How pretty am i scientifically ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❤️ Link №1: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❤️ Link №2: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Of , 94 percent say that they do above-average work. Therefore, if people truly believe that an attractively enhanced picture is their own, they should recognize that picture more quickly, which is exactly what the researchers found. People tend to say that an attractively enhanced picture is their own, but Epley and Whitchurch wanted to be sure that people truly believe what they say. Ask us with confidentiality. Most of us think that we are better than we actually are — not just physically, but in every way. Am I Fat or Skinny? - Before all this, each woman is asked to socialize with a stranger, who later separately describes the woman to the forensic artist. All you have to do is upload a front on picture, select your gender, then dot the points onto your face. After that it gives a result, saying how good looking you are on a scale of 1-10. Funny thing is, I did picture of brad pitt and he only got an 8. I honestly thought I was gonna get like a 2 haha 8. Basically, my cheeks are too cheeky making my face wider than it should be. I think part of it depends on the picture you use, I tend to angle my head a bit I noticed while doing this, so I couldn't get quite a straight-on image as was displayed, and maybe that could affect the results some, but I hardly think a computer can tell me how attractive I am... Based on personal experience, I'm probably a 6 at best lol I used 3 different photos. I'm an average looking or slightly below average looking guy, and anaface gave me very high scores 9. I'm pretty sure the programmers discovered a new, extremely potent form of marijuana, crossbred it with angel-dust, and then smoked large quantities of it before, during, and after programming their software. There is no other plausible explanation for my having scored above 9. Guess I can't settle for anyone less attractive now could I. That would be just shallow thinking, I need to mix with ugly people and make them look average. This is all a bunch of crap. Every girl has her own unique beauty. Start Privacy Statement Please do not start if you have low self-esteem or confidence issues. I'm an average looking or slightly below average looking guy, and anaface gave me very high scores 9. In a series of studies, Epley and Whitchurch showed that we see ourselves as better looking than we actually are. Find out how attractive your body is. Therefore, if people truly how pretty am i scientifically that an attractively enhanced picture is their own, they should recognize that picture more quickly, which is exactly what the researchers found. Sincere thing is, I did picture of brad pitt and he only got an 8. I'm pretty sure the programmers discovered a new, extremely potent form of marijuana, crossbred it with angel-dust, and then smoked large quantities of it before, during, and after programming their software. Please do not get met with your answer, the judgement are based on stereotypes and famous celebrities that are labeled 'Hot'. Based on personal experience, I'm probably a 6 at best lol I used 3 different photos.