Im having an issue with snmptraps in Librenms. Im using Huawei equipment that generates Dying gasps on power failure. I want these traps in the event log but in a more human friendly format. I already set this up and it worked for a while but last few months it hasnt. Ive now set up a new blank Librenms to test but to no avail. I cant figure out where the problem is. Any suggestions based on the following? Snmptrapd is working as expected. Logs confirum that i receive all traps, but seems there is something wrong with my handler. My handler: /opt/librenms/LibreNMS/Snmptrap/Handlers/HuaDG.php <?php namespace LibreNMS\Snmptrap\Handlers; use App\Models\Device; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\SnmptrapHandler; use LibreNMS\Snmptrap\Trap; use Log; class HuaDG implements SnmptrapHandler { public function handle(Device $device, Trap $trap) { $dyinggasp = $trap->getOidData($trap->findOid('HUAWEI-BASE-TRAP-MIB::hwEntityDyingGasp')); Log::event("Dying Gasp received", $device->device_id, 'trap', 5); } } ?> Added the following to /opt/librenms/config/snmptraps.php: 'HUAWEI-BASE-TRAP-MIB::hwEntityDyingGasp' => \LibreNMS\Snmptrap\Handlers\HuaDG::class, /opt/librenms/logs/librenms.log shows the following: production.ERROR: Call to undefined method Monolog\Logger::event() {"exception":"[object] (Error(code: 0): Call to undefined method Monolog\\Logger::event() at /opt/librenms/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Log/Logger.php:308)"} Contents of that file line 308 is return "$this->logger->{$method}(...$parameters);". public function __call($method, $parameters) { return $this->logger->{$method}(...$parameters); } } Event is no longer a method?