Mw2 connecting to matchmaking server fix ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❤️ Link №1: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❤️ Link №2: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ The game was workling fine 30mins ago. I just purchased the game 2 days ago and installed the game with whatever the most recent patch was. This will bring up the command prompt. Servers are down 5:18 eastern time on microwoft platforms. Odd that it's only just started up for you though and interesting that a jump doesn't trigger it the same way supercruise does. Call duty modern warfare 2 cannot connect matchmaking server. MW2 to matchmaking - Encourages people to involve their singles local families in local connecting love and. Updating Rank and Unlocks... Hey guys, I've been having this problem for a few days being 4-5 now. Updating Rank and Unlocks... Connecting to matchmaking server... I deleted all my savegames, as I had been hacked it unlocked everything online However, this did nothing. I have also tried connecting on another profile Which has never played MW2 before , however the same problem occured. I have turned my router off, and have tried reenetering my network settings multiple times, to no prevail. I am open to any ideas, as I'm clueless. Another note, I connect to Black Ops fine. Also, I am aware of all the hacking, however I am not too fussed as I enjoy myself more on MW2 than Black Ops. Dannehkins, I've had this problem for about a week now. One night I was playing completely fine, and then the next morning this problem occured. I've let it try to connect for over an hour, however nothing happened. Having just had a look about on the net, there is one suggestion that worked for others but not sure how :S UPnP needs to be enabled. If it is not available after you have enabled it try shutting down the router and ps3 and unplug both for around 5 mins. Set the internet connection up again then... The above is the advice I seen posted My advice? Go to your router configuration page and check to see if UPnP enabled on it. Not sure where that page is? Google the name of your router and 'configuration page'. See how you get on with that : yesterday I was playing free for all and this guy hacked me : moving me to the end of the prestige. I played for more 2 or 3 hours with no problem. Like you my Black Ops has problems. My nat type is open, therefore I've no prob with my modem And one of my listed friends was playing it while I was trying to get in : What is going on? Can anybody help PLEASE!! I'm having this issue too. Bought my PS3 last weekend from a local store, was a pre-owned console but all settings and everything had been cleared. Set up my new user, sorted out my network settings, i've got type 2 NAT Open in the MW2 lobby yet it can't find any games. I tried it Tuesday night, last night and this morning and haven't been able to get on at all, even after leaving it for 5-10 minutes. I've rebooted my router a few times, rebooted my PS3, deleted the game data, checked i'm on 3. It's clearly nothing to do with my ports or UPnP as Special Ops was fine, no issues what so ever. Anything I can do? Apparently, Modern Warfare 2's Matchmaking was built in such a way. Voting machines that do not provide a paper trail or civil be fix audited matchmaking immediately be how, the Best Way To Secure US Elections. Launch Steam again and check if the error still persists. Browse to the Security tab and click on Advanced found at the bottom of the screen. The problem I have is when i'm difference mw2 or black ops or any other game online, I can't party up with most. Now we will proceed with the whole folder. If it is not available after you have enabled it try shutting down the router and ps3 and unplug both for around 5 mins. Between, I can go play on secondary accounts but for my main account it just gets stuck on connecting to matchmaking server.