-- -- RADIO-BRIDGE-MH-TG-MIB.mib -- Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 14:07:00 -- RADIO-BRIDGE-MH-TG-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS InterfaceIndex FROM IF-MIB radioBridgeRoot FROM RADIO-BRIDGE-MIB OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF TimeTicks, Gauge32, Counter64, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; -- rbTgMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "202302121900Z" -- February 12, 2023 at 19:00 GMT ORGANIZATION "Siklu Communication LTD." CONTACT-INFO "Support: https://siklu.com/contact/" DESCRIPTION "The MIB module for managing Siklu Multihaul TG products. Copyright 2023 by Siklu Communication Ltd. All rights reserved." REVISION "202302151405Z" -- February 15, 2023 at 14:05 GMT DESCRIPTION "The original version of this MIB" ::= { radioBridgeRoot 35 } -- -- Textual conventions -- RbTgAdminStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The desired state of the interface. Can be either enabled/up or disabled/down." SYNTAX INTEGER { asUp(1), asDown(2) } RbTgRadioNodeAssignedName ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "255a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Multihaul TG Node ID/Assigned Name (AN). The name identifies the Multihaul TG node (DN or CN) across RF link. The AN must be unique across the entire Multihaul TG network." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..8)) RbTgRadioSectorIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of a radio sector." SYNTAX Gauge32 (1..4) RbTgRadioNodeLocalRole ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether the local node initiated the RF link or responded to the RF link request." SYNTAX INTEGER { rnlrInitiator(1), rnlrResponder(2) } RbTgRadioMcs ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Modulation Coding Scheme index (MCS)." SYNTAX Gauge32 (0..12) RbTgRadioTxPowerIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transmit power index (relative). 1. For MCS 9 and lower the limit is 31. 2. For MCS 10 and higher the index limit is 25." SYNTAX Gauge32 (6..31) RbTgRadioRfLinkSpeed ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Over-the-air (OTA) rate." SYNTAX Gauge32 (0..3800) RbTgRadioBeamIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tx/Rx beam index." SYNTAX Gauge32 (0..119) RbTgRadioBeamAngle ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Beam direction for azimuth or elevation." SYNTAX INTEGER (-180..180) RbTgRadioActiveTilesCount ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of active RF tiles." SYNTAX Gauge32 (1..8) RbTgRadioGolayIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the radio Golay code sequence. Must be specified in TG node defaults and/or for each sector. Could be overridden in RF link. Based on TG radio definitions." SYNTAX INTEGER { rgiUnspecified(0), rgiVal1(1), rgiVal2(2) } RbTgRadioDnResponderNodeType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether the TG unit is a distribution node (DN) or a client node (CN)." SYNTAX INTEGER { rdrntDn(1), rdrntCn(2) } RbTgRadioDnControlSuperframe ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time slot at which the local node exchanges control information with the remote node. Only valid for DN to DN RF links. For DN to CN RF links must be set to unspecified." SYNTAX INTEGER { rdcs0(0), rdcs1(1), rdcsUnspecified(10) } RbTgRadioDnSectorBitmap ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "b" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A bit map representation of the local or remote RF sectors list. For example: sector 1 and 2 will be represented as 0x3." SYNTAX Gauge32 (1..15) RbTgRadioDnLinkState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Possible states of RF link ignition. Possible options are: 1. The RF link is connected. 2. The RF link admin status is down. 3. The local sectors of the RF link are down. 4. Waiting for the incoming RF link. 5. Waiting in queue. 6. Waiting for next polarity period. In this state DN to DN RF links will wait while sector polarity will math current ignition polarity. 7. Link ignition in progress." SYNTAX INTEGER { rdlsConnected(1), rdlsLinkAdminDown(2), rdlsSectorAdminDown(3), rdlsWaitingUpstreamConnection(4), rdlsWaitingInQueue(5), rdlsWaitingPolarityPeriod(6), rdlsIgnition(7) } -- -- Node definitions -- -- rbTgMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rbTgMIB 1 } -- rbTgRadioCommon OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rbTgMIBObjects 1 } -- rbTgRcNodeConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rbTgRadioCommon 1 } -- rbTgRcSectorsConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rbTgRadioCommon 2 } -- rbTgRcLinks OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rbTgRadioCommon 3 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RbTgRcLinksActiveEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of all connected RF links and their parameters (initiated and responded) indexed by ifIndex." ::= { rbTgRcLinks 1 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRcLinksActiveEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing management information applicable to a particular RF link." INDEX { rbTgRcLinksActiveIfIndex } ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveTable 1 } RbTgRcLinksActiveEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rbTgRcLinksActiveIfIndex InterfaceIndex, rbTgRcLinksActiveRemoteName RbTgRadioNodeAssignedName, rbTgRcLinksActiveActualRemoteSector RbTgRadioSectorIndex, rbTgRcLinksActiveActualLocalSector RbTgRadioSectorIndex, rbTgRcLinksActiveLocalRole RbTgRadioNodeLocalRole, rbTgRcLinksActiveLinkUptime TimeTicks, rbTgRcLinksActiveRssi INTEGER, rbTgRcLinksActiveSnr DisplayString, rbTgRcLinksActiveMcsRx RbTgRadioMcs, rbTgRcLinksActiveMcsTx RbTgRadioMcs, rbTgRcLinksActiveRxPer DisplayString, rbTgRcLinksActiveTxPer DisplayString, rbTgRcLinksActiveTxPowerIndex RbTgRadioTxPowerIndex, rbTgRcLinksActiveSpeedRx RbTgRadioRfLinkSpeed, rbTgRcLinksActiveSpeedTx RbTgRadioRfLinkSpeed, rbTgRcLinksActiveBeamIndexRx RbTgRadioBeamIndex, rbTgRcLinksActiveBeamAzimuthRx RbTgRadioBeamAngle, rbTgRcLinksActiveBeamElevationRx RbTgRadioBeamAngle, rbTgRcLinksActiveActiveTileCountRx RbTgRadioActiveTilesCount, rbTgRcLinksActiveBeamIndexTx RbTgRadioBeamIndex, rbTgRcLinksActiveBeamAzimuthTx RbTgRadioBeamAngle, rbTgRcLinksActiveBeamElevationTx RbTgRadioBeamAngle, rbTgRcLinksActiveActiveTileCountTx RbTgRadioActiveTilesCount, rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxOk Counter64, rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterTxOk Counter64, rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxFail Counter64, rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterTxFail Counter64, rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxHcsFail Counter64, rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterTxFailures Counter64, rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxFailures Counter64, rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxDropBufSize Counter64, rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxDropEncryptionFail Counter64, rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxDropRaMismatch Counter64, rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxDropUnexpected Counter64 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value that identifies the RF link." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 1 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveRemoteName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioNodeAssignedName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The network Assigned Name/ID (AN) of the remote unit to which an RF link is defined." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 2 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveActualRemoteSector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioSectorIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The remote sector index that the RF link is associated to (in the remote unit)." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 3 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveActualLocalSector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioSectorIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The local sector index that the RF link is associated from." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 4 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveLocalRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioNodeLocalRole MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes whether the local unit initiated the RF link or responded to it." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 5 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveLinkUptime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of sysUpTime at the time the RF link was changed state to UP." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 6 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveRssi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-200..0) UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received signal strength indicator. Range: -200dBm to 0dBm, resolution of 1dBm." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 7 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveSnr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signal-to-Noise Ratio. Range: -50dB to +100dB, resolution of 0.1dB." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 8 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveMcsRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioMcs MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Modulation Coding Scheme index of RX." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 9 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveMcsTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioMcs MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Modulation Coding Scheme index of TX." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 10 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveRxPer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString UNITS "Percentage" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Packet Error Rate (PER) of RX, in percentage. 2 fraction-digits accuracy." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 11 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveTxPer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString UNITS "Percentage" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Packet Error Rate (PER) of TX, in percentage. 2 fraction-digits accuracy." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 12 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveTxPowerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioTxPowerIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Transmit Power Index (relative)." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 13 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveSpeedRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioRfLinkSpeed UNITS "Mbps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current over-the-air (OTA) rate of RX." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 14 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveSpeedTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioRfLinkSpeed UNITS "Mbps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current over-the-air (OTA) rate of TX." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 15 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveBeamIndexRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioBeamIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current index of active RX beam." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 16 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveBeamAzimuthRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioBeamAngle UNITS "Degrees" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current azimuth direction of active RX beam." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 17 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveBeamElevationRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioBeamAngle UNITS "Degrees" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current elevation direction of active RX beam." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 18 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveActiveTileCountRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioActiveTilesCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count of active RF tiles for RX beam." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 19 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveBeamIndexTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioBeamIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current index of active TX beam." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 20 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveBeamAzimuthTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioBeamAngle UNITS "Degrees" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current azimuth direction of active TX beam." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 21 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveBeamElevationTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioBeamAngle UNITS "Degrees" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current elevation direction of active TX beam." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 22 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveActiveTileCountTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioActiveTilesCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count of active RF tiles for TX beam." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 23 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxOk OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of successfully received frames/MPDUs." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 24 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterTxOk OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of successfully transmitted frames/MPDUs." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 25 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxFail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of CRC failed frames received (Once CRC fail, cannot trust RA as well)." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 26 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterTxFail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of transmission failures." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 27 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxHcsFail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of received frames with HCS failed PLCP header." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 28 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterTxFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of TX packets dropped due to lifetime expiry." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 29 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of RX packets failures." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 30 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxDropBufSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total RX Discard count due to Buffer overflow." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 31 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxDropEncryptionFail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total RX Discard count due to Encryption failure." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 32 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxDropRaMismatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total RX Discard count due to RA mismatch." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 33 } -- rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxDropUnexpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total RX Discard count due to other unexpected reasons or PER emulator." ::= { rbTgRcLinksActiveEntry 34 } -- rbTgRadioDn OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rbTgMIBObjects 2 } -- rbTgRdNodeConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rbTgRadioDn 1 } -- rbTgRdSectorsConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rbTgRadioDn 2 } -- rbTgRdLinks OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rbTgRadioDn 3 } -- rbTgRdLinksConfiguredTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RbTgRdLinksConfiguredEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of all RF links that the Data Node will try to initiate indexed by ifIndex." ::= { rbTgRdLinks 1 } -- rbTgRdLinksConfiguredEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRdLinksConfiguredEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing management information applicable to a particular RF link." INDEX { rbTgRdLinksConfiguredIfIndex } ::= { rbTgRdLinksConfiguredTable 1 } RbTgRdLinksConfiguredEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rbTgRdLinksConfiguredIfIndex InterfaceIndex, rbTgRdLinksConfiguredRemoteName RbTgRadioNodeAssignedName, rbTgRdLinksConfiguredResponderNodeType RbTgRadioDnResponderNodeType, rbTgRdLinksConfiguredControlSuperframe RbTgRadioDnControlSuperframe, rbTgRdLinksConfiguredAdminStatus RbTgAdminStatus, rbTgRdLinksConfiguredLocalSectorBitmap RbTgRadioDnSectorBitmap, rbTgRdLinksConfiguredRemoteSectorBitmap RbTgRadioDnSectorBitmap, rbTgRdLinksConfiguredLinkState RbTgRadioDnLinkState, rbTgRdLinksConfiguredTxGolayIndex RbTgRadioGolayIndex, rbTgRdLinksConfiguredRxGolayIndex RbTgRadioGolayIndex } -- rbTgRdLinksConfiguredIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value that identifies the RF link." ::= { rbTgRdLinksConfiguredEntry 1 } -- rbTgRdLinksConfiguredRemoteName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioNodeAssignedName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The network Assigned Name/ID (AN) of the remote unit to which an RF link is defined." ::= { rbTgRdLinksConfiguredEntry 2 } -- rbTgRdLinksConfiguredResponderNodeType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioDnResponderNodeType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The requested Node type of the remote Node. The RF link will be rejected if the remote Node is already configured to a different type by another active RF link. To avoid rejected, the rules are: 1. Any RF link to a base unit must set the value to rrntDn. 2. Any RF link to a terminal unit must set the value to rrntCn." ::= { rbTgRdLinksConfiguredEntry 3 } -- rbTgRdLinksConfiguredControlSuperframe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioDnControlSuperframe MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time slot at which the local node exchanges control information with the remote node. If responder-node-type = Client Node (CN): must be set to unspecified. If responder-node-type = Distribution Node (DN): can be either 0 or 1, but different between remote DNs on the same local sector (can be maximum 2 DN to DN links per RF sector)." ::= { rbTgRdLinksConfiguredEntry 4 } -- rbTgRdLinksConfiguredAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgAdminStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines whether to initiate the link (and keep it up) or drop it (in case it was already established)." ::= { rbTgRdLinksConfiguredEntry 5 } -- rbTgRdLinksConfiguredLocalSectorBitmap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioDnSectorBitmap MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A bit map representation of the local RF sectors list. For example: local sector 1 and local sector 2 will result in 0x3." ::= { rbTgRdLinksConfiguredEntry 6 } -- rbTgRdLinksConfiguredRemoteSectorBitmap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioDnSectorBitmap MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A bit map representation of the remote RF sectors list. For example: remote sector 1 and remote sector 2 will result in 0x3." ::= { rbTgRdLinksConfiguredEntry 7 } -- rbTgRdLinksConfiguredLinkState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioDnLinkState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Possible states of RF link ignition." ::= { rbTgRdLinksConfiguredEntry 8 } -- rbTgRdLinksConfiguredTxGolayIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioGolayIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tx Golay index of Golay code sequence." ::= { rbTgRdLinksConfiguredEntry 9 } -- rbTgRdLinksConfiguredRxGolayIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RbTgRadioGolayIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rx Golay index of Golay code sequence." ::= { rbTgRdLinksConfiguredEntry 10 } -- rbTgGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rbTgMIB 2 } -- rbTgGeneralGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rbTgRcLinksActiveSpeedRx, rbTgRcLinksActiveSpeedTx, rbTgRcLinksActiveSnr, rbTgRcLinksActiveMcsRx, rbTgRcLinksActiveMcsTx, rbTgRcLinksActiveTxPer, rbTgRcLinksActiveRxPer, rbTgRcLinksActiveTxPowerIndex, rbTgRcLinksActiveBeamAzimuthTx, rbTgRcLinksActiveBeamElevationTx, rbTgRcLinksActiveActiveTileCountTx, rbTgRcLinksActiveBeamIndexRx, rbTgRcLinksActiveBeamAzimuthRx, rbTgRcLinksActiveBeamElevationRx, rbTgRcLinksActiveActiveTileCountRx, rbTgRcLinksActiveBeamIndexTx, rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxOk, rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterTxOk, rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterTxFail, rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxFail, rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxHcsFail, rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterTxFailures, rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxFailures, rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxDropBufSize, rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxDropEncryptionFail, rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxDropRaMismatch, rbTgRcLinksActiveCounterRxDropUnexpected, rbTgRdLinksConfiguredIfIndex, rbTgRcLinksActiveActualRemoteSector, rbTgRcLinksActiveActualLocalSector, rbTgRcLinksActiveLocalRole, rbTgRcLinksActiveLinkUptime, rbTgRdLinksConfiguredResponderNodeType, rbTgRdLinksConfiguredControlSuperframe, rbTgRdLinksConfiguredAdminStatus, rbTgRdLinksConfiguredLocalSectorBitmap, rbTgRdLinksConfiguredRemoteSectorBitmap, rbTgRdLinksConfiguredLinkState, rbTgRdLinksConfiguredTxGolayIndex, rbTgRdLinksConfiguredRxGolayIndex, rbTgRcLinksActiveRssi, rbTgRcLinksActiveIfIndex, rbTgRcLinksActiveRemoteName, rbTgRdLinksConfiguredRemoteName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The collection of objects used to represent the general entity information." ::= { rbTgGroups 1 } END -- -- RADIO-BRIDGE-MH-TG-MIB.mib --