ENVMINILX DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS NOTIFICATION-GROUP, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, enterprises, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC; envMiniLxo MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201302070000Z" ORGANIZATION "Network Technologies Inc." CONTACT-INFO "Network Technologies Inc. Postal: 1275 Danner Dr, Aurora, OH 442022 US Tel: 330-562-7070 Fax: 330-562-1999 WEB: www.networktechinc.com" DESCRIPTION "ENVIROMUX-MINI-LXO MIB file." REVISION "201302070000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev. 1.01 - Fixed Trap OIDs" REVISION "201201050000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev. 1.00 - initial version" ::= { hardware 8 } -- the root of the subtree for Network Technologies Inc nti OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 3699 } -- subtree for products products OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nti 1 } hardware OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { products 1 } software OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { products 2 } otherProduct OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 200 } -- ipdus2 subtree masterUnit OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envMiniLxo 1 } envTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envMiniLxo 100 } hostSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterUnit 1 } users OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterUnit 2 } groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterUnit 3 } extSensors OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterUnit 5 } digInputs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterUnit 6 } ipDevices OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterUnit 7 } outRelays OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterUnit 8 } envGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { masterUnit 200 } -- groups sysGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { sysTime, sysEnterpriseName, sysEnterpriseLocation, sysEnterpriseContact, sysEnterprisePhone } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System parameters group" ::= {envGroups 1} extSensorsGrp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { extSensorIndex, extSensorType, extSensorDescription, extSensorConnector, extSensorGroupNb, extSensorGroup, extSensorValue, extSensorUnit, extSensorUnitName, extSensorStatus, extSensorMinThreshold, extSensorMaxThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "External sensors group" ::= {envGroups 3} digInputsGrp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { digInputIndex, digInputType, digInputDescription, digInputConnector, digInputGroupNb, digInputGroup, digInputValue, digInputStatus, digInputNormalValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dry contacts group" ::= {envGroups 5} ipDeviceGrp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ipDeviceIndex, ipDeviceAddress, ipDeviceDescription, ipDeviceGroupNb, ipDeviceGroup, ipDeviceTimeout, ipDeviceRetries, ipDeviceValue, ipDeviceStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP devices group" ::= {envGroups 6} outRelaysGrp OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { outRelayIndex, outRelayDescription, outRelayStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dry contacts group" ::= {envGroups 7} miscTrapFields OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, envTrapValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "General Information Traps" ::= {envGroups 8} extSensorTrapGrp NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { extSensor1Trap, extSensor2Trap, extSensor3Trap, extSensor4Trap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "External Sensors Traps Group" ::= {envGroups 10} digInputTrapGrp NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { digInput1Trap, digInput2Trap, digInput3Trap, digInput4Trap, digInput5Trap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "External Sensors Traps Group" ::= {envGroups 12} ipDeviceTrapGrp NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { ipDevice1Trap, ipDevice2Trap, ipDevice3Trap, ipDevice4Trap, ipDevice5Trap, ipDevice6Trap, ipDevice7Trap, ipDevice8Trap, ipDevice9Trap, ipDevice10Trap, ipDevice11Trap, ipDevice12Trap, ipDevice13Trap, ipDevice14Trap, ipDevice15Trap, ipDevice16Trap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP Device Traps Group" ::= {envGroups 13} miscNotificationGrp NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { evLogFileTrap, dataLogFileTrap, remoteDataLogFileTrap} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Other Traps Group" ::= {envGroups 14} -- hostSystem subtree sysTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System time" ::= { hostSystem 1 } sysEnterpriseName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enterprise Name" ::= { hostSystem 2 } sysEnterpriseLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enterprise Location" ::= { hostSystem 3 } sysEnterpriseContact OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enterprise Contact" ::= { hostSystem 4 } sysEnterprisePhone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enterprise Phone" ::= { hostSystem 5 } -- external sensors description extSensorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ExtSensorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of external Sensors entries" ::= { extSensors 1 } extSensorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ExtSensorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An external sensor entry" INDEX { extSensorIndex } ::= { extSensorTable 1 } ExtSensorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { extSensorIndex Integer32, extSensorType INTEGER, extSensorDescription DisplayString, extSensorConnector Integer32, extSensorGroupNb Integer32, extSensorGroup DisplayString, extSensorValue INTEGER, extSensorUnit Integer32, extSensorUnitName DisplayString, extSensorStatus INTEGER, extSensorMinThreshold Integer32, extSensorMaxThreshold Integer32 } extSensorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..4) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the external sensor entry 1..4" ::= { extSensorEntry 1 } extSensorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined(0), temperature(1), humidity(2), power(3), lowVoltage(4), current(5), aclmvVoltage(6), aclmpVoltage(7), aclmpPower(8),water(9), smoke(10), vibration(11), motion(12), glass(13), door(14), keypad(15), panicButton(16), keyStation(17), digInput(18), light(22), tempHum(513), custom(32767), temperatureCombo(32769), humidityCombo(32770) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sensor Type" ::= { extSensorEntry 2 } extSensorDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sensor Description" ::= { extSensorEntry 3 } extSensorConnector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Connector where the sensor is attached" ::= { extSensorEntry 4 } extSensorGroupNb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sensor's Group" ::= { extSensorEntry 5 } extSensorGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sensor's Group Name" ::= { extSensorEntry 6 } extSensorValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { closed(0), open(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the external sensor reading. For temperature, voltage, current or low voltage, it is presented in tenths of degrees/volts" ::= { extSensorEntry 7 } extSensorUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The measuremnet unit for this sensor. It is important only for temperature" ::= { extSensorEntry 8 } extSensorUnitName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The measuremnet unit for this sensor in readable format" ::= { extSensorEntry 9 } extSensorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER {notconnected(0), normal(1), prealert(2), alert(3), acknowledged(4), dismissed(5), disconnected(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of the sensor" ::= { extSensorEntry 10 } extSensorMinThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the sensor lower threshold" ::= { extSensorEntry 11 } extSensorMaxThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the sensor upper threshold" ::= { extSensorEntry 12 } -- dry contacts description digInputTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DryContactEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of external Sensors entries" ::= { digInputs 1 } digInputEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DryContactEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A dry contact entry" INDEX { digInputIndex } ::= { digInputTable 1 } DryContactEntry ::= SEQUENCE { digInputIndex Integer32, digInputType INTEGER, digInputDescription DisplayString, digInputConnector Integer32, digInputGroupNb Integer32, digInputGroup DisplayString, digInputValue INTEGER, digInputStatus INTEGER, digInputNormalValue INTEGER } digInputIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..5) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the external sensor entry 1..4" ::= { digInputEntry 1 } digInputType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { digInput(18) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sensor Type. Only dry contact type will be used" ::= { digInputEntry 2 } digInputDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sensor Description" ::= { digInputEntry 3 } digInputConnector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Connector where the sensor is attached" ::= { digInputEntry 4 } digInputGroupNb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sensor's Group" ::= { digInputEntry 5 } digInputGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sensor's Group Name" ::= { digInputEntry 6 } digInputValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { closed(0), open(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the dry contact reading." ::= { digInputEntry 7 } digInputStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER {notconnected(0), normal(1), prealert(2), alert(3), acknowledged(4), dismissed(5), disconnected(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of the sensor" ::= { digInputEntry 8 } digInputNormalValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { closed(0), open(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The normal value of the dry contact reading" ::= { digInputEntry 9 } -- IP Devices description ipDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IpDeviceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of IP Devices entries" ::= { ipDevices 1 } ipDeviceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpDeviceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An IP Device entry" INDEX { ipDeviceIndex } ::= { ipDeviceTable 1 } IpDeviceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ipDeviceIndex Integer32, ipDeviceAddress DisplayString, ipDeviceDescription DisplayString, ipDeviceGroupNb Integer32, ipDeviceGroup DisplayString, ipDeviceTimeout Integer32, ipDeviceRetries Integer32, ipDeviceValue INTEGER, ipDeviceStatus INTEGER } ipDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the IP Device entry 1..8" ::= { ipDeviceEntry 1 } ipDeviceAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP Device URL" ::= { ipDeviceEntry 2 } ipDeviceDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP Device Description" ::= { ipDeviceEntry 3 } ipDeviceGroupNb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the group the IP Device belongs to" ::= { ipDeviceEntry 4 } ipDeviceGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the group the IP Device belongs to" ::= { ipDeviceEntry 5 } ipDeviceTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP Device ping timeout (in seconds)" ::= { ipDeviceEntry 6 } ipDeviceRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of ping retries to the IP device, until responding" ::= { ipDeviceEntry 7 } ipDeviceValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notResponding(0), responding(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Responding status" ::= { ipDeviceEntry 8 } ipDeviceStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER {notconnected(0), normal(1), prealert(2), alert(3), acknowledged(4), dismissed(5), disconnected(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm status of the IP Device" ::= { ipDeviceEntry 9 } -- outRelays description outRelayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OutRelayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of output relays" ::= { outRelays 1 } outRelayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OutRelayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An output relay entry" INDEX { outRelayIndex } ::= { outRelayTable 1 } OutRelayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { outRelayIndex Integer32, outRelayDescription DisplayString, outRelayStatus INTEGER } outRelayIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of relay" ::= { outRelayEntry 1 } outRelayDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Desciption/name associated with the output relay" ::= { outRelayEntry 2 } outRelayStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active(0), inactive(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of the output relay" ::= { outRelayEntry 3 } -- Trap Definitions extSensorsTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envTraps 5 } digInputsTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envTraps 6 } ipDevicesTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envTraps 7 } outRelaysTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { envTraps 8 } envTrapDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Message issued together with the trap to explain the reason the trap was sent" ::= { envTraps 100 } envTrapValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1000..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Message issued together with the trap to retrieve a value" ::= { envTraps 101 } -- sensor traps -- External sensors traps extSensor1Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, extSensorIndex, extSensorDescription, extSensorValue, extSensorUnitName, extSensorStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when external sensor 1 (Connector #1) has a notification to send" ::= {extSensorsTraps 0 1 } extSensor2Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, extSensorIndex, extSensorDescription, extSensorValue, extSensorUnitName, extSensorStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when external sensor 2 (Connector #1) has a notification to send" ::= {extSensorsTraps 0 2 } extSensor3Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, extSensorIndex, extSensorDescription, extSensorValue, extSensorUnitName, extSensorStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when external sensor 3 (Connector #2) has a notification to send" ::= {extSensorsTraps 0 3 } extSensor4Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, extSensorIndex, extSensorDescription, extSensorValue, extSensorUnitName, extSensorStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when external sensor 4 (Connector #2) has a notification to send" ::= {extSensorsTraps 0 4 } -- Dry contacts traps digInput1Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, digInputIndex, digInputDescription, digInputValue, digInputStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when dry contact 1 (Connector #1) has a notification to send" ::= {digInputsTraps 0 1 } digInput2Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, digInputIndex, digInputDescription, digInputValue, digInputStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when dry contact 2 (Connector #2) has a notification to send" ::= {digInputsTraps 0 2 } digInput3Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, digInputIndex, digInputDescription, digInputValue, digInputStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when dry contact 3 (Connector #3) has a notification to send" ::= {digInputsTraps 0 3 } digInput4Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, digInputIndex, digInputDescription, digInputValue, digInputStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when dry contact 4 (Connector #4) has a notification to send" ::= {digInputsTraps 0 4 } digInput5Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, digInputIndex, digInputDescription, digInputValue, digInputStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when dry contact 5 (Connector #5) has a notification to send" ::= {digInputsTraps 0 5 } -- IP Devices traps ipDevice1Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, ipDeviceIndex, ipDeviceAddress, ipDeviceDescription, ipDeviceValue, ipDeviceStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when IP device #1 has a notification to send" ::= { ipDevicesTraps 0 1 } ipDevice2Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, ipDeviceIndex, ipDeviceAddress, ipDeviceDescription, ipDeviceValue, ipDeviceStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when IP device #2 has a notification to send" ::= { ipDevicesTraps 0 2 } ipDevice3Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, ipDeviceIndex, ipDeviceAddress, ipDeviceDescription, ipDeviceValue, ipDeviceStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when IP device #3 has a notification to send" ::= { ipDevicesTraps 0 3 } ipDevice4Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, ipDeviceIndex, ipDeviceAddress, ipDeviceDescription, ipDeviceValue, ipDeviceStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when IP device #4 has a notification to send" ::= { ipDevicesTraps 0 4 } ipDevice5Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, ipDeviceIndex, ipDeviceAddress, ipDeviceDescription, ipDeviceValue, ipDeviceStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when IP device #5 has a notification to send" ::= { ipDevicesTraps 0 5 } ipDevice6Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, ipDeviceIndex, ipDeviceAddress, ipDeviceDescription, ipDeviceValue, ipDeviceStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when IP device #6 has a notification to send" ::= { ipDevicesTraps 0 6 } ipDevice7Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, ipDeviceIndex, ipDeviceAddress, ipDeviceDescription, ipDeviceValue, ipDeviceStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when IP device #7 has a notification to send" ::= { ipDevicesTraps 0 7 } ipDevice8Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, ipDeviceIndex, ipDeviceAddress, ipDeviceDescription, ipDeviceValue, ipDeviceStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when IP device #8 has a notification to send" ::= { ipDevicesTraps 0 8 } ipDevice9Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, ipDeviceIndex, ipDeviceAddress, ipDeviceDescription, ipDeviceValue, ipDeviceStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when IP device #9 has a notification to send" ::= { ipDevicesTraps 0 9 } ipDevice10Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, ipDeviceIndex, ipDeviceAddress, ipDeviceDescription, ipDeviceValue, ipDeviceStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when IP device #10 has a notification to send" ::= { ipDevicesTraps 0 10 } ipDevice11Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, ipDeviceIndex, ipDeviceAddress, ipDeviceDescription, ipDeviceValue, ipDeviceStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when IP device #11 has a notification to send" ::= { ipDevicesTraps 0 11 } ipDevice12Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, ipDeviceIndex, ipDeviceAddress, ipDeviceDescription, ipDeviceValue, ipDeviceStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when IP device #12 has a notification to send" ::= { ipDevicesTraps 0 12 } ipDevice13Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, ipDeviceIndex, ipDeviceAddress, ipDeviceDescription, ipDeviceValue, ipDeviceStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when IP device #13 has a notification to send" ::= { ipDevicesTraps 0 13 } ipDevice14Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, ipDeviceIndex, ipDeviceAddress, ipDeviceDescription, ipDeviceValue, ipDeviceStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when IP device #14 has a notification to send" ::= { ipDevicesTraps 0 14 } ipDevice15Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, ipDeviceIndex, ipDeviceAddress, ipDeviceDescription, ipDeviceValue, ipDeviceStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when IP device #15 has a notification to send" ::= { ipDevicesTraps 0 15 } ipDevice16Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, ipDeviceIndex, ipDeviceAddress, ipDeviceDescription, ipDeviceValue, ipDeviceStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when IP device #16 has a notification to send" ::= { ipDevicesTraps 0 16 } -- Output Relay trap outRelay1Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, outRelayIndex, outRelayDescription, outRelayStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when output relay changes it's status" ::= { outRelaysTraps 0 1 } -- Event Log file trap evLogFileTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when the system has an event log file notification to send" ::= { envTraps 0 10 } -- Data Log file trap dataLogFileTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when the system has a data log file notification to send (file almost full)" ::= { envTraps 0 11 } remoteDataLogFileTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { envTrapDescription, envTrapValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap issued when the system has a data log file reading to send" ::= { envTraps 0 12 } END