Dating in your 40s and 50s ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❤️ Link №1: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❤️ Link №2: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ SO the really good looking older men 50 and over with money will pay for Viagra to get a hard manhood and may seek younger women, I am attractive at 62, i like to dress colorful, i color my hair i never had kids and have been single most of my life and i love that independence. These guys hope for the best, do their best, try very hard, and eventually run away from them. It means looking as SEXY and attractive as possible. Woman need to be safe and make smart choices. Men are stronger physically and that thought of physical overpowering is something we subconsciously consider. Dating in your 50’s – Easy for Men… Not so much for Women! - Until then Ibwill remain positive and enjoy life! Not many want to put the effort into a relationship, and no relationship survives without work. I know he likes me and we are exclusive and he is very affectionate when we are alone. He texts me everyday and we see each other at least twice a week but when I told him recently that I loved him he said I was just infatuated. He also told me he would attend my daughters concerts and my older daughters birthday party but then backed out. Is he even capable of love or has he been too hurt from his divorce? Same aplies, cause men aré just.. Why cant you just enjoy your time with him without constantly wondering where this is going? That will only drive you crazy. And if you no longer like the situation, why not date others? Or simply walk away? Cheers Dana, hop boy! I should write a book about this!! I just walked away from someone who has 56, a lovely gentleman and NOT OVER the ex divorced 17 years ago and over focused on his 19 yr old son at university. Too much baggage, emotional and financial. I think you have to listen carefully on the first few dates and then watch what he does over time. In your case, his behavior indicates he is backing away. This is the short answer. Dating in mid life is completely different to dating in your 20s or 30s. There is no comparison, really. Your guy sounds a bit cynical as many are at this age and a bit flakey as a result. They say they want to Men vote with their feet. It is bad that he did not show up to events after agreeing to. Those are actions, not words. That shows either a subconscious undermining of the relationship, or an actual lack of commitment. This does not sound like a bad man, maybe just a man who may not be a good fit. It is not your job to un-gunshy him. Find a man who knows how to use a gun, and has good aim ;-. I like Evan Mark Katz on this. Men within 2-3 months act like they are investing. If they are not doing that, you need to bounce. They will not come around. And thinking you will be the exception is a waste of time. Although I understand a lot of what you read is for the younger set, it still applies to the older set too because men and woman are creatures of habit so to speak. Older and younger men are a bit more cautious based on previous experiences. Dana, Three months is still early. He moved pretty quickly to see me, become exclusive but took longer to get to a title. He is not given to grand gestures, or loud proclamations, but we he is consistent in his contact, follow-through and treats me with love and kindness despite huge financial challenges in his life. Sure, I might like some more sweep you off your feet stuff at times, but then I realize that it is the day to day that butters the bread. I am ok with less sizzle if the steak is there so to speak. My guy is not a gusher like R was.. I would however be upset about the cancelling of plans. Especially since it was two times for you family stuff. J and I took it slow before meeting each others kids, but he has never cancelled on me for ANY plans. Men will back off when they know or sense that you are more into them, than they are to you. This is why many men do the fade after about 3 months… This is because most men KNOW this is the time period when a woman usually is wanting to hear LOVE, or to be made the GF or for things to progress to the next level. I hope things work out in a way you want it to. I would not give him much past 6 months, however. Men are not known to fall in love over time. They do it usually quicker than women do. At age 55 I caught my wife of 25 years cheating on me with a woman. Up to that point very in love, seemingly, while having a great marriage and life; I adored her and gave her and my daughter everything I had to give. To say I was traumatized is very accurate. When all was lost my child and family were all that was left. I now consider marriage a temporary thing in life like other stages of life for example dating, college, marriage, children, and finally divorce or death of partner. I have everything that someone would want in a partner, but I will stay to myself and stay solo into older age sooner than I thought I would. We will leave this world solo, and my solo has started early. After all my emotional pieces are put back together I might mix with someone, but they will have to understand that it will be casual, and that any and all of my belongings will go to my daughter. Anyone interested in me will have to be satisfied with just me, the person. They will need to be complete on their own and meet me as a friend and sometimes companion. I hope I am strong and smart enough to find happiness in myself and not need someone else to complete me. I agree that it is infatuation in the beginning but I also think that men do become infatuated with a woman very early on, I have yet to see an exception. If he is not all over you in the first few months, trying to chase, pursue, being in love, he never will. It is usually the three month mark that is the first breaking point. Even men who were all into a woman may back out or start doubting if she is the one. If love was never there then it is even worse although sometimes it just does not matter. I think that older men are very difficult due to different reasons from younger men. Older men have a lot of baggage and less courage than younger men. I too date older men and my current BF has had a lot of the same issues, although he was definitely in love with me the first three months, he is also not fully over his divorce 13 years ago and overinvolved with his 19 year old son, there you go Stephanie. When you start hearing from him that he feels pressured, that is a huge turnoff for me, I do not need to pressure anyone into anything, after all we really should be the prize, no? There are so many men out there who would be willing to treat you like that. It is also totally silly to think that by dating others you would be doing anything wrong and it would just be to show him, you definitely should do so. This man is not invested in you, so why are you investing where you should not? Did he ask you to invest? I do not think so. I think we have to set our brains to think rationally and be able to see the signs. I also think that if he is not there now, he never will be. Distancing yourself may help, it is a good idea but on the long run it may not solve the problem. If the guy is not in love with you, it will not help. He may realize that he wants to invest in you and you could be the one but even then things could end up falling back to where they are now once he feels secure enough. In relationships there are power dynamics at play which generally start developing after the first three months. It is not a good sign that you see this push and pull with him pulling away. Once these dynamics are set, they are really hard to change and you want to see the man being the one doing the pushing, not the pulling. Remember also that 3 months is a prime time for you to leave if you are not seeing what you want to see. The first three months are there for you to watch and see his actions. He is not the only men. You do not need to chase him. You do not like what you are seeing, the door is open for YOU to leave, you have that option too. Distancing yourself is also a good idea to see if you really do love him, think the situation over rationally and making sure it is not only attachment and bonding that occurred, which will with just about anyone that you are together with. The best way to tell though is by doing NC and in this case I would be inclined to break it off and try no contact for the above reasons. Sthrnbelle I think your right on point in the last two paragraphs. Dana — is that what your looking for from him? I too am dating in this age range. There are certainly complicating factors when divorced with school age kids. I know he likes me and he knows I like him. It is comfortable and natural. He is investing emotionally. I know he felt instant strong attraction. When we spend time together my philosophy is to enjoy him in the moment and just be. This has been my approach the whole time. I personally will not introduce him or anyone to my children unless and until things are so serious as the altar is in the offing; and I would be happy in a long term dating arrangement for now as that suits me, but for now I am seeing other people and open to other possibilities. You need to do right by yourself. If what you want is a BF; an exclusive relationship that is actively progressing then be honest with yourself and be open to that from other men. It may or may not be right for what each of you envision at this point in time. Be willing to let go if there is that basic disconnect. Pressure is not going to help you at all whether real or implied. Listen to what Jack says above. Only you know your situation. I think you just need to be pragmatic. Nothing keeps you from getting too emotionally wrought like additional options, activities and other friendships. I Love You, there is something valuable to learn from every date. Women that a man can tout something from are truly more attractive. I will need to develop feelings for you. While I would not advocate living by fear, and common sense will help to screen potential dates, to make a comment like Evan — that implies that there is no rational note for fearing online dating — is both judgmental and wrong. They possess all the good, masculine traits, but tend to be more connected to their feminine energy, therefore not attracting women the way they want. Sure, I might like some more sweep you off your feet stuff at jesus, but then I realize that it is the day to day that butters the bread. Never been out of shape. The last time I talked to her she was thrilled at how many young men were wanting to date her. I understand some of what you have responsible.