LibreNMS Discovery SQL[[1;33mselect `migration` from `migrations` order by `id` desc limit 1 [0;33m[][0m 0.42ms] SQL[[1;33mselect count(*) as aggregate from `migrations` limit 1 [0;33m[][0m 0.24ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT version() [0;33m[][0m 0.34ms] =================================== Version info: Commit SHA: 1bb4dd173e4a251d1accfea66c779b47a75d7ceb Commit Date: 1624397007 DB Schema: 2021_06_07_123600_create_sessions_table (211) PHP: 7.4.3 MySQL: 10.3.29-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 RRDTool: 1.7.2 SNMP: NET-SNMP 5.8 ==================================DEBUG! Updating os_def.cache SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE disabled = 0 AND snmp_disable = 0 AND `hostname` LIKE '' ORDER BY device_id DESC [0;33m[][0m 22.74ms] SQL[[1;33mselect * from `devices` where `device_id` = ? limit 1 [0;33m[2][0m 0.53ms] SQL[[1;33mselect * from `devices_attribs` where `devices_attribs`.`device_id` = ? and `devices_attribs`.`device_id` is not null [0;33m[2][0m 0.3ms] 2 edgeswitch SQL[[1;33mselect `hostname`, `overwrite_ip` from `devices` where `hostname` = ? limit 1 [0;33m[""][0m 0.53ms] [FPING] '/usr/bin/fping' '-e' '-q' '-c' '3' '-p' '500' '-t' '500' '' response: {"xmt":3,"rcv":3,"loss":0,"min":1.41,"max":3.15,"avg":2.02,"dup":0,"exitcode":0} SQL[[1;33mselect `device_groups`.*, `device_group_device`.`device_id` as `pivot_device_id`, `device_group_device`.`device_group_id` as `pivot_device_group_id` from `device_groups` inner join `device_group_device` on `device_groups`.`id` = `device_group_device`.`device_group_id` where `device_group_device`.`device_id` = ? [0;33m[2][0m 1.25ms] SQL[[1;33mselect exists(select * from `alert_schedule` where (`start` <= ? and `end` >= ? and (`recurring` = ? or (`recurring` = ? and ((time(`start`) < time xss=removed> ?) or (time(`start`) > time(`end`) and (time(`end`) <= ? or time(`start`) > ?))) and (`recurring_day` like ? or `recurring_day` is null)))) and (exists (select * from `devices` inner join `alert_schedulables` on `devices`.`device_id` = `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_id` where `alert_schedule`.`schedule_id` = `alert_schedulables`.`schedule_id` and `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_type` = ? and `alert_schedulables`.`alert_schedulable_id` = ?))) as `exists` [0;33m["2021-06-23T10:47:49.510867Z","2021-06-23T10:47:49.510867Z",0,1,"10:47:49","10:47:49","10:47:49","10:47:49","[43m%","device",2][0m 2.6ms] SQL[[1;33mINSERT IGNORE INTO `device_perf` (`xmt`,`rcv`,`loss`,`min`,`max`,`avg`,`device_id`,`timestamp`,`debug`) VALUES (:xmt,:rcv,:loss,:min,:max,:avg,:device_id,NOW(),:debug) [0;33m{"xmt":3,"rcv":3,"loss":0,"min":1.41,"max":3.15,"avg":2.02,"device_id":2,"debug":"[]"}[0m 56.1ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `devices` set `last_ping`=?,`last_ping_timetaken`=? WHERE device_id=? [0;33m["2021-06-23 10:47:49",2.02,2][0m 53.19ms] SNMP Check response code: 0 Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module core #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OUQn' '-m' 'SNMPv2-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'sysName.0' 'sysObjectID.0' 'sysDescr.0'[0m] .*.*.0 = UBNT EdgeSwitch .*.*.0 = .*.4.1.4413 .*.*.0 = EdgeSwitch 24 250W, 1.9.2, Linux 3.6.5-03329b4a, *0000 | EdgeSwitch 24 250W, 1.9.2, Linux 3.6.5-03329b4a, | . | SQL[[1;33minsert into `eventlog` (`device_id`, `reference`, `type`, `datetime`, `severity`, `message`, `username`) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [0;33m[2,null,"system","2021-06-23 10:47:50",3,"Device type changed network => network_switch",""][0m 3.94ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `devices` set `type`=? WHERE device_id=? [0;33m["network_switch",2][0m 32.42ms] Device type changed to network_switch! Attempting to initialize OS: edgeswitch OS initialized: LibreNMS\OS\Edgeswitch OS: EdgeSwitch (edgeswitch) >> Runtime for discovery module 'core': 0.2620 seconds with 556088 bytes >> SNMP: [2/0.74s] MySQL: [4/0.17s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module core #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module os #### Yaml location data: SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysLocation.0'[0m] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Ovq' '-m' 'SNMPv2-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'sysContact.0'[0m] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OUQ' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalSerialNum.1'[0m] ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalSerialNum.1 = B4FBE450752A Yaml OS data: {"ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalSerialNum.1":"B4FBE450752A"} Location: Hardware: EdgeSwitch 24 250W OS Version: 1.9.2 OS Features: Serial: B4FBE450752A >> Runtime for discovery module 'os': 0.1780 seconds with 150208 bytes >> SNMP: [4/0.13s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module os #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module ports #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifDescr'[0m] ifDescr.1 = Slot: 0 Port: 1 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.2 = Slot: 0 Port: 2 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.3 = Slot: 0 Port: 3 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.4 = Slot: 0 Port: 4 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.5 = Slot: 0 Port: 5 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.6 = Slot: 0 Port: 6 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.7 = Slot: 0 Port: 7 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.8 = Slot: 0 Port: 8 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.9 = Slot: 0 Port: 9 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.10 = Slot: 0 Port: 10 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.11 = Slot: 0 Port: 11 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.12 = Slot: 0 Port: 12 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.13 = Slot: 0 Port: 13 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.14 = Slot: 0 Port: 14 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.15 = Slot: 0 Port: 15 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.16 = Slot: 0 Port: 16 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.17 = Slot: 0 Port: 17 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.18 = Slot: 0 Port: 18 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.19 = Slot: 0 Port: 19 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.20 = Slot: 0 Port: 20 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.21 = Slot: 0 Port: 21 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.22 = Slot: 0 Port: 22 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.23 = Slot: 0 Port: 23 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.24 = Slot: 0 Port: 24 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.25 = Slot: 0 Port: 25 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.26 = Slot: 0 Port: 26 Gigabit - Level ifDescr.65 = CPU Interface for Slot: 5 Port: 1 ifDescr.66 = Link Aggregate 1 ifDescr.67 = Link Aggregate 2 ifDescr.68 = Link Aggregate 3 ifDescr.69 = Link Aggregate 4 ifDescr.70 = Link Aggregate 5 ifDescr.71 = Link Aggregate 6 SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifName'[0m] ifName.1 = 0/1 ifName.2 = 0/2 ifName.3 = 0/3 ifName.4 = 0/4 ifName.5 = 0/5 ifName.6 = 0/6 ifName.7 = 0/7 ifName.8 = 0/8 ifName.9 = 0/9 ifName.10 = 0/10 ifName.11 = 0/11 ifName.12 = 0/12 ifName.13 = 0/13 ifName.14 = 0/14 ifName.15 = 0/15 ifName.16 = 0/16 ifName.17 = 0/17 ifName.18 = 0/18 ifName.19 = 0/19 ifName.20 = 0/20 ifName.21 = 0/21 ifName.22 = 0/22 ifName.23 = 0/23 ifName.24 = 0/24 ifName.25 = 0/25 ifName.26 = 0/26 ifName.65 = CPU Interface: 5/1 ifName.66 = 3/1 ifName.67 = 3/2 ifName.68 = 3/3 ifName.69 = 3/4 ifName.70 = 3/5 ifName.71 = 3/6 SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifAlias'[0m] ifAlias.1 = ifAlias.2 = ifAlias.3 = ifAlias.4 = ifAlias.5 = ifAlias.6 = ifAlias.7 = ifAlias.8 = ifAlias.9 = ifAlias.10 = ifAlias.11 = ifAlias.12 = ifAlias.13 = ifAlias.14 = ifAlias.15 = ifAlias.16 = ifAlias.17 = ifAlias.18 = ifAlias.19 = ifAlias.20 = ifAlias.21 = ifAlias.22 = ifAlias.23 = ifAlias.24 = ifAlias.25 = ifAlias.26 = ifAlias.65 = ifAlias.66 = ifAlias.67 = ifAlias.68 = ifAlias.69 = ifAlias.70 = ifAlias.71 = SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifType'[0m] ifType.1 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.2 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.3 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.4 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.5 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.6 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.7 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.8 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.9 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.10 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.11 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.12 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.13 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.14 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.15 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.16 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.17 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.18 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.19 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.20 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.21 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.22 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.23 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.24 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.25 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.26 = ethernetCsmacd ifType.65 = other ifType.66 = other ifType.67 = other ifType.68 = other ifType.69 = other ifType.70 = other ifType.71 = other SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifOperStatus'[0m] ifOperStatus.1 = up ifOperStatus.2 = down ifOperStatus.3 = down ifOperStatus.4 = down ifOperStatus.5 = down ifOperStatus.6 = down ifOperStatus.7 = up ifOperStatus.8 = down ifOperStatus.9 = down ifOperStatus.10 = down ifOperStatus.11 = down ifOperStatus.12 = down ifOperStatus.13 = down ifOperStatus.14 = down ifOperStatus.15 = down ifOperStatus.16 = down ifOperStatus.17 = down ifOperStatus.18 = down ifOperStatus.19 = down ifOperStatus.20 = down ifOperStatus.21 = down ifOperStatus.22 = down ifOperStatus.23 = down ifOperStatus.24 = down ifOperStatus.25 = down ifOperStatus.26 = down ifOperStatus.65 = up ifOperStatus.66 = down ifOperStatus.67 = down ifOperStatus.68 = down ifOperStatus.69 = down ifOperStatus.70 = down ifOperStatus.71 = down array ( 1 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 1 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/1', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'up', ), 2 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 2 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/2', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 3 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 3 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/3', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 4 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 4 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/4', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 5 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 5 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/5', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 6 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 6 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/6', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 7 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 7 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/7', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'up', ), 8 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 8 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/8', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 9 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 9 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/9', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 10 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 10 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/10', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 11 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 11 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/11', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 12 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 12 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/12', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 13 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 13 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/13', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 14 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 14 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/14', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 15 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 15 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/15', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 16 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 16 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/16', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 17 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 17 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/17', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 18 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 18 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/18', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 19 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 19 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/19', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 20 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 20 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/20', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 21 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 21 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/21', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 22 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 22 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/22', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 23 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 23 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/23', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 24 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 24 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/24', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 25 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 25 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/25', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 26 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Slot: 0 Port: 26 Gigabit - Level', 'ifName' => '0/26', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'ethernetCsmacd', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 65 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'CPU Interface for Slot: 5 Port: 1', 'ifName' => 'CPU Interface: 5/1', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'other', 'ifOperStatus' => 'up', ), 66 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Link Aggregate 1', 'ifName' => '3/1', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'other', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 67 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Link Aggregate 2', 'ifName' => '3/2', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'other', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 68 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Link Aggregate 3', 'ifName' => '3/3', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'other', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 69 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Link Aggregate 4', 'ifName' => '3/4', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'other', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 70 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Link Aggregate 5', 'ifName' => '3/5', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'other', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), 71 => array ( 'ifDescr' => 'Link Aggregate 6', 'ifName' => '3/6', 'ifAlias' => '', 'ifType' => 'other', 'ifOperStatus' => 'down', ), ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? ORDER BY port_id [0;33m[2][0m 3.26ms] Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 1 Gigabit - Level","0\/1","Slot: 0 Port: 1 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","up",1,4][0m 1.53ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 2 Gigabit - Level","0\/2","Slot: 0 Port: 2 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",2,5][0m 1.33ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 3 Gigabit - Level","0\/3","Slot: 0 Port: 3 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",3,6][0m 2.78ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 4 Gigabit - Level","0\/4","Slot: 0 Port: 4 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",4,7][0m 1.25ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 5 Gigabit - Level","0\/5","Slot: 0 Port: 5 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",5,8][0m 1.29ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 6 Gigabit - Level","0\/6","Slot: 0 Port: 6 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",6,9][0m 1.2ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 7 Gigabit - Level","0\/7","Slot: 0 Port: 7 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","up",7,10][0m 1.3ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 8 Gigabit - Level","0\/8","Slot: 0 Port: 8 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",8,11][0m 1.19ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 9 Gigabit - Level","0\/9","Slot: 0 Port: 9 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",9,12][0m 1.25ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 10 Gigabit - Level","0\/10","Slot: 0 Port: 10 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",10,13][0m 1.25ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 11 Gigabit - Level","0\/11","Slot: 0 Port: 11 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",11,14][0m 1.2ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 12 Gigabit - Level","0\/12","Slot: 0 Port: 12 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",12,15][0m 1.69ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 13 Gigabit - Level","0\/13","Slot: 0 Port: 13 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",13,16][0m 1.21ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 14 Gigabit - Level","0\/14","Slot: 0 Port: 14 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",14,17][0m 1.2ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 15 Gigabit - Level","0\/15","Slot: 0 Port: 15 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",15,18][0m 1.26ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 16 Gigabit - Level","0\/16","Slot: 0 Port: 16 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",16,19][0m 1.2ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 17 Gigabit - Level","0\/17","Slot: 0 Port: 17 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",17,20][0m 5.43ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 18 Gigabit - Level","0\/18","Slot: 0 Port: 18 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",18,21][0m 1.2ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 19 Gigabit - Level","0\/19","Slot: 0 Port: 19 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",19,22][0m 1.2ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 20 Gigabit - Level","0\/20","Slot: 0 Port: 20 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",20,23][0m 1.26ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 21 Gigabit - Level","0\/21","Slot: 0 Port: 21 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",21,24][0m 1.19ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 22 Gigabit - Level","0\/22","Slot: 0 Port: 22 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",22,25][0m 1.31ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 23 Gigabit - Level","0\/23","Slot: 0 Port: 23 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",23,26][0m 1.19ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 24 Gigabit - Level","0\/24","Slot: 0 Port: 24 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",24,27][0m 1.24ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 25 Gigabit - Level","0\/25","Slot: 0 Port: 25 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",25,28][0m 1.43ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Slot: 0 Port: 26 Gigabit - Level","0\/26","Slot: 0 Port: 26 Gigabit - Level","ethernetCsmacd","down",26,29][0m 1.2ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["CPU Interface for Slot: 5 Port: 1","CPU Interface: 5\/1","CPU Interface for Slot: 5 Port: 1","other","up",65,30][0m 1.34ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Link Aggregate 1","3\/1","Link Aggregate 1","other","down",66,31][0m 1.19ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Link Aggregate 2","3\/2","Link Aggregate 2","other","down",67,32][0m 1.24ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Link Aggregate 3","3\/3","Link Aggregate 3","other","down",68,33][0m 1.21ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Link Aggregate 4","3\/4","Link Aggregate 4","other","down",69,34][0m 1.19ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Link Aggregate 5","3\/5","Link Aggregate 5","other","down",70,35][0m 1.25ms] . Using ifDescr as ifAlias SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports` set `ifDescr`=?,`ifName`=?,`ifAlias`=?,`ifType`=?,`ifOperStatus`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m["Link Aggregate 6","3\/6","Link Aggregate 6","other","down",71,36][0m 1.19ms] . >> Runtime for discovery module 'ports': 0.3680 seconds with 8944 bytes >> SNMP: [5/0.27s] MySQL: [34/0.07s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module ports #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module ports-stack #### SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_stack` WHERE `device_id` = '2' [0;33m[][0m 0.73ms] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ifStackStatus'[0m] ifStackStatus = No Such Instance currently exists at this OID >> Runtime for discovery module 'ports-stack': 0.0340 seconds with 3192 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [1/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module ports-stack #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module entity-physical #### Caching OIDs: entPhysicalEntrySNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-MIB:CISCO-ENTITY-VENDORTYPE-OID-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entPhysicalEntry'[0m] entPhysicalDescr.1 = UBNT EdgeSwitch 24-Port entPhysicalDescr.2 = UBNT ES24 - 24 GE POE + 2 GE Ethernet Line Card entPhysicalDescr.3 = Slot: 0 Port: 1 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.4 = Slot: 0 Port: 2 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.5 = Slot: 0 Port: 3 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.6 = Slot: 0 Port: 4 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.7 = Slot: 0 Port: 5 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.8 = Slot: 0 Port: 6 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.9 = Slot: 0 Port: 7 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.10 = Slot: 0 Port: 8 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.11 = Slot: 0 Port: 9 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.12 = Slot: 0 Port: 10 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.13 = Slot: 0 Port: 11 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.14 = Slot: 0 Port: 12 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.15 = Slot: 0 Port: 13 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.16 = Slot: 0 Port: 14 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.17 = Slot: 0 Port: 15 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.18 = Slot: 0 Port: 16 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.19 = Slot: 0 Port: 17 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.20 = Slot: 0 Port: 18 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.21 = Slot: 0 Port: 19 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.22 = Slot: 0 Port: 20 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.23 = Slot: 0 Port: 21 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.24 = Slot: 0 Port: 22 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.25 = Slot: 0 Port: 23 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.26 = Slot: 0 Port: 24 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.27 = Slot: 0 Port: 25 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.28 = Slot: 0 Port: 26 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalVendorType.1 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.2 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.3 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.4 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.5 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.6 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.7 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.8 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.9 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.10 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.11 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.12 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.13 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.14 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.15 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.16 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.17 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.18 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.19 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.20 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.21 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.22 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.23 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.24 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.25 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.26 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.27 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalVendorType.28 = zeroDotZero entPhysicalContainedIn.1 = 0 entPhysicalContainedIn.2 = 1 entPhysicalContainedIn.3 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.4 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.5 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.6 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.7 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.8 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.9 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.10 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.11 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.12 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.13 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.14 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.15 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.16 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.17 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.18 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.19 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.20 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.21 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.22 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.23 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.24 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.25 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.26 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.27 = 2 entPhysicalContainedIn.28 = 2 entPhysicalClass.1 = chassis entPhysicalClass.2 = module entPhysicalClass.3 = port entPhysicalClass.4 = port entPhysicalClass.5 = port entPhysicalClass.6 = port entPhysicalClass.7 = port entPhysicalClass.8 = port entPhysicalClass.9 = port entPhysicalClass.10 = port entPhysicalClass.11 = port entPhysicalClass.12 = port entPhysicalClass.13 = port entPhysicalClass.14 = port entPhysicalClass.15 = port entPhysicalClass.16 = port entPhysicalClass.17 = port entPhysicalClass.18 = port entPhysicalClass.19 = port entPhysicalClass.20 = port entPhysicalClass.21 = port entPhysicalClass.22 = port entPhysicalClass.23 = port entPhysicalClass.24 = port entPhysicalClass.25 = port entPhysicalClass.26 = port entPhysicalClass.27 = port entPhysicalClass.28 = port entPhysicalParentRelPos.1 = 1 entPhysicalParentRelPos.2 = 0 entPhysicalParentRelPos.3 = 1 entPhysicalParentRelPos.4 = 2 entPhysicalParentRelPos.5 = 3 entPhysicalParentRelPos.6 = 4 entPhysicalParentRelPos.7 = 5 entPhysicalParentRelPos.8 = 6 entPhysicalParentRelPos.9 = 7 entPhysicalParentRelPos.10 = 8 entPhysicalParentRelPos.11 = 9 entPhysicalParentRelPos.12 = 10 entPhysicalParentRelPos.13 = 11 entPhysicalParentRelPos.14 = 12 entPhysicalParentRelPos.15 = 13 entPhysicalParentRelPos.16 = 14 entPhysicalParentRelPos.17 = 15 entPhysicalParentRelPos.18 = 16 entPhysicalParentRelPos.19 = 17 entPhysicalParentRelPos.20 = 18 entPhysicalParentRelPos.21 = 19 entPhysicalParentRelPos.22 = 20 entPhysicalParentRelPos.23 = 21 entPhysicalParentRelPos.24 = 22 entPhysicalParentRelPos.25 = 23 entPhysicalParentRelPos.26 = 24 entPhysicalParentRelPos.27 = 25 entPhysicalParentRelPos.28 = 26 entPhysicalName.1 = Unit 1 entPhysicalName.2 = Slot 1.0 entPhysicalName.3 = 0/1 entPhysicalName.4 = 0/2 entPhysicalName.5 = 0/3 entPhysicalName.6 = 0/4 entPhysicalName.7 = 0/5 entPhysicalName.8 = 0/6 entPhysicalName.9 = 0/7 entPhysicalName.10 = 0/8 entPhysicalName.11 = 0/9 entPhysicalName.12 = 0/10 entPhysicalName.13 = 0/11 entPhysicalName.14 = 0/12 entPhysicalName.15 = 0/13 entPhysicalName.16 = 0/14 entPhysicalName.17 = 0/15 entPhysicalName.18 = 0/16 entPhysicalName.19 = 0/17 entPhysicalName.20 = 0/18 entPhysicalName.21 = 0/19 entPhysicalName.22 = 0/20 entPhysicalName.23 = 0/21 entPhysicalName.24 = 0/22 entPhysicalName.25 = 0/23 entPhysicalName.26 = 0/24 entPhysicalName.27 = 0/25 entPhysicalName.28 = 0/26 entPhysicalHardwareRev.1 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.2 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.3 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.4 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.5 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.6 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.7 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.8 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.9 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.10 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.11 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.12 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.13 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.14 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.15 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.16 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.17 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.18 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.19 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.20 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.21 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.22 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.23 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.24 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.25 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.26 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.27 = entPhysicalHardwareRev.28 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.1 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.2 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.3 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.4 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.5 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.6 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.7 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.8 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.9 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.10 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.11 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.12 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.13 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.14 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.15 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.16 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.17 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.18 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.19 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.20 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.21 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.22 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.23 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.24 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.25 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.26 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.27 = entPhysicalFirmwareRev.28 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.1 = 1.9.2 entPhysicalSoftwareRev.2 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.3 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.4 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.5 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.6 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.7 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.8 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.9 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.10 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.11 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.12 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.13 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.14 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.15 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.16 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.17 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.18 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.19 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.20 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.21 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.22 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.23 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.24 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.25 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.26 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.27 = entPhysicalSoftwareRev.28 = entPhysicalSerialNum.1 = B4FBE450752A entPhysicalSerialNum.2 = entPhysicalSerialNum.3 = entPhysicalSerialNum.4 = entPhysicalSerialNum.5 = entPhysicalSerialNum.6 = entPhysicalSerialNum.7 = entPhysicalSerialNum.8 = entPhysicalSerialNum.9 = entPhysicalSerialNum.10 = entPhysicalSerialNum.11 = entPhysicalSerialNum.12 = entPhysicalSerialNum.13 = entPhysicalSerialNum.14 = entPhysicalSerialNum.15 = entPhysicalSerialNum.16 = entPhysicalSerialNum.17 = entPhysicalSerialNum.18 = entPhysicalSerialNum.19 = entPhysicalSerialNum.20 = entPhysicalSerialNum.21 = entPhysicalSerialNum.22 = entPhysicalSerialNum.23 = entPhysicalSerialNum.24 = entPhysicalSerialNum.25 = entPhysicalSerialNum.26 = entPhysicalSerialNum.27 = entPhysicalSerialNum.28 = entPhysicalMfgName.1 = entPhysicalMfgName.2 = entPhysicalMfgName.3 = entPhysicalMfgName.4 = entPhysicalMfgName.5 = entPhysicalMfgName.6 = entPhysicalMfgName.7 = entPhysicalMfgName.8 = entPhysicalMfgName.9 = entPhysicalMfgName.10 = entPhysicalMfgName.11 = entPhysicalMfgName.12 = entPhysicalMfgName.13 = entPhysicalMfgName.14 = entPhysicalMfgName.15 = entPhysicalMfgName.16 = entPhysicalMfgName.17 = entPhysicalMfgName.18 = entPhysicalMfgName.19 = entPhysicalMfgName.20 = entPhysicalMfgName.21 = entPhysicalMfgName.22 = entPhysicalMfgName.23 = entPhysicalMfgName.24 = entPhysicalMfgName.25 = entPhysicalMfgName.26 = entPhysicalMfgName.27 = entPhysicalMfgName.28 = entPhysicalModelName.1 = UBNT-ES24 entPhysicalModelName.2 = UBNT-ES24-24GE-POE-2GIG entPhysicalModelName.3 = entPhysicalModelName.4 = entPhysicalModelName.5 = entPhysicalModelName.6 = entPhysicalModelName.7 = entPhysicalModelName.8 = entPhysicalModelName.9 = entPhysicalModelName.10 = entPhysicalModelName.11 = entPhysicalModelName.12 = entPhysicalModelName.13 = entPhysicalModelName.14 = entPhysicalModelName.15 = entPhysicalModelName.16 = entPhysicalModelName.17 = entPhysicalModelName.18 = entPhysicalModelName.19 = entPhysicalModelName.20 = entPhysicalModelName.21 = entPhysicalModelName.22 = entPhysicalModelName.23 = entPhysicalModelName.24 = entPhysicalModelName.25 = entPhysicalModelName.26 = entPhysicalModelName.27 = entPhysicalModelName.28 = entPhysicalAlias.1 = entPhysicalAlias.2 = entPhysicalAlias.3 = entPhysicalAlias.4 = entPhysicalAlias.5 = entPhysicalAlias.6 = entPhysicalAlias.7 = entPhysicalAlias.8 = entPhysicalAlias.9 = entPhysicalAlias.10 = entPhysicalAlias.11 = entPhysicalAlias.12 = entPhysicalAlias.13 = entPhysicalAlias.14 = entPhysicalAlias.15 = entPhysicalAlias.16 = entPhysicalAlias.17 = entPhysicalAlias.18 = entPhysicalAlias.19 = entPhysicalAlias.20 = entPhysicalAlias.21 = entPhysicalAlias.22 = entPhysicalAlias.23 = entPhysicalAlias.24 = entPhysicalAlias.25 = entPhysicalAlias.26 = entPhysicalAlias.27 = entPhysicalAlias.28 = entPhysicalAssetID.1 = entPhysicalAssetID.2 = entPhysicalAssetID.3 = entPhysicalAssetID.4 = entPhysicalAssetID.5 = entPhysicalAssetID.6 = entPhysicalAssetID.7 = entPhysicalAssetID.8 = entPhysicalAssetID.9 = entPhysicalAssetID.10 = entPhysicalAssetID.11 = entPhysicalAssetID.12 = entPhysicalAssetID.13 = entPhysicalAssetID.14 = entPhysicalAssetID.15 = entPhysicalAssetID.16 = entPhysicalAssetID.17 = entPhysicalAssetID.18 = entPhysicalAssetID.19 = entPhysicalAssetID.20 = entPhysicalAssetID.21 = entPhysicalAssetID.22 = entPhysicalAssetID.23 = entPhysicalAssetID.24 = entPhysicalAssetID.25 = entPhysicalAssetID.26 = entPhysicalAssetID.27 = entPhysicalAssetID.28 = entPhysicalIsFRU.1 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.2 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.3 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.4 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.5 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.6 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.7 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.8 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.9 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.10 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.11 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.12 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.13 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.14 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.15 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.16 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.17 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.18 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.19 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.20 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.21 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.22 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.23 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.24 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.25 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.26 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.27 = false entPhysicalIsFRU.28 = false MIB search path: /opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch Cannot find module (CISCO-ENTITY-VENDORTYPE-OID-MIB): At line 1 in (none) entAliasMappingIdentifierSNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-MIB:IF-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entAliasMappingIdentifier'[0m] entAliasMappingIdentifier = No Such Instance currently exists at this OID Discover Inventory Item: 1, UBNT EdgeSwitch 24-Port, chassis, Unit 1, UBNT-ES24, B4FBE450752A, 0, , 1, zeroDotZero, , , 1.9.2, false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,1][0m 0.56ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[1,"UBNT EdgeSwitch 24-Port","chassis","Unit 1","UBNT-ES24","B4FBE450752A","0","","1","zeroDotZero","","","1.9.2","false","","",null,2,1][0m 0.65ms] Discover Inventory Item: 2, UBNT ES24 - 24 GE POE + 2 GE Ethernet Line Card, module, Slot 1.0, UBNT-ES24-24GE-POE-2GIG, , 1, , 0, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,2][0m 0.24ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[2,"UBNT ES24 - 24 GE POE + 2 GE Ethernet Line Card","module","Slot 1.0","UBNT-ES24-24GE-POE-2GIG","","1","","0","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,2][0m 0.46ms] Discover Inventory Item: 3, Slot: 0 Port: 1 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/1, , , 2, , 1, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,3][0m 0.23ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[3,"Slot: 0 Port: 1 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/1","","","2","","1","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,3][0m 0.45ms] Discover Inventory Item: 4, Slot: 0 Port: 2 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/2, , , 2, , 2, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,4][0m 0.27ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[4,"Slot: 0 Port: 2 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/2","","","2","","2","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,4][0m 0.45ms] Discover Inventory Item: 5, Slot: 0 Port: 3 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/3, , , 2, , 3, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,5][0m 0.24ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[5,"Slot: 0 Port: 3 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/3","","","2","","3","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,5][0m 0.45ms] Discover Inventory Item: 6, Slot: 0 Port: 4 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/4, , , 2, , 4, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,6][0m 0.23ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[6,"Slot: 0 Port: 4 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/4","","","2","","4","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,6][0m 0.45ms] Discover Inventory Item: 7, Slot: 0 Port: 5 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/5, , , 2, , 5, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,7][0m 0.23ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[7,"Slot: 0 Port: 5 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/5","","","2","","5","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,7][0m 0.5ms] Discover Inventory Item: 8, Slot: 0 Port: 6 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/6, , , 2, , 6, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,8][0m 0.25ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[8,"Slot: 0 Port: 6 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/6","","","2","","6","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,8][0m 0.45ms] Discover Inventory Item: 9, Slot: 0 Port: 7 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/7, , , 2, , 7, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,9][0m 0.23ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[9,"Slot: 0 Port: 7 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/7","","","2","","7","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,9][0m 0.46ms] Discover Inventory Item: 10, Slot: 0 Port: 8 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/8, , , 2, , 8, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,10][0m 0.24ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[10,"Slot: 0 Port: 8 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/8","","","2","","8","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,10][0m 0.56ms] Discover Inventory Item: 11, Slot: 0 Port: 9 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/9, , , 2, , 9, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,11][0m 0.23ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[11,"Slot: 0 Port: 9 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/9","","","2","","9","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,11][0m 0.47ms] Discover Inventory Item: 12, Slot: 0 Port: 10 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/10, , , 2, , 10, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,12][0m 0.23ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[12,"Slot: 0 Port: 10 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/10","","","2","","10","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,12][0m 0.45ms] Discover Inventory Item: 13, Slot: 0 Port: 11 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/11, , , 2, , 11, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,13][0m 0.23ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[13,"Slot: 0 Port: 11 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/11","","","2","","11","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,13][0m 0.62ms] Discover Inventory Item: 14, Slot: 0 Port: 12 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/12, , , 2, , 12, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,14][0m 0.23ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[14,"Slot: 0 Port: 12 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/12","","","2","","12","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,14][0m 0.4ms] Discover Inventory Item: 15, Slot: 0 Port: 13 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/13, , , 2, , 13, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,15][0m 0.23ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[15,"Slot: 0 Port: 13 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/13","","","2","","13","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,15][0m 0.38ms] Discover Inventory Item: 16, Slot: 0 Port: 14 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/14, , , 2, , 14, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,16][0m 0.23ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[16,"Slot: 0 Port: 14 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/14","","","2","","14","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,16][0m 0.38ms] Discover Inventory Item: 17, Slot: 0 Port: 15 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/15, , , 2, , 15, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,17][0m 0.23ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[17,"Slot: 0 Port: 15 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/15","","","2","","15","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,17][0m 0.4ms] Discover Inventory Item: 18, Slot: 0 Port: 16 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/16, , , 2, , 16, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,18][0m 0.23ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[18,"Slot: 0 Port: 16 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/16","","","2","","16","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,18][0m 0.38ms] Discover Inventory Item: 19, Slot: 0 Port: 17 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/17, , , 2, , 17, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,19][0m 0.23ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[19,"Slot: 0 Port: 17 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/17","","","2","","17","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,19][0m 0.38ms] Discover Inventory Item: 20, Slot: 0 Port: 18 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/18, , , 2, , 18, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,20][0m 0.23ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[20,"Slot: 0 Port: 18 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/18","","","2","","18","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,20][0m 0.38ms] Discover Inventory Item: 21, Slot: 0 Port: 19 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/19, , , 2, , 19, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,21][0m 0.25ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[21,"Slot: 0 Port: 19 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/19","","","2","","19","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,21][0m 0.38ms] Discover Inventory Item: 22, Slot: 0 Port: 20 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/20, , , 2, , 20, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,22][0m 0.23ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[22,"Slot: 0 Port: 20 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/20","","","2","","20","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,22][0m 0.4ms] Discover Inventory Item: 23, Slot: 0 Port: 21 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/21, , , 2, , 21, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,23][0m 0.24ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[23,"Slot: 0 Port: 21 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/21","","","2","","21","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,23][0m 0.38ms] Discover Inventory Item: 24, Slot: 0 Port: 22 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/22, , , 2, , 22, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,24][0m 0.23ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[24,"Slot: 0 Port: 22 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/22","","","2","","22","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,24][0m 0.4ms] Discover Inventory Item: 25, Slot: 0 Port: 23 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/23, , , 2, , 23, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,25][0m 0.24ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[25,"Slot: 0 Port: 23 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/23","","","2","","23","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,25][0m 0.39ms] Discover Inventory Item: 26, Slot: 0 Port: 24 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/24, , , 2, , 24, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,26][0m 0.24ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[26,"Slot: 0 Port: 24 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/24","","","2","","24","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,26][0m 0.37ms] Discover Inventory Item: 27, Slot: 0 Port: 25 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/25, , , 2, , 25, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,27][0m 0.23ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[27,"Slot: 0 Port: 25 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/25","","","2","","25","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,27][0m 0.37ms] Discover Inventory Item: 28, Slot: 0 Port: 26 Gigabit - Level, port, 0/26, , , 2, , 26, zeroDotZero, , , , false, , , SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(entPhysical_id) FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `entPhysicalIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,28][0m 0.23ms] .SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `entPhysical` set `entPhysicalIndex`=?,`entPhysicalDescr`=?,`entPhysicalClass`=?,`entPhysicalName`=?,`entPhysicalModelName`=?,`entPhysicalSerialNum`=?,`entPhysicalContainedIn`=?,`entPhysicalMfgName`=?,`entPhysicalParentRelPos`=?,`entPhysicalVendorType`=?,`entPhysicalHardwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalFirmwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalSoftwareRev`=?,`entPhysicalIsFRU`=?,`entPhysicalAlias`=?,`entPhysicalAssetID`=?,`ifIndex`=? WHERE `device_id`=? AND `entPhysicalIndex`=? [0;33m[28,"Slot: 0 Port: 26 Gigabit - Level","port","0\/26","","","2","","26","zeroDotZero","","","","false","","",null,2,28][0m 0.39ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = ? [0;33m[2][0m 0.41ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'entity-physical': 0.2170 seconds with 11448 bytes >> SNMP: [1/0.15s] MySQL: [29/0.02s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module entity-physical #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ entity-state ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ isis ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module processors #### No YAML Discovery data. SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Ovq' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.'[0m] " 5 Secs ( 13.8706%) 60 Secs ( 11.947%) 300 Secs ( 10.9899%)" Discovered LibreNMS\Device\Processor Array ( [processor_id] => [entPhysicalIndex] => 0 [hrDeviceIndex] => 0 [device_id] => 2 [processor_oid] => . [processor_index] => 0 [processor_type] => edgeswitch [processor_usage] => 13.8706 [processor_descr] => Processor [processor_precision] => 1 [processor_perc_warn] => 75 ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `processors` WHERE device_id=? AND processor_index=? AND processor_type=? [0;33m[2,"0","edgeswitch"][0m 0.55ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `processors` WHERE device_id=? AND processor_index=? AND processor_type=? [0;33m[2,"0","edgeswitch"][0m 0.26ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `processors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `processor_id` NOT IN (?,?) [0;33m[2,2,2][0m 0.26ms] SQL[[1;33mDELETE T FROM `processors` T LEFT JOIN `devices` ON `devices`.`device_id` = T.`device_id` WHERE `devices`.`device_id` IS NULL [0;33m[][0m 0.58ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'processors': 0.0380 seconds with 130000 bytes >> SNMP: [1/0.01s] MySQL: [4/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module processors #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module mempools #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUb' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'EdgeSwitch-SWITCHING-MIB::agentSwitchCpuProcessMemAvailable'[0m] EdgeSwitch-SWITCHING-MIB::agentSwitchCpuProcessMemAvailable.0 = 256400 SQL[[1;33mselect * from `cache` where `key` = ? limit 1 [0;33m["laravel_cacheYamlDiscovery:oidToNumeric:\/EdgeSwitch-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB\/EdgeSwitch-SWITCHING-MIB::agentSwitchCpuProcessMemAvailable"][0m 0.77ms] SQL[[1;33mselect * from `cache` where `key` = ? limit 1 [0;33m["laravel_cacheYamlDiscovery:oidToNumeric:\/EdgeSwitch-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB\/EdgeSwitch-SWITCHING-MIB::agentSwitchCpuProcessMemAvailable"][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mupdate `cache` set `value` = ?, `expiration` = ? where `key` = ? [0;33m["s:29:\".\";",1624447071,"laravel_cacheYamlDiscovery:oidToNumeric:\/EdgeSwitch-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB\/EdgeSwitch-SWITCHING-MIB::agentSwitchCpuProcessMemAvailable"][0m 2.17ms] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUb' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'EdgeSwitch-SWITCHING-MIB::agentSwitchCpuProcessMemFree'[0m] EdgeSwitch-SWITCHING-MIB::agentSwitchCpuProcessMemFree.0 = 65780 SQL[[1;33mselect * from `cache` where `key` = ? limit 1 [0;33m["laravel_cacheYamlDiscovery:oidToNumeric:\/EdgeSwitch-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB\/EdgeSwitch-SWITCHING-MIB::agentSwitchCpuProcessMemFree"][0m 2.01ms] SQL[[1;33mselect * from `cache` where `key` = ? limit 1 [0;33m["laravel_cacheYamlDiscovery:oidToNumeric:\/EdgeSwitch-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB\/EdgeSwitch-SWITCHING-MIB::agentSwitchCpuProcessMemFree"][0m 0.74ms] SQL[[1;33mupdate `cache` set `value` = ?, `expiration` = ? where `key` = ? [0;33m["s:29:\".\";",1624447071,"laravel_cacheYamlDiscovery:oidToNumeric:\/EdgeSwitch-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB\/EdgeSwitch-SWITCHING-MIB::agentSwitchCpuProcessMemFree"][0m 3.43ms] SQL[[1;33mselect * from `mempools` where `mempools`.`device_id` = ? and `mempools`.`device_id` is not null [0;33m[2][0m 1.01ms] SQL[[1;33mupdate `mempools` set `mempool_used` = ?, `mempool_free` = ? where `mempool_id` = ? [0;33m[195194880,67358720,1][0m 3.14ms] Updated data: array ( 'mempool_used' => 195194880, 'mempool_free' => 67358720, ) edgeswitch [system]: Memory: 746.15 MiiB / 250.39 MiiB >> Runtime for discovery module 'mempools': 0.3250 seconds with 340864 bytes >> SNMP: [2/0.19s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module mempools #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module cisco-vrf-lite #### SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM vrf_lite_cisco WHERE device_id = ? [0;33m[2][0m 0.86ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'cisco-vrf-lite': 0.0130 seconds with 2728 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [1/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module cisco-vrf-lite #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-mac-accounting ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-pw ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ vrf ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-cef ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ slas ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-cbqos ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-otv ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ cisco-qfp ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module ipv4-addresses #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Osq' '-m' 'IP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ipAdEntIfIndex'[0m] ipAdEntIfIndex.* 65 SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-m' 'IP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ipAdEntNetMask.'[0m] * SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ports` WHERE device_id = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,"65"][0m 0.5ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,"65"][0m 0.24ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ? [0;33m["\/24"][0m 0.23ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ipv4_networks` set `context_name`=? WHERE `ipv4_network` = ? [0;33m[null,"\/24"][0m 0.43ms] sSQL[[1;33mSELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ? [0;33m["\/24"][0m 0.22ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipv4_addresses` WHERE `ipv4_address` = ? AND `ipv4_prefixlen` = ? AND `port_id` = ? [0;33m["",24,30][0m 0.24ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ipv4_addresses` set `context_name`=? WHERE `ipv4_address` = ? AND `ipv4_prefixlen` = ? AND `port_id` = ? [0;33m[null,"",24,30][0m 0.4ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT `ipv4_addresses`.*, `ports`.`device_id`, `ports`.`ifIndex` FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` ON `ipv4_addresses`.`port_id` = `ports`.`port_id` WHERE `ports`.device_id = ? OR `ports`.`device_id` IS NULL [0;33m[2][0m 0.3ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'ipv4-addresses': 0.0650 seconds with 37920 bytes >> SNMP: [2/0.06s] MySQL: [3/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module ipv4-addresses #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module ipv6-addresses #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Osq' '-Ln' '-m' 'IP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6'[0m] ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6 No Such Object available on this agent at this OID Invalid snmp_walk() data = ipAddressIfIndex.ipv6 No Such Object available on this agent at this OID SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OsqnU' '-Ln' '-m' 'IPV6-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'ipv6AddrPfxLength'[0m] .*.*.8.1.2 No Such Object available on this agent at this OID Invalid snmp_walk() data = . No Such Object available on this agent at this OID SQL[[1;33mSELECT `ipv6_addresses`.*, `ports`.`device_id`, `ports`.`ifIndex` FROM `ipv6_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` ON `ipv6_addresses`.`port_id` = `ports`.`port_id` WHERE `ports`.device_id = ? OR `ports`.`device_id` IS NULL [0;33m[2][0m 1.25ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'ipv6-addresses': 0.1730 seconds with 9176 bytes >> SNMP: [2/0.17s] MySQL: [1/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module ipv6-addresses #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ route ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module sensors #### Caching data: mempools os sensors SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OteQUs' '-Ih' '-m' 'EdgeSwitch-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'boxServicesTempUnitEntry'[0m] boxServicesTempUnitIndex.1 = 1 boxServicesTempUnitState.1 = 1 boxServicesTempUnitTemperature.1 = 41 SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OteQUs' '-Ih' '-m' 'EdgeSwitch-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'boxServicesTempSensorsEntry'[0m] boxServicesUnitIndex.1.0 = 1 boxServicesUnitIndex.1.1 = 1 boxServicesUnitIndex.1.2 = 1 boxServicesUnitIndex.1.3 = 1 boxServicesUnitIndex.1.4 = 1 boxServicesUnitIndex.1.5 = 1 boxServicesUnitIndex.1.6 = 1 boxServicesUnitIndex.1.7 = 1 boxServicesTempSensorIndex.1.0 = 0 boxServicesTempSensorIndex.1.1 = 1 boxServicesTempSensorIndex.1.2 = 2 boxServicesTempSensorIndex.1.3 = 3 boxServicesTempSensorIndex.1.4 = 4 boxServicesTempSensorIndex.1.5 = 5 boxServicesTempSensorIndex.1.6 = 6 boxServicesTempSensorIndex.1.7 = 7 boxServicesTempSensorType.1.0 = 1 boxServicesTempSensorType.1.1 = 1 boxServicesTempSensorType.1.2 = 1 boxServicesTempSensorType.1.3 = 1 boxServicesTempSensorType.1.4 = 1 boxServicesTempSensorType.1.5 = 1 boxServicesTempSensorType.1.6 = 1 boxServicesTempSensorType.1.7 = 1 boxServicesTempSensorState.1.0 = 1 boxServicesTempSensorState.1.1 = 1 boxServicesTempSensorState.1.2 = 1 boxServicesTempSensorState.1.3 = 1 boxServicesTempSensorState.1.4 = 1 boxServicesTempSensorState.1.5 = 1 boxServicesTempSensorState.1.6 = 1 boxServicesTempSensorState.1.7 = 1 boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.0 = 41 boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.1 = 28 boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.2 = 39 boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.3 = 41 boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.4 = 39 boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.5 = 37 boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.6 = 37 boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.7 = 39 SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OteQUs' '-Ih' '-m' 'EdgeSwitch-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'boxServicesFansEntry'[0m] boxServicesFansIndex.1.0 = 0 boxServicesFansIndex.1.1 = 1 boxServicesFansIndex.1.2 = 2 boxServicesFansIndex.1.3 = 3 boxServicesFanItemType.1.0 = 1 boxServicesFanItemType.1.1 = 1 boxServicesFanItemType.1.2 = 1 boxServicesFanItemType.1.3 = 1 boxServicesFanItemState.1.0 = 2 boxServicesFanItemState.1.1 = 2 boxServicesFanItemState.1.2 = 2 boxServicesFanItemState.1.3 = 2 boxServicesFanSpeed.1.0 = 0 boxServicesFanSpeed.1.1 = 0 boxServicesFanSpeed.1.2 = 0 boxServicesFanSpeed.1.3 = 0 boxServicesFanDutyLevel.1.0 = 50 boxServicesFanDutyLevel.1.1 = 50 boxServicesFanDutyLevel.1.2 = 50 boxServicesFanDutyLevel.1.3 = 50 boxServicesFanUnitIndex.1.0 = 1 boxServicesFanUnitIndex.1.1 = 1 boxServicesFanUnitIndex.1.2 = 1 boxServicesFanUnitIndex.1.3 = 1 ENTITY-SENSOR: Caching OIDs: entPhysicalDescrSNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entPhysicalDescr'[0m] entPhysicalDescr.1 = UBNT EdgeSwitch 24-Port entPhysicalDescr.2 = UBNT ES24 - 24 GE POE + 2 GE Ethernet Line Card entPhysicalDescr.3 = Slot: 0 Port: 1 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.4 = Slot: 0 Port: 2 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.5 = Slot: 0 Port: 3 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.6 = Slot: 0 Port: 4 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.7 = Slot: 0 Port: 5 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.8 = Slot: 0 Port: 6 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.9 = Slot: 0 Port: 7 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.10 = Slot: 0 Port: 8 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.11 = Slot: 0 Port: 9 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.12 = Slot: 0 Port: 10 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.13 = Slot: 0 Port: 11 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.14 = Slot: 0 Port: 12 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.15 = Slot: 0 Port: 13 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.16 = Slot: 0 Port: 14 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.17 = Slot: 0 Port: 15 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.18 = Slot: 0 Port: 16 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.19 = Slot: 0 Port: 17 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.20 = Slot: 0 Port: 18 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.21 = Slot: 0 Port: 19 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.22 = Slot: 0 Port: 20 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.23 = Slot: 0 Port: 21 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.24 = Slot: 0 Port: 22 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.25 = Slot: 0 Port: 23 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.26 = Slot: 0 Port: 24 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.27 = Slot: 0 Port: 25 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalDescr.28 = Slot: 0 Port: 26 Gigabit - Level entPhysicalNameSNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entPhysicalName'[0m] entPhysicalName.1 = Unit 1 entPhysicalName.2 = Slot 1.0 entPhysicalName.3 = 0/1 entPhysicalName.4 = 0/2 entPhysicalName.5 = 0/3 entPhysicalName.6 = 0/4 entPhysicalName.7 = 0/5 entPhysicalName.8 = 0/6 entPhysicalName.9 = 0/7 entPhysicalName.10 = 0/8 entPhysicalName.11 = 0/9 entPhysicalName.12 = 0/10 entPhysicalName.13 = 0/11 entPhysicalName.14 = 0/12 entPhysicalName.15 = 0/13 entPhysicalName.16 = 0/14 entPhysicalName.17 = 0/15 entPhysicalName.18 = 0/16 entPhysicalName.19 = 0/17 entPhysicalName.20 = 0/18 entPhysicalName.21 = 0/19 entPhysicalName.22 = 0/20 entPhysicalName.23 = 0/21 entPhysicalName.24 = 0/22 entPhysicalName.25 = 0/23 entPhysicalName.26 = 0/24 entPhysicalName.27 = 0/25 entPhysicalName.28 = 0/26 entPhySensorTypeSNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entPhySensorType'[0m] entPhySensorType = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID Invalid snmp_walk() data = entPhySensorType = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID entPhySensorScaleSNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entPhySensorScale'[0m] entPhySensorScale = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID Invalid snmp_walk() data = entPhySensorScale = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID entPhySensorPrecisionSNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entPhySensorPrecision'[0m] entPhySensorPrecision = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID Invalid snmp_walk() data = entPhySensorPrecision = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID entPhySensorValueSNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entPhySensorValue'[0m] entPhySensorValue = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID Invalid snmp_walk() data = entPhySensorValue = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID entPhySensorOperStatusSNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'entPhySensorOperStatus'[0m] entPhySensorOperStatus = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID Invalid snmp_walk() data = entPhySensorOperStatus = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["voltage",2,"ipmi"][0m 3.11ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["temperature",2,"ipmi"][0m 2.6ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["fanspeed",2,"ipmi"][0m 2.52ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["power",2,"ipmi"][0m 2.66ms] Airflow: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["airflow",2,"snmp"][0m 2.52ms] Current: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["current",2,"snmp"][0m 2.64ms] Charge: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["charge",2,"snmp"][0m 2.47ms] Dbm: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["dbm",2,"snmp"][0m 2.39ms] Fanspeed: Dynamic Discovery (fanspeed): array ( 'data' => array ( 0 => array ( 'oid' => 'boxServicesFansEntry', 'value' => 'boxServicesFanSpeed', 'num_oid' => '.{{ $index }}', 'index' => 'boxServicesFanSpeed.{{ $index }}', 'descr' => 'Fan {{ $index }}', ), ), ) Data boxServicesFansEntry: array ( '1.0' => array ( 'boxServicesFansIndex' => '0', 'boxServicesFanItemType' => '1', 'boxServicesFanItemState' => '2', 'boxServicesFanSpeed' => '0', 'boxServicesFanDutyLevel' => '50', 'boxServicesFanUnitIndex' => '1', ), '1.1' => array ( 'boxServicesFansIndex' => '1', 'boxServicesFanItemType' => '1', 'boxServicesFanItemState' => '2', 'boxServicesFanSpeed' => '0', 'boxServicesFanDutyLevel' => '50', 'boxServicesFanUnitIndex' => '1', ), '1.2' => array ( 'boxServicesFansIndex' => '2', 'boxServicesFanItemType' => '1', 'boxServicesFanItemState' => '2', 'boxServicesFanSpeed' => '0', 'boxServicesFanDutyLevel' => '50', 'boxServicesFanUnitIndex' => '1', ), '1.3' => array ( 'boxServicesFansIndex' => '3', 'boxServicesFanItemType' => '1', 'boxServicesFanItemState' => '2', 'boxServicesFanSpeed' => '0', 'boxServicesFanDutyLevel' => '50', 'boxServicesFanUnitIndex' => '1', ), ) Sensor fetched value: 0 Cur 0, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesFanSpeed.1.0, edgeswitch, Fan 1.0, snmp, 1, 1, , 0, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","fanspeed",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesFanSpeed.1.0"][0m 0.89ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["fanspeed",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesFanSpeed.1.0"][0m 0.95ms] .Sensor fetched value: 0 Cur 0, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesFanSpeed.1.1, edgeswitch, Fan 1.1, snmp, 1, 1, , 0, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","fanspeed",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesFanSpeed.1.1"][0m 0.86ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["fanspeed",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesFanSpeed.1.1"][0m 0.94ms] .Sensor fetched value: 0 Cur 0, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesFanSpeed.1.2, edgeswitch, Fan 1.2, snmp, 1, 1, , 0, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","fanspeed",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesFanSpeed.1.2"][0m 0.85ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["fanspeed",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesFanSpeed.1.2"][0m 0.94ms] .Sensor fetched value: 0 Cur 0, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesFanSpeed.1.3, edgeswitch, Fan 1.3, snmp, 1, 1, , 0, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","fanspeed",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesFanSpeed.1.3"][0m 0.85ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["fanspeed",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesFanSpeed.1.3"][0m 0.94ms] .array ( 'edgeswitch' => array ( 'boxServicesFanSpeed.1.0' => 1, 'boxServicesFanSpeed.1.1' => 1, 'boxServicesFanSpeed.1.2' => 1, 'boxServicesFanSpeed.1.3' => 1, ), ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["fanspeed",2,"snmp"][0m 3.13ms] boxServicesFanSpeed.1.0 -> edgeswitch boxServicesFanSpeed.1.1 -> edgeswitch boxServicesFanSpeed.1.2 -> edgeswitch boxServicesFanSpeed.1.3 -> edgeswitch Frequency: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["frequency",2,"snmp"][0m 2.55ms] Humidity: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["humidity",2,"snmp"][0m 2.53ms] Load: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["load",2,"snmp"][0m 2.51ms] Loss: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["loss",2,"snmp"][0m 2.5ms] Power: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["power",2,"snmp"][0m 2.47ms] Power_consumed: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["power_consumed",2,"snmp"][0m 2.39ms] Power_factor: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["power_factor",2,"snmp"][0m 2.46ms] Runtime: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["runtime",2,"snmp"][0m 2.42ms] Signal: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["signal",2,"snmp"][0m 2.43ms] State: Dynamic Discovery (state): array ( 'data' => array ( 0 => array ( 'oid' => 'boxServicesTempUnitEntry', 'value' => 'boxServicesTempUnitState', 'num_oid' => '.{{ $index }}', 'descr' => 'Chassis state', 'index' => 'boxServicesTempUnitState.{{ $index }}', 'states' => array ( 0 => array ( 'value' => 0, 'descr' => 'low', 'graph' => 1, 'generic' => 1, ), 1 => array ( 'value' => 1, 'descr' => 'normal', 'graph' => 1, 'generic' => 0, ), 2 => array ( 'value' => 2, 'descr' => 'warning', 'graph' => 1, 'generic' => 1, ), 3 => array ( 'value' => 3, 'descr' => 'critical', 'graph' => 1, 'generic' => 2, ), 4 => array ( 'value' => 4, 'descr' => 'shutdown', 'graph' => 1, 'generic' => 2, ), 5 => array ( 'value' => 5, 'descr' => 'notpresent', 'graph' => 1, 'generic' => 3, ), 6 => array ( 'value' => 6, 'descr' => 'notoperational', 'graph' => 1, 'generic' => 2, ), ), ), 1 => array ( 'oid' => 'boxServicesTempSensorsEntry', 'value' => 'boxServicesTempSensorState', 'num_oid' => '.{{ $index }}', 'descr' => 'Temp Sensor {{ $index }}', 'index' => 'boxServicesTempSensorState.{{ $index }}', 'states' => array ( 0 => array ( 'value' => 0, 'descr' => 'low', 'graph' => 1, 'generic' => 1, ), 1 => array ( 'value' => 1, 'descr' => 'normal', 'graph' => 1, 'generic' => 0, ), 2 => array ( 'value' => 2, 'descr' => 'warning', 'graph' => 1, 'generic' => 1, ), 3 => array ( 'value' => 3, 'descr' => 'critical', 'graph' => 1, 'generic' => 2, ), 4 => array ( 'value' => 4, 'descr' => 'shutdown', 'graph' => 1, 'generic' => 2, ), 5 => array ( 'value' => 5, 'descr' => 'notpresent', 'graph' => 1, 'generic' => 3, ), 6 => array ( 'value' => 6, 'descr' => 'notoperational', 'graph' => 1, 'generic' => 2, ), ), ), 2 => array ( 'oid' => 'boxServicesFansEntry', 'value' => 'boxServicesFanItemState', 'num_oid' => '.{{ $index }}', 'descr' => 'Fan {{ $index }}', 'index' => 'boxServicesFanItemState.{{ $index }}', 'states' => array ( 0 => array ( 'value' => 1, 'descr' => 'notpresent', 'graph' => 1, 'generic' => 3, ), 1 => array ( 'value' => 2, 'descr' => 'operational', 'graph' => 1, 'generic' => 0, ), 2 => array ( 'value' => 3, 'descr' => 'failed', 'graph' => 1, 'generic' => 2, ), 3 => array ( 'value' => 4, 'descr' => 'powering', 'graph' => 1, 'generic' => 0, ), 4 => array ( 'value' => 5, 'descr' => 'nopower', 'graph' => 1, 'generic' => 2, ), 5 => array ( 'value' => 6, 'descr' => 'notpowering', 'graph' => 1, 'generic' => 2, ), 6 => array ( 'value' => 7, 'descr' => 'incompatible', 'graph' => 1, 'generic' => 1, ), ), ), ), ) Data boxServicesTempUnitEntry: array ( 1 => array ( 'boxServicesTempUnitIndex' => '1', 'boxServicesTempUnitState' => '1', 'boxServicesTempUnitTemperature' => '41', ), ) Sensor fetched value: 1 SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id` FROM state_indexes WHERE state_name = ? LIMIT 1 [0;33m["boxServicesTempUnitEntry"][0m 0.71ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id`,`state_descr`,`state_draw_graph`,`state_value`,`state_generic_value` FROM `state_translations` WHERE `state_index_id`=? [0;33m[3][0m 0.75ms] Cur 1, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesTempUnitState.1, boxServicesTempUnitEntry, Chassis state, snmp, 1, 1, , 1, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","state",2,"boxServicesTempUnitEntry","boxServicesTempUnitState.1"][0m 0.85ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesTempUnitEntry","boxServicesTempUnitState.1"][0m 0.94ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT sensor_id FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesTempUnitEntry","boxServicesTempUnitState.1"][0m 0.8ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT state_index_id FROM `state_indexes` WHERE `state_name` = ? [0;33m["boxServicesTempUnitEntry"][0m 0.67ms] SQL[[1;33mINSERT IGNORE INTO `sensors_to_state_indexes` (`sensor_id`,`state_index_id`) VALUES (:sensor_id,:state_index_id) [0;33m{"sensor_id":8,"state_index_id":3}[0m 18.25ms] Data boxServicesTempSensorsEntry: array ( '1.0' => array ( 'boxServicesUnitIndex' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorIndex' => '0', 'boxServicesTempSensorType' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorState' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature' => '41', ), '1.1' => array ( 'boxServicesUnitIndex' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorIndex' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorType' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorState' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature' => '28', ), '1.2' => array ( 'boxServicesUnitIndex' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorIndex' => '2', 'boxServicesTempSensorType' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorState' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature' => '39', ), '1.3' => array ( 'boxServicesUnitIndex' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorIndex' => '3', 'boxServicesTempSensorType' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorState' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature' => '41', ), '1.4' => array ( 'boxServicesUnitIndex' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorIndex' => '4', 'boxServicesTempSensorType' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorState' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature' => '39', ), '1.5' => array ( 'boxServicesUnitIndex' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorIndex' => '5', 'boxServicesTempSensorType' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorState' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature' => '37', ), '1.6' => array ( 'boxServicesUnitIndex' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorIndex' => '6', 'boxServicesTempSensorType' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorState' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature' => '37', ), '1.7' => array ( 'boxServicesUnitIndex' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorIndex' => '7', 'boxServicesTempSensorType' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorState' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature' => '39', ), ) Sensor fetched value: 1 SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id` FROM state_indexes WHERE state_name = ? LIMIT 1 [0;33m["boxServicesTempSensorsEntry"][0m 0.7ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id`,`state_descr`,`state_draw_graph`,`state_value`,`state_generic_value` FROM `state_translations` WHERE `state_index_id`=? [0;33m[4][0m 0.8ms] Cur 1, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesTempSensorState.1.0, boxServicesTempSensorsEntry, Temp Sensor 1.0, snmp, 1, 1, , 1, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.0"][0m 0.79ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.0"][0m 1.07ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT sensor_id FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.0"][0m 0.86ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT state_index_id FROM `state_indexes` WHERE `state_name` = ? [0;33m["boxServicesTempSensorsEntry"][0m 0.66ms] SQL[[1;33mINSERT IGNORE INTO `sensors_to_state_indexes` (`sensor_id`,`state_index_id`) VALUES (:sensor_id,:state_index_id) [0;33m{"sensor_id":9,"state_index_id":4}[0m 3.07ms] Sensor fetched value: 1 SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id` FROM state_indexes WHERE state_name = ? LIMIT 1 [0;33m["boxServicesTempSensorsEntry"][0m 0.69ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id`,`state_descr`,`state_draw_graph`,`state_value`,`state_generic_value` FROM `state_translations` WHERE `state_index_id`=? [0;33m[4][0m 0.79ms] Cur 1, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesTempSensorState.1.1, boxServicesTempSensorsEntry, Temp Sensor 1.1, snmp, 1, 1, , 1, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.1"][0m 0.78ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.1"][0m 1.01ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT sensor_id FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.1"][0m 0.75ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT state_index_id FROM `state_indexes` WHERE `state_name` = ? [0;33m["boxServicesTempSensorsEntry"][0m 0.66ms] SQL[[1;33mINSERT IGNORE INTO `sensors_to_state_indexes` (`sensor_id`,`state_index_id`) VALUES (:sensor_id,:state_index_id) [0;33m{"sensor_id":10,"state_index_id":4}[0m 19.84ms] Sensor fetched value: 1 SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id` FROM state_indexes WHERE state_name = ? LIMIT 1 [0;33m["boxServicesTempSensorsEntry"][0m 0.64ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id`,`state_descr`,`state_draw_graph`,`state_value`,`state_generic_value` FROM `state_translations` WHERE `state_index_id`=? [0;33m[4][0m 2.68ms] Cur 1, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesTempSensorState.1.2, boxServicesTempSensorsEntry, Temp Sensor 1.2, snmp, 1, 1, , 1, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.2"][0m 1.38ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.2"][0m 1.08ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT sensor_id FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.2"][0m 0.69ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT state_index_id FROM `state_indexes` WHERE `state_name` = ? [0;33m["boxServicesTempSensorsEntry"][0m 0.6ms] SQL[[1;33mINSERT IGNORE INTO `sensors_to_state_indexes` (`sensor_id`,`state_index_id`) VALUES (:sensor_id,:state_index_id) [0;33m{"sensor_id":11,"state_index_id":4}[0m 2.91ms] Sensor fetched value: 1 SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id` FROM state_indexes WHERE state_name = ? LIMIT 1 [0;33m["boxServicesTempSensorsEntry"][0m 0.67ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id`,`state_descr`,`state_draw_graph`,`state_value`,`state_generic_value` FROM `state_translations` WHERE `state_index_id`=? [0;33m[4][0m 0.71ms] Cur 1, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesTempSensorState.1.3, boxServicesTempSensorsEntry, Temp Sensor 1.3, snmp, 1, 1, , 1, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.3"][0m 0.83ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.3"][0m 0.99ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT sensor_id FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.3"][0m 0.74ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT state_index_id FROM `state_indexes` WHERE `state_name` = ? [0;33m["boxServicesTempSensorsEntry"][0m 0.72ms] SQL[[1;33mINSERT IGNORE INTO `sensors_to_state_indexes` (`sensor_id`,`state_index_id`) VALUES (:sensor_id,:state_index_id) [0;33m{"sensor_id":12,"state_index_id":4}[0m 2.9ms] Sensor fetched value: 1 SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id` FROM state_indexes WHERE state_name = ? LIMIT 1 [0;33m["boxServicesTempSensorsEntry"][0m 0.7ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id`,`state_descr`,`state_draw_graph`,`state_value`,`state_generic_value` FROM `state_translations` WHERE `state_index_id`=? [0;33m[4][0m 0.73ms] Cur 1, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesTempSensorState.1.4, boxServicesTempSensorsEntry, Temp Sensor 1.4, snmp, 1, 1, , 1, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.4"][0m 0.82ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.4"][0m 0.94ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT sensor_id FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.4"][0m 0.74ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT state_index_id FROM `state_indexes` WHERE `state_name` = ? [0;33m["boxServicesTempSensorsEntry"][0m 0.72ms] SQL[[1;33mINSERT IGNORE INTO `sensors_to_state_indexes` (`sensor_id`,`state_index_id`) VALUES (:sensor_id,:state_index_id) [0;33m{"sensor_id":13,"state_index_id":4}[0m 3.02ms] Sensor fetched value: 1 SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id` FROM state_indexes WHERE state_name = ? LIMIT 1 [0;33m["boxServicesTempSensorsEntry"][0m 0.7ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id`,`state_descr`,`state_draw_graph`,`state_value`,`state_generic_value` FROM `state_translations` WHERE `state_index_id`=? [0;33m[4][0m 0.73ms] Cur 1, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesTempSensorState.1.5, boxServicesTempSensorsEntry, Temp Sensor 1.5, snmp, 1, 1, , 1, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.5"][0m 0.8ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.5"][0m 0.94ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT sensor_id FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.5"][0m 0.75ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT state_index_id FROM `state_indexes` WHERE `state_name` = ? [0;33m["boxServicesTempSensorsEntry"][0m 0.67ms] SQL[[1;33mINSERT IGNORE INTO `sensors_to_state_indexes` (`sensor_id`,`state_index_id`) VALUES (:sensor_id,:state_index_id) [0;33m{"sensor_id":14,"state_index_id":4}[0m 3.01ms] Sensor fetched value: 1 SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id` FROM state_indexes WHERE state_name = ? LIMIT 1 [0;33m["boxServicesTempSensorsEntry"][0m 0.7ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id`,`state_descr`,`state_draw_graph`,`state_value`,`state_generic_value` FROM `state_translations` WHERE `state_index_id`=? [0;33m[4][0m 0.79ms] Cur 1, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesTempSensorState.1.6, boxServicesTempSensorsEntry, Temp Sensor 1.6, snmp, 1, 1, , 1, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.6"][0m 0.79ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.6"][0m 1.14ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT sensor_id FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.6"][0m 0.83ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT state_index_id FROM `state_indexes` WHERE `state_name` = ? [0;33m["boxServicesTempSensorsEntry"][0m 0.66ms] SQL[[1;33mINSERT IGNORE INTO `sensors_to_state_indexes` (`sensor_id`,`state_index_id`) VALUES (:sensor_id,:state_index_id) [0;33m{"sensor_id":15,"state_index_id":4}[0m 3.83ms] Sensor fetched value: 1 SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id` FROM state_indexes WHERE state_name = ? LIMIT 1 [0;33m["boxServicesTempSensorsEntry"][0m 0.74ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id`,`state_descr`,`state_draw_graph`,`state_value`,`state_generic_value` FROM `state_translations` WHERE `state_index_id`=? [0;33m[4][0m 0.73ms] Cur 1, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesTempSensorState.1.7, boxServicesTempSensorsEntry, Temp Sensor 1.7, snmp, 1, 1, , 1, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.7"][0m 0.86ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.7"][0m 0.95ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT sensor_id FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesTempSensorsEntry","boxServicesTempSensorState.1.7"][0m 0.75ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT state_index_id FROM `state_indexes` WHERE `state_name` = ? [0;33m["boxServicesTempSensorsEntry"][0m 0.72ms] SQL[[1;33mINSERT IGNORE INTO `sensors_to_state_indexes` (`sensor_id`,`state_index_id`) VALUES (:sensor_id,:state_index_id) [0;33m{"sensor_id":16,"state_index_id":4}[0m 2.9ms] Data boxServicesFansEntry: array ( '1.0' => array ( 'boxServicesFansIndex' => '0', 'boxServicesFanItemType' => '1', 'boxServicesFanItemState' => '2', 'boxServicesFanSpeed' => '0', 'boxServicesFanDutyLevel' => '50', 'boxServicesFanUnitIndex' => '1', ), '1.1' => array ( 'boxServicesFansIndex' => '1', 'boxServicesFanItemType' => '1', 'boxServicesFanItemState' => '2', 'boxServicesFanSpeed' => '0', 'boxServicesFanDutyLevel' => '50', 'boxServicesFanUnitIndex' => '1', ), '1.2' => array ( 'boxServicesFansIndex' => '2', 'boxServicesFanItemType' => '1', 'boxServicesFanItemState' => '2', 'boxServicesFanSpeed' => '0', 'boxServicesFanDutyLevel' => '50', 'boxServicesFanUnitIndex' => '1', ), '1.3' => array ( 'boxServicesFansIndex' => '3', 'boxServicesFanItemType' => '1', 'boxServicesFanItemState' => '2', 'boxServicesFanSpeed' => '0', 'boxServicesFanDutyLevel' => '50', 'boxServicesFanUnitIndex' => '1', ), ) Sensor fetched value: 2 SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id` FROM state_indexes WHERE state_name = ? LIMIT 1 [0;33m["boxServicesFansEntry"][0m 0.71ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id`,`state_descr`,`state_draw_graph`,`state_value`,`state_generic_value` FROM `state_translations` WHERE `state_index_id`=? [0;33m[5][0m 0.8ms] Cur 2, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesFanItemState.1.0, boxServicesFansEntry, Fan 1.0, snmp, 1, 1, , 2, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","state",2,"boxServicesFansEntry","boxServicesFanItemState.1.0"][0m 0.79ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesFansEntry","boxServicesFanItemState.1.0"][0m 0.93ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT sensor_id FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesFansEntry","boxServicesFanItemState.1.0"][0m 0.88ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT state_index_id FROM `state_indexes` WHERE `state_name` = ? [0;33m["boxServicesFansEntry"][0m 0.69ms] SQL[[1;33mINSERT IGNORE INTO `sensors_to_state_indexes` (`sensor_id`,`state_index_id`) VALUES (:sensor_id,:state_index_id) [0;33m{"sensor_id":17,"state_index_id":5}[0m 3.06ms] Sensor fetched value: 2 SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id` FROM state_indexes WHERE state_name = ? LIMIT 1 [0;33m["boxServicesFansEntry"][0m 0.23ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id`,`state_descr`,`state_draw_graph`,`state_value`,`state_generic_value` FROM `state_translations` WHERE `state_index_id`=? [0;33m[5][0m 0.24ms] Cur 2, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesFanItemState.1.1, boxServicesFansEntry, Fan 1.1, snmp, 1, 1, , 2, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","state",2,"boxServicesFansEntry","boxServicesFanItemState.1.1"][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesFansEntry","boxServicesFanItemState.1.1"][0m 0.32ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT sensor_id FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesFansEntry","boxServicesFanItemState.1.1"][0m 0.24ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT state_index_id FROM `state_indexes` WHERE `state_name` = ? [0;33m["boxServicesFansEntry"][0m 0.23ms] SQL[[1;33mINSERT IGNORE INTO `sensors_to_state_indexes` (`sensor_id`,`state_index_id`) VALUES (:sensor_id,:state_index_id) [0;33m{"sensor_id":18,"state_index_id":5}[0m 1.59ms] Sensor fetched value: 2 SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id` FROM state_indexes WHERE state_name = ? LIMIT 1 [0;33m["boxServicesFansEntry"][0m 0.23ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id`,`state_descr`,`state_draw_graph`,`state_value`,`state_generic_value` FROM `state_translations` WHERE `state_index_id`=? [0;33m[5][0m 0.24ms] Cur 2, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesFanItemState.1.2, boxServicesFansEntry, Fan 1.2, snmp, 1, 1, , 2, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","state",2,"boxServicesFansEntry","boxServicesFanItemState.1.2"][0m 0.26ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesFansEntry","boxServicesFanItemState.1.2"][0m 0.3ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT sensor_id FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesFansEntry","boxServicesFanItemState.1.2"][0m 0.24ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT state_index_id FROM `state_indexes` WHERE `state_name` = ? [0;33m["boxServicesFansEntry"][0m 0.21ms] SQL[[1;33mINSERT IGNORE INTO `sensors_to_state_indexes` (`sensor_id`,`state_index_id`) VALUES (:sensor_id,:state_index_id) [0;33m{"sensor_id":19,"state_index_id":5}[0m 1.58ms] Sensor fetched value: 2 SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id` FROM state_indexes WHERE state_name = ? LIMIT 1 [0;33m["boxServicesFansEntry"][0m 0.23ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT `state_index_id`,`state_descr`,`state_draw_graph`,`state_value`,`state_generic_value` FROM `state_translations` WHERE `state_index_id`=? [0;33m[5][0m 0.24ms] Cur 2, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesFanItemState.1.3, boxServicesFansEntry, Fan 1.3, snmp, 1, 1, , 2, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","state",2,"boxServicesFansEntry","boxServicesFanItemState.1.3"][0m 0.28ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesFansEntry","boxServicesFanItemState.1.3"][0m 0.3ms] .SQL[[1;33mSELECT sensor_id FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["state",2,"boxServicesFansEntry","boxServicesFanItemState.1.3"][0m 0.24ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT state_index_id FROM `state_indexes` WHERE `state_name` = ? [0;33m["boxServicesFansEntry"][0m 0.21ms] SQL[[1;33mINSERT IGNORE INTO `sensors_to_state_indexes` (`sensor_id`,`state_index_id`) VALUES (:sensor_id,:state_index_id) [0;33m{"sensor_id":20,"state_index_id":5}[0m 1.58ms] array ( 'boxServicesTempUnitEntry' => array ( 'boxServicesTempUnitState.1' => 1, ), 'boxServicesTempSensorsEntry' => array ( 'boxServicesTempSensorState.1.0' => 1, 'boxServicesTempSensorState.1.1' => 1, 'boxServicesTempSensorState.1.2' => 1, 'boxServicesTempSensorState.1.3' => 1, 'boxServicesTempSensorState.1.4' => 1, 'boxServicesTempSensorState.1.5' => 1, 'boxServicesTempSensorState.1.6' => 1, 'boxServicesTempSensorState.1.7' => 1, ), 'boxServicesFansEntry' => array ( 'boxServicesFanItemState.1.0' => 1, 'boxServicesFanItemState.1.1' => 1, 'boxServicesFanItemState.1.2' => 1, 'boxServicesFanItemState.1.3' => 1, ), ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["state",2,"snmp"][0m 1.28ms] boxServicesTempUnitState.1 -> boxServicesTempUnitEntry boxServicesTempSensorState.1.0 -> boxServicesTempSensorsEntry boxServicesTempSensorState.1.1 -> boxServicesTempSensorsEntry boxServicesTempSensorState.1.2 -> boxServicesTempSensorsEntry boxServicesTempSensorState.1.3 -> boxServicesTempSensorsEntry boxServicesTempSensorState.1.4 -> boxServicesTempSensorsEntry boxServicesTempSensorState.1.5 -> boxServicesTempSensorsEntry boxServicesTempSensorState.1.6 -> boxServicesTempSensorsEntry boxServicesTempSensorState.1.7 -> boxServicesTempSensorsEntry boxServicesFanItemState.1.0 -> boxServicesFansEntry boxServicesFanItemState.1.1 -> boxServicesFansEntry boxServicesFanItemState.1.2 -> boxServicesFansEntry boxServicesFanItemState.1.3 -> boxServicesFansEntry Count: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["count",2,"snmp"][0m 0.8ms] Temperature: Dynamic Discovery (temperature): array ( 'data' => array ( 0 => array ( 'oid' => 'boxServicesTempSensorsEntry', 'value' => 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature', 'num_oid' => '.{{ $index }}', 'index' => 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.{{ $index }}', 'descr' => 'Temperature {{ $index }}', ), ), ) Data boxServicesTempSensorsEntry: array ( '1.0' => array ( 'boxServicesUnitIndex' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorIndex' => '0', 'boxServicesTempSensorType' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorState' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature' => '41', ), '1.1' => array ( 'boxServicesUnitIndex' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorIndex' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorType' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorState' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature' => '28', ), '1.2' => array ( 'boxServicesUnitIndex' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorIndex' => '2', 'boxServicesTempSensorType' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorState' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature' => '39', ), '1.3' => array ( 'boxServicesUnitIndex' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorIndex' => '3', 'boxServicesTempSensorType' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorState' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature' => '41', ), '1.4' => array ( 'boxServicesUnitIndex' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorIndex' => '4', 'boxServicesTempSensorType' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorState' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature' => '39', ), '1.5' => array ( 'boxServicesUnitIndex' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorIndex' => '5', 'boxServicesTempSensorType' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorState' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature' => '37', ), '1.6' => array ( 'boxServicesUnitIndex' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorIndex' => '6', 'boxServicesTempSensorType' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorState' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature' => '37', ), '1.7' => array ( 'boxServicesUnitIndex' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorIndex' => '7', 'boxServicesTempSensorType' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorState' => '1', 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature' => '39', ), ) Sensor fetched value: 41 Cur 41, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.0, edgeswitch, Temperature 1.0, snmp, 1, 1, , 41, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","temperature",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.0"][0m 0.27ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["temperature",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.0"][0m 0.31ms] .Sensor fetched value: 28 Cur 28, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.1, edgeswitch, Temperature 1.1, snmp, 1, 1, , 28, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","temperature",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.1"][0m 0.26ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["temperature",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.1"][0m 0.3ms] .Sensor fetched value: 39 Cur 39, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.2, edgeswitch, Temperature 1.2, snmp, 1, 1, , 39, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","temperature",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.2"][0m 0.26ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["temperature",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.2"][0m 0.3ms] .Sensor fetched value: 41 Cur 41, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.3, edgeswitch, Temperature 1.3, snmp, 1, 1, , 41, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","temperature",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.3"][0m 0.26ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["temperature",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.3"][0m 0.3ms] .Sensor fetched value: 39 Cur 39, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.4, edgeswitch, Temperature 1.4, snmp, 1, 1, , 39, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","temperature",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.4"][0m 0.26ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["temperature",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.4"][0m 0.3ms] .Sensor fetched value: 37 Cur 37, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.5, edgeswitch, Temperature 1.5, snmp, 1, 1, , 37, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","temperature",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.5"][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["temperature",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.5"][0m 0.3ms] .Sensor fetched value: 37 Cur 37, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.6, edgeswitch, Temperature 1.6, snmp, 1, 1, , 37, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","temperature",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.6"][0m 0.26ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["temperature",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.6"][0m 0.3ms] .Sensor fetched value: 39 Cur 39, Low: null, Low Warn: null, Warn: null, High: null Discover sensor: ., boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.7, edgeswitch, Temperature 1.7, snmp, 1, 1, , 39, (limits: LL: , LW: , W: , H: ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(sensor_id) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND sensor_type = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["snmp","temperature",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.7"][0m 0.28ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ? [0;33m["temperature",2,"edgeswitch","boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.7"][0m 0.33ms] .array ( 'edgeswitch' => array ( 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.0' => 1, 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.1' => 1, 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.2' => 1, 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.3' => 1, 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.4' => 1, 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.5' => 1, 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.6' => 1, 'boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.7' => 1, ), ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["temperature",2,"snmp"][0m 0.99ms] boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.0 -> edgeswitch boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.1 -> edgeswitch boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.2 -> edgeswitch boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.3 -> edgeswitch boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.4 -> edgeswitch boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.5 -> edgeswitch boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.6 -> edgeswitch boxServicesTempSensorTemperature.1.7 -> edgeswitch Tv_signal: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["tv_signal",2,"snmp"][0m 0.82ms] Voltage: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["voltage",2,"snmp"][0m 0.81ms] Snr: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["snr",2,"snmp"][0m 0.79ms] Pressure: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["pressure",2,"snmp"][0m 0.79ms] Cooling: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["cooling",2,"snmp"][0m 0.8ms] Delay: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["delay",2,"snmp"][0m 0.78ms] Quality_factor: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["quality_factor",2,"snmp"][0m 0.78ms] Chromatic_dispersion: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["chromatic_dispersion",2,"snmp"][0m 0.81ms] Ber: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["ber",2,"snmp"][0m 0.8ms] Eer: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["eer",2,"snmp"][0m 0.79ms] Waterflow: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["waterflow",2,"snmp"][0m 0.79ms] Percent: array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM sensors AS S, devices AS D WHERE S.sensor_class=? AND S.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = ? AND S.poller_type = ? [0;33m["percent",2,"snmp"][0m 0.81ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'sensors': 0.8080 seconds with 55632 bytes >> SNMP: [10/0.46s] MySQL: [110/0.22s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module sensors #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module storage #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'IBM-AIX-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'aixFsTableEntry'[0m] Exitcode: 1 MIB search path: /opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch Cannot find module (IBM-AIX-MIB): At line 1 in (none) aixFsTableEntry: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: (top) -> aixFsTableEntry) MIB search path: /opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch Cannot find module (IBM-AIX-MIB): At line 1 in (none) aixFsTableEntry: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: (top) -> aixFsTableEntry) aix_filesystem : SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'DATA-DOMAIN-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch:/opt/librenms/mibs/datadomain' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'fileSystemSpaceTable'[0m] fileSystemSpaceTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID Invalid snmp_walk() data = fileSystemSpaceTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'FREENAS-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'datasetTable'[0m] Exitcode: 1 MIB search path: /opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch Cannot find module (FREENAS-MIB): At line 1 in (none) datasetTable: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: (top) -> datasetTable) MIB search path: /opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch Cannot find module (FREENAS-MIB): At line 1 in (none) datasetTable: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: (top) -> datasetTable) SQL[[1;33mSELECT `storage_descr` FROM `storage` WHERE `device_id` = '2' AND `storage_type` != 'dataset' [0;33m[][0m 0.49ms] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'FREENAS-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'zpoolTable'[0m] Exitcode: 1 MIB search path: /opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch Cannot find module (FREENAS-MIB): At line 1 in (none) zpoolTable: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: (top) -> zpoolTable) MIB search path: /opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch Cannot find module (FREENAS-MIB): At line 1 in (none) zpoolTable: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: (top) -> zpoolTable) SQL[[1;33mSELECT `storage_descr` FROM `storage` WHERE `device_id` = '2' AND `storage_type` != 'zpool' [0;33m[][0m 0.48ms] communityStringIndexing SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUsetX' '-m' 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'hrStorageTable'[0m] hrStorageTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID hrStorage : SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'UCD-SNMP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dskTable'[0m] dskTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID Invalid snmp_walk() data = dskTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID SQL[[1;33mSELECT `storage_descr` FROM `storage` WHERE `device_id` = '2' AND `storage_type` != 'dsk' [0;33m[][0m 0.49ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `storage` WHERE `device_id` = '2' [0;33m[][0m 0.28ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'storage': 0.1710 seconds with 16920 bytes >> SNMP: [5/0.12s] MySQL: [1/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module storage #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module hr-device #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'hrDeviceEntry'[0m] hrDeviceEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID Invalid snmp_walk() data = hrDeviceEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'hrProcessorEntry'[0m] hrProcessorEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID Invalid snmp_walk() data = hrProcessorEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `hrDevice` WHERE `device_id` = '2' [0;33m[][0m 0.53ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'hr-device': 0.0390 seconds with 3664 bytes >> SNMP: [2/0.04s] MySQL: [1/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module hr-device #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module discovery-protocols #### CISCO-CDP-MIB: communityStringIndexing SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUsetX' '-m' 'CISCO-CDP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'cdpCache'[0m] Exitcode: 1 MIB search path: /opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch Cannot find module (CISCO-CDP-MIB): At line 1 in (none) cdpCache: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: (top) -> cdpCache) MIB search path: /opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch Cannot find module (CISCO-CDP-MIB): At line 1 in (none) cdpCache: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: (top) -> cdpCache) LLDP-MIB: communityStringIndexing SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUsetX' '-m' 'LLDP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'lldpRemTable'[0m] lldpRemChassisIdSubtype[80][1][1] = 4 lldpRemChassisId[80][1][1] = "FC EC DA 4D F4 8A " lldpRemPortIdSubtype[80][1][1] = 7 lldpRemPortId[80][1][1] = "Port 2" lldpRemPortDesc[80][1][1] = Port 2 lldpRemSysName[80][1][1] = NONPOE24PortSwitchTOP lldpRemSysDesc[80][1][1] = US-24-G1, *33, Linux 3.6.5 lldpRemSysCapSupported[80][1][1] = "00 20 " lldpRemSysCapEnabled[80][1][1] = "00 20 " SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQun' '-m' 'LLDP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' '.1.0.8802.'[0m] .1.0.88*.*.3 = No Such Instance currently exists at this OID Invalid snmp_walk() data = .1.0.8802. = No Such Instance currently exists at this OID communityStringIndexing SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUsetX' '-m' 'BRIDGE-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dot1dBasePortIfIndex'[0m] dot1dBasePortIfIndex[1] = 1 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[2] = 2 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[3] = 3 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[4] = 4 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[5] = 5 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[6] = 6 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[7] = 7 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[8] = 8 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[9] = 9 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[10] = 10 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[11] = 11 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[12] = 12 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[13] = 13 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[14] = 14 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[15] = 15 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[16] = 16 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[17] = 17 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[18] = 18 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[19] = 19 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[20] = 20 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[21] = 21 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[22] = 22 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[23] = 23 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[24] = 24 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[25] = 25 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[26] = 26 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[66] = 66 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[67] = 67 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[68] = 68 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[69] = 69 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[70] = 70 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[71] = 71 communityStringIndexing SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUsetX' '-m' 'LLDP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'lldpLocPortId'[0m] lldpLocPortId[1] = "0/1" lldpLocPortId[2] = "0/2" lldpLocPortId[3] = "0/3" lldpLocPortId[4] = "0/4" lldpLocPortId[5] = "0/5" lldpLocPortId[6] = "0/6" lldpLocPortId[7] = "0/7" lldpLocPortId[8] = "0/8" lldpLocPortId[9] = "0/9" lldpLocPortId[10] = "0/10" lldpLocPortId[11] = "0/11" lldpLocPortId[12] = "0/12" lldpLocPortId[13] = "0/13" lldpLocPortId[14] = "0/14" lldpLocPortId[15] = "0/15" lldpLocPortId[16] = "0/16" lldpLocPortId[17] = "0/17" lldpLocPortId[18] = "0/18" lldpLocPortId[19] = "0/19" lldpLocPortId[20] = "0/20" lldpLocPortId[21] = "0/21" lldpLocPortId[22] = "0/22" lldpLocPortId[23] = "0/23" lldpLocPortId[24] = "0/24" lldpLocPortId[25] = "0/25" lldpLocPortId[26] = "0/26" SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM (SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id`=? AND (`ifDescr`=? OR `ifName`=?) UNION SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id`=? AND (`ifIndex`=? OR `ifAlias`=?) UNION SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `ifAlias`=? LIMIT 1) p [0;33m[2,"0\/1","0\/1",2,"1","1",2,"0\/1"][0m 0.73ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `port_id` = ? [0;33m[4][0m 0.47ms] array ( 1 => array ( 'lldpRemChassisIdSubtype' => '4', 'lldpRemChassisId' => 'FC EC DA 4D F4 8A', 'lldpRemPortIdSubtype' => '7', 'lldpRemPortId' => 'Port 2', 'lldpRemPortDesc' => 'Port 2', 'lldpRemSysName' => 'NONPOE24PortSwitchTOP', 'lldpRemSysDesc' => 'US-24-G1,, Linux 3.6.5', 'lldpRemSysCapSupported' => '00 20', 'lldpRemSysCapEnabled' => '00 20', ), ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `hostname`=? [0;33m["NONPOE24PortSwitchTOP"][0m 0.58ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT `device_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `ifPhysAddress`=? [0;33m["fcecda4df48a"][0m 0.22ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `sysName`=? LIMIT 2 [0;33m["NONPOE24PortSwitchTOP"][0m 0.41ms] discovering NONPOE24PortSwitchTOP name lookup of NONPOE24PortSwitchTOP failed SQL[[1;33minsert into `eventlog` (`device_id`, `reference`, `type`, `datetime`, `severity`, `message`, `username`) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [0;33m[2,null,"discovery","2021-06-23 10:47:53",5,"LLDP discovery of NONPOE24PortSwitchTOP failed - Check name lookup",""][0m 1.81ms] SQL[[1;33mselect * from `devices` where `device_id` = ? limit 1 [0;33m[0][0m 0.65ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM (SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `ifPhysAddress`=? LIMIT 1) p [0;33m["fcecda4df48a"][0m 0.29ms] Discover link: 4, lldp, 0, NONPOE24PortSwitchTOP, Port 2 (fcecda4df48a), , US-24-G1,, Linux 3.6.5, SQL[[1;33mSELECT COUNT(*) FROM `links` WHERE `remote_hostname` = ? AND `local_port_id` = ? AND `protocol` = ? AND `remote_port` = ? [0;33m["NONPOE24PortSwitchTOP",4,"lldp","Port 2 (fcecda4df48a)"][0m 0.27ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT `id`,`local_device_id`,`remote_platform`,`remote_version`,`remote_device_id`,`remote_port_id` FROM `links` WHERE `remote_hostname` = ? AND `local_port_id` = ? AND `protocol` = ? AND `remote_port` = ? [0;33m["NONPOE24PortSwitchTOP",4,"lldp","Port 2 (fcecda4df48a)"][0m 0.28ms] . OSPF Discovery: SQL[[1;33mSELECT DISTINCT(`ospfNbrIpAddr`),`device_id` FROM `ospf_nbrs` WHERE `device_id`=? [0;33m[2][0m 0.23ms] array ( 4 => array ( 'NONPOE24PortSwitchTOP' => array ( 'Port 2 (fcecda4df48a)' => 1, ), ), ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `links` AS L, `ports` AS I WHERE L.local_port_id = I.port_id AND I.device_id = ? [0;33m[2][0m 0.49ms] 4 -> NONPOE24PortSwitchTOP -> Port 2 (fcecda4df48a) SQL[[1;33mDELETE T FROM `links` T LEFT JOIN `devices` ON `devices`.`device_id` = T.`local_device_id` WHERE `devices`.`device_id` IS NULL [0;33m[][0m 0.43ms] 0 orphaned links deleted >> Runtime for discovery module 'discovery-protocols': 0.2050 seconds with 98336 bytes >> SNMP: [1/0.03s] MySQL: [5/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module discovery-protocols #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module arp-table #### communityStringIndexing SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUsetX' '-m' 'EdgeSwitch-SWITCHING-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'agentDynamicDsBindingTable'[0m] agentDynamicDsBindingTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID SQL[[1;33mSELECT * from `ipv4_mac` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `context_name`=? [0;33m[2,""][0m 0.53ms] Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /opt/librenms/includes/discovery/ on line 52 SQL[[1;33mDELETE T FROM `ipv4_mac` T LEFT JOIN `ports` ON `ports`.`port_id` = T.`port_id` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON `devices`.`device_id` = T.`device_id` WHERE `ports`.`port_id` IS NULL AND `devices`.`device_id` IS NULL [0;33m[][0m 0.6ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'arp-table': 0.0400 seconds with -9296 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [2/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module arp-table #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ discovery-arp ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ junose-atm-vp ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module bgp-peers #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpgetnext' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUsv' '-m' 'BGP4-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'bgpLocalAs'[0m] 1 AS1 SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQ' '-m' 'BGP4-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'bgpPeerRemoteAs'[0m] BGP4-MIB::bgpPeerRemoteAs = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID Invalid snmp_walk() data = BGP4-MIB::bgpPeerRemoteAs = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID Peers : SQL[[1;33mDELETE FROM `bgpPeers` WHERE device_id=? AND context_name=? [0;33m[2,""][0m 0.67ms] SQL[[1;33mDELETE FROM `bgpPeers_cbgp` WHERE device_id=? AND context_name=? [0;33m[2,""][0m 0.37ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT DISTINCT context_name FROM bgpPeers WHERE device_id=? [0;33m[2][0m 0.29ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'bgp-peers': 0.0600 seconds with 6152 bytes >> SNMP: [2/0.05s] MySQL: [2/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module bgp-peers #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module vlans #### SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `vlans` WHERE `device_id` = ? [0;33m[2][0m 0.27ms] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'BRIDGE-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dot1dBasePortIfIndex'[0m] dot1dBasePortIfIndex.1 = 1 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.2 = 2 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.3 = 3 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.4 = 4 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.5 = 5 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.6 = 6 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.7 = 7 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.8 = 8 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.9 = 9 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.10 = 10 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.11 = 11 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.12 = 12 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.13 = 13 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.14 = 14 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.15 = 15 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.16 = 16 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.17 = 17 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.18 = 18 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.19 = 19 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.20 = 20 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.21 = 21 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.22 = 22 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.23 = 23 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.24 = 24 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.25 = 25 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.26 = 26 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.66 = 66 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.67 = 67 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.68 = 68 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.69 = 69 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.70 = 70 dot1dBasePortIfIndex.71 = 71 IEEE8021-Q-BRIDGE-MIB VLANs: SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-m' 'IEEE8021-Q-BRIDGE-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dot1qVlanVersionNumber.0'[0m] version1 ver version1 SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'Q-BRIDGE-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dot1qVlanStaticName'[0m] dot1qVlanStaticName.1 = default SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '--hexOutputLength=0' '-m' 'Q-BRIDGE-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dot1qVlanCurrentEgressPorts'[0m] dot1qVlanCurrentEgressPorts.0.1 = "FF FF FF C0 00 00 00 00 7E 00 00 00 00 00 00 " SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '--hexOutputLength=0' '-m' 'Q-BRIDGE-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dot1qVlanCurrentUntaggedPorts'[0m] dot1qVlanCurrentUntaggedPorts.0.1 = "FF FF FF C0 00 00 00 00 7E 00 00 00 00 00 00 " 1 . VLAN 1 dot1d id ifIndex Port Name Priority State Cost SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,1][0m 0.7ms] 1 Slot: 0 Port: 1 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,4,1][0m 0.31ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[1,0,"unknown",0,1,1][0m 0.46ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,2][0m 0.41ms] 2 Slot: 0 Port: 2 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,5,1][0m 0.26ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[2,0,"unknown",0,1,2][0m 0.34ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,3][0m 0.41ms] 3 Slot: 0 Port: 3 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,6,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[3,0,"unknown",0,1,3][0m 0.33ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,4][0m 0.41ms] 4 Slot: 0 Port: 4 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,7,1][0m 0.27ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[4,0,"unknown",0,1,4][0m 0.33ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,5][0m 0.41ms] 5 Slot: 0 Port: 5 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,8,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[5,0,"unknown",0,1,5][0m 0.33ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,6][0m 0.41ms] 6 Slot: 0 Port: 6 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,9,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[6,0,"unknown",0,1,6][0m 0.33ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,7][0m 0.41ms] 7 Slot: 0 Port: 7 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,10,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[7,0,"unknown",0,1,7][0m 0.33ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,8][0m 0.41ms] 8 Slot: 0 Port: 8 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,11,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[8,0,"unknown",0,1,8][0m 0.36ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,9][0m 0.41ms] 9 Slot: 0 Port: 9 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,12,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[9,0,"unknown",0,1,9][0m 0.35ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,10][0m 0.4ms] 10 Slot: 0 Port: 10 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,13,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[10,0,"unknown",0,1,10][0m 0.33ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,11][0m 0.43ms] 11 Slot: 0 Port: 11 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,14,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[11,0,"unknown",0,1,11][0m 0.35ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,12][0m 0.41ms] 12 Slot: 0 Port: 12 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,15,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[12,0,"unknown",0,1,12][0m 0.33ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,13][0m 0.4ms] 13 Slot: 0 Port: 13 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,16,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[13,0,"unknown",0,1,13][0m 0.35ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,14][0m 0.41ms] 14 Slot: 0 Port: 14 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,17,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[14,0,"unknown",0,1,14][0m 0.33ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,15][0m 0.42ms] 15 Slot: 0 Port: 15 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,18,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[15,0,"unknown",0,1,15][0m 0.33ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,16][0m 0.43ms] 16 Slot: 0 Port: 16 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,19,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[16,0,"unknown",0,1,16][0m 0.35ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,17][0m 0.41ms] 17 Slot: 0 Port: 17 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,20,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[17,0,"unknown",0,1,17][0m 0.33ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,18][0m 0.41ms] 18 Slot: 0 Port: 18 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,21,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[18,0,"unknown",0,1,18][0m 0.33ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,19][0m 0.42ms] 19 Slot: 0 Port: 19 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,22,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[19,0,"unknown",0,1,19][0m 0.33ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,20][0m 0.41ms] 20 Slot: 0 Port: 20 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,23,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[20,0,"unknown",0,1,20][0m 0.35ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,21][0m 0.43ms] 21 Slot: 0 Port: 21 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,24,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[21,0,"unknown",0,1,21][0m 0.34ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,22][0m 0.41ms] 22 Slot: 0 Port: 22 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,25,1][0m 0.26ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[22,0,"unknown",0,1,22][0m 0.33ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,23][0m 0.4ms] 23 Slot: 0 Port: 23 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,26,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[23,0,"unknown",0,1,23][0m 0.33ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,24][0m 0.42ms] 24 Slot: 0 Port: 24 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,27,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[24,0,"unknown",0,1,24][0m 0.32ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,25][0m 0.42ms] 25 Slot: 0 Port: 25 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,28,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[25,0,"unknown",0,1,25][0m 0.32ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,26][0m 0.43ms] 26 Slot: 0 Port: 26 Gigabit - Level SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,29,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[26,0,"unknown",0,1,26][0m 0.33ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,66][0m 0.41ms] 66 Link Aggregate 1 SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,31,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[66,0,"unknown",0,1,27][0m 0.33ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,67][0m 0.45ms] 67 Link Aggregate 2 SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,32,1][0m 0.27ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[67,0,"unknown",0,1,28][0m 0.33ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,68][0m 0.42ms] 68 Link Aggregate 3 SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,33,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[68,0,"unknown",0,1,29][0m 0.33ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,69][0m 0.41ms] 69 Link Aggregate 4 SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,34,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[69,0,"unknown",0,1,30][0m 0.33ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,70][0m 0.41ms] 70 Link Aggregate 5 SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,35,1][0m 0.26ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[70,0,"unknown",0,1,31][0m 0.33ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [0;33m[2,71][0m 0.42ms] 71 Link Aggregate 6 SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ? [0;33m[2,36,1][0m 0.25ms] SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `ports_vlans` set `baseport`=?,`priority`=?,`state`=?,`cost`=?,`untagged`=? WHERE `port_vlan_id` = ? [0;33m[71,0,"unknown",0,1,32][0m 0.47ms] Updated SQL[[1;33mDELETE FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `port_vlan_id` NOT IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) [0;33m[2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32][0m 0.4ms] Deleted 0 vlan mappings >> Runtime for discovery module 'vlans': 0.2140 seconds with 408456 bytes >> SNMP: [5/0.16s] MySQL: [98/0.05s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module vlans #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ vmware-vminfo ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ libvirt-vminfo ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ printer-supplies ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module ucd-diskio #### SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUs' '-m' 'UCD-DISKIO-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'diskIOEntry'[0m] diskIOEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID Invalid snmp_walk() data = diskIOEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID array ( ) SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ucd_diskio` where `device_id` = '2' [0;33m[][0m 0.46ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'ucd-diskio': 0.0280 seconds with 3224 bytes >> SNMP: [1/0.03s] MySQL: [1/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module ucd-diskio #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ applications ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module services #### >> Runtime for discovery module 'services': 0.0050 seconds with 768 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module services #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module stp #### SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `stp` WHERE `device_id` = ? [0;33m[2][0m 0.3ms] SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-m' 'RSTP-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dot1dStpProtocolSpecification.0'[0m] No Such Object available on this agent at this OID >> Runtime for discovery module 'stp': 0.0170 seconds with 5928 bytes >> SNMP: [1/0.02s] MySQL: [1/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module stp #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module ntp #### >> Runtime for discovery module 'ntp': 0.0000 seconds with 280 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module ntp #### Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ loadbalancers ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global- OS Device Module [ mef ] disabled globally. Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module wireless #### SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"ap-count"][0m 0.54ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"clients"][0m 0.33ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"quality"][0m 0.3ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"capacity"][0m 0.29ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"utilization"][0m 0.29ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"rate"][0m 0.32ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"ccq"][0m 0.31ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"snr"][0m 0.29ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"sinr"][0m 0.29ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"rsrp"][0m 0.29ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"rsrq"][0m 0.29ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"ssr"][0m 0.28ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"mse"][0m 0.29ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"xpi"][0m 0.32ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"rssi"][0m 0.29ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"power"][0m 0.29ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"noise-floor"][0m 0.29ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"errors"][0m 0.29ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"error-ratio"][0m 0.28ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"error-rate"][0m 0.29ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"frequency"][0m 0.28ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"distance"][0m 0.29ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"cell"][0m 0.28ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `wireless_sensors` WHERE `device_id`=? AND `sensor_class`=? [0;33m[2,"channel"][0m 0.33ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'wireless': 0.0610 seconds with 131584 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [24/0.01s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module wireless #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module fdb-table #### SQL[[1;33mSELECT `vlan_id`, `vlan_vlan` from `vlans` WHERE `device_id` = ? [0;33m[2][0m 0.24ms] SQL[[1;33mSELECT * FROM `ports_fdb` WHERE `device_id` = ? [0;33m[2][0m 0.62ms] communityStringIndexing SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUsetX' '-m' 'EdgeSwitch-SWITCHING-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'agentDynamicDsBindingTable'[0m] agentDynamicDsBindingTable = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID communityStringIndexing SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUsetX' '-m' 'Q-BRIDGE-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dot1qTpFdbPort'[0m] dot1qTpFdbPort[1][0:15:65:ca:90:43] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][0:15:65:ca:90:61] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][0:24:9b:66:8f:a1] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][8:0:37:cb:2e:bf] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][c:38:3e:1c:df:cc] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][c:38:3e:1c:e8:69] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][16:99:96:36:ca:f4] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][18:a9:5:4f:14:f4] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][22:e2:d6:b7:70:90] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][36:ac:31:a5:cf:6d] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][48:4d:7e:f4:a3:51] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][50:9a:4c:57:bb:d0] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][6e:79:a3:35:9f:90] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][78:e7:d1:e1:3f:f4] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][8a:f9:71:59:36:1b] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][8e:eb:80:a:79:9d] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][9c:ae:d3:ab:c:3f] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][9c:ae:d3:ae:3:a1] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][9c:ae:d3:b2:32:e1] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][9c:da:3e:7e:be:9f] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][aa:d7:ba:3f:60:24] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][b4:fb:e4:50:75:2a] = 65 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][c6:ca:e1:99:59:ec] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][ca:92:f4:fd:c4:2a] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][d4:be:d9:16:3c:48] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][e0:d5:5e:c5:1b:bd] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][e4:8d:8c:3c:88:de] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][e4:c3:2a:48:42:d4] = 7 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][f0:1f:af:25:11:1c] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][f2:a8:a3:8f:29:e6] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][fc:ec:da:42:c6:1c] = 1 dot1qTpFdbPort[1][fc:ec:da:4d:f4:8b] = 1 Q-BRIDGE-MIB:communityStringIndexing SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUsetX' '-m' 'BRIDGE-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dot1dBasePortIfIndex'[0m] dot1dBasePortIfIndex[1] = 1 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[2] = 2 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[3] = 3 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[4] = 4 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[5] = 5 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[6] = 6 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[7] = 7 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[8] = 8 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[9] = 9 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[10] = 10 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[11] = 11 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[12] = 12 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[13] = 13 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[14] = 14 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[15] = 15 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[16] = 16 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[17] = 17 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[18] = 18 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[19] = 19 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[20] = 20 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[21] = 21 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[22] = 22 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[23] = 23 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[24] = 24 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[25] = 25 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[26] = 26 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[66] = 66 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[67] = 67 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[68] = 68 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[69] = 69 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[70] = 70 dot1dBasePortIfIndex[71] = 71 communityStringIndexing SNMP[[0;36m'/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-OQUsetX' '-m' 'Q-BRIDGE-MIB' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/edgeswitch' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'dot1qVlanFdbId'[0m] dot1qVlanFdbId[0][1] = 1 vlan 1 mac 001565ca9043 port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac 001565ca9061 port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac 00249b668fa1 port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac 080037cb2ebf port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac 0c383e1cdfcc port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac 0c383e1ce869 port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac 16999636caf4 port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac 18a9054f14f4 port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac 22e2d6b77090 port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac 36ac31a5cf6d port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac 484d7ef4a351 port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac 509a4c57bbd0 port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac 6e79a3359f90 port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac 78e7d1e13ff4 port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac 8af97159361b port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac 8eeb800a799d port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac 9caed3ab0c3f port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac 9caed3ae03a1 port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac 9caed3b232e1 port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac 9cda3e7ebe9f port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac aad7ba3f6024 port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac b4fbe450752a port (65) vlan 1 mac c6cae19959ec port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac ca92f4fdc42a port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac d4bed9163c48 port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac e0d55ec51bbd port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac e48d8c3c88de port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac e4c32a4842d4 port (7) 10 vlan 1 mac f01faf25111c port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac f2a8a38f29e6 port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac fcecda42c61c port (1) 4 vlan 1 mac fcecda4df48b port (1) 4 1: ................................ SQL[[1;33mupdate `ports_fdb` set `updated_at` = ? where `ports_fdb_id` in (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [0;33m["2021-06-23 10:47:53",3,4,29,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,30,31,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,32,33,23,24,25,26,34,27,28][0m 4.94ms] >> Runtime for discovery module 'fdb-table': 0.2130 seconds with 43136 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [2/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module fdb-table #### Modules status: Global+ OS Device #### Load disco module mpls #### >> Runtime for discovery module 'mpls': 0.0020 seconds with 23952 bytes >> SNMP: [0/0.00s] MySQL: [0/0.00s] RRD: [0/0.00s] #### Unload disco module mpls #### SQL[[1;33mUPDATE `devices` set `last_discovered`=NOW(),`last_discovered_timetaken`=? WHERE `device_id` = ? [0;33m[5.521,2][0m 3.13ms] Discovered in 5.521 seconds ./discovery.php 2021-06-23 10:47:53 - 1 devices discovered in 5.896 secs SNMP [46/2.63s]: Get[10/0.97s] Getnext[1/0.03s] Walk[35/1.63s] MySQL [325/0.57s]: Cell[77/0.06s] Row[43/0.04s] Rows[82/0.14s] Column[5/0.00s] Update[98/0.20s] Insert[14/0.13s] Delete[6/0.00s] RRD [0/0.00s]: