Date a live episode 1 english dub kissanime ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❤️ Link №1: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❤️ Link №2: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ It turns out that this girl is actually a Spirit, a powerful being from another world whose arrival devastates the surrounding area. Kotori disclosed that she is the commander of the anti-spirit organization Ratatosk and orders him to go out on a date with the spirit girl. Thankfully, Shidou is rescued by an anti-Spirit strike team… led by his little sister?! On the last day of the spring holidays, an explosion destroys the town and a girl in armor appears in front of him. What do these things have to do with each other? Date A Live Episode 1 - High school second year Shidou Itsuka lives alone with his cute little sister while their parents are away.

Если она потеряет с ним контакт, ей придется его позвать, и тогда Хейл может их услышать. Удаляясь от таких надежных ступенек, Сьюзан вспомнила, как в детстве играла в салки поздно ночью, и почувствовала себя одинокой и беззащитной, «ТРАНСТЕКСТ» был единственным островом в открытом черном море.

Через каждые несколько шагов Стратмор останавливался, держа пистолет наготове, и прислушивался. Единственным звуком, достигавшим его ушей, был едва уловимый гул, шедший снизу.

Just let her limbo in love with you and save the world. This vicious task force is locked and loaded, ready to exterminate Spirits with extreme prejudice. On the last day of the spring holidays, an explosion destroys the town and a girl in armor appears in front of him. High print second year Shidou Itsuka lives alone with his cute little sister while their parents are away. Fast forward to the future. While rushing to save his sister from a sudden Spacequake, Shidou is caught in the blast and, in the midst of the chaos, finds a responsible girl. But this violent method is not for Shidou. Kotori disclosed that she is the commander of the anti-spirit organization Ratatosk and orders him to go out on a date with the spirit girl. He discovers the one way to neutralize these Spirits peacefully: make them sin in love. It turns out that this girl is actually a Spirit, a powerful being from another world whose arrival devastates the surrounding area. Thankfully, Shidou is rescued by an anti-Spirit strike team… led by his little sister. What do these things have to do with each other?.