LibreNMS Discovery SQL[[1;33mselect `migration` from `migrations` order by `id` desc limit 1 [0;33m[][0m 0.57ms] SQL[[1;33mselect count(*) as aggregate from `migrations` limit 1 [0;33m[][0m 0.46ms] SQL[[1;33mselect version() [0;33m[][0m 0.52ms] =================================== Version info: Commit SHA: 2d57e49cafffd2982c393ef0ffefab763b387b8c Commit Date: 1641662228 DB Schema: 2021_11_29_165436_improve_ports_search_index (229) PHP: 7.3.31-1~deb10u1 MySQL: 10.3.31-MariaDB-0+deb10u1 RRDTool: 1.7.1 SNMP: 5.7.3 ==================================DEBUG! Updating os_def.cache SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE disabled = 0 AND `hostname` LIKE '' ORDER BY device_id DESC [0;33m[][0m 1.57ms] SQL[[1;33mselect * from `devices` where `device_id` = ? limit 1 [0;33m[2][0m 1.3ms] SQL[[1;33mselect * from `devices_attribs` where `devices_attribs`.`device_id` = ? and `devices_attribs`.`device_id` is not null [0;33m[2][0m 0.66ms] 2 edgeos [FPING] '/usr/bin/fping' '-e' '-q' '-c' '3' '-p' '500' '-t' '500' '-O' '0' '' response: xmt/rcv/%loss = 3/3/0%, min/avg/max = 0.2/0.2/0.21 SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQXUte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0'[0m] SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0 = SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.41112.1.5 Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module core #### Attempting to initialize OS: edgeos OS initialized: LibreNMS\OS\Edgeos SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQXUte' '-On' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0' 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0'[0m] .*.*.0 = .*.4.1.41112.1.5 .*.*.0 = EdgeOS v*49062.211020.0832 .*.*.0 = ubnt | EdgeOS v4.4.56.5449062.211020.0832 | . | OS: EdgeOS (edgeos) Attempting to initialize OS: edgeos OS initialized: LibreNMS\OS\Edgeos >> Runtime for discovery module 'core': 0.0680 seconds with 179944 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [1/0.04s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [0/0.00s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module core #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module os #### Yaml location data: SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysLocation.0'[0m] Unknown SQL[[1;33mselect * from `locations` where (`location` = ?) limit 1 [0;33m["Unknown"][0m 0.74ms] ::query() failed: DNS request failed: The domain name referenced in the query does not exist. Google Maps geocode engine Geocoding failed: Google Maps API key missing, set geoloc.api_key SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Ovq' '-m' 'SNMPv2-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'sysContact.0'[0m] root SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OUQ' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'UBNT-EdgeMAX-MIB::ubntModel.0' 'UBNT-EdgeMAX-MIB::ubntVersion.0'[0m] Exitcode: 1 MIB search path: /opt/librenms/mibs Cannot find module (UBNT-EdgeMAX-MIB): At line 1 in (none) UBNT-EdgeMAX-MIB::ubntModel.0: Unknown Object Identifier UBNT-EdgeMAX-MIB::ubntVersion.0: Unknown Object Identifier MIB search path: /opt/librenms/mibs Cannot find module (UBNT-EdgeMAX-MIB): At line 1 in (none) UBNT-EdgeMAX-MIB::ubntModel.0: Unknown Object Identifier UBNT-EdgeMAX-MIB::ubntVersion.0: Unknown Object Identifier Yaml OS data: SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'hrSWRunParameters'[0m] hrSWRunParameters.1 = "" hrSWRunParameters.656 = "" hrSWRunParameters.686 = "" hrSWRunParameters.696 = "" hrSWRunParameters.703 = "" hrSWRunParameters.712 = "" hrSWRunParameters.713 = "" hrSWRunParameters.734 = "-d -P 0 -i /var/run/quagga/ -S -s 1048576" hrSWRunParameters.2529 = "-q -nw -cf /var/run/dhclient_eth2_102.conf -pf /var/run/ -lf /var/run/dhclient_eth2_102.leases eth2.102" hrSWRunParameters.2862 = "-p /var/run/ -g -u 104:111" hrSWRunParameters.2946 = "--system" hrSWRunParameters.2957 = "" hrSWRunParameters.2960 = "" hrSWRunParameters.3041 = "-f -pf /var/run/ -cf /opt/vyatta/etc/dhcpd.conf -lf /var/run/dhcpd.leases" hrSWRunParameters.3177 = "-x /run/dnsmasq/ -u dnsmasq -7 /etc/dnsmasq.d,.dpkg-dist,.dpkg-old,.dpkg-new --local-service" hrSWRunParameters.3227 = "-LSid -Lf /dev/null -u snmp -g snmp -p /var/run/" hrSWRunParameters.3234 = "-H 0 -M4 -S UBNT UniFi-Gateway-4 running on v*49062.211020.0832" hrSWRunParameters.3235 = "-H 0 -M4 -S UBNT UniFi-Gateway-4 running on v*49062.211020.0832" hrSWRunParameters.3414 = "-P -p /var/run/" hrSWRunParameters.3471 = "" hrSWRunParameters.3474 = "" hrSWRunParameters.3477 = "" hrSWRunParameters.3478 = "-L ttyS0 115200 vt100" hrSWRunParameters.3491 = "/usr/bin/" hrSWRunParameters.3518 = "/usr/bin/" hrSWRunParameters.3672 = "-p 55523 -b * -F" hrSWRunParameters.3677 = "-f /opt/vyatta/etc/miniupnpd.conf -P /var/run/" hrSWRunParameters.3683 = "-f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf" hrSWRunParameters.3684 = "" hrSWRunParameters.3685 = "-p 22 -o Protocol=2" hrSWRunParameters.3851 = "" hrSWRunParameters.3852 = "" hrSWRunParameters.3853 = "" hrSWRunParameters.3854 = "" hrSWRunParameters.4323 = "-c5" hrSWRunParameters.15106 = "-f" hrSWRunParameters.15107 = "" hrSWRunParameters.25295 = "" hrSWRunParameters.25296 = "-c test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )" hrSWRunParameters.25297 = "-c test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )" hrSWRunParameters.25298 = "--report /etc/cron.daily" hrSWRunParameters.25456 = "/etc/cron.daily/ubnt-dpi" hrSWRunParameters.25457 = "30148" Location: Unknown Hardware: UniFi-Gateway-4 OS Version: 4.4.56 OS Features: Serial: >> Runtime for discovery module 'os': 0.2390 seconds with 573032 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [5/0.16s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [1/0.01s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module os #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module ports #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifDescr'[0m] ifDescr.1 = lo ifDescr.2 = eth0 ifDescr.3 = eth1 ifDescr.4 = eth2 ifDescr.5 = eth3 ifDescr.6 = npi0 ifDescr.7 = npi1 ifDescr.8 = npi2 ifDescr.9 = npi3 ifDescr.10 = loop0 ifDescr.11 = loop1 ifDescr.12 = loop2 ifDescr.13 = loop3 ifDescr.14 = imq0 ifDescr.15 = eth3.2 ifDescr.16 = eth2.102 SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifName'[0m] ifName.1 = lo ifName.2 = eth0 ifName.3 = eth1 ifName.4 = eth2 ifName.5 = eth3 ifName.6 = npi0 ifName.7 = npi1 ifName.8 = npi2 ifName.9 = npi3 ifName.10 = loop0 ifName.11 = loop1 ifName.12 = loop2 ifName.13 = loop3 ifName.14 = imq0 ifName.15 = eth3.2 ifName.16 = eth2.102 SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifAlias'[0m] ifAlias.1 = lo ifAlias.2 = eth0 ifAlias.3 = eth1 ifAlias.4 = WAN ifAlias.5 = LAN ifAlias.6 = npi0 ifAlias.7 = npi1 ifAlias.8 = npi2 ifAlias.9 = npi3 ifAlias.10 = loop0 ifAlias.11 = loop1 ifAlias.12 = loop2 ifAlias.13 = loop3 ifAlias.14 = imq0 ifAlias.15 = eth3.2@eth3 ifAlias.16 = WAN SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifType'[0m] ifType.1 = softwareLoopback ifType.2 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.3 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.4 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.5 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.6 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.7 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.8 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.9 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.10 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.11 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.12 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.13 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.14 = other ifType.15 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.16 = ethernetCsmacd SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifOperStatus'[0m] ifOperStatus.1 = up ifOperStatus.2 = down ifOperStatus.3 = down ifOperStatus.4 = up ifOperStatus.5 = up ifOperStatus.6 = down ifOperStatus.7 = down ifOperStatus.8 = down ifOperStatus.9 = down ifOperStatus.10 = down ifOperStatus.11 = down ifOperStatus.12 = down ifOperStatus.13 = down ifOperStatus.14 = up ifOperStatus.15 = up ifOperStatus.16 = up array ( 1 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'lo', 'ifName' => 'lo', 'ifAlias' => 'lo', 'ifType' => 'softwareLoopback', 'ifOperStatus' => 'up', ), 2 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'eth0', 'ifName' => 'eth0', 'ifAlias' => 'eth0', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 3 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'eth1', 'ifName' => 'eth1', 'ifAlias' => 'eth1', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 4 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'eth2', 'ifName' => 'eth2', 'ifAlias' => 'WAN', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'up', ), 5 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'eth3', 'ifName' => 'eth3', 'ifAlias' => 'LAN', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'up', ), 6 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'npi0', 'ifName' => 'npi0', 'ifAlias' => 'npi0', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 7 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'npi1', 'ifName' => 'npi1', 'ifAlias' => 'npi1', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 8 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'npi2', 'ifName' => 'npi2', 'ifAlias' => 'npi2', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 9 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'npi3', 'ifName' => 'npi3', 'ifAlias' => 'npi3', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 10 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'loop0', 'ifName' => 'loop0', 'ifAlias' => 'loop0', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 11 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'loop1', 'ifName' => 'loop1', 'ifAlias' => 'loop1', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 12 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'loop2', 'ifName' => 'loop2', 'ifAlias' => 'loop2', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 13 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'loop3', 'ifName' => 'loop3', 'ifAlias' => 'loop3', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 14 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'imq0', 'ifName' => 'imq0', 'ifAlias' => 'imq0', 'ifType' => 'other', 'ifOperStatus' => 'up', ), 15 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'eth3.2', 'ifName' => 'eth3.2', 'ifAlias' => 'eth3.2@eth3', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'up', ), 16 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'eth2.102', 'ifName' => 'eth2.102', 'ifAlias' => 'WAN', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'up', ), ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? ORDER BY port_id [0;33m[2][0m 2.32ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["lo","lo","lo","softwareLoopback","up",1,23][0m 0.85ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["eth0","eth0","eth0","ethernetCsmacd","down",2,24][0m 0.79ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["eth1","eth1","eth1","ethernetCsmacd","down",3,25][0m 0.77ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["eth2","eth2","WAN","ethernetCsmacd","up",4,26][0m 0.77ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["eth3","eth3","LAN","ethernetCsmacd","up",5,27][0m 0.77ms] .ignored by ifDescr: npi0 (matched: /^npi[0-9]/) Xignored by ifDescr: npi1 (matched: /^npi[0-9]/) Xignored by ifDescr: npi2 (matched: /^npi[0-9]/) Xignored by ifDescr: npi3 (matched: /^npi[0-9]/) Xignored by ifDescr: loop0 (matched: /^loop[0-9]/) Xignored by ifDescr: loop1 (matched: /^loop[0-9]/) Xignored by ifDescr: loop2 (matched: /^loop[0-9]/) Xignored by ifDescr: loop3 (matched: /^loop[0-9]/) XSQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["imq0","imq0","imq0","other","up",14,141][0m 0.79ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["eth3.2","eth3.2","eth3.2@eth3","ethernetCsmacd","up",15,159][0m 0.76ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["eth2.102","eth2.102","WAN","ethernetCsmacd","up",16,235][0m 0.76ms] . >> Runtime for discovery module 'ports': 0.9400 seconds with 6656 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [5/0.92s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [9/0.09s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module ports #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module ports-stack #### SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_stack` WHERE `device_id` = '2' [0;33m[][0m 0.57ms] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifStackStatus'[0m] ifStackStatus = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID >> Runtime for discovery module 'ports-stack': 0.0420 seconds with 640 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [0/0.00s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [1/0.01s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module ports-stack #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module entity-physical #### Caching OIDs: entPhysicalEntrySNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-MIB:CISCO-ENTITY-VENDORTYPE-OID-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entPhysicalEntry'[0m] entPhysicalEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID MIB search path: /opt/librenms/mibs Cannot find module (CISCO-ENTITY-VENDORTYPE-OID-MIB): At line 1 in (none) Invalid snmp_walk() data = entPhysicalEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? [0;33m[2][0m 0.76ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'entity-physical': 0.0470 seconds with 5856 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [1/0.04s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [1/0.01s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module entity-physical #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ entity-state ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ isis ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module processors #### No YAML Discovery data. Host Resources: SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'hrProcessorLoad'[0m] hrProcessorLoad.196608 = 2 hrProcessorLoad.196609 = 1 SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'hrDeviceDescr'[0m] hrDeviceDescr.196608 = hrDeviceDescr.196609 = hrDeviceDescr.262145 = network interface lo hrDeviceDescr.262146 = network interface eth0 hrDeviceDescr.262147 = network interface eth1 hrDeviceDescr.262148 = network interface eth2 hrDeviceDescr.262149 = network interface eth3 hrDeviceDescr.262150 = network interface npi0 hrDeviceDescr.262151 = network interface npi1 hrDeviceDescr.262152 = network interface npi2 hrDeviceDescr.262153 = network interface npi3 hrDeviceDescr.262154 = network interface loop0 hrDeviceDescr.262155 = network interface loop1 hrDeviceDescr.262156 = network interface loop2 hrDeviceDescr.262157 = network interface loop3 hrDeviceDescr.262158 = network interface imq0 hrDeviceDescr.262159 = network interface eth3.2 hrDeviceDescr.262160 = network interface eth2.102 hrDeviceDescr.786432 = Guessing that there's a floating point co-processor Discovered LibreNMS\Device\Processor Array ( [processor_id] => [entPhysicalIndex] => 0 [hrDeviceIndex] => 196608 [device_id] => 2 [processor_oid] => . [processor_index] => 196608 [processor_type] => hr [processor_usage] => 2 [processor_descr] => Processor [processor_precision] => 1 [processor_perc_warn] => 75 ) Discovered LibreNMS\Device\Processor Array ( [processor_id] => [entPhysicalIndex] => 0 [hrDeviceIndex] => 196609 [device_id] => 2 [processor_oid] => . [processor_index] => 196609 [processor_type] => hr [processor_usage] => 1 [processor_descr] => Processor [processor_precision] => 1 [processor_perc_warn] => 75 ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `processors` WHERE device_id=? AND processor_index=? AND processor_type=? [0;33m[2,"196608","hr"][0m 1.28ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `processors` WHERE device_id=? AND processor_index=? AND processor_type=? [0;33m[2,"196609","hr"][0m 1.09ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `processors` WHERE device_id=? AND processor_index=? AND processor_type=? [0;33m[2,"196608","hr"][0m 0.63ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `processors` WHERE device_id=? AND processor_index=? AND processor_type=? [0;33m[2,"196609","hr"][0m 0.59ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `processors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `processor_id` NOT IN (?,?,?,?) [0;33m[2,72,73,72,73][0m 0.95ms] SQL[[1;33mDELETE T FROM `processors` T LEFT JOIN `devices` ON `devices`.`device_id` = T.`device_id` WHERE `devices`.`device_id` IS NULL [0;33m[][0m 0.85ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'processors': 0.0940 seconds with 50616 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [2/0.08s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [6/0.05s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module processors #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module mempools #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUsetX' '-m' 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'hrStorageTable'[0m] hrStorageIndex[1] = 1 hrStorageIndex[3] = 3 hrStorageIndex[6] = 6 hrStorageIndex[7] = 7 hrStorageIndex[8] = 8 hrStorageIndex[10] = 10 hrStorageIndex[32] = 32 hrStorageIndex[35] = 35 hrStorageIndex[36] = 36 hrStorageIndex[37] = 37 hrStorageIndex[39] = 39 hrStorageIndex[40] = 40 hrStorageIndex[42] = 42 hrStorageType[1] = hrStorageRam hrStorageType[3] = hrStorageVirtualMemory hrStorageType[6] = hrStorageOther hrStorageType[7] = hrStorageOther hrStorageType[8] = hrStorageOther hrStorageType[10] = hrStorageVirtualMemory hrStorageType[32] = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageType[35] = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageType[36] = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageType[37] = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageType[39] = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageType[40] = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageType[42] = hrStorageFixedDisk hrStorageDescr[1] = Physical memory hrStorageDescr[3] = Virtual memory hrStorageDescr[6] = Memory buffers hrStorageDescr[7] = Cached memory hrStorageDescr[8] = Shared memory hrStorageDescr[10] = Swap space hrStorageDescr[32] = / hrStorageDescr[35] = /run hrStorageDescr[36] = /var/log hrStorageDescr[37] = /dev/shm hrStorageDescr[39] = /tmp hrStorageDescr[40] = /opt/vyatta/config hrStorageDescr[42] = / hrStorageAllocationUnits[1] = 1024 hrStorageAllocationUnits[3] = 1024 hrStorageAllocationUnits[6] = 1024 hrStorageAllocationUnits[7] = 1024 hrStorageAllocationUnits[8] = 1024 hrStorageAllocationUnits[10] = 1024 hrStorageAllocationUnits[32] = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits[35] = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits[36] = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits[37] = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits[39] = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits[40] = 4096 hrStorageAllocationUnits[42] = 4096 hrStorageSize[1] = 2040544 hrStorageSize[3] = 2040544 hrStorageSize[6] = 2040544 hrStorageSize[7] = 126560 hrStorageSize[8] = 18908 hrStorageSize[10] = 0 hrStorageSize[32] = 420546 hrStorageSize[35] = 255068 hrStorageSize[36] = 255068 hrStorageSize[37] = 255068 hrStorageSize[39] = 255068 hrStorageSize[40] = 255068 hrStorageSize[42] = 456570 hrStorageUsed[1] = 278064 hrStorageUsed[3] = 278064 hrStorageUsed[6] = 28872 hrStorageUsed[7] = 126560 hrStorageUsed[8] = 18908 hrStorageUsed[10] = 0 hrStorageUsed[32] = 116785 hrStorageUsed[35] = 53 hrStorageUsed[36] = 4320 hrStorageUsed[37] = 0 hrStorageUsed[39] = 2 hrStorageUsed[40] = 352 hrStorageUsed[42] = 8885 SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUv' '-m' 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'hrMemorySize.0'[0m] 2040544 Rejecting Mempool 10 Swap space: Invalid total value Free memory adjusted by availability calculation: 1.68 GiB -> 1.83 GiB SQL[[1;33mselect * from `mempools` where `mempools`.`device_id` = ? and `mempools`.`device_id` is not null [0;33m[2][0m 1.37ms] SQL[[1;33mupdate `mempools` set `mempool_used` = ?, `mempool_free` = ? where `mempool_id` = ? [0;33m[125575168,1963941888,65][0m 5.53ms] Updated data: array ( 'mempool_used' => 125575168, 'mempool_free' => 1963941888, ) SQL[[1;33mupdate `mempools` set `mempool_used` = ?, `mempool_free` = ? where `mempool_id` = ? [0;33m[284737536,1804779520,66][0m 3.78ms] Updated data: array ( 'mempool_used' => 284737536, 'mempool_free' => 1804779520, ) SQL[[1;33mupdate `mempools` set `mempool_used` = ?, `mempool_free` = ? where `mempool_id` = ? [0;33m[29564928,2059952128,67][0m 4.66ms] Updated data: array ( 'mempool_used' => 29564928, 'mempool_free' => 2059952128, ) SQL[[1;33mupdate `mempools` set `mempool_used` = ?, `mempool_free` = ? where `mempool_id` = ? [0;33m[129597440,1959919616,68][0m 3.66ms] Updated data: array ( 'mempool_used' => 129597440, 'mempool_free' => 1959919616, ) SQL[[1;33mupdate `mempools` set `mempool_used` = ?, `mempool_free` = ? where `mempool_id` = ? [0;33m[19361792,2070155264,69][0m 5.09ms] Updated data: array ( 'mempool_used' => 19361792, 'mempool_free' => 2070155264, ) hrstorage [system]: Physical memory: 69.76 MiB / 1.95 GiB hrstorage [virtual]: Virtual memory: 14'1.55 MiB / 1.95 GiB hrstorage [buffers]: Memory buffers: 1(.2 MiB / 1.95 GiB hrstorage [cached]: Cached memory: 63.59 MiB / 1.95 GiB hrstorage [shared]: Shared memory: 1.46 MiB / 1.95 GiB >> Runtime for discovery module 'mempools': 0.1350 seconds with 117936 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [1/0.04s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [6/0.24s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module mempools #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-vrf-lite ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-mac-accounting ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-pw ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ vrf ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-cef ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ slas ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-cbqos ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-otv ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-qfp ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module ipv4-addresses #### SQL[[1;33mselect * from `vrf_lite_cisco` where `vrf_lite_cisco`.`device_id` = ? and `vrf_lite_cisco`.`device_id` is not null [0;33m[2][0m 0.66ms] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Osq' '-m' 'IP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ipAdEntIfIndex'[0m] ipAdEntIfIndex.* 16 ipAdEntIfIndex.* 1 ipAdEntIfIndex.* 5 ipAdEntIfIndex.* 15 SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-m' 'IP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ipAdEntNetMask.'[0m] * SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ports` WHERE device_id = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,"16"][0m 1.02ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,"16"][0m 0.86ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ? [0;33m["\/19"][0m 0.54ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ipv4_networks` set `context_name`=? WHERE `ipv4_network` = ? [0;33m["","\/19"][0m 0.59ms] sSQL[[1;33mSELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ? [0;33m["\/19"][0m 0.52ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipv4_addresses` WHERE `ipv4_address` = ? AND `ipv4_prefixlen` = ? AND `port_id` = ? [0;33m["",19,235][0m 0.54ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ipv4_addresses` set `context_name`=? WHERE `ipv4_address` = ? AND `ipv4_prefixlen` = ? AND `port_id` = ? [0;33m["","",19,235][0m 0.7ms] .SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-m' 'IP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ipAdEntNetMask.'[0m] * SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ports` WHERE device_id = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,"1"][0m 1.14ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,"1"][0m 0.93ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ? [0;33m["\/8"][0m 0.53ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ipv4_networks` set `context_name`=? WHERE `ipv4_network` = ? [0;33m["","\/8"][0m 0.59ms] sSQL[[1;33mSELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ? [0;33m["\/8"][0m 0.52ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipv4_addresses` WHERE `ipv4_address` = ? AND `ipv4_prefixlen` = ? AND `port_id` = ? [0;33m["",8,23][0m 0.56ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ipv4_addresses` set `context_name`=? WHERE `ipv4_address` = ? AND `ipv4_prefixlen` = ? AND `port_id` = ? [0;33m["","",8,23][0m 0.67ms] .SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-m' 'IP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ipAdEntNetMask.'[0m] * SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ports` WHERE device_id = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,"5"][0m 1ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,"5"][0m 0.83ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ? [0;33m["\/24"][0m 0.53ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ipv4_networks` set `context_name`=? WHERE `ipv4_network` = ? [0;33m["","\/24"][0m 0.66ms] sSQL[[1;33mSELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ? [0;33m["\/24"][0m 0.53ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipv4_addresses` WHERE `ipv4_address` = ? AND `ipv4_prefixlen` = ? AND `port_id` = ? [0;33m["",24,27][0m 0.54ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ipv4_addresses` set `context_name`=? WHERE `ipv4_address` = ? AND `ipv4_prefixlen` = ? AND `port_id` = ? [0;33m["","",24,27][0m 0.7ms] .SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-m' 'IP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ipAdEntNetMask.'[0m] * SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ports` WHERE device_id = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,"15"][0m 1.01ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,"15"][0m 0.9ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ? [0;33m["\/24"][0m 0.54ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ipv4_networks` set `context_name`=? WHERE `ipv4_network` = ? [0;33m["","\/24"][0m 0.59ms] sSQL[[1;33mSELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ? [0;33m["\/24"][0m 0.52ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipv4_addresses` WHERE `ipv4_address` = ? AND `ipv4_prefixlen` = ? AND `port_id` = ? [0;33m["",24,159][0m 0.54ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ipv4_addresses` set `context_name`=? WHERE `ipv4_address` = ? AND `ipv4_prefixlen` = ? AND `port_id` = ? [0;33m["","",24,159][0m 0.68ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT `ipv4_addresses`.*, `ports`.`device_id`, `ports`.`ifIndex` FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` ON `ipv4_addresses`.`port_id` = `ports`.`port_id` WHERE `ports`.device_id = ? OR `ports`.`device_id` IS NULL [0;33m[2][0m 1.28ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'ipv4-addresses': 0.2590 seconds with 32816 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [5/0.22s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [30/0.21s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module ipv4-addresses #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module ipv6-addresses #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Osq' '-Ln' '-m' 'IP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6'[0m] ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6."00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01" 1 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:82:2a:a8:ff:fe:cd:65:27" 16 ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:82:2a:a8:ff:fe:cd:65:28" 15 SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-m' 'IP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.'[0m] IP-MIB::ipAddressPrefix.ipv6."00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01" = OID: IP-MIB::ipAddressPrefixOrigin.1.ipv6."00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01".128 SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Ovq' '-m' 'IP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.'[0m] manual SQL[[1;33mselect `port_id` from `ports` where (`device_id` = ? and `ifIndex` = ?) limit 1 [0;33m[2,"1"][0m 1.04ms] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-m' 'IP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.'[0m] IP-MIB::ipAddressPrefix.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:82:2a:a8:ff:fe:cd:65:27" = OID: IP-MIB::ipAddressPrefixOrigin.16.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00".64 SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Ovq' '-m' 'IP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.'[0m] linklayer SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-m' 'IP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.'[0m] IP-MIB::ipAddressPrefix.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:82:2a:a8:ff:fe:cd:65:28" = OID: IP-MIB::ipAddressPrefixOrigin.15.ipv6."fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00".64 SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Ovq' '-m' 'IP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.'[0m] linklayer SQL[[1;33mSELECT `ipv6_addresses`.*, `ports`.`device_id`, `ports`.`ifIndex` FROM `ipv6_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` ON `ipv6_addresses`.`port_id` = `ports`.`port_id` WHERE `ports`.device_id = ? OR `ports`.`device_id` IS NULL [0;33m[2][0m 1.13ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'ipv6-addresses': 0.3400 seconds with 125672 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [7/0.33s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [2/0.02s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module ipv6-addresses #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ route ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module sensors #### Caching data: os ENTITY-SENSOR: Caching OIDs: entPhysicalDescrSNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entPhysicalDescr'[0m] entPhysicalDescr = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID Invalid snmp_walk() data = entPhysicalDescr = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["voltage",2,"ipmi"][0m 1.87ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["temperature",2,"ipmi"][0m 1.69ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["fanspeed",2,"ipmi"][0m 1.71ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["power",2,"ipmi"][0m 1.67ms] Airflow: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["airflow",2,"snmp"][0m 1.72ms] Current: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["current",2,"snmp"][0m 1.71ms] Charge: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["charge",2,"snmp"][0m 1.76ms] Dbm: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["dbm",2,"snmp"][0m 1.6ms] Fanspeed: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["fanspeed",2,"snmp"][0m 1.59ms] Frequency: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["frequency",2,"snmp"][0m 1.58ms] Humidity: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["humidity",2,"snmp"][0m 1.56ms] Load: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["load",2,"snmp"][0m 1.6ms] Loss: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["loss",2,"snmp"][0m 1.64ms] Power: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["power",2,"snmp"][0m 1.62ms] Power_consumed: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["power_consumed",2,"snmp"][0m 1.6ms] Power_factor: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["power_factor",2,"snmp"][0m 1.58ms] Runtime: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["runtime",2,"snmp"][0m 1.52ms] Signal: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["signal",2,"snmp"][0m 1.55ms] State: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["state",2,"snmp"][0m 1.56ms] Count: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["count",2,"snmp"][0m 1.56ms] Temperature: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["temperature",2,"snmp"][0m 1.52ms] Tv_signal: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["tv_signal",2,"snmp"][0m 1.52ms] Bitrate: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["bitrate",2,"snmp"][0m 1.51ms] Voltage: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["voltage",2,"snmp"][0m 1.5ms] Snr: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["snr",2,"snmp"][0m 1.53ms] Pressure: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["pressure",2,"snmp"][0m 1.51ms] Cooling: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["cooling",2,"snmp"][0m 1.5ms] Delay: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["delay",2,"snmp"][0m 1.5ms] Quality_factor: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["quality_factor",2,"snmp"][0m 1.53ms] Chromatic_dispersion: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["chromatic_dispersion",2,"snmp"][0m 1.51ms] Ber: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["ber",2,"snmp"][0m 1.52ms] Eer: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["eer",2,"snmp"][0m 1.5ms] Waterflow: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["waterflow",2,"snmp"][0m 1.51ms] Percent: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["percent",2,"snmp"][0m 1.52ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'sensors': 0.1320 seconds with 9072 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [1/0.04s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [34/0.54s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module sensors #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module storage #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IBM-AIX-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'aixFsTableEntry'[0m] Exitcode: 1 MIB search path: /opt/librenms/mibs Cannot find module (IBM-AIX-MIB): At line 1 in (none) aixFsTableEntry: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: (top) -> aixFsTableEntry) MIB search path: /opt/librenms/mibs Cannot find module (IBM-AIX-MIB): At line 1 in (none) aixFsTableEntry: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: (top) -> aixFsTableEntry) aix_filesystem : SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'DATA-DOMAIN-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/datadomain' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'fileSystemSpaceTable'[0m] fileSystemSpaceTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID Invalid snmp_walk() data = fileSystemSpaceTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'FREENAS-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'datasetTable'[0m] Exitcode: 1 MIB search path: /opt/librenms/mibs Cannot find module (FREENAS-MIB): At line 1 in (none) datasetTable: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: (top) -> datasetTable) MIB search path: /opt/librenms/mibs Cannot find module (FREENAS-MIB): At line 1 in (none) datasetTable: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: (top) -> datasetTable) SQL[[1;33mSELECT `storage_descr` FROM `storage` WHERE `device_id` = '2' AND `storage_type` != 'dataset' [0;33m[][0m 0.96ms] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'FREENAS-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'zpoolTable'[0m] Exitcode: 1 MIB search path: /opt/librenms/mibs Cannot find module (FREENAS-MIB): At line 1 in (none) zpoolTable: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: (top) -> zpoolTable) MIB search path: /opt/librenms/mibs Cannot find module (FREENAS-MIB): At line 1 in (none) zpoolTable: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: (top) -> zpoolTable) SQL[[1;33mSELECT `storage_descr` FROM `storage` WHERE `device_id` = '2' AND `storage_type` != 'zpool' [0;33m[][0m 0.93ms] hrStorage : Discover Storage: 32, hrStorageFixedDisk, hrstorage, /, 1722556416, 4096, 478351360 SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `storage` WHERE `storage_index` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `storage_mib` = ? [0;33m[32,2,"hrstorage"][0m 1.05ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `storage` set `storage_descr`=?,`storage_type`=?,`storage_units`=?,`storage_size`=? WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `storage_index` = ? AND `storage_mib` = ? [0;33m["\/","hrStorageFixedDisk","4096",1722556416,2,32,"hrstorage"][0m 0.74ms] .ignored /run (matched: /run) Discover Storage: 36, hrStorageFixedDisk, hrstorage, /var/log, 1044758528, 4096, 17694720 SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `storage` WHERE `storage_index` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `storage_mib` = ? [0;33m[36,2,"hrstorage"][0m 0.98ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `storage` set `storage_descr`=?,`storage_type`=?,`storage_units`=?,`storage_size`=? WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `storage_index` = ? AND `storage_mib` = ? [0;33m["\/var\/log","hrStorageFixedDisk","4096",1044758528,2,36,"hrstorage"][0m 0.74ms] .Discover Storage: 37, hrStorageFixedDisk, hrstorage, /dev/shm, 1044758528, 4096, 0 SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `storage` WHERE `storage_index` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `storage_mib` = ? [0;33m[37,2,"hrstorage"][0m 0.98ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `storage` set `storage_descr`=?,`storage_type`=?,`storage_units`=?,`storage_size`=? WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `storage_index` = ? AND `storage_mib` = ? [0;33m["\/dev\/shm","hrStorageFixedDisk","4096",1044758528,2,37,"hrstorage"][0m 0.74ms] .Discover Storage: 39, hrStorageFixedDisk, hrstorage, /tmp, 1044758528, 4096, 8192 SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `storage` WHERE `storage_index` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `storage_mib` = ? [0;33m[39,2,"hrstorage"][0m 1.02ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `storage` set `storage_descr`=?,`storage_type`=?,`storage_units`=?,`storage_size`=? WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `storage_index` = ? AND `storage_mib` = ? [0;33m["\/tmp","hrStorageFixedDisk","4096",1044758528,2,39,"hrstorage"][0m 0.84ms] .Discover Storage: 40, hrStorageFixedDisk, hrstorage, /opt/vyatta/config, 1044758528, 4096, 1441792 SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `storage` WHERE `storage_index` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `storage_mib` = ? [0;33m[40,2,"hrstorage"][0m 0.97ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `storage` set `storage_descr`=?,`storage_type`=?,`storage_units`=?,`storage_size`=? WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `storage_index` = ? AND `storage_mib` = ? [0;33m["\/opt\/vyatta\/config","hrStorageFixedDisk","4096",1044758528,2,40,"hrstorage"][0m 0.73ms] .Discover Storage: 42, hrStorageFixedDisk, hrstorage, /, 1870110720, 4096, 36392960 SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `storage` WHERE `storage_index` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `storage_mib` = ? [0;33m[42,2,"hrstorage"][0m 0.96ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `storage` set `storage_descr`=?,`storage_type`=?,`storage_units`=?,`storage_size`=? WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `storage_index` = ? AND `storage_mib` = ? [0;33m["\/\/ugw","hrStorageFixedDisk","4096",1870110720,2,42,"hrstorage"][0m 0.76ms] .SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'UCD-SNMP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dskTable'[0m] dskTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID Invalid snmp_walk() data = dskTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID SQL[[1;33mSELECT `storage_descr` FROM `storage` WHERE `device_id` = '2' AND `storage_type` != 'dsk' [0;33m[][0m 0.93ms] array ( 'hrstorage' => array ( 32 => 1, 36 => 1, 37 => 1, 39 => 1, 40 => 1, 42 => 1, ), ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `storage` WHERE `device_id` = '2' [0;33m[][0m 0.91ms] 32 -> hrstorage 36 -> hrstorage 37 -> hrstorage 39 -> hrstorage 40 -> hrstorage 42 -> hrstorage >> Runtime for discovery module 'storage': 0.2760 seconds with 13296 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [5/0.22s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [16/0.14s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module storage #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module hr-device #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'hrDeviceEntry'[0m] hrDeviceIndex.196608 = 196608 hrDeviceIndex.196609 = 196609 hrDeviceIndex.262145 = 262145 hrDeviceIndex.262146 = 262146 hrDeviceIndex.262147 = 262147 hrDeviceIndex.262148 = 262148 hrDeviceIndex.262149 = 262149 hrDeviceIndex.262150 = 262150 hrDeviceIndex.262151 = 262151 hrDeviceIndex.262152 = 262152 hrDeviceIndex.262153 = 262153 hrDeviceIndex.262154 = 262154 hrDeviceIndex.262155 = 262155 hrDeviceIndex.262156 = 262156 hrDeviceIndex.262157 = 262157 hrDeviceIndex.262158 = 262158 hrDeviceIndex.262159 = 262159 hrDeviceIndex.262160 = 262160 hrDeviceIndex.786432 = 786432 hrDeviceType.196608 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.196609 = hrDeviceProcessor hrDeviceType.262145 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262146 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262147 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262148 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262149 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262150 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262151 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262152 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262153 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262154 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262155 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262156 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262157 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262158 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262159 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.262160 = hrDeviceNetwork hrDeviceType.786432 = hrDeviceCoprocessor hrDeviceDescr.196608 = hrDeviceDescr.196609 = hrDeviceDescr.262145 = network interface lo hrDeviceDescr.262146 = network interface eth0 hrDeviceDescr.262147 = network interface eth1 hrDeviceDescr.262148 = network interface eth2 hrDeviceDescr.262149 = network interface eth3 hrDeviceDescr.262150 = network interface npi0 hrDeviceDescr.262151 = network interface npi1 hrDeviceDescr.262152 = network interface npi2 hrDeviceDescr.262153 = network interface npi3 hrDeviceDescr.262154 = network interface loop0 hrDeviceDescr.262155 = network interface loop1 hrDeviceDescr.262156 = network interface loop2 hrDeviceDescr.262157 = network interface loop3 hrDeviceDescr.262158 = network interface imq0 hrDeviceDescr.262159 = network interface eth3.2 hrDeviceDescr.262160 = network interface eth2.102 hrDeviceDescr.786432 = Guessing that there's a floating point co-processor hrDeviceID.196608 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.196609 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262145 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262146 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262147 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262148 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262149 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262150 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262151 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262152 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262153 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262154 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262155 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262156 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262157 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262158 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262159 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.262160 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceID.786432 = zeroDotZero hrDeviceStatus.196608 = running hrDeviceStatus.196609 = running hrDeviceStatus.262145 = running hrDeviceStatus.262146 = down hrDeviceStatus.262147 = down hrDeviceStatus.262148 = running hrDeviceStatus.262149 = running hrDeviceStatus.262150 = down hrDeviceStatus.262151 = down hrDeviceStatus.262152 = down hrDeviceStatus.262153 = down hrDeviceStatus.262154 = down hrDeviceStatus.262155 = down hrDeviceStatus.262156 = down hrDeviceStatus.262157 = down hrDeviceStatus.262158 = running hrDeviceStatus.262159 = running hrDeviceStatus.262160 = running hrDeviceErrors.262145 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262146 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262147 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262148 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262149 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262150 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262151 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262152 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262153 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262154 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262155 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262156 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262157 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262158 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262159 = 0 hrDeviceErrors.262160 = 0 SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'hrProcessorEntry'[0m] hrProcessorFrwID.196608 = zeroDotZero hrProcessorFrwID.196609 = zeroDotZero hrProcessorLoad.196608 = 3 hrProcessorLoad.196609 = 2 array ( 196608 => array ( 'hrDeviceIndex' => '196608', 'hrDeviceType' => 'hrDeviceProcessor', 'hrDeviceDescr' => '', 'hrDeviceID' => 'zeroDotZero', 'hrDeviceStatus' => 'running', 'hrProcessorFrwID' => 'zeroDotZero', 'hrProcessorLoad' => '3', ), 196609 => array ( 'hrDeviceIndex' => '196609', 'hrDeviceType' => 'hrDeviceProcessor', 'hrDeviceDescr' => '', 'hrDeviceID' => 'zeroDotZero', 'hrDeviceStatus' => 'running', 'hrProcessorFrwID' => 'zeroDotZero', 'hrProcessorLoad' => '2', ), 262145 => array ( 'hrDeviceIndex' => '262145', 'hrDeviceType' => 'hrDeviceNetwork', 'hrDeviceDescr' => 'network interface lo', 'hrDeviceID' => 'zeroDotZero', 'hrDeviceStatus' => 'running', 'hrDeviceErrors' => '0', ), 262146 => array ( 'hrDeviceIndex' => '262146', 'hrDeviceType' => 'hrDeviceNetwork', 'hrDeviceDescr' => 'network interface eth0', 'hrDeviceID' => 'zeroDotZero', 'hrDeviceStatus' => 'down', 'hrDeviceErrors' => '0', ), 262147 => array ( 'hrDeviceIndex' => '262147', 'hrDeviceType' => 'hrDeviceNetwork', 'hrDeviceDescr' => 'network interface eth1', 'hrDeviceID' => 'zeroDotZero', 'hrDeviceStatus' => 'down', 'hrDeviceErrors' => '0', ), 262148 => array ( 'hrDeviceIndex' => '262148', 'hrDeviceType' => 'hrDeviceNetwork', 'hrDeviceDescr' => 'network interface eth2', 'hrDeviceID' => 'zeroDotZero', 'hrDeviceStatus' => 'running', 'hrDeviceErrors' => '0', ), 262149 => array ( 'hrDeviceIndex' => '262149', 'hrDeviceType' => 'hrDeviceNetwork', 'hrDeviceDescr' => 'network interface eth3', 'hrDeviceID' => 'zeroDotZero', 'hrDeviceStatus' => 'running', 'hrDeviceErrors' => '0', ), 262150 => array ( 'hrDeviceIndex' => '262150', 'hrDeviceType' => 'hrDeviceNetwork', 'hrDeviceDescr' => 'network interface npi0', 'hrDeviceID' => 'zeroDotZero', 'hrDeviceStatus' => 'down', 'hrDeviceErrors' => '0', ), 262151 => array ( 'hrDeviceIndex' => '262151', 'hrDeviceType' => 'hrDeviceNetwork', 'hrDeviceDescr' => 'network interface npi1', 'hrDeviceID' => 'zeroDotZero', 'hrDeviceStatus' => 'down', 'hrDeviceErrors' => '0', ), 262152 => array ( 'hrDeviceIndex' => '262152', 'hrDeviceType' => 'hrDeviceNetwork', 'hrDeviceDescr' => 'network interface npi2', 'hrDeviceID' => 'zeroDotZero', 'hrDeviceStatus' => 'down', 'hrDeviceErrors' => '0', ), 262153 => array ( 'hrDeviceIndex' => '262153', 'hrDeviceType' => 'hrDeviceNetwork', 'hrDeviceDescr' => 'network interface npi3', 'hrDeviceID' => 'zeroDotZero', 'hrDeviceStatus' => 'down', 'hrDeviceErrors' => '0', ), 262154 => array ( 'hrDeviceIndex' => '262154', 'hrDeviceType' => 'hrDeviceNetwork', 'hrDeviceDescr' => 'network interface loop0', 'hrDeviceID' => 'zeroDotZero', 'hrDeviceStatus' => 'down', 'hrDeviceErrors' => '0', ), 262155 => array ( 'hrDeviceIndex' => '262155', 'hrDeviceType' => 'hrDeviceNetwork', 'hrDeviceDescr' => 'network interface loop1', 'hrDeviceID' => 'zeroDotZero', 'hrDeviceStatus' => 'down', 'hrDeviceErrors' => '0', ), 262156 => array ( 'hrDeviceIndex' => '262156', 'hrDeviceType' => 'hrDeviceNetwork', 'hrDeviceDescr' => 'network interface loop2', 'hrDeviceID' => 'zeroDotZero', 'hrDeviceStatus' => 'down', 'hrDeviceErrors' => '0', ), 262157 => array ( 'hrDeviceIndex' => '262157', 'hrDeviceType' => 'hrDeviceNetwork', 'hrDeviceDescr' => 'network interface loop3', 'hrDeviceID' => 'zeroDotZero', 'hrDeviceStatus' => 'down', 'hrDeviceErrors' => '0', ), 262158 => array ( 'hrDeviceIndex' => '262158', 'hrDeviceType' => 'hrDeviceNetwork', 'hrDeviceDescr' => 'network interface imq0', 'hrDeviceID' => 'zeroDotZero', 'hrDeviceStatus' => 'running', 'hrDeviceErrors' => '0', ), 262159 => array ( 'hrDeviceIndex' => '262159', 'hrDeviceType' => 'hrDeviceNetwork', 'hrDeviceDescr' => 'network interface eth3.2', 'hrDeviceID' => 'zeroDotZero', 'hrDeviceStatus' => 'running', 'hrDeviceErrors' => '0', ), 262160 => array ( 'hrDeviceIndex' => '262160', 'hrDeviceType' => 'hrDeviceNetwork', 'hrDeviceDescr' => 'network interface eth2.102', 'hrDeviceID' => 'zeroDotZero', 'hrDeviceStatus' => 'running', 'hrDeviceErrors' => '0', ), 786432 => array ( 'hrDeviceIndex' => '786432', 'hrDeviceType' => 'hrDeviceCoprocessor', 'hrDeviceDescr' => 'Guessing that there\'s a floating point co-processor', 'hrDeviceID' => 'zeroDotZero', ), ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `hrDevice` WHERE device_id = ? AND hrDeviceIndex = ? [0;33m[2,"196608"][0m 1.2ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType`=?,`hrDeviceDescr`=?,`hrDeviceStatus`=?,`hrDeviceErrors`=?,`hrProcessorLoad`=? WHERE device_id=? AND hrDeviceIndex=? [0;33m["hrDeviceProcessor","","running",null,"3",2,"196608"][0m 7.31ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `hrDevice` WHERE device_id = ? AND hrDeviceIndex = ? [0;33m[2,"196609"][0m 1.26ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType`=?,`hrDeviceDescr`=?,`hrDeviceStatus`=?,`hrDeviceErrors`=?,`hrProcessorLoad`=? WHERE device_id=? AND hrDeviceIndex=? [0;33m["hrDeviceProcessor","","running",null,"2",2,"196609"][0m 6.08ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `hrDevice` WHERE device_id = ? AND hrDeviceIndex = ? [0;33m[2,"262145"][0m 1.22ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType`=?,`hrDeviceDescr`=?,`hrDeviceStatus`=?,`hrDeviceErrors`=? WHERE device_id=? AND hrDeviceIndex=? [0;33m["hrDeviceNetwork","network interface lo","running","0",2,"262145"][0m 1.27ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `hrDevice` WHERE device_id = ? AND hrDeviceIndex = ? [0;33m[2,"262146"][0m 1.19ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType`=?,`hrDeviceDescr`=?,`hrDeviceStatus`=?,`hrDeviceErrors`=? WHERE device_id=? AND hrDeviceIndex=? [0;33m["hrDeviceNetwork","network interface eth0","down","0",2,"262146"][0m 1.26ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `hrDevice` WHERE device_id = ? AND hrDeviceIndex = ? [0;33m[2,"262147"][0m 1.18ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType`=?,`hrDeviceDescr`=?,`hrDeviceStatus`=?,`hrDeviceErrors`=? WHERE device_id=? AND hrDeviceIndex=? [0;33m["hrDeviceNetwork","network interface eth1","down","0",2,"262147"][0m 1.27ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `hrDevice` WHERE device_id = ? AND hrDeviceIndex = ? [0;33m[2,"262148"][0m 1.26ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType`=?,`hrDeviceDescr`=?,`hrDeviceStatus`=?,`hrDeviceErrors`=? WHERE device_id=? AND hrDeviceIndex=? [0;33m["hrDeviceNetwork","network interface eth2","running","0",2,"262148"][0m 1.34ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `hrDevice` WHERE device_id = ? AND hrDeviceIndex = ? [0;33m[2,"262149"][0m 1.2ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType`=?,`hrDeviceDescr`=?,`hrDeviceStatus`=?,`hrDeviceErrors`=? WHERE device_id=? AND hrDeviceIndex=? [0;33m["hrDeviceNetwork","network interface eth3","running","0",2,"262149"][0m 1.41ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `hrDevice` WHERE device_id = ? AND hrDeviceIndex = ? [0;33m[2,"262150"][0m 1.2ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType`=?,`hrDeviceDescr`=?,`hrDeviceStatus`=?,`hrDeviceErrors`=? WHERE device_id=? AND hrDeviceIndex=? [0;33m["hrDeviceNetwork","network interface npi0","down","0",2,"262150"][0m 1.25ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `hrDevice` WHERE device_id = ? AND hrDeviceIndex = ? [0;33m[2,"262151"][0m 1.19ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType`=?,`hrDeviceDescr`=?,`hrDeviceStatus`=?,`hrDeviceErrors`=? WHERE device_id=? AND hrDeviceIndex=? [0;33m["hrDeviceNetwork","network interface npi1","down","0",2,"262151"][0m 1.32ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `hrDevice` WHERE device_id = ? AND hrDeviceIndex = ? [0;33m[2,"262152"][0m 1.23ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType`=?,`hrDeviceDescr`=?,`hrDeviceStatus`=?,`hrDeviceErrors`=? WHERE device_id=? AND hrDeviceIndex=? [0;33m["hrDeviceNetwork","network interface npi2","down","0",2,"262152"][0m 1.26ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `hrDevice` WHERE device_id = ? AND hrDeviceIndex = ? [0;33m[2,"262153"][0m 1.21ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType`=?,`hrDeviceDescr`=?,`hrDeviceStatus`=?,`hrDeviceErrors`=? WHERE device_id=? AND hrDeviceIndex=? [0;33m["hrDeviceNetwork","network interface npi3","down","0",2,"262153"][0m 1.31ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `hrDevice` WHERE device_id = ? AND hrDeviceIndex = ? [0;33m[2,"262154"][0m 1.17ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType`=?,`hrDeviceDescr`=?,`hrDeviceStatus`=?,`hrDeviceErrors`=? WHERE device_id=? AND hrDeviceIndex=? [0;33m["hrDeviceNetwork","network interface loop0","down","0",2,"262154"][0m 1.25ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `hrDevice` WHERE device_id = ? AND hrDeviceIndex = ? [0;33m[2,"262155"][0m 1.17ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType`=?,`hrDeviceDescr`=?,`hrDeviceStatus`=?,`hrDeviceErrors`=? WHERE device_id=? AND hrDeviceIndex=? [0;33m["hrDeviceNetwork","network interface loop1","down","0",2,"262155"][0m 1.33ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `hrDevice` WHERE device_id = ? AND hrDeviceIndex = ? [0;33m[2,"262156"][0m 1.17ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType`=?,`hrDeviceDescr`=?,`hrDeviceStatus`=?,`hrDeviceErrors`=? WHERE device_id=? AND hrDeviceIndex=? [0;33m["hrDeviceNetwork","network interface loop2","down","0",2,"262156"][0m 1.24ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `hrDevice` WHERE device_id = ? AND hrDeviceIndex = ? [0;33m[2,"262157"][0m 1.17ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType`=?,`hrDeviceDescr`=?,`hrDeviceStatus`=?,`hrDeviceErrors`=? WHERE device_id=? AND hrDeviceIndex=? [0;33m["hrDeviceNetwork","network interface loop3","down","0",2,"262157"][0m 1.23ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `hrDevice` WHERE device_id = ? AND hrDeviceIndex = ? [0;33m[2,"262158"][0m 1.19ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType`=?,`hrDeviceDescr`=?,`hrDeviceStatus`=?,`hrDeviceErrors`=? WHERE device_id=? AND hrDeviceIndex=? [0;33m["hrDeviceNetwork","network interface imq0","running","0",2,"262158"][0m 1.25ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `hrDevice` WHERE device_id = ? AND hrDeviceIndex = ? [0;33m[2,"262159"][0m 1.16ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType`=?,`hrDeviceDescr`=?,`hrDeviceStatus`=?,`hrDeviceErrors`=? WHERE device_id=? AND hrDeviceIndex=? [0;33m["hrDeviceNetwork","network interface eth3.2","running","0",2,"262159"][0m 1.25ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `hrDevice` WHERE device_id = ? AND hrDeviceIndex = ? [0;33m[2,"262160"][0m 1.24ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType`=?,`hrDeviceDescr`=?,`hrDeviceStatus`=?,`hrDeviceErrors`=? WHERE device_id=? AND hrDeviceIndex=? [0;33m["hrDeviceNetwork","network interface eth2.102","running","0",2,"262160"][0m 1.24ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `hrDevice` WHERE device_id = ? AND hrDeviceIndex = ? [0;33m[2,"786432"][0m 1.39ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `hrDevice` set `hrDeviceType`=?,`hrDeviceDescr`=?,`hrDeviceStatus`=?,`hrDeviceErrors`=? WHERE device_id=? AND hrDeviceIndex=? [0;33m["hrDeviceCoprocessor","Guessing that there's a floating point co-processor",null,null,2,"786432"][0m 1.3ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `hrDevice` WHERE `device_id` = '2' [0;33m[][0m 1.36ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'hr-device': 0.1860 seconds with 15936 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [2/0.09s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [39/0.60s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module hr-device #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module discovery-protocols #### CISCO-CDP-MIB: SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUsetX' '-m' 'CISCO-CDP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'cdpCache'[0m] Exitcode: 1 MIB search path: /opt/librenms/mibs Cannot find module (CISCO-CDP-MIB): At line 1 in (none) cdpCache: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: (top) -> cdpCache) MIB search path: /opt/librenms/mibs Cannot find module (CISCO-CDP-MIB): At line 1 in (none) cdpCache: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: (top) -> cdpCache) LLDP-MIB: SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUsetX' '-m' 'LLDP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'lldpRemTable'[0m] lldpRemTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID OSPF Discovery: SQL[[1;33mSELECT DISTINCT(`ospfNbrIpAddr`),`device_id` FROM `ospf_nbrs` WHERE `device_id`=? [0;33m[2][0m 0.6ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `links` AS L, `ports` AS I WHERE L.local_port_id = I.port_id AND I.device_id = ? [0;33m[2][0m 1.6ms] SQL[[1;33mDELETE T FROM `links` T LEFT JOIN `devices` ON `devices`.`device_id` = T.`local_device_id` WHERE `devices`.`device_id` IS NULL [0;33m[][0m 0.7ms] 0 orphaned links deleted >> Runtime for discovery module 'discovery-protocols': 0.1050 seconds with 2320 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [0/0.00s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [3/0.03s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module discovery-protocols #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module arp-table #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQXUte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress'[0m] IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = f0:9f:c2:cf:4c:b0 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = 78:45:58:85:42:a2 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = 44:d9:e7:f9:1:7c IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = fc:ec:da:34:4e:fe IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = dc:a6:32:7:49:ac IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = b4:fb:e4:21:17:b3 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = c8:60:0:6d:26:c4 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = 90:dd:5d:b7:50:df IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = dc:a6:32:2b:d8:e2 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = 78:4f:43:73:0:22 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = 28:7f:cf:79:e1:c7 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = b8:27:eb:ef:b3:df IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = 78:ab:bb:1:1b:97 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = a0:cc:2b:e1:c4:71 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = 68:63:59:db:21:4b IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = 34:7e:5c:f6:9e:82 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = 48:a6:b8:1b:a6:5e IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = 0:1d:94:b:79:e2 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = 70:ee:50:7a:75:5e IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = 0:11:32:8b:fe:25 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = c8:2b:96:be:a9:a8 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = 0:a:e2:33:20:ae IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = 18:0:db:9:2c:a1 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = f4:65:a6:78:ea:ba IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = 0:5:cd:d9:40:80 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = 44:4a:db:ca:8c:2 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = 88:e9:fe:2d:54:f8 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv4]["*"] = c8:69:cd:32:bd:1c IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:04:4e:1d:dc:ad:bb:3a:ae"] = 78:4f:43:73:0:22 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:08:99:82:bc:39:11:a2:de"] = a:3e:6a:81:fd:52 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:10:b4:cd:ac:f5:9b:81:d3"] = 44:4a:db:ca:8c:2 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:14:a2:7f:4d:52:9f:4b:35"] = f4:65:a6:78:ea:ba IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:36:7e:5c:ff:fe:f6:9e:82"] = 34:7e:5c:f6:9e:82 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:4a:a6:b8:ff:fe:1b:a6:5e"] = 48:a6:b8:1b:a6:5e IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:68:8a:45:ff:fe:d3:1d:b3"] = 6a:8a:45:d3:1d:b3 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:72:ee:50:ff:fe:7a:75:5e"] = 70:ee:50:7a:75:5e IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:8c:a1:72:3a:dc:78:9f:4b"] = 28:7f:cf:79:e1:c7 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:ba:27:eb:ff:fe:ef:b3:df"] = b8:27:eb:ef:b3:df IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[5][ipv6]["fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:ca:60:00:ff:fe:6d:26:c4"] = c8:60:0:6d:26:c4 IP-MIB::ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[16][ipv4]["*"] = 0:1:0:1:0:3 SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQXUte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress'[0m] IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = f0:9f:c2:cf:4c:b0 IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = 78:45:58:85:42:a2 IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = 44:d9:e7:f9:1:7c IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = fc:ec:da:34:4e:fe IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = dc:a6:32:7:49:ac IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = b4:fb:e4:21:17:b3 IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = c8:60:0:6d:26:c4 IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = 90:dd:5d:b7:50:df IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = dc:a6:32:2b:d8:e2 IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = 78:4f:43:73:0:22 IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = 28:7f:cf:79:e1:c7 IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = b8:27:eb:ef:b3:df IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = 78:ab:bb:1:1b:97 IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = a0:cc:2b:e1:c4:71 IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = 68:63:59:db:21:4b IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = 34:7e:5c:f6:9e:82 IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = 48:a6:b8:1b:a6:5e IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = 0:1d:94:b:79:e2 IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = 70:ee:50:7a:75:5e IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = 0:11:32:8b:fe:25 IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = c8:2b:96:be:a9:a8 IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = 0:a:e2:33:20:ae IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = 18:0:db:9:2c:a1 IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = f4:65:a6:78:ea:ba IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = 0:5:cd:d9:40:80 IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = 44:4a:db:ca:8c:2 IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = 88:e9:fe:2d:54:f8 IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[5][*] = c8:69:cd:32:bd:1c IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress[16][*] = 0:1:0:1:0:3 SQL[[1;33mSELECT * from `ipv4_mac` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `context_name`=? [0;33m[2,""][0m 0.72ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,5][0m 1.39ms] eth3: f0:9f:c2:cf:4c:b0 => 78:45:58:85:42:a2 => 44:d9:e7:f9:1:7c => fc:ec:da:34:4e:fe => dc:a6:32:7:49:ac => b4:fb:e4:21:17:b3 => c8:60:0:6d:26:c4 => 90:dd:5d:b7:50:df => dc:a6:32:2b:d8:e2 => 78:4f:43:73:0:22 => 28:7f:cf:79:e1:c7 => b8:27:eb:ef:b3:df => 78:ab:bb:1:1b:97 => a0:cc:2b:e1:c4:71 => 68:63:59:db:21:4b => 34:7e:5c:f6:9e:82 => 48:a6:b8:1b:a6:5e => 0:1d:94:b:79:e2 => 70:ee:50:7a:75:5e => 0:11:32:8b:fe:25 => c8:2b:96:be:a9:a8 => 0:a:e2:33:20:ae => 18:0:db:9:2c:a1 => f4:65:a6:78:ea:ba => 0:5:cd:d9:40:80 => 44:4a:db:ca:8c:2 => 88:e9:fe:2d:54:f8 => c8:69:cd:32:bd:1c => SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,16][0m 1.4ms] eth2.102: 0:1:0:1:0:3 => SQL[[1;33minsert into `ipv4_mac` (`context_name`, `device_id`, `ipv4_address`, `mac_address`, `port_id`) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [0;33m["",2,"","287fcf79e1c7",27,"",2,"","78abbb011b97",27,"",2,"","48a6b81ba65e",27,"",2,"","1800db092ca1",27][0m 8.54ms] SQL[[1;33mDELETE T FROM `ipv4_mac` T LEFT JOIN `ports` ON `ports`.`port_id` = T.`port_id` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON `devices`.`device_id` = T.`device_id` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` IS NULL AND `devices`.`device_id` IS NULL [0;33m[][0m 1.34ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'arp-table': 0.1240 seconds with 18056 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [2/0.10s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [5/0.13s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module arp-table #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ discovery-arp ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ junose-atm-vp ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module bgp-peers #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpgetnext' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUsv' '-m' 'BGP4-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'bgpLocalAs'[0m] 0:13:15:44.22 No BGP on hostPeers : SQL[[1;33mDELETE FROM `bgpPeers` WHERE device_id=? AND context_name=? [0;33m[2,""][0m 0.65ms] SQL[[1;33mDELETE FROM `bgpPeers_cbgp` WHERE device_id=? AND context_name=? [0;33m[2,""][0m 0.54ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT DISTINCT context_name FROM bgpPeers WHERE device_id=? [0;33m[2][0m 0.47ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'bgp-peers': 0.0420 seconds with 2840 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [1/0.04s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [3/0.02s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module bgp-peers #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module vlans #### SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `vlans` WHERE `device_id` = ? [0;33m[2][0m 0.52ms] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'BRIDGE-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dot1dBasePortIfIndex'[0m] dot1dBasePortIfIndex = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID Invalid snmp_walk() data = dot1dBasePortIfIndex = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID IEEE8021-Q-BRIDGE-MIB VLANs: SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-m' 'IEEE8021-Q-BRIDGE-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dot1qVlanVersionNumber.0'[0m] No Such Object available on this agent at this OID >> Runtime for discovery module 'vlans': 0.1220 seconds with 4776 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [2/0.11s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [1/0.01s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module vlans #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ vmware-vminfo ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ libvirt-vminfo ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ printer-supplies ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module ucd-diskio #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'UCD-DISKIO-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'diskIOEntry'[0m] diskIOIndex.1 = 1 diskIOIndex.2 = 2 diskIOIndex.3 = 3 diskIOIndex.4 = 4 diskIOIndex.5 = 5 diskIOIndex.6 = 6 diskIOIndex.7 = 7 diskIOIndex.8 = 8 diskIOIndex.9 = 9 diskIOIndex.10 = 10 diskIOIndex.11 = 11 diskIOIndex.12 = 12 diskIOIndex.13 = 13 diskIOIndex.14 = 14 diskIOIndex.15 = 15 diskIOIndex.16 = 16 diskIOIndex.17 = 17 diskIOIndex.18 = 18 diskIOIndex.19 = 19 diskIODevice.1 = loop0 diskIODevice.2 = loop1 diskIODevice.3 = loop2 diskIODevice.4 = loop3 diskIODevice.5 = loop4 diskIODevice.6 = loop5 diskIODevice.7 = loop6 diskIODevice.8 = loop7 diskIODevice.9 = mtdblock0 diskIODevice.10 = mtdblock1 diskIODevice.11 = mtdblock2 diskIODevice.12 = mmcblk0 diskIODevice.13 = mmcblk0p1 diskIODevice.14 = mmcblk0p2 diskIODevice.15 = mmcblk0p3 diskIODevice.16 = mmcblk0rpmb diskIODevice.17 = mmcblk0boot1 diskIODevice.18 = mmcblk0boot0 diskIODevice.19 = loop8 diskIONRead.1 = 0 diskIONRead.2 = 0 diskIONRead.3 = 0 diskIONRead.4 = 0 diskIONRead.5 = 0 diskIONRead.6 = 0 diskIONRead.7 = 0 diskIONRead.8 = 0 diskIONRead.9 = 0 diskIONRead.10 = 0 diskIONRead.11 = 18612224 diskIONRead.12 = 46225408 diskIONRead.13 = 0 diskIONRead.14 = 45687808 diskIONRead.15 = 533504 diskIONRead.16 = 0 diskIONRead.17 = 4096 diskIONRead.18 = 4096 diskIONRead.19 = 0 diskIONWritten.1 = 0 diskIONWritten.2 = 0 diskIONWritten.3 = 0 diskIONWritten.4 = 0 diskIONWritten.5 = 0 diskIONWritten.6 = 0 diskIONWritten.7 = 0 diskIONWritten.8 = 0 diskIONWritten.9 = 0 diskIONWritten.10 = 0 diskIONWritten.11 = 0 diskIONWritten.12 = 4325376 diskIONWritten.13 = 0 diskIONWritten.14 = 4308992 diskIONWritten.15 = 16384 diskIONWritten.16 = 0 diskIONWritten.17 = 0 diskIONWritten.18 = 0 diskIONWritten.19 = 0 diskIOReads.1 = 0 diskIOReads.2 = 0 diskIOReads.3 = 0 diskIOReads.4 = 0 diskIOReads.5 = 0 diskIOReads.6 = 0 diskIOReads.7 = 0 diskIOReads.8 = 0 diskIOReads.9 = 0 diskIOReads.10 = 0 diskIOReads.11 = 284 diskIOReads.12 = 1566 diskIOReads.13 = 0 diskIOReads.14 = 1474 diskIOReads.15 = 91 diskIOReads.16 = 0 diskIOReads.17 = 1 diskIOReads.18 = 1 diskIOReads.19 = 0 diskIOWrites.1 = 0 diskIOWrites.2 = 0 diskIOWrites.3 = 0 diskIOWrites.4 = 0 diskIOWrites.5 = 0 diskIOWrites.6 = 0 diskIOWrites.7 = 0 diskIOWrites.8 = 0 diskIOWrites.9 = 0 diskIOWrites.10 = 0 diskIOWrites.11 = 0 diskIOWrites.12 = 370 diskIOWrites.13 = 0 diskIOWrites.14 = 365 diskIOWrites.15 = 4 diskIOWrites.16 = 0 diskIOWrites.17 = 0 diskIOWrites.18 = 0 diskIOWrites.19 = 0 diskIOLA1.1 = 0 diskIOLA1.2 = 0 diskIOLA1.3 = 0 diskIOLA1.4 = 0 diskIOLA1.5 = 0 diskIOLA1.6 = 0 diskIOLA1.7 = 0 diskIOLA1.8 = 0 diskIOLA1.9 = 0 diskIOLA1.10 = 0 diskIOLA1.11 = 0 diskIOLA1.12 = 0 diskIOLA1.13 = 0 diskIOLA1.14 = 0 diskIOLA1.15 = 0 diskIOLA1.16 = 0 diskIOLA1.17 = 0 diskIOLA1.18 = 0 diskIOLA1.19 = 0 diskIOLA5.1 = 0 diskIOLA5.2 = 0 diskIOLA5.3 = 0 diskIOLA5.4 = 0 diskIOLA5.5 = 0 diskIOLA5.6 = 0 diskIOLA5.7 = 0 diskIOLA5.8 = 0 diskIOLA5.9 = 0 diskIOLA5.10 = 0 diskIOLA5.11 = 0 diskIOLA5.12 = 0 diskIOLA5.13 = 0 diskIOLA5.14 = 0 diskIOLA5.15 = 0 diskIOLA5.16 = 0 diskIOLA5.17 = 0 diskIOLA5.18 = 0 diskIOLA5.19 = 0 diskIOLA15.1 = 0 diskIOLA15.2 = 0 diskIOLA15.3 = 0 diskIOLA15.4 = 0 diskIOLA15.5 = 0 diskIOLA15.6 = 0 diskIOLA15.7 = 0 diskIOLA15.8 = 0 diskIOLA15.9 = 0 diskIOLA15.10 = 0 diskIOLA15.11 = 0 diskIOLA15.12 = 0 diskIOLA15.13 = 0 diskIOLA15.14 = 0 diskIOLA15.15 = 0 diskIOLA15.16 = 0 diskIOLA15.17 = 0 diskIOLA15.18 = 0 diskIOLA15.19 = 0 diskIONReadX.1 = 0 diskIONReadX.2 = 0 diskIONReadX.3 = 0 diskIONReadX.4 = 0 diskIONReadX.5 = 0 diskIONReadX.6 = 0 diskIONReadX.7 = 0 diskIONReadX.8 = 0 diskIONReadX.9 = 0 diskIONReadX.10 = 0 diskIONReadX.11 = 18612224 diskIONReadX.12 = 46225408 diskIONReadX.13 = 0 diskIONReadX.14 = 45687808 diskIONReadX.15 = 533504 diskIONReadX.16 = 0 diskIONReadX.17 = 4096 diskIONReadX.18 = 4096 diskIONReadX.19 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.1 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.2 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.3 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.4 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.5 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.6 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.7 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.8 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.9 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.10 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.11 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.12 = 4325376 diskIONWrittenX.13 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.14 = 4308992 diskIONWrittenX.15 = 16384 diskIONWrittenX.16 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.17 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.18 = 0 diskIONWrittenX.19 = 0 11 mtdblock2 SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ucd_diskio` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `diskio_index` = ? and `diskio_descr` = ? [0;33m[2,11,"mtdblock2"][0m 0.61ms] .12 mmcblk0 SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ucd_diskio` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `diskio_index` = ? and `diskio_descr` = ? [0;33m[2,12,"mmcblk0"][0m 0.46ms] .14 mmcblk0p2 SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ucd_diskio` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `diskio_index` = ? and `diskio_descr` = ? [0;33m[2,14,"mmcblk0p2"][0m 0.44ms] .15 mmcblk0p3 SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ucd_diskio` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `diskio_index` = ? and `diskio_descr` = ? [0;33m[2,15,"mmcblk0p3"][0m 0.46ms] .17 mmcblk0boot1 SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ucd_diskio` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `diskio_index` = ? and `diskio_descr` = ? [0;33m[2,17,"mmcblk0boot1"][0m 0.43ms] .18 mmcblk0boot0 SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ucd_diskio` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `diskio_index` = ? and `diskio_descr` = ? [0;33m[2,18,"mmcblk0boot0"][0m 0.43ms] .array ( 11 => 'mtdblock2', 12 => 'mmcblk0', 14 => 'mmcblk0p2', 15 => 'mmcblk0p3', 17 => 'mmcblk0boot1', 18 => 'mmcblk0boot0', ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ucd_diskio` where `device_id` = '2' [0;33m[][0m 0.42ms] 11 -> mtdblock2 12 -> mmcblk0 14 -> mmcblk0p2 15 -> mmcblk0p3 17 -> mmcblk0boot1 18 -> mmcblk0boot0 >> Runtime for discovery module 'ucd-diskio': 0.0600 seconds with 24704 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [1/0.05s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [7/0.03s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module ucd-diskio #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module applications #### Applications: SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'nsExtendStatus'[0m] nsExtendStatus = No Such Instance currently exists at this OID Invalid snmp_walk() data = nsExtendStatus = No Such Instance currently exists at this OID Available: Checking for: SQL[[1;33mSELECT `app_type`,`discovered` FROM `applications` WHERE `device_id`=? ORDER BY `app_type` [0;33m[2][0m 0.87ms] SQL[[1;33mDELETE T FROM `application_metrics` T LEFT JOIN `applications` ON `applications`.`app_id` = T.`app_id` WHERE `applications`.`app_id` IS NULL [0;33m[][0m 0.84ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'applications': 0.0430 seconds with 1944 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [1/0.04s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [2/0.02s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module applications #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module services #### >> Runtime for discovery module 'services': 0.0020 seconds with 616 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [0/0.00s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [0/0.00s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module services #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module stp #### SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `stp` WHERE `device_id` = ? [0;33m[2][0m 0.57ms] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-m' 'RSTP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dot1dStpProtocolSpecification.0'[0m] No Such Object available on this agent at this OID >> Runtime for discovery module 'stp': 0.0410 seconds with 3040 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [1/0.04s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [1/0.01s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module stp #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module ntp #### >> Runtime for discovery module 'ntp': 0.0020 seconds with 232 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [0/0.00s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [0/0.00s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module ntp #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ loadbalancers ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ mef ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module wireless #### SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"ap-count"][0m 1.13ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"clients"][0m 1.01ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"quality"][0m 1.01ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"capacity"][0m 0.99ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"utilization"][0m 0.99ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"rate"][0m 1.03ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"ccq"][0m 1ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"snr"][0m 1ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"sinr"][0m 1ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"rsrp"][0m 1.02ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"rsrq"][0m 1.01ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"ssr"][0m 1.07ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"mse"][0m 1.04ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"xpi"][0m 1.01ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"rssi"][0m 1.05ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"power"][0m 0.98ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"noise-floor"][0m 1.01ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"errors"][0m 1ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"error-ratio"][0m 0.99ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"error-rate"][0m 1.02ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"frequency"][0m 0.99ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"distance"][0m 1.01ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"cell"][0m 0.99ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"channel"][0m 1.05ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'wireless': 0.0570 seconds with 112072 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [0/0.00s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [24/0.24s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module wireless #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module fdb-table #### SQL[[1;33mSELECT `vlan_id`, `vlan_vlan` from `vlans` WHERE `device_id` = ? [0;33m[2][0m 0.5ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_fdb` WHERE `device_id` = ? [0;33m[2][0m 0.72ms] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUsetX' '-m' 'Q-BRIDGE-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dot1qTpFdbPort'[0m] dot1qTpFdbPort = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUsetX' '-m' 'BRIDGE-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dot1dTpFdbPort'[0m] dot1dTpFdbPort = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID >> Runtime for discovery module 'fdb-table': 0.1050 seconds with -192 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [0/0.00s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [2/0.01s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module fdb-table #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module mpls #### >> Runtime for discovery module 'mpls': 0.0030 seconds with 23136 bytes >> [0;36mSNMP[0m: [0/0.00s] [1;33mMySQL[0m: [0/0.00s] [0;32mRRD[0m: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module mpls #### SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `devices` set `last_discovered`=NOW(),`last_discovered_timetaken`=? WHERE `device_id` = ? [0;33m[4.648,2][0m 5.94ms] Discovered in 4.648 seconds ./discovery.php 2022-01-09 12:17:41 - 1 devices discovered in 5.925 secs [0;36mSNMP[0m [44/2.62s]: Snmpget[19/0.82s] Snmpwalk[24/1.76s] Snmpgetnext[1/0.04s] [1;33mSQL[0m [203/2.59s]: Select[149/1.66s] Update[47/0.80s] Delete[6/0.05s] Insert[1/0.09s] [0;32mRRD[0m [0/0.00s]: