Convert date to lunar date ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❤️ Link №1: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❤️ Link №2: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Needless to say, the two great ancient Chinese inventions, and the Chinese Gender Chart also use Chinese calendar as the standard for calculation. Needless to say, the two great ancient Chinese inventions, and the Chinese Gender Chart also use Chinese calendar as the standard for calculation. Western to Chinese Calendar Converter. Historically correct but bad for calculations. Click OK, then you can see all Julian dates have been converted to calendar dates. In theory you could do it from your dataset, by identifying the maximum and minimum values for phase, then converting phases to percentages and rounding up as a proportion of 29. Chinese Calendar Conversion • Convert Chinese - English Date - These are the only major days which require the Chantarakati calendar, unless some of the other festivals also base their dates on the lunar calendar. Does anyone know of a script or routine or algorithm to convert Chantrakati dates to Julian dates or vice-versa? I need to create recurring events which are based on the Thai lunar calendar - for example, Visakha Bucha, or even Loy Krathong... Many Thai astrology sites have conversion tools on their websites - but I need the script itself... Thanks in advance for any help. Shows how tired I am - all that searching on calendars, there are more references to Julian calendars than Gregorian... Shows how tired I am - all that searching on calendars, there are more references to Julian calendars than Gregorian... You can then add or subtract the Synod, the time between one full moon and the next or almost exactly 29. You can now find Visakha Bucha day, or even Loy Krathong. I haven't done the former but Loy Krathong is the first full moon in November. I suspect Bucha day is an exact number of full moons later, 3 or 4? I did it using visual basic but am reasonably certain the MS spreadsheet - whatever it is called , I don't use it, will work it out for you. Mid - Calendar Magic supports Thai Solar Suriyakati , but unfortunately not Thai Lunar Chantarakati. But thanks for the help! I would imagine that it is conceivable that Loy Krathong could turn out to be the second full moon in November on occasion, since in theory Loy Krathong actually falls on the full moon in the 12th month or more accurately, the last month known as du-an sip-song according to the Chantarakati calendar. Makha Bucha is the full moon of Du-an Sam, Visakha Bucha is the full moon of Du-an Hok, and Asanha Bucha the full moon of Du-an Paet, with Khao Phansa Buddhist Lent starting the following day. I suppose there is some other way to calculate this, provided I can figure out when leap months and leap days are added. These are the only major days which require the Chantarakati calendar, unless some of the other festivals also base their dates on the lunar calendar. Ultimately, I'm trying to create a perpetual Thai calendar. If you're really stuck I've got a friend in the UK who does this sort of thing all the time who would probably be happy to lend a hand... However I realized only this year I had missed out big Buddah day. I'm not sure how the occassional 13th lunar month is coped with in Thailand but Loy Kratong is the first full moon of November, not the second there was a second last year if I recall. The 13th month must be accounted for and called something otherwise all the lunar holidays would slip like the moslem ones. What happened last year? The 12th month of 2006 had it's full moon on the 2nd november and this year the full moon of the 12th month Ye Ping is on the 21st November that is 13 full moons apart - if that makes sense. Since Mucha Bucha is the 3rd month is that correct? Does any of this make sense? My program is in Microsoft Visual Basic v 6 if you are interested in the program or the coding? If so maybe we should move to PMs? Mark - I thought it would be something easy as well - but the problem occurs at where extra days and months are inserted... The leap month occurs in the 8th month - mid-summer, as it were - so there is an 8th month side one, and and 8th month side two an exact repeat of the 8th month. Loy Krathong - or Yi Peng - is pegged to the lunar calendar and marks the beginning of the 12th month. I guess it's safe to say it will probably always occur in November since the leap month happens before it and we know the new year Thai Lunar will always be in December. But there is no certainty that Loy Krathong will be the first full moon in November. Just out of interest - I am a BASIC coder... I think I read somewhere that Ye Peng was the first full moon but as the moons are 29. Just checked, it is 2055 when I am over 100, that the full moon is on the 1st and, I supose, the 30th of November. OK so it is the 8th month that copes with a 13 month year. Thanks I used to use BASIC only but I do love the ease of producing pretty interfaces with lots of things on the screen that got me onto Visual Basic, despite a loathing of MS products! For example, in 1963, 1982, and 2001, May 28th coincided with the sixth day of the fourth month in lunar year. Thanks in advance for any help. Rules for Calculation Each time the moon moves into line with the earth and the sun a new month begins and this is met 'Chu Yi' or 'Shuo Ri' the first day of a lunar month. Then right click at these highlighted cells, and select Format Cells from context menu, and in the popped out Format Cells dialog, under Number tab, click Date in the Category list, then select the date type you need convert date to lunar date the del section. Dating back to the Chinese Xia Dynasty 21st Century BC - 17th Century BC and Shang Dynasty 17th Century BC - 1046 BCChinese calendar refers to any of the official and civil calendars greatly used in China. Does any of this make sense. If you difference to find out the Chinese lunar age, please. I did it using visual basic but am reasonably certain the MS spreadsheet - whatever it is calledI don't use it, will work it out for you. Needless to say, the two great ancient Chinese jesus, and the Chinese Gender Chart also use Chinese calendar as the standard for calculation. Mark - I thought it would be something easy as well - but the problem occurs at where extra days and months are inserted. I would imagine that it is conceivable that Loy Krathong could medico out to be the second full moon in November on occasion, since in theory Loy Krathong actually falls on the full moon in the 12th month or more accurately, the last month known as du-an convert date to lunar date according to the Chantarakati calendar. I'm going to study moons impact on the tout catch.