage_perc`=? WHERE `storage_id` = ? [0;33m["320233472","703070208","1023303680",4096,31,20027][0m 0.14ms] Storage /boot/efi: hrstorage array ( 'storage_id' => 20028, 'device_id' => 318, 'storage_mib' => 'hrstorage', 'storage_index' => '65', 'storage_type' => 'hrStorageFixedDisk', 'storage_descr' => '/boot/efi', 'storage_size' => 535805952, 'storage_units' => 4096, 'storage_used' => 5484544, 'storage_free' => 530321408, 'storage_perc' => 1, 'storage_perc_warn' => 60, 'storage_deleted' => 0, 'units' => '4096', 'used' => 5484544, 'size' => 535805952, 'free' => 530321408, ) 1% SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `storage` set `storage_used`=?,`storage_free`=?,`storage_size`=?,`storage_units`=?,`storage_perc`=? WHERE `storage_id` = ? [0;33m["5484544","530321408","535805952",4096,1,20028][0m 0.15ms] >> Runtime for poller module 'storage': 0.1355 seconds with 15168 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [1/0.13s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [8/0.03s] #### Unload poller module storage #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module netstats #### icmp SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-OQXUte' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'IP-MIB::icmpInMsgs.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpOutMsgs.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpInErrors.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpOutErrors.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpInEchos.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpOutEchos.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpInEchoReps.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpOutEchoReps.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpInDestUnreachs.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpOutDestUnreachs.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpInParmProbs.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpInTimeExcds.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpInSrcQuenchs.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpInRedirects.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpInTimestamps.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpInTimestampReps.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpInAddrMasks.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpInAddrMaskReps.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpOutTimeExcds.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpOutParmProbs.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpOutSrcQuenchs.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpOutRedirects.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpOutTimestamps.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpOutTimestampReps.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpOutAddrMasks.0' 'IP-MIB::icmpOutAddrMaskReps.0'[0m] IP-MIB::icmpInMsgs.0 = 31840036 IP-MIB::icmpOutMsgs.0 = 34003496 IP-MIB::icmpInErrors.0 = 133196 IP-MIB::icmpOutErrors.0 = 0 IP-MIB::icmpInEchos.0 = 29470392 IP-MIB::icmpOutEchos.0 = 0 IP-MIB::icmpInEchoReps.0 = 0 IP-MIB::icmpOutEchoReps.0 = 29470392 IP-MIB::icmpInDestUnreachs.0 = 2030533 IP-MIB::icmpOutDestUnreachs.0 = 4530832 IP-MIB::icmpInParmProbs.0 = 0 IP-MIB::icmpInTimeExcds.0 = 338785 IP-MIB::icmpInSrcQuenchs.0 = 0 IP-MIB::icmpInRedirects.0 = 326 IP-MIB::icmpInTimestamps.0 = 0 IP-MIB::icmpInTimestampReps.0 = 0 IP-MIB::icmpInAddrMasks.0 = 0 IP-MIB::icmpInAddrMaskReps.0 = 0 IP-MIB::icmpOutTimeExcds.0 = 2272 IP-MIB::icmpOutParmProbs.0 = 0 IP-MIB::icmpOutSrcQuenchs.0 = 0 IP-MIB::icmpOutRedirects.0 = 0 IP-MIB::icmpOutTimestamps.0 = 0 IP-MIB::icmpOutTimestampReps.0 = 0 IP-MIB::icmpOutAddrMasks.0 = 0 IP-MIB::icmpOutAddrMaskReps.0 = 0 ip SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-OQXUte' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'IP-MIB::ipForwDatagrams.0' 'IP-MIB::ipInDelivers.0' 'IP-MIB::ipInReceives.0' 'IP-MIB::ipOutRequests.0' 'IP-MIB::ipInDiscards.0' 'IP-MIB::ipOutDiscards.0' 'IP-MIB::ipOutNoRoutes.0' 'IP-MIB::ipReasmReqds.0' 'IP-MIB::ipReasmOKs.0' 'IP-MIB::ipReasmFails.0' 'IP-MIB::ipFragOKs.0' 'IP-MIB::ipFragFails.0' 'IP-MIB::ipFragCreates.0' 'IP-MIB::ipInUnknownProtos.0' 'IP-MIB::ipInHdrErrors.0' 'IP-MIB::ipInAddrErrors.0'[0m] IP-MIB::ipForwDatagrams.0 = 0 IP-MIB::ipInDelivers.0 = 1887057685 IP-MIB::ipInReceives.0 = 2068719653 IP-MIB::ipOutRequests.0 = 1998105578 IP-MIB::ipInDiscards.0 = 0 IP-MIB::ipOutDiscards.0 = 43 IP-MIB::ipOutNoRoutes.0 = 0 IP-MIB::ipReasmReqds.0 = 2157359 IP-MIB::ipReasmOKs.0 = 1032504 IP-MIB::ipReasmFails.0 = 2643 IP-MIB::ipFragOKs.0 = 4748519 IP-MIB::ipFragFails.0 = 0 IP-MIB::ipFragCreates.0 = 9566323 IP-MIB::ipInUnknownProtos.0 = 0 IP-MIB::ipInHdrErrors.0 = 0 IP-MIB::ipInAddrErrors.0 = 177796224 ip_forward SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-OQXUte' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'IP-FORWARD-MIB::ipCidrRouteNumber.0'[0m] IP-FORWARD-MIB::ipCidrRouteNumber.0 = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID snmp SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-OQXUte' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInPkts.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpOutPkts.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInBadVersions.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInBadCommunityNames.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInBadCommunityUses.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInASNParseErrs.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInTooBigs.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInNoSuchNames.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInBadValues.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInReadOnlys.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInGenErrs.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInTotalReqVars.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInTotalSetVars.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInGetRequests.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInGetNexts.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInSetRequests.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInGetResponses.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInTraps.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpOutTooBigs.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpOutNoSuchNames.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpOutBadValues.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpOutGenErrs.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpOutGetRequests.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpOutGetNexts.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpOutSetRequests.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpOutGetResponses.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpOutTraps.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpSilentDrops.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpProxyDrops.0'[0m] SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInPkts.0 = 2783998 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpOutPkts.0 = 1679843 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInBadVersions.0 = 0 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInBadCommunityNames.0 = 0 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInBadCommunityUses.0 = 0 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInASNParseErrs.0 = 0 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInTooBigs.0 = 0 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInNoSuchNames.0 = 0 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInBadValues.0 = 0 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInReadOnlys.0 = 0 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInGenErrs.0 = 0 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInTotalReqVars.0 = 11102594 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInTotalSetVars.0 = 0 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInGetRequests.0 = 729857 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInGetNexts.0 = 129370 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInSetRequests.0 = 0 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInGetResponses.0 = 0 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpInTraps.0 = 0 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpOutTooBigs.0 = 513 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpOutNoSuchNames.0 = 0 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpOutBadValues.0 = 0 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpOutGenErrs.0 = 4293 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpOutGetRequests.0 = 0 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpOutGetNexts.0 = 0 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpOutSetRequests.0 = 0 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpOutGetResponses.0 = 1679843 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpOutTraps.0 = 0 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpSilentDrops.0 = 0 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpProxyDrops.0 = 0 udp SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-OQXUte' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'UDP-MIB::udpInDatagrams.0' 'UDP-MIB::udpOutDatagrams.0' 'UDP-MIB::udpInErrors.0' 'UDP-MIB::udpNoPorts.0'[0m] UDP-MIB::udpInDatagrams.0 = 3114328074 UDP-MIB::udpOutDatagrams.0 = 3148764691 UDP-MIB::udpInErrors.0 = 5 UDP-MIB::udpNoPorts.0 = 8778167 tcp SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-OQXUte' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'TCP-MIB::tcpActiveOpens.0' 'TCP-MIB::tcpPassiveOpens.0' 'TCP-MIB::tcpAttemptFails.0' 'TCP-MIB::tcpEstabResets.0' 'TCP-MIB::tcpCurrEstab.0' 'TCP-MIB::tcpInSegs.0' 'TCP-MIB::tcpOutSegs.0' 'TCP-MIB::tcpRetransSegs.0' 'TCP-MIB::tcpInErrs.0' 'TCP-MIB::tcpOutRsts.0'[0m] TCP-MIB::tcpActiveOpens.0 = 2956969 TCP-MIB::tcpPassiveOpens.0 = 6644631 TCP-MIB::tcpAttemptFails.0 = 1808903 TCP-MIB::tcpEstabResets.0 = 5568 TCP-MIB::tcpCurrEstab.0 = 10 TCP-MIB::tcpInSegs.0 = 126330644 TCP-MIB::tcpOutSegs.0 = 1178208872 TCP-MIB::tcpRetransSegs.0 = 141298 TCP-MIB::tcpInErrs.0 = 1010 TCP-MIB::tcpOutRsts.0 = 205303 >> Runtime for poller module 'netstats': 0.1871 seconds with 23648 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [6/0.19s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload poller module netstats #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module hr-mib #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-OUQs' '-m' 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'hrSystemMaxProcesses.0' 'hrSystemProcesses.0' 'hrSystemNumUsers.0'[0m] hrSystemMaxProcesses.0 = 0 hrSystemProcesses.0 = 209 hrSystemNumUsers.0 = 0 ProcessesSQL[[1;33mselect * from `hrSystem` where (`device_id` = ?) limit 1 [0;33m[318][0m 0.53ms] Users >> Runtime for poller module 'hr-mib': 0.0486 seconds with 33904 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [1/0.05s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [1/0.01s] #### Unload poller module hr-mib #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module ucd-mib #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-Cr2' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-OQUs' '-m' 'UCD-SNMP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'systemStats'[0m] ssIndex.0 = 1 ssErrorName.0 = systemStats ssSwapIn.0 = 0 ssSwapOut.0 = 0 ssIOSent.0 = 12 ssIOReceive.0 = 0 ssSysInterrupts.0 = 9955 ssSysContext.0 = 8128 ssCpuUser.0 = 5 ssCpuSystem.0 = 3 ssCpuIdle.0 = 88 ssCpuRawUser.0 = 38215206 ssCpuRawNice.0 = 26305 ssCpuRawSystem.0 = 24075282 ssCpuRawIdle.0 = 682892715 ssCpuRawWait.0 = 85572 ssCpuRawKernel.0 = 0 ssCpuRawInterrupt.0 = 0 ssIORawSent.0 = 210499610 ssIORawReceived.0 = 3701556 ssRawInterrupts.0 = 1494801754 ssRawContexts.0 = 1874203081 ssCpuRawSoftIRQ.0 = 21715558 ssRawSwapIn.0 = 75 ssRawSwapOut.0 = 367 ssCpuRawSteal.0 = 0 ssCpuRawGuest.0 = 0 ssCpuRawGuestNice.0 = 0 ssCpuNumCpus.0 = 2 SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-OQUs' '-m' 'UCD-SNMP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'laLoadInt.1' 'laLoadInt.2' 'laLoadInt.3'[0m] laLoadInt.1 = 7 laLoadInt.2 = 10 laLoadInt.3 = 13 >> Runtime for poller module 'ucd-mib': 0.0840 seconds with 2672 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [2/0.08s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload poller module ucd-mib #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module ipSystemStats #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-Cr2' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ipSystemStats'[0m] ipSystemStatsInReceives.ipv4 = 2068624202 ipSystemStatsInReceives.ipv6 = 1497986867 ipSystemStatsHCInReceives.ipv4 = 14953526090 ipSystemStatsHCInReceives.ipv6 = 1497986867 ipSystemStatsInOctets.ipv4 = 575232983 ipSystemStatsInOctets.ipv6 = 1088605329 ipSystemStatsHCInOctets.ipv4 = 1284770454487 ipSystemStatsHCInOctets.ipv6 = 301736316049 ipSystemStatsInHdrErrors.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInHdrErrors.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInNoRoutes.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInNoRoutes.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInAddrErrors.ipv4 = 177795256 ipSystemStatsInAddrErrors.ipv6 = 73738246 ipSystemStatsInUnknownProtos.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInUnknownProtos.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInTruncatedPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInTruncatedPkts.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInForwDatagrams.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInForwDatagrams.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCInForwDatagrams.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCInForwDatagrams.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsReasmReqds.ipv4 = 2157351 ipSystemStatsReasmReqds.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsReasmOKs.ipv4 = 1032500 ipSystemStatsReasmOKs.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsReasmFails.ipv4 = 2643 ipSystemStatsReasmFails.ipv6 = 527 ipSystemStatsInDiscards.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsInDiscards.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsInDelivers.ipv4 = 1886963211 ipSystemStatsInDelivers.ipv6 = 1423850746 ipSystemStatsHCInDelivers.ipv4 = 14771865099 ipSystemStatsHCInDelivers.ipv6 = 1423850746 ipSystemStatsOutRequests.ipv4 = 1998010363 ipSystemStatsOutRequests.ipv6 = 1444250949 ipSystemStatsHCOutRequests.ipv4 = 14882912251 ipSystemStatsHCOutRequests.ipv6 = 1444250949 ipSystemStatsOutNoRoutes.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutNoRoutes.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutForwDatagrams.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutForwDatagrams.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCOutForwDatagrams.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCOutForwDatagrams.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutDiscards.ipv4 = 43 ipSystemStatsOutDiscards.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragReqds.ipv4 = 4748519 ipSystemStatsOutFragReqds.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragOKs.ipv4 = 4748519 ipSystemStatsOutFragOKs.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragFails.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragFails.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutFragCreates.ipv4 = 9566323 ipSystemStatsOutFragCreates.ipv6 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutTransmits.ipv4 = 2002828124 ipSystemStatsOutTransmits.ipv6 = 1444250949 ipSystemStatsHCOutTransmits.ipv4 = 14887730012 ipSystemStatsHCOutTransmits.ipv6 = 1444250949 ipSystemStatsOutOctets.ipv4 = 2223197102 ipSystemStatsOutOctets.ipv6 = 579758884 ipSystemStatsHCOutOctets.ipv4 = 3876283698094 ipSystemStatsHCOutOctets.ipv6 = 146608646948 ipSystemStatsInMcastPkts.ipv4 = 30870 ipSystemStatsInMcastPkts.ipv6 = 53298 ipSystemStatsHCInMcastPkts.ipv4 = 30870 ipSystemStatsHCInMcastPkts.ipv6 = 53298 ipSystemStatsInMcastOctets.ipv4 = 1111320 ipSystemStatsInMcastOctets.ipv6 = 4647864 ipSystemStatsHCInMcastOctets.ipv4 = 1111320 ipSystemStatsHCInMcastOctets.ipv6 = 4647864 ipSystemStatsOutMcastPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutMcastPkts.ipv6 = 4658919 ipSystemStatsHCOutMcastPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCOutMcastPkts.ipv6 = 4658919 ipSystemStatsOutMcastOctets.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutMcastOctets.ipv6 = 336183032 ipSystemStatsHCOutMcastOctets.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCOutMcastOctets.ipv6 = 336183032 ipSystemStatsInBcastPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCInBcastPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsOutBcastPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsHCOutBcastPkts.ipv4 = 0 ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime.ipv4 = 0:0:00:00.00 ipSystemStatsDiscontinuityTime.ipv6 = 0:0:00:00.00 ipSystemStatsRefreshRate.ipv4 = 60000 ipSystemStatsRefreshRate.ipv6 = 60000 ipv4 ipv6 >> Runtime for poller module 'ipSystemStats': 0.1731 seconds with 16160 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [1/0.17s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload poller module ipSystemStats #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module ports #### SQL[[1;33mSELECT *, `ports_statistics`.`port_id` AS `ports_statistics_port_id`, `ports`.`port_id` AS `port_id` FROM `ports` LEFT OUTER JOIN `ports_statistics` ON `ports`.`port_id` = `ports_statistics`.`port_id` WHERE `ports`.`device_id` = ? ORDER BY ports.port_id [0;33m[318][0m 0.89ms] Caching Oids: Full ports polling SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-Cr2' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifXEntry'[0m] ifName.1 = lo ifName.2 = ens192 ifInMulticastPkts.1 = 0 ifInMulticastPkts.2 = 84164 ifInBroadcastPkts.1 = 0 ifInBroadcastPkts.2 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.1 = 0 ifOutMulticastPkts.2 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.1 = 0 ifOutBroadcastPkts.2 = 0 ifHCInOctets.1 = 2758803913 ifHCInOctets.2 = 1822581108241 ifHCInUcastPkts.1 = 13349251 ifHCInUcastPkts.2 = 16592775162 ifHCInMulticastPkts.1 = 0 ifHCInMulticastPkts.2 = 84164 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.1 = 0 ifHCInBroadcastPkts.2 = 0 ifHCOutOctets.1 = 2758803913 ifHCOutOctets.2 = 4247778926982 ifHCOutUcastPkts.1 = 13349251 ifHCOutUcastPkts.2 = 16312433607 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.1 = 0 ifHCOutMulticastPkts.2 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.1 = 0 ifHCOutBroadcastPkts.2 = 0 ifHighSpeed.1 = 10 ifHighSpeed.2 = 10000 ifPromiscuousMode.1 = false ifPromiscuousMode.2 = false ifConnectorPresent.1 = false ifConnectorPresent.2 = true ifAlias.1 = ifAlias.2 = ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.1 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.2 = 0:0:00:00.00 ifDescr SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-Cr2' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-OQUst' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifDescr'[0m] ifDescr.1 = lo ifDescr.2 = VMware VMXNET3 Ethernet Controller ifAdminStatus SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-Cr2' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-OQUst' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifAdminStatus'[0m] ifAdminStatus.1 = up ifAdminStatus.2 = up ifOperStatus SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-Cr2' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-OQUst' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifOperStatus'[0m] ifOperStatus.1 = up ifOperStatus.2 = up ifLastChange SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-Cr2' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-OQUst' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifLastChange'[0m] ifLastChange.1 = 0 ifLastChange.2 = 0 ifType SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-Cr2' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-OQUst' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifType'[0m] ifType.1 = softwareLoopback ifType.2 = ethernetCsmacd ifPhysAddress SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-Cr2' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-OQUst' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifPhysAddress'[0m] ifPhysAddress.1 = ifPhysAddress.2 = 0:50:56:98:43:cb ifMtu SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-Cr2' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-OQUst' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifMtu'[0m] ifMtu.1 = 65536 ifMtu.2 = 1500 ifInErrors SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-Cr2' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-OQUst' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifInErrors'[0m] ifInErrors.1 = 0 ifInErrors.2 = 0 ifOutErrors SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-Cr2' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-OQUst' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifOutErrors'[0m] ifOutErrors.1 = 0 ifOutErrors.2 = 0 ifInDiscards SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-Cr2' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-OQUst' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifInDiscards'[0m] ifInDiscards.1 = 0 ifInDiscards.2 = 8 ifOutDiscards SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-Cr2' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-OQUst' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifOutDiscards'[0m] ifOutDiscards.1 = 0 ifOutDiscards.2 = 0 dot3StatsDuplexStatusSNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-Cr2' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-OQUs' '-m' 'EtherLike-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dot3StatsDuplexStatus'[0m] dot3StatsDuplexStatus.2 = fullDuplex SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-Cr2' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-OQUs' '-m' 'Q-BRIDGE-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dot1qPvid'[0m] dot1qPvid = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID Invalid snmp_walk() data = dot1qPvid = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifType` in ('adsl','vdsl','vdsl2') [0;33m[318][0m 0.54ms] array ( 1 => array ( 'ifName' => 'lo', 'ifInMulticastPkts' => '0', 'ifInBroadcastPkts' => '0', 'ifOutMulticastPkts' => '0', 'ifOutBroadcastPkts' => '0', 'ifHCInOctets' => '2758803913', 'ifHCInUcastPkts' => '13349251', 'ifHCInMulticastPkts' => '0', 'ifHCInBroadcastPkts' => '0', 'ifHCOutOctets' => '2758803913', 'ifHCOutUcastPkts' => '13349251', 'ifHCOutMulticastPkts' => '0', 'ifHCOutBroadcastPkts' => '0', 'ifHighSpeed' => '10', 'ifPromiscuousMode' => 'false', 'ifConnectorPresent' => 'false', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifCounterDiscontinuityTime' => '0:0:00:00.00', 'ifDescr' => 'lo', 'ifAdminStatus' => 'up', 'ifOperStatus' => 'up', 'ifLastChange' => '0', 'ifType' => 'softwareLoopback', 'ifPhysAddress' => '', 'ifMtu' => '65536', 'ifInErrors' => '0', 'ifOutErrors' => '0', 'ifInDiscards' => '0', 'ifOutDiscards' => '0', ), 2 => array ( 'ifName' => 'ens192', 'ifInMulticastPkts' => '84164', 'ifInBroadcastPkts' => '0', 'ifOutMulticastPkts' => '0', 'ifOutBroadcastPkts' => '0', 'ifHCInOctets' => '1822581108241', 'ifHCInUcastPkts' => '16592775162', 'ifHCInMulticastPkts' => '84164', 'ifHCInBroadcastPkts' => '0', 'ifHCOutOctets' => '4247778926982', 'ifHCOutUcastPkts' => '16312433607', 'ifHCOutMulticastPkts' => '0', 'ifHCOutBroadcastPkts' => '0', 'ifHighSpeed' => '10000', 'ifPromiscuousMode' => 'false', 'ifConnectorPresent' => 'true', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifCounterDiscontinuityTime' => '0:0:00:00.00', 'ifDescr' => 'VMware VMXNET3 Ethernet Controller', 'ifAdminStatus' => 'up', 'ifOperStatus' => 'up', 'ifLastChange' => '0', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifPhysAddress' => '0:50:56:98:43:cb', 'ifMtu' => '1500', 'ifInErrors' => '0', 'ifOutErrors' => '0', 'ifInDiscards' => '8', 'ifOutDiscards' => '0', 'dot3StatsDuplexStatus' => 'fullDuplex', ), ) ignored by ifType: softwareLoopback (matched: softwareLoopback ) SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `deleted`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["1",null][0m 0.15ms] valid Port ens192: VMware VMXNET3 Ethernet Controller (2 / #5232) ifHCInOctets ifHCOutOctets ifHCInUcastPkts ifHCOutUcastPkts ifInBroadcastPkts ifOutBroadcastPkts ifHCInMulticastPkts ifOutMulticastPkts ifHighSpeed (10000) dot3Duplex VLAN = Using ifDescr as ifAlias VMware VMXNET3 Ethernet Controller ifInOctets (55460237 B) 523209.78301887 Bps 106 secs ifOutOctets (125454020 B) 1183528.490566 Bps 106 secs ifInErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 106 secs ifOutErrors (0 B) 0 Bps 106 secs ifInUcastPkts (490783 B) 4630.0283018868 Bps 106 secs ifOutUcastPkts (483080 B) 4557.358490566 Bps 106 secs ifInNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 106 secs ifOutNUcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 106 secs ifInDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 106 secs ifOutDiscards (0 B) 0 Bps 106 secs ifInUnknownProtos (0 B) 0 Bps 106 secs ifInBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 106 secs ifOutBroadcastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 106 secs ifInMulticastPkts (3 B) 0.028301886792453 Bps 106 secs ifOutMulticastPkts (0 B) 0 Bps 106 secs bps(4.19 Mbps/9.47 Mbps)bytes(52.89 MiB/119.64 MiB)pkts(4.63 kpps/4.56 kpps)SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifInOctets`=?,`ifInOctets_prev`=?,`ifInOctets_rate`=?,`ifInOctets_delta`=?,`ifOutOctets`=?,`ifOutOctets_prev`=?,`ifOutOctets_rate`=?,`ifOutOctets_delta`=?,`ifInErrors`=?,`ifInErrors_prev`=?,`ifInErrors_rate`=?,`ifInErrors_delta`=?,`ifOutErrors`=?,`ifOutErrors_prev`=?,`ifOutErrors_rate`=?,`ifOutErrors_delta`=?,`ifInUcastPkts`=?,`ifInUcastPkts_prev`=?,`ifInUcastPkts_rate`=?,`ifInUcastPkts_delta`=?,`ifOutUcastPkts`=?,`ifOutUcastPkts_prev`=?,`ifOutUcastPkts_rate`=?,`ifOutUcastPkts_delta`=?,`poll_time`=?,`poll_prev`=?,`poll_period`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["1822581108241",1822525648004,523209.78301886795,55460237,"4247778926982",4247653472962,1183528.4905660378,125454020,"0",0,0,0,"0",0,0,0,"16592775162",16592284379,4630.028301886792,490783,"16312433607",16311950527,4557.358490566037,483080,1654270010,1654269904,106,5232][0m 1.65ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_statistics` set `ifInNUcastPkts`=?,`ifInNUcastPkts_prev`=?,`ifInNUcastPkts_rate`=?,`ifInNUcastPkts_delta`=?,`ifOutNUcastPkts`=?,`ifOutNUcastPkts_prev`=?,`ifOutNUcastPkts_rate`=?,`ifOutNUcastPkts_delta`=?,`ifInDiscards`=?,`ifInDiscards_prev`=?,`ifInDiscards_rate`=?,`ifInDiscards_delta`=?,`ifOutDiscards`=?,`ifOutDiscards_prev`=?,`ifOutDiscards_rate`=?,`ifOutDiscards_delta`=?,`ifInUnknownProtos`=?,`ifInUnknownProtos_prev`=?,`ifInUnknownProtos_rate`=?,`ifInUnknownProtos_delta`=?,`ifInBroadcastPkts`=?,`ifInBroadcastPkts_prev`=?,`ifInBroadcastPkts_rate`=?,`ifInBroadcastPkts_delta`=?,`ifOutBroadcastPkts`=?,`ifOutBroadcastPkts_prev`=?,`ifOutBroadcastPkts_rate`=?,`ifOutBroadcastPkts_delta`=?,`ifInMulticastPkts`=?,`ifInMulticastPkts_prev`=?,`ifInMulticastPkts_rate`=?,`ifInMulticastPkts_delta`=?,`ifOutMulticastPkts`=?,`ifOutMulticastPkts_prev`=?,`ifOutMulticastPkts_rate`=?,`ifOutMulticastPkts_delta`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"8",8,0,0,"0",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"0",0,0,0,"0",0,0,0,"84164",84161,0.02830188679245283,3,"0",0,0,0,5232][0m 0.94ms] 2 updated SQL[[1;33mupdate `ports` set `poll_time` = ?, `poll_prev` = ?, `poll_period` = ? where 0 = 1 [0;33m[1654270010,1654269904,null][0m 0.12ms] 0 updated >> Runtime for poller module 'ports': 0.5102 seconds with 41376 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [14/0.50s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [6/0.04s] #### Unload poller module ports #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module customoid #### SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `customoids` WHERE `customoid_passed` = 1 AND `device_id` = ? [0;33m[318][0m 0.19ms] >> Runtime for poller module 'customoid': 0.0004 seconds with 1280 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [0/0.00s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [1/0.00s] #### Unload poller module customoid #### Modules status: Global+ OS- Device Module [ bgp-peers ] disabled on os. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ junose-atm-vp ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ printer-supplies ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module ucd-diskio #### SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ucd_diskio` WHERE `device_id` = ? [0;33m[318][0m 0.15ms] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-Cr2' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-OQUs' '-m' 'UCD-DISKIO-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'diskIOEntry'[0m] diskIOIndex.1 = 1 diskIOIndex.2 = 2 diskIOIndex.3 = 3 diskIOIndex.4 = 4 diskIOIndex.5 = 5 diskIOIndex.6 = 6 diskIOIndex.7 = 7 diskIOIndex.8 = 8 diskIOIndex.9 = 9 diskIOIndex.10 = 10 diskIOIndex.11 = 11 diskIOIndex.12 = 12 diskIOIndex.13 = 13 diskIOIndex.14 = 14 diskIOIndex.15 = 15 diskIODevice.1 = loop0 diskIODevice.2 = loop1 diskIODevice.3 = loop2 diskIODevice.4 = loop3 diskIODevice.5 = loop4 diskIODevice.6 = loop5 diskIODevice.7 = loop6 diskIODevice.8 = loop7 diskIODevice.9 = sda diskIODevice.10 = sda1 diskIODevice.11 = sda2 diskIODevice.12 = sda3 diskIODevice.13 = dm-0 diskIODevice.14 = dm-1 diskIODevice.15 = sr0 diskIONRead.1 = 0 diskIONRead.2 = 0 diskIONRead.3 = 0 diskIONRead.4 = 0 diskIONRead.5 = 0 diskIONRead.6 = 0 diskIONRead.7 = 0 diskIONRead.8 = 0 diskIONRead.9 = 1895196672 diskIONRead.10 = 22692864 diskIONRead.11 = 69807104 diskIONRead.12 = 1777802240 diskIONRead.13 = 6582272 diskIONRead.14 = 1487979520 diskIONRead.15 = 0 diskIONWritten.1 = 0 diskIONWritten.2 = 0 diskIONWritten.3 = 0 diskIONWritten.4 = 0 diskIONWritten.5 = 0 diskIONWritten.6 = 0 diskIONWritten.7 = 0 diskIONWritten.8 = 0 diskIONWritten.9 = 467465216 diskIONWritten.10 = 1024 diskIONWritten.11 = 209051648 diskIONWritten.12 = 258412544 diskIONWritten.13 = 0 diskIONWritten.14 = 258412544 diskIONWritten.15 = 0 diskIOReads.1 = 0 diskIOReads.2 = 0 diskIOReads.3 = 0 diskIOReads.4 = 0 diskIOReads.5 = 0 diskIOReads.6 = 0 diskIOReads.7 = 0 diskIOReads.8 = 0 diskIOReads.9 = 63236 diskIOReads.10 = 1717 diskIOReads.11 = 1099 diskIOReads.12 = 58927 diskIOReads.13 = 305 diskIOReads.14 = 74589 diskIOReads.15 = 0 diskIOWrites.1 = 0 diskIOWrites.2 = 0 diskIOWrites.3 = 0 diskIOWrites.4 = 0 diskIOWrites.5 = 0 diskIOWrites.6 = 0 diskIOWrites.7 = 0 diskIOWrites.8 = 0 diskIOWrites.9 = 12167383 diskIOWrites.10 = 2 diskIOWrites.11 = 613 diskIOWrites.12 = 12166768 diskIOWrites.13 = 0 diskIOWrites.14 = 15950350 diskIOWrites.15 = 0 diskIOLA1.1 = 0 diskIOLA1.2 = 0 diskIOLA1.3 = 0 diskIOLA1.4 = 0 diskIOLA1.5 = 0 diskIOLA1.6 = 0 diskIOLA1.7 = 0 diskIOLA1.8 = 0 diskIOLA1.9 = 0 diskIOLA1.10 = 0 diskIOLA1.11 = 0 diskIOLA1.12 = 0 diskIOLA1.13 = 0 diskIOLA1.14 = 0 diskIOLA1.15 = 0 diskIOLA5.1 = 0 diskIOLA5.2 = 0 diskIOLA5.3 = 0 diskIOLA5.4 = 0 diskIOLA5.5 = 0 diskIOLA5.6 = 0 diskIOLA5.7 = 0 diskIOLA5.8 = 0 diskIOLA5.9 = 0 diskIOLA5.10 = 0 diskIOLA5.11 = 0 diskIOLA5.12 = 0 diskIOLA5.13 = 0 diskIOLA5.14 = 0 diskIOLA5.15 = 0 diskIOLA15.1 = 0 diskIOLA15.2 = 0 diskIOLA15.3 = 0 diskIOLA15.4 = 0 diskIOLA15.5 = 0 diskIOLA15.6 = 0 diskIOLA15.7 = 0 diskIOLA15.8 = 0 diskIOLA15.9 = 0 diskIOLA15.10 = 0 diskIOLA15.11 = 0 diskIOLA15.12 = 0 diskIOLA15.13 = 0 diskIOLA15.14 = 0 diskIOLA15.15 = 0 diskIONReadX.1 = 0 diskIONReadX.2 = 0 diskIONReadX.3 = 0 diskIONReadX.4 = 0 diskIONReadX.5 = 0 diskIONReadX.6 = 0 diskIONReadX.7 = 0 diskIONReadX.8 = 0 diskIONReadX.9 = 1895196672 diskIONReadX.10 = 22692864 diskIONReadX.11 = 69807104 diskIONReadX.12 = 1777802240 diskIONReadX.13 = 6582272 diskIONReadX.14 = 1487979520 diskIONReadX.15 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.1 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.2 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.3 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.4 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.5 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.6 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.7 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.8 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.9 = 107841647616 diskIONWrittenX.10 = 1024 diskIONWrittenX.11 = 209051648 diskIONWrittenX.12 = 107632594944 diskIONWrittenX.13 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.14 = 107632594944 diskIONWrittenX.15 = 0 diskIOBusyTime.1 = 0 diskIOBusyTime.2 = 0 diskIOBusyTime.3 = 0 diskIOBusyTime.4 = 0 diskIOBusyTime.5 = 0 diskIOBusyTime.6 = 0 diskIOBusyTime.7 = 0 diskIOBusyTime.8 = 0 diskIOBusyTime.9 = 5554076000 diskIOBusyTime.10 = 708000 diskIOBusyTime.11 = 1804000 diskIOBusyTime.12 = 5551116000 diskIOBusyTime.13 = 80000 diskIOBusyTime.14 = 5552464000 diskIOBusyTime.15 = 0 sda array ( 'diskIOIndex' => '9', 'diskIODevice' => 'sda', 'diskIONRead' => '1895196672', 'diskIONWritten' => '467465216', 'diskIOReads' => '63236', 'diskIOWrites' => '12167383', 'diskIOLA1' => '0', 'diskIOLA5' => '0', 'diskIOLA15' => '0', 'diskIONReadX' => '1895196672', 'diskIONWrittenX' => '107841647616', 'diskIOBusyTime' => '5554076000', ) sda1 array ( 'diskIOIndex' => '10', 'diskIODevice' => 'sda1', 'diskIONRead' => '22692864', 'diskIONWritten' => '1024', 'diskIOReads' => '1717', 'diskIOWrites' => '2', 'diskIOLA1' => '0', 'diskIOLA5' => '0', 'diskIOLA15' => '0', 'diskIONReadX' => '22692864', 'diskIONWrittenX' => '1024', 'diskIOBusyTime' => '708000', ) sda2 array ( 'diskIOIndex' => '11', 'diskIODevice' => 'sda2', 'diskIONRead' => '69807104', 'diskIONWritten' => '209051648', 'diskIOReads' => '1099', 'diskIOWrites' => '613', 'diskIOLA1' => '0', 'diskIOLA5' => '0', 'diskIOLA15' => '0', 'diskIONReadX' => '69807104', 'diskIONWrittenX' => '209051648', 'diskIOBusyTime' => '1804000', ) sda3 array ( 'diskIOIndex' => '12', 'diskIODevice' => 'sda3', 'diskIONRead' => '1777802240', 'diskIONWritten' => '258412544', 'diskIOReads' => '58927', 'diskIOWrites' => '12166768', 'diskIOLA1' => '0', 'diskIOLA5' => '0', 'diskIOLA15' => '0', 'diskIONReadX' => '1777802240', 'diskIONWrittenX' => '107632594944', 'diskIOBusyTime' => '5551116000', ) dm-0 array ( 'diskIOIndex' => '13', 'diskIODevice' => 'dm-0', 'diskIONRead' => '6582272', 'diskIONWritten' => '0', 'diskIOReads' => '305', 'diskIOWrites' => '0', 'diskIOLA1' => '0', 'diskIOLA5' => '0', 'diskIOLA15' => '0', 'diskIONReadX' => '6582272', 'diskIONWrittenX' => '0', 'diskIOBusyTime' => '80000', ) dm-1 array ( 'diskIOIndex' => '14', 'diskIODevice' => 'dm-1', 'diskIONRead' => '1487979520', 'diskIONWritten' => '258412544', 'diskIOReads' => '74589', 'diskIOWrites' => '15950350', 'diskIOLA1' => '0', 'diskIOLA5' => '0', 'diskIOLA15' => '0', 'diskIONReadX' => '1487979520', 'diskIONWrittenX' => '107632594944', 'diskIOBusyTime' => '5552464000', ) >> Runtime for poller module 'ucd-diskio': 0.2121 seconds with 5632 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [1/0.21s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [1/0.00s] #### Unload poller module ucd-diskio #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ wifi ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module wireless #### Attempting to initialize OS: linux Attempting to initialize Group OS: unix OS initialized: LibreNMS\OS\Shared\Unix SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id` = ? [0;33m[318][0m 0.34ms] >> Runtime for poller module 'wireless': 0.0015 seconds with 103192 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [0/0.00s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [1/0.00s] #### Unload poller module wireless #### Modules status: Global+ OS- Device Module [ ospf ] disabled on os. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ isis ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module cisco-ipsec-flow-monitor #### >> Runtime for poller module 'cisco-ipsec-flow-monitor': 0.0001 seconds with 2656 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [0/0.00s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload poller module cisco-ipsec-flow-monitor #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-remote-access-monitor ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module cisco-cef #### >> Runtime for poller module 'cisco-cef': 0.0002 seconds with 2360 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [0/0.00s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload poller module cisco-cef #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module slas #### >> Runtime for poller module 'slas': 0.0001 seconds with 5112 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [0/0.00s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload poller module slas #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-mac-accounting ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cipsec-tunnels ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-ace-loadbalancer ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-ace-serverfarms ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module cisco-asa-firewall #### >> Runtime for poller module 'cisco-asa-firewall': 0.0001 seconds with 840 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [0/0.00s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload poller module cisco-asa-firewall #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-voice ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module cisco-cbqos #### >> Runtime for poller module 'cisco-cbqos': 0.0002 seconds with 1968 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [0/0.00s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload poller module cisco-cbqos #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-otv ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-qfp ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-vpdn ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ nac ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ netscaler-vsvr ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ aruba-controller ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module entity-physical #### >> Runtime for poller module 'entity-physical': 0.0001 seconds with 472 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [0/0.00s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload poller module entity-physical #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module entity-state #### SQL[[1;33mSELECT S.entity_state_id, S.entStateLastChanged, P.entPhysicalIndex FROM entityState AS S LEFT JOIN entPhysical AS P USING (entPhysical_id) WHERE S.device_id=? [0;33m[318][0m 0.27ms] >> Runtime for poller module 'entity-state': 0.0006 seconds with 1104 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [0/0.00s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [1/0.00s] #### Unload poller module entity-state #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module applications #### SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `applications` WHERE `device_id` = ? [0;33m[318][0m 0.51ms] Application: os-updates, app_id=144SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-Oqv' '-m' 'NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.'[0m] 28 SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `applications` set `app_state`=?,`app_status`=?,`timestamp`=NOW() WHERE `app_id` = ? [0;33m["OK","28",144][0m 1.89ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `application_metrics` WHERE app_id=? [0;33m[144][0m 0.45ms] : . Application: unbound, app_id=145SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n' "" '-a' 'sha' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-x' 'aes' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-Oqv' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-t' '5' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.'[0m] Exitcode: 2 Error in packet Reason: (tooBig) Response message would have been too large. Error in packet Reason: (tooBig) Response message would have been too large. SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `applications` set `app_state`=?,`app_status`=?,`timestamp`=NOW() WHERE `app_id` = ? [0;33m["UNKNOWN","",145][0m 1.51ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `application_metrics` WHERE app_id=? [0;33m[145][0m 0.36ms] : .............................. >> Runtime for poller module 'applications': 0.9971 seconds with 8184 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [2/0.99s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [5/0.05s] #### Unload poller module applications #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ mib ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS- Device Module [ stp ] disabled on os. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module ntp #### >> Runtime for poller module 'ntp': 0.0001 seconds with 400 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [0/0.00s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload poller module ntp #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module loadbalancers #### >> Runtime for poller module 'loadbalancers': 0.0000 seconds with 400 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [0/0.00s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload poller module loadbalancers #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ mef ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load poller module mpls #### >> Runtime for poller module 'mpls': 0.0003 seconds with 23656 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [0/0.00s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload poller module mpls #### Enabling graphs: SQL[[1;33mselect * from `device_graphs` where `device_graphs`.`device_id` = ? and `device_graphs`.`device_id` is not null [0;33m[318][0m 0.19ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `devices` set `last_polled`=NOW(),`last_polled_timetaken`=? WHERE `device_id` = ? [0;33m[3.627,318][0m 1.72ms] Updating Polled in 3.627 seconds ### Start Device Groups ### SQL[[1;33mselect * from `device_groups` [0;33m[][0m 0.17ms] SQL[[1;33mselect `devices`.`device_id`, `device_group_device`.`device_group_id` as `pivot_device_group_id`, `device_group_device`.`device_id` as `pivot_device_id` from `devices` inner join `device_group_device` on `devices`.`device_id` = `device_group_device`.`device_id` where `device_group_device`.`device_group_id` in (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) [0;33m[][0m 0.68ms] SQL[[1;33mselect exists(select * from `devices` where (`devices`.`hostname` LIKE ? OR `devices`.`hostname` LIKE ?) and `devices`.`device_id` = ?) as `exists` [0;33m["","",318][0m 0.36ms] SQL[[1;33mselect exists(select * from `devices` where (`devices`.`os` REGEXP ?) and `devices`.`device_id` = ?) as `exists` [0;33m["Windows",318][0m 0.27ms] SQL[[1;33mselect exists(select * from `devices` where (`devices`.`os` REGEXP ?) and `devices`.`device_id` = ?) as `exists` [0;33m["Linux",318][0m 0.23ms] SQL[[1;33mselect exists(select * from `devices` where (`devices`.`version` REGEXP ?) and `devices`.`device_id` = ?) as `exists` [0;33m["2.6",318][0m 0.33ms] SQL[[1;33mselect exists(select * from `devices` where (`devices`.`version` REGEXP ? AND `devices`.`os` = ?) and `devices`.`device_id` = ?) as `exists` [0;33m["3.1","Linux",318][0m 0.26ms] SQL[[1;33mselect exists(select * from `devices` where (`devices`.`os` REGEXP ?) and `devices`.`device_id` = ?) as `exists` [0;33m["vmware",318][0m 0.24ms] SQL[[1;33mselect exists(select * from `devices` where (`devices`.`notes` REGEXP ?) and `devices`.`device_id` = ?) as `exists` [0;33m["Email",318][0m 0.22ms] SQL[[1;33mselect exists(select * from `devices` where (`devices`.`hostname` LIKE ? OR `devices`.`hostname` LIKE ? OR `devices`.`hostname` LIKE ? OR `devices`.`hostname` LIKE ?) and `devices`.`device_id` = ?) as `exists` [0;33m["DC%","DR%","%ESXi%","%VCTR%",318][0m 0.28ms] SQL[[1;33mselect * from `device_group_device` where `device_group_device`.`device_id` = ? [0;33m[318][0m 0.16ms] Groups Added: Groups Removed: ### End Device Groups, runtime: 0.0124s ### #### Start Alerts #### SQL[[1;33mselect `device_groups`.*, `device_group_device`.`device_id` as `pivot_device_id`, `device_group_device`.`device_group_id` as `pivot_device_group_id` from `device_groups` inner join `device_group_device` on `device_groups`.`id` = `device_group_device`.`device_group_id` where `device_group_device`.`device_id` = ? [0;33m[318][0m 0.18ms] SQL[[1;33mselect exists(select * from `alert_schedule` where (`start` <= ? and `end` >= ? and (`recurring` = ? or (`recurring` = ? and ((time(`start`) < time xss=removed> ?) or (time(`start`) > time(`end`) and (time(`end`) <= ? or time(`start`) > ?))) and (`recurring_day` like ? or `recurring_day` is null)))) and (exists (select * from `devices` inner join `alert_schedulables` on `devices`.`device_id` = `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_id` where `alert_schedule`.`schedule_id` = `alert_schedulables`.`schedule_id` and `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_type` = ? and `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_id` = ?) or exists (select * from `device_groups` inner join `alert_schedulables` on `device_groups`.`id` = `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_id` where `alert_schedule`.`schedule_id` = `alert_schedulables`.`schedule_id` and `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_type` = ? and `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_id` in (2, 4)) or exists (select * from `locations` inner join `alert_schedulables` on `locations`.`id` = `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_id` where `alert_schedule`.`schedule_id` = `alert_schedulables`.`schedule_id` and `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_type` = ? and `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_id` = ?))) as `exists` [0;33m["2022-06-03T15:26:52.036922Z","2022-06-03T15:26:52.036922Z",0,1,"15:26:52","15:26:52","15:26:52","15:26:52","[45m%","device",318,"device_group","location",14][0m 0.69ms] SQL[[1;33mselect * from `devices` where `devices`.`device_id` = ? limit 1 [0;33m[318][0m 0.38ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT DISTINCT a.* FROM alert_rules a LEFT JOIN alert_device_map d ON AND (a.invert_map = 0 OR a.invert_map = 1 AND d.device_id = ?) LEFT JOIN alert_group_map g ON AND (a.invert_map = 0 OR a.invert_map = 1 AND g.group_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT device_group_id FROM device_group_device WHERE device_id = ?)) LEFT JOIN alert_location_map l ON AND (a.invert_map = 0 OR a.invert_map = 1 AND l.location_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT location_id FROM devices WHERE device_id = ?)) LEFT JOIN device_group_device dg ON g.group_id=dg.device_group_id AND dg.device_id = ? WHERE a.disabled = 0 AND ( (d.device_id IS NULL AND g.group_id IS NULL) OR (a.invert_map = 0 AND (d.device_id=? OR dg.device_id=?)) OR (a.invert_map = 1 AND (d.device_id != ? OR d.device_id IS NULL) AND (dg.device_id != ? OR dg.device_id IS NULL)) ) [0;33m[318,318,318,318,318,318,318,318][0m 0.91ms] Rule [0;35m#1 (Devices up/down):[0m SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM devices WHERE (devices.device_id = ?) && (((devices.status = 0 && ((devices.disabled = 0 && devices.ignore = 0)))) = "1" ) [0;33m[318][0m 0.32ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT state FROM alerts WHERE rule_id = ? AND device_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 [0;33m[1,318][0m 0.14ms] Status: [0;34mNOCHG[0m Rule [0;35m#2 (Device rebooted):[0m SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM devices WHERE (devices.device_id = ?) && (devices.uptime < "300" && ((devices.disabled = 0 && devices.ignore = 0)) = "1") [0;33m[318][0m 0.35ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT state FROM alerts WHERE rule_id = ? AND device_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 [0;33m[2,318][0m 0.13ms] Status: [0;34mNOCHG[0m Rule [0;35m#5 (Port status up/down):[0m SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM ports WHERE (ports.device_id = ?) && (((ports.ifOperStatus = "down" && ports.ifAdminStatus != "down" && ((ports.deleted = 0 && ports.ignore = 0 && ports.disabled = 0)))) = "1") [0;33m[318][0m 0.44ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT state FROM alerts WHERE rule_id = ? AND device_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 [0;33m[5,318][0m 0.13ms] Status: [0;34mNOCHG[0m Rule [0;35m#12 (Interface Errors Rate greater than 100):[0m SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM ports WHERE (ports.device_id = ?) && (ports.ifOutErrors_rate >= "100" || ports.ifInErrors_rate >= "100" ) [0;33m[318][0m 0.39ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT state FROM alerts WHERE rule_id = ? AND device_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 [0;33m[12,318][0m 0.13ms] Status: [0;34mNOCHG[0m #### End Alerts #### ./poller.php NS01.TWINLAKES.NET 2022-06-03 10:26:52 - 1 devices polled in 3.791 secs [0;36mSNMP[0m [33/2.47s]: Snmpget[15/1.40s] Snmpwalk[18/1.07s] [1;33mSQL[0m [82/0.38s]: Select[57/0.19s] Delete[1/0.00s] Insert[1/0.02s] Update[23/0.17s]